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✓ Peer Reviewed

Implementing Assessment Methods in Primary State Schools / Implementacija dokimoloških rješenja u primarnom obrazovanju državnih škola

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education / Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 21, no. 4

Pages: 1231-1261

Assessment, Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of the research was to compare the assessment methods of state schools andthose of some alternative schools and examine the opinions and estimates of teacherson the possibility and need to implement assessment methods from some alternativeschools into state schools. The purpose of the paper is to enhance existing assessmentmethods in state schools. The longitudinal research was carried out in five alternativeschools and in state schools in the city of Zagreb. Triangulation methodology wasapplied. Seventeen participants were included in the qualitative phase of the researchcarried out in 2011 while the sample in the quantitative phase of the research in 2018comprised 159 participants. The first phase collected data using the case study andinterview, while a questionnaire - Assessment models and methods - was developedfor the second phase. The research did not show significant differences in opinionsbetween teachers regarding the same assessment methods seven years later. The resultsshow that teachers in alternative schools give a more positive estimate of the possibilityand need for implementation. The existing manner of assessment and evaluation instate schools should be modernized with alternative methods such as the yearly report,portfolio and Montessori materials.Keywords: alternative schools; assessment and evaluation; primary education, specificassessment methods; state schools.---SažetakCilj istraživanja bio je usporediti dokimološka rješenja u državnim i nekimalternativnim školama te ispitati mišljenja i procjene učitelja o mogućnosti i potrebiimplementacije dokimoloških rješenja iz nekih alternativnih škola u državne škole.Svrha rada jest unaprjeđenje postojećih dokimoloških rješenja u državnim školama.Istraživanje je longitudinalno i provedeno je u pet alternativnih i u državnimškolama u gradu Zagrebu. Korištena je metodološka triangulacija. U kvalitativnojfazi istraživanja iz 2011. godine, sudjelovalo je 17 ispitanika, a u kvantitativnoj faziistraživanja 2018. godine, 159 ispitanika. U prvoj fazi za prikupljanje podatakakorištena je studija slučaja i intervju, a za drugu je konstruiran anketni upitnik- Dokimološki modeli i rješenja. Ispitivanje nije pokazalo značajnije razlike umišljenjima učiteljica i učitelja o istim dokimološkim rješenjima 7 godina kasnije.Rezultati pokazuju kako učitelji alternativnih škola pozitivnije procjenjuju mogućnosti potrebu implementacije, a postojeće načine praćenja i ocjenjivanja u državnojškoli treba osuvremeniti alternativnim dokimološkim rješenjima poput godišnjegaizvještaja, portfolija i Montessori materijala.Ključne riječi: alternativne škole; državne škole; praćenje i ocjenjivanje; primarnoobrazovanje; specifična dokimološka rješenja.

Language: Croatian, English

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


✓ Peer Reviewed

Getting to Know Young Children: Alternative Assessments in Early Childhood Education

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: Early Childhood Education Journal, vol. 51

Pages: 911-923

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education

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Abstract/Notes: Assessments provide teachers with essential information regarding children’s learning. Alternative education systems offer insight into ways that assessments can be redesigned to be developmentally appropriate to particular ages, including unique stances on what defines assessment, who should assess, and what should be assessed. We examined themes of early childhood assessment through a review of Reggio Emilia, Montessori, and Waldorf (also called Steiner). Each of these three alternative systems emphasize assessments designed to understand every child’s learning as unique. Many of the practices used align with the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) current recommendations regarding developmentally appropriate assessment. There is a clear acknowledgement that engagement, not just specific knowledge, is particularly important to assess. To assess engagement, classrooms must be carefully constructed learning environments that implement individualized assessment techniques, such as observation. As children engage in developmentally appropriate experiences, teachers assess their individual learning patterns. Specific components of each system contribute to effective and informative assessment, for example collected artifacts and documentation from children’s work (Reggio), activities and materials designed to show children when an error is made (Montessori), and participation in classic stories (Waldorf). The increased focus these systems place on assessing during interactive learning experiences answered NAEYC’s current recommendations regarding assessment as well as on-going calls in education reform for a child-centered approach to learning.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/s10643-022-01353-y

ISSN: 1082-3301, 1573-1707


✓ Peer Reviewed

Review on Montessori Educators' Opinions Concerning the Digital Assessment Tool They Use in Terms of 21st-Century Skills

Available from: Asian Institute of Research

Publication: Education Quarterly Reviews, vol. 4, no. Special Issue 1: Primary and Secondary Education

Pages: 291-306

Asia, Europe, Middle East, Southern Europe, Spain, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study aimed to examine the opinions of Montessori educators on the digital assessment tool they use in terms of 21st-century teacher skills. The study sample covered 14 Montessori educators working in early childhood classes in public and private preschool educational institutions, located in Barcelona and Istanbul, where the Montessori educational approach is applied. In the study, the experiences of the Montessori educators with the digital assessment tool they use as the assessment tool were examined in terms of the identified 21st-century teacher skills. To this end, the research was designed with a phenomenological approach in the qualitative research method. The data were obtained through the personal information form and structured interview questions prepared for the digital assessment tool used by the Montessori educators. In the analysis of this data, the phenomenological study of Moustakas (1994) was introduced through the steps of the analysis. The perspectives of the Montessori educators concerning digital assessment, their application experiences regarding the digital assessment tool, and their views on their experiences were discussed in terms of utilization of the digital tool applications, as well as to use and evaluate information, their skills regarding collaborative work and communication, and finally their communication skills with the parents, which are among the 21st-century teacher skills. It was concluded that different factors influenced the opinions of the Montessori educators, where there were positive and negative expressions within the scope of these skills regarding the digital assessment tool.

