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1110 results


Recognizing Sexually Abused Children through Their Stories, Artwork and Play

Publication: Montessori Matters

Pages: 11–18

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Study of Imaginative Play in Children using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps Model

Available from: Zenodo

Publication: Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 30

Pages: 241-252

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Abstract/Notes: This paper studies the imaginative play in young children using a model based on neutrosophic logic, viz, Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs). NCMs are constructed with the help of expert opinion to establish relationships between the several concepts related with the imaginative play in children in the age group 1-10 years belonging to socially, economically and educationally backward groups. The NCMs are important in overcoming the hindrance posed by complicated and often imprecise nature of psychological or social data. Data was collected by video recording of children playing and the interpretations given by experts. Fifteen attributes / concepts related with children playing with the same toy were observed and according to experts several concepts were related and for some the relations between concepts were indeterminate, so it was appropriate to use NCMs. These NCMs were built using five expert’s opinion and the hidden patterns of them happened to be a fixed point.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3569702

ISSN: 2331-6055, 2331-608X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Jerome W. Berryman: The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future [Book Review]

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: Journal of Religious Education, vol. 62, no. 2

Pages: 87-88

Book reviews

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/s40839-014-0007-0

ISSN: 2199-4625


Children's Play and Its Place in Education, with an Appendix on the Montessori Method

Available from: HathiTrust

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Duffield, 1913

Edition: 1st


✓ Peer Reviewed

Dlaczego w przedszkolach Montessori dzieci pracują, a nie bawią się? / Why do Children in Montessori Kindergartens Work and Not Play?

Available from: Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 13, no. 1 (whole no. 47)

Pages: 69-87

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Abstract/Notes: Play and work are, besides science, two basic forms of human activity. Play is not only the basic form of the activity of a small child, but also the organization of the educational process in a kindergarten. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to answer the question of why Maria Montessori calls a child’s activity work and not play. The explanation of this issue is carried out in two stages. The first is a literature review, on the basis of which the most important issues of the contemporary understanding of the concept of play and work are formulated. The second is an analysis of M. Montessori’s views and comparing them with the assumptions about play and work. The work of a child according to M. Montessori leads to their independence, allowing them to build relationships with others and discover the meaning of their actions, as well as objects in their immediate vicinity. The intention of M. Montessori was to appreciate the child’s actions, which promote holistic and integral development. Her views can be considered as convergent with contemporary concepts in primary education, focusing on subjectivity. She created a well-prepared environment for the child to be able to choose their own activity, termed as work. / Zabawa i praca są, obok nauki, dwiema podstawowymi formami działalności ludzkiej. Zabawa jest nie tylko podstawową formą aktywności małego dziecka, ale też organizacji procesu wychowawczego w przedszkolu. Dlatego celem artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego Maria Montessori nazywa działalność dziecka pracą, a nie zabawą. Wyjaśnienie tego zagadnienia jest realizowane w dwóch etapach. Pierwszy to przegląd literatury, na podstawie której sformułowano najważniejsze kwestie współczesnego rozumienia pojęć zabawy i pracy. Drugi to analiza poglądów M. Montessori i porównanie ich z założeniami dotyczącymi zabawy i pracy. Praca dziecka według M. Montessori prowadzi do jego samodzielności, pozwala na budowanie więzi z innymi oraz na odkrywanie i nadawanie sensu swojemu działaniu, jak i przedmiotom znajdującym się w najbliższym otoczeniu. Intencją M. Montessori było dowartościowanie działania dziecka, które sprzyja holistycznemu i integralnemu rozwojowi. Jej poglądy można uznać za zbieżne ze współczesnymi koncepcjami edukacji dziecka, stawiającymi na podmiotowość. Włoszka tworzy odpowiednio przygotowane otoczenie do tego, by dziecko mogło dokonywać wyboru własnej aktywności, która została nazwana pracą.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.14632/eetp.2017.13.47.69

ISSN: 1896-2327, 2353-7787


Suggestions to Teachers for Use, Display and Care of Children's Books

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 5, no. 1

Pages: 6

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Language: English


Games Children Play

Available from: ASCD

Publication: Educational Leadership, vol. 40, no. 6

Pages: 38-41

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Language: English

ISSN: 0013-1784, 1943-5878


The Relationship Between Parenting Attitude and Children's Playfulness / 부모의 양육태도와 유아의 놀이성과의 관계

