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1107 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Montessori Education on Five Fields of Development and Learning in Preschool and School-Age Children

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 73

Pages: Article 102182

Child development, Children, Elementary school students, Learning, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Preschool children

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Abstract/Notes: This meta-analysis examines the effects of Montessori Education (ME) on five dimensions of development and learning in preschool and school-age children. It includes data from 33 experimental or quasi-experimental studies comparing ME with other pedagogical approaches (268 effect sizes; n = 21,67). These studies were conducted in North-America, Asia and Europe, and published between 1991 and 2021. Effect size estimated using Hedges’ unbiased g, and a 3-level multilevel meta-analytic approach applied due to the dependency among the effect sizes obtained from the same study. Results showed that ME’s effects on development and learning are positive and vary from moderate to high, depending on the dimension considered: cognitive abilities (g = 0.17), social skills (g = 0.22), creativity (g = 0.25), motor skills (g = 0.27), and academic achievement (g = 1.10). Analyses of different moderators did not reveal differences by school level, type of publication and continent.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2023.102182

ISSN: 0361-476X

Doctoral Dissertation

Follow-up Study of Montessori and Traditional Day Care Preschool Programs for Disadvantaged Children

Comparative education, Inclusive education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Poor children

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Language: English

Published: Kent, Ohio, 1976


✓ Peer Reviewed

Social Participation of Preschool Children in Same- versus Mixed-Age Groups

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: Child Development, vol. 52, no. 2

Pages: 644-650

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Language: English

DOI: 10.2307/1129185

ISSN: 0009-3920, 1467-8624


Moral Development in Montessori and Traditional Preschool Children: Does School Type Make a Difference?

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Abstract/Notes: This study investigates the moral development of thirty 5-year-old children in Montessori and traditional preschools. Data for the study were derived from five sources: an intelligence test; a perspective taking task; an altruism/helping task; an altruism/sharing task; and an interview for exploring moral reasoning. Two 30 to 45 minute sessions were used for data gathering. Comparisons were made between school type and across the total sample in regard to altruistic behavior, specifically helping and sharing; moral judgement, specifically positive justice reasoning; and cognitive perspective taking. Positive justice reasoning and altruistic behavior were not found to be affected by exposure to a Montessori or traditional school environment. Rather, results indicated that developmental influences alone determined reasoning and behavior, thus confirming developmental theories of moral growth, and suggesting as well that direct intervention or teaching may be more effective than environment in spurring moral growth.

Language: English

Published: [S.I.]: [s.n.], 1979


✓ Peer Reviewed

Measuring Preschools' Readiness to Mainstream Handicapped Children

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: Child Welfare, vol. 55, no. 3

Pages: 216-220

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Language: English

ISSN: 0009-4021


✓ Peer Reviewed

Academic Environments in Preschool: Do They Pressure or Challenge Young Children

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Early Education and Development, vol. 1, no. 6

Pages: 401-423

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Abstract/Notes: The question of whether early academic environments provide a challenge or a pressure for young children is being hotly debated, yet there is little empirical research on this topic. This paper presents a subset of data from a two-year comprehensive project designed to examine this question. Parental attitudes and behaviors along with school philosophy and practices comprised the predictor variables used to define "academic environments." This study then focused on how these family and school variables related to child outcome measures of academic competence, creativity, and emotional well-being for 90 prekindergarten children, and a follow-up sample of 56 kindergarten children. The results suggest no academic advantages for children from highly academic environments, and potential disadvantages in creative expression (measured as originality) and emotional well-being (measured as test anxiety and attitudes toward school). Possible interpretations and ramifications of these results are discussed.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1207/s15566935eed0106_1

ISSN: 1040-9289, 1556-6935

Doctoral Dissertation

Success and Failure in Five Different Programs of Preschool Intervention With Culturally Disadvantaged Children

Available from: University of Illinois - IDEALS

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Language: English

Published: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 1969


✓ Peer Reviewed

Effectiveness of a Structured Hand Hygiene Education Program in Relation to Preschool Children’s Knowledge and Practice

Available from: Journal of Namibian Studies

Publication: Journal of Namibian Studies, vol. 33, no. S3

Pages: 2278-2295

Asia, Australasia, Hygiene, Montessori schools, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Handwashing can prevent diarrhea-related illness and respiratory infections, such as a cold or the flu. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of structured intervention program on knowledge and practice of hand washing among preschool children. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in three-time phases among 32 preschoolers aged between 3 to 6 years old in Kedah. The same questionnaire was delivered at each phase and they underwent the intervention program of hand washing. Their performance in hand washing was measured and evaluated using a questionnaire and checklist. The results of the study revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) in mean preschoolers' children score on knowledge and practice before and after participated in the intervention program. Overall, preschoolers' knowledge and practice of handwashing were significantly (p<0.05) improved by the intervention program.  However, as the participants were young children, it is important to emphasize the consistency of reinforcement of knowledge and regular practices of hand hygiene.

