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943 results

Book Section

Maria Montessori e il suo metodo [Maria Montessori and Her Method]

Book Title: La scuola vivente

Pages: 204-210

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Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy: Paravia, 1930

Book Section

De veranderingen in de hoofdwerken van Maria Montessori [Changes in the main works of Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Kind en cultuur in opvoeding en onderwijs [Child and culture in upbringing and education]

Pages: 42-50

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Language: Dutch

Published: Groningen: Gion, 1996


Litt Mere Om Dr. Maria Montessori [A Little More About Dr. Maria Montessori]

Available from: National Library of Norway

Publication: Husmoderen: Tidsskrift for Hus og Hjem, vol. 28, no. 17

Pages: 186-187

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Language: Norwegian

Book Section

Rabindranath Tagore und Maria Montessori [Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 287-302

Asia, India, Rabindranath Tagore, South Asia

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori tra Epistemologia e Psicopedagogia: Qualche Riflessione [Maria Montessori between Epistemology and Psychopedagogy: Some Reflections]

Available from: Università Degli Studi Firenze

Publication: Studi sulla Formazione / Open Journal of Education, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 123-128

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Abstract/Notes: This article present some observations about the Montessori's conception of science, indicating the centrality and the evolution in her pedagogy.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz-18019

ISSN: 2036-6981


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori uno sguardo diverso sull’infanzia [Maria Montessori a different look at childhood]

Available from: Foro de Educacíon

Publication: Foro de Educación [Education Forum], vol. 13, no. 18

Pages: 37-50

Educational change, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Nel panorama pedagogico italiano del XX secolo Maria Montessori è stata tra le figure femminili più interessanti. Ha interpretato con cura e perspicacia la figura del bambino, chiarendo il ruolo significativo che l’ambiente riveste nella sua formazione cognitiva ed emotiva e della sua mente “assorbente”. Punto di partenza dei suoi studi è stato Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica (1909), da cui è emerso in maniera evidente che la scienza doveva studiare il processo di formazione della personalità del bambino nella sua interazione sociale. La Montessori, ha rivendicato i diritti dell’infanzia di fronte al mondo degli adulti, evidenziando l’antico errore, dal punto di vista psicologico ed educativo, di far assumere al bambino atteggiamenti e abiti mentali che non siano conformi alla sua natura di bambino. A tal scopo, la studiosa organizzò il suo l’ambiente educativo, cioè la scuola dell’infanzia, come un luogo ideale in cui il bambino, in piena libertà di azione e opportunamente stimolato, potesse fare le sue esperienze formative. Una rilettura del pensiero di Maria Montessori ha reso possibile alcuni riscontri con problematiche pedagogiche attuali che hanno avuto riflessi nella Pedagogia contemporanea, per esempio, il rapporto tra ambiente e educazione, l’organizzazione del processo di insegnamento-apprendimento, l’uso di procedure, di tecniche e di materiali relativi ad un intervento pedagogico vero e proprio. [In the Italian pedagogical panorama of the twentieth century, Maria Montessori was among the most interesting female figures. She has interpreted the figure of the child with care and insight, clarifying the significant role that the environment plays in her cognitive and emotional formation and in her "absorbing" mind. The starting point of her studies was The Method of Scientific Pedagogy (1909), from which it emerged clearly that science had to study the process of formation of the child's personality in its social interaction. Montessori claimed the rights of childhood in front of the adult world, highlighting the ancient error, from a psychological and educational point of view, of making the child assume attitudes and mental habits that do not conform to her child's nature. For this purpose, the scholar organized her educational environment, that is the kindergarten, as an ideal place where the child, in full freedom of action and appropriately stimulated, could have his educational experiences. A re-reading of Maria Montessori's thought has made possible some feedbacks with current pedagogical problems that have had repercussions in contemporary Pedagogy, for example, the relationship between environment and education, the organization of the teaching-learning process, the use of procedures, of techniques and materials related to a real pedagogical intervention.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.14516/fde.2015.013.018.002

ISSN: 1698-7802


John Dewey y María Montessori [John Dewey and Maria Montessori]

Available from: Biblioteca Digital Casa de la Cultura de Ecuador (CCE)

Publication: Revista Ecuatoriana de Educación, vol. 6, no. 23

Pages: 3-8

Americas, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, South America

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Language: Spanish


✓ Peer Reviewed

Zur Bedeutung der Montessori-Methode und des Montessori-Phänomens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Aphasietherapie [On the importance of the Montessori method and the Montessori phenomenon with special consideration of aphasia therapy]

Publication: Die Rehabilitation, vol. 19, no. 2

Pages: 115-119

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Language: German

ISSN: 0034-3536


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori, Blätter der Internationalen Montessori-Gesellschaft [Montessori, Papers of the International Montessori Society]

Publication: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Psychologie

Pages: 254

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Language: German

ISSN: 0948-5503


Does Montessori Prepare Children for the Real World? Is Montessori Anti-Competition? How Do Montessori Students Succeed When They Leave the Montessori Environment? Some Interesting Responses

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 5–7

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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