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 40-57

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to investigate the relationship between parental attitude and children's playfulness and to highlight the importance of it. The subjects of this study are 147 children aged 4 and 5, their father or mother, and their teachers from educational institutions located in Daejeon. The questionnaire for parental attitude is Schaefer's "Maternal Behavior Research Instrument", translated by Wonyoung Lee (1983). For children's playfulness, Children's Playfulness Scale(CPS) is used, which was invented with the concept of playfulness defined by Barnett (1991) & Lieberman (1977). The research results are as followings: First, there is significant differences of parental attitude between fathers and mothers in all the categories of parental attitudes: loving, refusing, autonomous, and controlling attitudes. Second, there is significant difference of parental attitude by children's gender, in particular in the refusing attitude, while there is not any significant difference of parental attitude by children's age. However, in the loving attitude, 4-aged group gained significantly higher marks than 5-year group. Third, there is significant difference of children's playfulness by children's gender and age. Particularly in physical playfulness as one of sub-category of children's playfulness, boys show better physical spontaneity than girls significantly. There is significant difference of children's playfulness by children's age. For cognitive spontaneity as one of sub-category of children's playfulness, 5 aged children show higher marks than 4 aged children while 4 aged children show statistically higher marks in happiness expression than 5 aged children. Fourth, there is significantly positive relationship between father's loving attitude and children's social spontaneity. As father's controlling attitude is higher, physical, social, and cognitive spontaneity of children is higher. There is significantly positive relationship between mother's controlling attitude and children's physical spontaneity while there is negative relationship between mother's refusing attitude and children's cognitive spontaneity. However, overall there is not significant relationship between father and mother's parenting attitude and children's playfulness. / 본 연구에서는 만 4, 5세 유아의 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도가 연령과 성별에 따라 어떻게 다른지, 또한 부모의 양육태도와 유아의 놀이성과의 관계는 어떠한지에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 대상은 교육 및 보육기관에 재원중인 만 4, 5세 유아 147명과 그들의 부모인 아버지 147명과 어머니 147명 총 441명이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아의 성별에 따른 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 아버지와 어머니 둘 다 거부적 태도에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 유아의 연령에 따른 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 차이가 없었다. 셋째, 유아의 성별과 연령에 따라 유아의 놀이성은 차이가 있었다. 넷째, 아버지의 애정적 태도가 높을수록 유아의 사회적 자발성이 높게 나타났다. 그리고 아버지의 통제적 태도가 높을수록 신체적 자발성, 사회적 자발성, 인지적 자발성이 높게 나타났다. 다섯째, 어머니의 통제적 태도가 높을수록 유아의 신체적 자발성이 높으며, 어머니의 거부적 태도가 높을수록 인지적 자발성이 낮은 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Bachelor's Thesis

Hyvät tavat lasten arjessa: tapakasvatus ja hyvät käytöstavat Montessori-leikkikouluissa [Good manners in children's everyday life: manners education and good manners in Montessori play schools]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

