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210 results


Montessori Lecture in Philosophy Today

Available from: Columbia Spectator Archive

Publication: Columbia Spectator, vol. 59, no. 195

Pages: 2

Americas, Helen Parkhurst - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori movement, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: "Miss Helen Parkhurst, United States Montessori Director, gave the third of her lectures on the Montessori Method in Room 307 Philosophy Hall Wednesday afternoon. Miss Parkhurst explained the meaning of 'education through the senses' and gave the history of some of the experiments that led to the discovery of Dr. Montessori's didactic material. In closing she made a plea for the establishment of educational experimental laboratories throughout the country. A copy of Dr. Montessori's pamphlet, 'The Organization of Intellectual Work in the School,' was given to each of the attendants at the lecture. Miss Parkhurst will continue her lectures in Room 307 Philosophy Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00 o'clock throughout July. Admission in free."

Language: English


The Montessori Philosophy

Publication: Theosophy in New Zealand, vol. 20, no. 2

Pages: 31

Asia, Australasia, Australia and New Zealand, India, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Zealand, Oceania, South Asia, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Includes an analysis or interpretation of the Montessori philosophy with particular focus and explanation of how it aligns with the core tenets of Theosophy.

Language: English

ISSN: 0049-3708

Video Recording

Following Your Child: A Montessori Philosophy of Parenting

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Abstract/Notes: Preschool Montessori culture in the home.

Runtime: 25 minutes

Language: English

Published: Yellow Springs, Ohio, 2005


The Philosophy of Maria Montessori: What it Means to be Human

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Abstract/Notes: Dr. Maria Montessori opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Childrens House) on 6 January 1907 in San Lorenzo, Rome. Through her observations and work with these children she discovered their astonishing, almost effortless ability to learn. Thus began a century of great work uncovering the true nature of childhood. Times have changed, and science has made great progress, and so has our work; but our principles have only been confirmed, and along with them our conviction that mankind can hope for a solution to its problems, among which the most urgent are those of peace and unity, only by turning its attention and energies to the discovery of the child and to the development of the great potentialities of the human personality in the course of its formation. Dr. Montessori from the forward to The Discovery of the Child, Poona 1948.

Language: English

Published: Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris, 2009

ISBN: 978-1-4415-0444-9

Book Section

First Lecture [An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937]

Book Title: Education and Peace

Pages: 81-87

Europe, Holland, Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte (Netherlands), Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2018

ISBN: 978-90-79506-21-7

Series: Montessori Series , 10

Book Section

Supernature and the Single Nation [An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937]

Book Title: Education and Peace

Pages: 88-95

Europe, Holland, Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte (Netherlands), Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Netherlands, Peace, Peace education, Trainings, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2018

ISBN: 978-90-79506-21-7

Series: Montessori Series , 10

Book Section

The Philosophy of Maria Montessori

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 37-46

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori was a scientist, social scientist, and philosopher in a truly transdisciplinary manner. This chapter examines her work from the perspective of philosophy. She studied with philosophers of her time, and her corpus of work explicitly engages with James, Nietzsche, and Bergson and draws from philosophers such as Aristotle, Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel. Despite this long and distinguished list of Montessori’s intellectual influences, she ascribes her philosophy to children rather than any historical philosopher or even to herself. Still, her philosophical insights speak to central issues in metaphysics, epistemology, human nature, freedom, and morality but also their application to child development. Her willingness to engage in deeply philosophical work but in the service of children makes her distinctive in the philosophical world.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Social State, Active Citizen and Empowering Education: Contribution of Montessori’s Humanistic Philosophy of Education / Социальное государство, активный гражданин и расширяющее права и возможности образование: вклад гуманистической философии образования Монтессори / Әлеуметтік мемлекет, белсенді азамат құбылысы және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі: Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясының үлесі