Language: English

DOI: 10.31014/aior.1993.04.02.247

ISSN: 2621-5799, 2657-215X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment in Multiage Primary Classrooms

Available from: Issues in Educational Research

Publication: Issues in Educational Research, vol. 15, no. 2

Pages: 145-155

Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Nongraded schools

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Abstract/Notes: To enable teachers to become "transformative intellectuals" (Huckle, 1996), a critical form of educational inquiry that enables them to investigate their practice, is required (Robottom, 1987). Such an approach was used in developing assessment resources and materials "with" teachers, not "for" teachers. The important thing is to help teachers help themselves by sharing with them ways of developing the tools and skills of assessment. This paper describes how I engaged teachers in a process of mobilising "assessment capital" through a participatory action research approach. This was used for the development of assessment resources and materials, in order to foster improved student engagement and learning. A case study of one school is presented in this paper. This school had multiage classes. The case study highlights the potential role of teachers as transformative intellectuals in schools. (Contains 1 table and 1 figure.)

Language: English

ISSN: 0313-7155


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Complement to Lifestyle Assessment: Using Montessori Sensorial Experiences to Enhance and Intensify Early Recollections

Publication: Journal of Individual Psychology, vol. 62, no. 1

Pages: 47-58

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Abstract/Notes: The Montessori and Adlerian techniques of working with individuals have many parallels. The main premise in Montessori education is to "follow the child" and in Individual Psychology to "follow the movement of the client." A difference in the two philosophies is the use of sensory materials. Montessori education uses sensorial materials extensively, whereas Individual Psychology rarely puts emphasis on using the senses in the healing process. This article explores Montessori's use of sensorial experiences as a means to complement the Adlerian technique of lifestyle assessment. The integration of sensorial experiences into the early recollection gathering process enhances the verbalization of feelings and reduces reliance on intellectualizing.

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-2527, 2332-0583


✓ Peer Reviewed

Cultural Determinants Within the Design Set Up of Kindergarten and Preschool Interiors: Assessment of Four Typologies in Terms of Their Spatial Formation [Anaokulu ve Kreşlerin İç Mekan Tasarım Kurgusu İçerisindeki Kültürel Belirleyiciler; Mekansal Oluşumlarının Dört Tipolojisi üzerinde Analizi]

Available from: Megaron Journal

Publication: Megaron: Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, vol. 16, no. 2

Pages: 130-144

Architecture, Asia, Middle East, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The dynamic and complex nature of children’s sense of physical environment (Lim, Barton, 2010) with respect to the location of the space concerning cultural conditions, relations, and parameters direct design criteria to meet pedagogic, physiologic, and biological needs and requirements of the children in the preschool interiors. This enquiry has grown out of the desire to examine the parameters, cultural aspects, dimensions, or contexts affecting the built environment in the preschool interiors where children spend most of their time out of their home. Conceptual components affecting the interior space of pre-school education centers are identified and based on literature review, interviews, surveys, observational data, and statistical concepts such as education models, socio-economic conditions, appreciation of adults, child–teacher–parent relations, and location related to culture. These contextual connections and relations with the interior environment shaped the body of the study. Based on the above-mentioned items, a research questionnaire was used in centers located in the Çankaya and Çayyolu regions of Ankara. Subjects were randomly selected from among the parents of these preschools’ students. Accordingly, the research questionnaire was directed to a total of 200 respondents from 15 pre-school centers; these preschool education centers are the ones applying the Montessori education model, providing education in English and highlighting features like physical space comfort, etc. Those centers have maintained their corporate identity thanks to the above-counted features. Consequently, data has shown that the education model, socio-economic conditions, appreciation of adults, child–teacher–parent relations, and location have an indirect and direct bearing on parent perception of the preschool centers which affects the centers’ formation of Interior spatial design. [Anaokullarının mekansal oluşumu,çocuğun,değişen fiziksel çevre koşullarına bağlı olarak gelişen karmaşık ve dinamik bir etkileşim sürecidir. Farklı kültürel koşullar, ilişkiler ve parametreler bu mekanlarda pedagojik, psikolojik ve biyolojik gereksinimleri doğurmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı çocukların ev dışında en çok vakit geçirdiği ana okullarının mekan oluşumunda etkili olan kültürel parametrelerin, boyut ve bağlamını ortaya koymaktır. Literatür taraması, mülakat ve istatistiksel araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre; Eğitim Modeli, Socio-Ekonomik koşullar, Yetişkin ölçütü, Çocuk-Eğitim-Ebeveyn İlişkileri ve Konum Kültür ile ilişkilidir. Bu kavramsal İlişkiler çalışmanın gövdesini oluşturmaktadır. Yukarıda belirtilen unsurlarla ilişkili olarak Ankara Çankaya ve Çayyolu semtlerinde yer alan anaokullarında anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Anketler, bahsi geçen bölgede 15 Anaokulunda 200 katılımcıya uygulanmıştır. Anaokulları Montessori eğitim modeli uygulayan, İngilizce eğitim veren, fiziksel şartları ile öne çıkan ve bir markanın zinciri olmak üzere sınıflandırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yapılan farklı sınıflandırmalara bağlı olarak, değişen kültürel parametrelerin Anaokullarının mekansal oluşumunda direk ve dolaylı etkisi bulunmaktadır.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.5505/megaron.2017.49469