Language: English

DOI: 10.59670/jns.v33i.2335

ISSN: 1863-5954, 2197-5523

Master's Thesis

Glasba in gibanje: razvoj ritmičnih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok v vrtcih montessori [Music and Movement: The Development of Rhythmical Abilities of Children from Montessori Preschool]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Child development, Europe, Eurythmics, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Music - Instruction and study, Rhythm, Slovenia, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali področje razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti s poudarkom na ritmičnih sposobnostih v povezavi z glasbenimi dejavnostmi in izhodiščem pedagoškega koncepta montessori. Želeli smo proučiti učinek glasbeno-gibalnih dejavnosti po konceptu pedagogike montessori na razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok iz vrtca montessori. Na podlagi relevantne literature s področja gibanja ob glasbi po konceptu pedagogike montessori smo oblikovali dva eksperimentalna programa. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen bo učinek teh programov in ali bodo otroci teh dveh eksperimentalnih skupin bolje razvili ritmične sposobnosti kot kontrolna skupina ter kakšne bodo razlike med napredki skupin. Uporabili smo neslučajnostni namenski vzorec 59 predšolskih otrok druge starostne skupine iz treh enot vrtca montessori iz osrednjeslovenske regije ter za potrebe raziskave prilagodili tri teste ritmičnih sposobnosti, ki smo jih povzeli po že oblikovanih testih. Najprej smo s testiranjem razvitosti ritmičnih sposobnosti v začetnem stanju ugotovili, da med skupinami ni statistično pomembnih razlik, nato sta obe eksperimentalni skupini tri mesece po trikrat tedensko izvajali eksperimentalna programa. Po koncu eksperimenta smo ponovili testiranje in zaznali statistično pomembne razlike med skupinami v razvitosti ritmičnih sposobnosti. Izvajanje obeh eksperimentalnih programov je imelo pozitiven učinek na razvoj ritmičnih sposobnosti predšolskih otroknajvečji učinek smo opazili pri eksperimentalni skupini 1, pri kontrolni skupini pa učinka neaktivnosti nismo zaznali. [In the master thesis the development of musical abilities with emphasis on rhythmical abilities in connection with musical activities based on the Montessori pedagogy was discussed. The study focused on the effect of music-movement activities that are based on the concept of the Montessori educational method on the development of musical abilities of children from the Montessori preschool. In accordance with the relevant literature from the field of musical movement based on the concept of Montessori pedagogy two experimental programs were developed. The interest of the thesis lies in the effect of these programs, if the children of the two experimental groups would develop better rhythmical abilities than the control group and what the difference in development between the groups would be. A non-probability sample, in which 59 second-age-group preschool children from three Montessori preschool units from Central Slovenia were selected, was used. For the purposes of the study, three rhythmical- ability tests, which had been adapted from previously created tests, were adjusted. An initial test of rhythmical abilities established that there are no major statistical differences between the two groups. Following this, the two experimental groups carried out the workshops of the experimental program, three times per week for a period of three months. After ending the experiment, the testing was repeated and crucial statistical differences in the development of rhythmical abilities were noted between the two groups. The implementation of both experimental programs had a positive effect on the development of rhythmical abilities of preschool children. The biggest effect was noticed in the experimental group 1, while an effect of nonactivity was not detected in the control group.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2020

Conference Paper

Effectiveness of Preschool Programs as a Function of Childrens' Socioeconomic Status

Available from: ERIC

American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, April 15-19, 1974)

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Abstract/Notes: The present study involved the evaluation of the effectiveness of four types of preschool programs on the educational development of lower and middle class children. Middle class children were exposed to "unit" and "cognitive" based preschool programs; lower class children were exposed to "day care" and Montessori programs. Comparison of the children's performances in cognitive, behavioral-social, sensory-motor, and language areas to appropriate control groups indicated that the type of program presented was not significant. However, preschool educational experience, irrespective of program, was significant in facilitating educational development. Furthermore, middle class children excelled beyond the lower class children. (Author)

Language: English

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