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Abstract/Notes: In the thesis we study the visibility of good manners in children’s everyday activities within the Montessori Pedagogy frame of reference. The aim of our thesis is to study if the instructors’ objectives are realized and how good manners show in children’s everyday activities. This study was conducted using qualitative methods, we aimed to gather an in-depth understanding of the benefits of Montessori pedagogy. We collected the material by inter-viewing kindergarten teachers and video-recording children in their everyday activities at the kindergarten. The interviews were analyzed using theory-oriented content analysis and the observation matrix was created on the basis of the results of the interview analysis. The observation data were analyzed using the observation matrix. The interviews revealed the importance of adult exemplary behavior, common rules, respect for others and for the environment, settling disputes by discussing and practicing good manners. Calm behavior of the groups can easily be detected from the observations. The adult’s consistent behavior is a model for the children. Children are given time and opportunities to solve disputes by themselves. Adults are continuously observing children’s activities and helping them when needed. The children’s way to interact with each other and their daily activities often includes respect for each other in addition to supporting, advising and helping each other. Caring for the environment is commonly noticeable in the children’s daily activities. The adults aim to practice Montessori pedagogy in their daily activities and encourage the children to practice good behavior and manners. Children practice good manners sponta-neously, without the adult guidance. Especially in the presence of adults children strive to practice the learned behavior-models. Continuous quality evaluation is important when developing early childhood education. From a quality perspective it is highly important to evaluate the teacher’s activities and behaviors and their relevance when working with children. It is also advisable to ponder the significance of early childhood education for the child’s future. / Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan hyvien käytöstapojen näkymistä lasten arjessa montessoripedagogiikan viitekehyksessä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, toteutuvatko ohjaajien määrittelemät kasvatustavoitteet tapakasvatuksen osalta leikkikoulun toiminnassa ja miten hyvät tavat näkyvät lasten arjen toiminnassa. Opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppaneina ovat kaksi pääkaupunkiseudun Montessori-leikkikoulua. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkielma. Aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla leikkikoulujen työntekijöitä ja havainnoimalla lapsista kuvattuja videoita heidän arkisissa toiminnoissaan. Haastatteluaineisto on analysoitu käyttäen teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyy-simenetelmää. Havainnointirunko on laadittu haastatteluanalyysin tulosten pohjalta. Videomateriaalin analyysin tukena on käytetty havainnointirunkoa. Haastatteluissa tuli esille aikuisen esimerkin tärkeys, yhteiset säännöt, toisten huomioiminen, ympäristön kunnioittaminen, ristiriitatilanteiden selvittäminen keskustelemalla sekä hyvien tapojen harjoitteleminen. Havainnointituloksista näkyy hyvin ryhmien rauhallisuus. Aikuiset käyttäytyvät tilanteissa johdonmukaisesti ja ovat käytöksellään mallina lapsille. Lapsille pyritään antamaan aikaa ja tilaisuuksia selvittää tilanteita itse. Aikuiset seuraavat jatkuvasti lasten toimintaa ja ohjaavat heitä tilanteissa, joissa lapset tarvitsevat tukea. Lasten välisessä toiminnassa ja vuorovaikutuksessa näkyy usein toisten huomioon ottamista, tukemista, neuvomista ja auttamista. Lasten toiminnassa näkyy monella tavalla ympäristöstä huolehtiminen. Aikuiset pyrkivät pääsääntöisesti toteuttamaan toiminnassaan montessoripedagogiikan mukaista tapakasvatusta ja kannustavat lapsia käyttäytymään hyvien käytöstapojen mukaisesti. Lasten spontaanissa toiminnassa näkyy ainakin osa leikkikoulun ohjaajien välittämästä tapakasvatusmallista. Lapset pyrkivät erityisesti aikuisten läsnä ollessa toteuttamaan opittuja käyttäytymismalleja. Hyvän varhaiskasvatuksen kehittämiseen kuuluu jatkuva laaduntarkastelu. Laadukkaan varhaiskasvatuksen kannalta on tärkeää tarkastella varhaiskasvattajien toiminnan ja mallin merkitystä lasten kanssa työskennellessä. On hyvä myös pohtia sitä, kuinka merkittävä rooli varhaiskasvatuksella on lapsen myöhemmän elämän kannalta.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2013


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Influence of Preschool Teachers' Beliefs on Young Children's Conceptions of Reading and Writing

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 61-74

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Abstract/Notes: Examines the relationship between two preschool program directors' and teachers' beliefs, instructional decisions, and preschool children's conceptions of reading and writing. Results show that preschool children's conceptions of reading and writing reflected the practices of the two programs. (Author/BB) Directors of two preschool programs were interviewed regarding their orientations toward reading and writing instruction. Ten children from each program were interviewed regarding their conceptions of reading and writing. One school was found to have a “mastery of specific skills/text-based” orientation, and the other was found to have a “holistic/reader-based” orientation. A relationship was found between preschool program's orientations toward reading and writing instruction and children's ideas about reading and writing. The relationships between preschool practices and children's conceptions are examined. Implications for the influence of preschool teacher's beliefs and instructional decisions on children's conceptions of reading and writing are discussed.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1016/S0885-2006(89)90077-X

ISSN: 0885-2006, 1873-7706

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