ISSN: 1309-6915


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment in Early Primary Education: An Empirical Study of Five School Contexts

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Journal of Research in Childhood Education, vol. 28, no. 4

Pages: 441-460

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Within the current standards-based framework of early primary education, teachers must negotiate the integration of assessment with traditional, developmental orientations to teaching and learning. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine teachers' approaches to early primary assessment within five different school contexts: public, independent, Froebel, Waldorf, and Montessori. Data were collected from 12 kindergarten to Grade 2 teachers through in-depth interviews followed by ethnographic observations of eight classrooms. Data were thematically analyzed to identify core approaches to assessment across the contexts related to the following themes: (1) diverse conceptions of assessment, (2) commitments to student-oriented assessment, (3) knowing children through a practice of observation, and (4) assessment of academic standards. Underpinning these assessment themes was the fundamental commitment of early-primary educators to whole-child teaching and assessment. The article concludes with suggestions for future research that explore the intersection between teaching and assessment in play-based pedagogical contexts, alternative educational approaches, and systems of high accountability, with the aim of supporting teachers in bridging developmental and academic priorities in the early primary grades.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2014.944722

ISSN: 0256-8543, 2150-2641


✓ Peer Reviewed

Avaliação da Autoeducação: construção e validação de instrumento para o Professor Montessoriano [Self-Education Assessment: construction and validation of an instrument for the Montessori Teacher]

Publication: Meta: Avaliação, vol. 6, no. 17

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Abstract/Notes: Este estudo apresenta a construção e validação de um instrumento de avaliação qualiquantitativo capaz de aferir, concretamente, se os comportamentos dos escolares estao consistentes com os principios filosoficos indicados pelo Sistema Montessori de Educação. O instrumento foi elaborado a partir das dificuldades dos professores em deixar claro como trabalham para desenvolver em suas classes a autonomia da aprendizagem, destacando-se nesse contexto: confianca e competencia; independencia; autonomia; motivação intrinseca; capacidade para lidar com a autoridade externa; responsabilidade com o grupo; preparação academica; cidadãos do mundo. Esses itens nortearam a definicao das categorias do instrumento. A primeira versao foi aplicada em duas classes do Ensino Fundamental no agrupamento de 6 e 7 anos e no de 8 e 9 anos. Os resultados da aplicação e as sugestoes dos professores levaram à construção da versao final. Recomenda-se que a utilização do questionario "Progresso da classe em Processo de Autoeducação" seja registrada por classe de alunos e, depois, em relatorio para toda a instituicao montessoriana, de modo a retratar as conquistas e/ou dificuldades dos alunos.

Language: Portuguese

ISSN: 2175-2753


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment of Interior Design Requirements of Classes within Pre-K Educational Models

Available from: The Journal of International Social Research

Publication: The Journal of International Social Research [Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi], vol. 12, no. 68

Pages: 615-627

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to analyze the interior design of a learning space based on three alternative teaching models applied nowadays. The study gathers the overall information of interior space design, alternative teaching models, children’s needs and analyzes the interaction of the three selected teaching models with classroom design, besides it suggests what educational institutions can do at a general level to contribute to the improvement of early education. The study is designed using descriptive research model, scientific observation and to collect factual data 72 teachers from Ankara (Turkey) were surveyed. Three different schools were analyzed by means of teaching model application within interior space design, a survey was administered in order to determine how classroom design supports the teaching-learning process and follows the principles of the teaching models. Research findings suggest that special attention should be given to classroom interior design since young children’s behavior and social interactions with their peers and teachers are influenced by the spatial arrangement in classrooms. Likewise if the interior design of the classroom is based on teaching models’ learning outcomes, the capacity and attitude of both teacher and student in the educational process are improved, while appropriate conditions are created for a pedagogical practice in the classroom.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17719/jisr.2019.3853

ISSN: 1307-9581

Book Section

Research: Objective Assessment of Montessori Implementation

Available from: ERIC

Book Title: The Relevance of Montessori Today: Meeting Human Needs-Principles to Practice: Proceeding of the AMI/USA National Conference, Bellevue, Washington, July 25-26, 1996

Pages: 71-83

AMI/USA National Conference (Bellevue, Washington, 25-26 July 1996), Americas, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Published: New York: American Montessori Internationale of the United States (AMI/USA), 1997

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