Available from: Adam alemi

Publication: Adam Alemi, vol. 94, no. 4

Pages: 78-86

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Abstract/Notes: The social state, the phenomenon of the active citizen, and empowering education are the actual goals of what ‘New Kazakhstan’ has to achieve. Maria Montessori is a globally known, leading thinker and practitioner of humanistic education philosophy and positive social transformations. Montessori believed in and practiced the principles of developing non-commercialized and accessible to all quality education, which is not just child-centric but is also conducive to creating global citizens with an inclusive outlook who perceive themselves as the integral parts of the whole, called Universe. Montessori’s education philosophy helps children develop a way of thinking based on the unity of the Universe, awakens and sustains in them an unrestrained interest in exploring the Universe, evokes creativity, and induces them to see everything in interconnectedness. Overall, an analysis of Cosmic education, a fundamental concept in Montessori’s humanistic philosophy of education, which also can be depicted as empowering education, shows some concrete ways how to form active citizens, create a vital social state and build an inclusive society. / Социальное государство, феномен “активный граждан” и расширяющее права и возможности образование – одни из главных целей, которых должен достичь «Новый Казахстан». Мария Монтессори – одна из всемирно известных ученых и практиктов философии гуманистического образования и позитивных социальных преобразований. Монтессори верила и практиковала принципы развития доступного для всех, некоммерческого и качественного образования, которое не только ориентировано на ребенка, но и способствует формированию глобальных граждан с инклюзивным мировоззрением, которые воспринимают себя как неотъемлемую часть целого, называемого Вселенная. Философия образования Монтессори помогает формировать у детей образ мышления, основанный на единстве Вселенной, пробуждает и поддерживает в них безудержный интерес к познанию Вселенной, пробуждает творчество и побуждает видеть все во взаимосвязи. В целом, анализ Космического образования, фундаментальной концепции гуманистической философии образования Монтессори, которая по сути является расширяющей права и возможности системой образованием, может показать некоторые пути создания феномена “активный гражданин”, формирования сильного социального государства и построения инклюзивного общества. / Әлеуметтік мемлекетті, белсенді азамат құбылысын және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесін – «Жаңа Қазақстанның» қол жеткізуі тиіс басты мақсаттарының арасында атауға болады. Мария Монтессори – жаһанға танымал, гуманистік білім беру философиясы мен оң әлеуметтік өзгерістер жасаудың жетекші ойшылы және практиктерінің бірі. Монтессори барлық азаматтарға қолжетімді, коммерциялық емес сапалы білім беруді дамыту қағидаттарына сенді және оны жүзеге асыра білді. Монтессоридің білім беру философиясы баланы (яғни баланың қажеттіліктерін) негізге алып қана қоймай, сонымен бірге балаға өзін “Ғалам” деп аталатын үлкен жүйенің ажырамас бөлігі және жаһан азаматы ретінде қабылдайтын инклюзивті көзқарас құруға ықпал етеді. Монтессори білім беру философиясы балаларға Ғаламда әр нәрсенің басқалармен тығыз байланыста екенін көрсетуге негізделген ойлау тәсілін дамытуға көмектеседі, оларда Ғаламды зерттеуге деген шексіз қызығушылықты оятады және қолдайды, шығармашылық рухты оятады. Тұтастай алғанда, Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясында (оны құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі деп те сипатауға болады) іргелі тұжырымдама болып табылатын “Ғарыштық білім” түсінігі, белсенді азамат құбылысын қалыптастырудың, күшті әлеуметтік мемлекет пен инклюзивті қоғам құрудың кейбір нақты жолдарын көрсетеді.

Language: English

DOI: 10.48010/2022.4/1999-5849.08

ISSN: 1999-5849


A Comparative Study of the Educational Philosophy of Comenius and Montessori -with Special Reference to Sensory Education / 코메니우스와 몬테소리의 교육 사상 비교 -감각교육을 중심으로-

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 17, no. 2

Pages: 55-74

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: Having been influenced by one's own environment, man lives and learns necessary things to survive. In particular, the knowledge of man can be accumulated by experience. The experience can be obtained by sensory education. Comenius recognised the importance of sense organ and became the first person to use audio-visual education in the time that theory and speech orientated education was common. And, Montessori has made sensory education popular by developing instruments of education for sensory education. The common ground of both is that education has been done by recognising the importance of obtaining knowledge through sensory education. In addition, obtaining knowledge can be done by restoring the nature of humanity, self-esteem and dignity. They have suggested scientific tools for education by making children obtain knowledge and experience through observing nature and objects. The difference is that while Comenius has been focused only on visual education based on epistemological experience, revealing its limitation, Montessori has developed various sensory tools and organised programme. It is noticed that new paradigms of learner oriented education are important It is challenged that recovering creativeness by respecting self-regulation is very much needed. The diversity of sensory education is sought to meet the felt need of education field. / 사람은 살아가는 환경의 영향을 받으며 거기서 생존에 필요한 것들을 습득한다. 특히, 인간의 지식은 경험에 의해 축적되며, 이러한 경험은 감각교육을 통해 이루어진다. 코메니우스는 감각기관의 중요성율 인식하고 최초로 시청각교육의 실천을 통해 당시의 이론과 언어 중심의 교육에 새로운 전기를 마련하였다. 또한, 몬테소리는 감각교육을 위한 교구개발과 체계적 교육 프로그램 개발을 통한 감각교육의 활성화를 이루었다. 이들의 공통점은 감각기관을 통한 지식습득의 중요성을 인식하고, 지식습득은 인간의 창조적 본성의 회복, 자존감과 존엄성 및 자율성을 중시한 감각교육 실천을 통해서 이루어진다고 주장한 정이다. 즉, 인위적인 교육 방법을 배제하고 자연과 사물에 대한 관찰과 교류를 통해 지식과 경험을 습득하게 하는 것이며, 교육실천올 위한 과학적 교육방법을 제시하였다는 점이다. 차이점은 코메니우스는 감각교육올 시각화 하는데 머무름으로 감각교육의 한계점을 드러내었다는 것과 여전히 인식론적인 경험에 근거를 두었다는 점이다. 반면 몬테소리는 감각기관의 경험율 위해 다양한 감각교구 개발과 체계적인 프로그램을 제시하였다는 점이다. 본 연구를 통해 학습자 중심의 교육개혁의 중요성을 인식하고, 자율성올 존중함으로서 창조적 능력을 희복혜야 할 필요성올 촉구 하며, 교육 현장의 욕구 충족을 위해 감각교육의 다변화를 모색한다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Book Section

The Education of the Individual [An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937]

Book Title: Education and Peace

Pages: 96-106

Europe, Holland, Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte (Netherlands), Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: An address given at the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort on 28 December 1937.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2018

ISBN: 978-90-79506-21-7

Series: Montessori Series , 10

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