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376 results


Montessoripedagogiikan kokeilu ala-asteella: lukuvuosi 1984-1985 [An experiment in Montessori pedagogy in primary school: the academic year 1984-1985]

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Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland: Kouluhallitus, 1986

ISBN: 951-860-044-9 978-951-860-044-5

Series: Kokeilut


✓ Peer Reviewed

Italian Academic Pedagogical Magazines in the History of Education in the XX Century

Available from: Pedagógiatörténeti Szemle

Publication: Pedagógiatörténeti Szemle, vol. 1, no. 4

Pages: 1-22

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Abstract/Notes: This paper aims to reconstruct the main strands of Italian educational thought using academic pedagogical magazines as a mirror for scientific and political developments through the years. I shall follow a chronological order, indicating the main changes which have occurred in Italy since its unification, concentrating on cultural turns and academic shifts. Pedagogical and school magazines have been the object of quite a number of extensive historical works, followed by other studies on school and educational publishing houses. Giorgio Chiosso has been the leading figure in this research for many years, having directed national projects in pedagogical journals and publishing houses, which have provided important historical tools, such as the catalogues of Italian school and educational magazines 1820-1945 (Chiosso, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1997) and the catalogues of Italian pedagogical publishing houses in the XIX and XX centuries (Chiosso, 2003a, 2008). Whilst the pedagogical magazines before and after unification have been carefully catalogued, the educational journals of Republican Italy have yet to be researched. An updated short biography and bibliography of the quoted educationalists can be found in the recent biographical dictionary directed by Chiosso and Sani (2013).

Language: English

DOI: 10.22309/PTSZEMLE.2015.4.1

ISSN: 2415-9093

Master's Thesis (M.A. In Human Development)

Teacher Perspectives of Student Academic Decision-Making in Montessori Elementary Classes

Available from: American Montessori Society

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Abstract/Notes: The "central problem of education" for Maria Montessori (1971) was "how to give the child freedom”. Montessori wrote more about freedom and liberty than any other topic (Ethel Wheeler in Feltin 1987, 90). Modern theorists such as Paula Polk Lillard (1996) and David Kahn (1997) also give great importance to children's freedom in Montessori classrooms. Freedom is necessary for the development of autonomy (Feltin 1987), which is one of the aims of Montessori education (Montessori 1964, Barron 1992, American Montessori Society website, Kendall 1993). Many Montessori organizations (West Seattle Montessori, American Montessori Society) include some version of the phrase "freedom with limits" in their literature or refer to the child's independence as a goal. However, many programs limit children's responsibility for their learning at the elementary level to choosing which assigned work to do first. Children are not given the opportunity to choose what they will learn and how they will show what they learned. Orcillia Oppenheimer (1999) considered the lack of "real free choice" to be one of the "two fundamentals which are missing from most Montessori programs" (65-67, emphasis in original).

Language: English

Published: Pasadena, California, 2000


Academic Information Management System for L’Atra Montessori School

Available from: DBpia

Publication: ICEIC : International Conference on Electronics, Informations and Communications, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 210-213

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Abstract/Notes: Academic Information Management System (AIMS) for L’atra Montessori School (LMSI) is a school management solution which is highly adaptable for Schools, Institute of Higher Learning and Training Academics. AIMS is built on today’s leading edge internet technology. It is a comprehensive, easily implemented and user friendly. It is the answer that understands the challenges and are focused on delivering effective, high?quality Information System that allow you to creates the right balance of process efficiency and learning excellence. Attaining a higher pass rate of students is consequential for any institutions, this puts pressure on the lecturer to review teaching methodologies and devoting time to students. Information should be readily available for teachers, parents, students and school administration. Administrative duties should be automated and minimized, allowing all parties room to excel. AIMS offers the robust functionality needed to automate the entire academic processes from class scheduling, student enrolment, and class registration including financial aid information such as billing. AIMS provides a centralized data warehouse that gives you a single source of information to make well-informed financial and operational decisions in real time.

Language: English

Doctoral Dissertation

Executive Function, Social-Emotional Skills, and Academic Competence in Three Preschool Programmes: Pathways to School Readiness

Available from: British Library - EthOS

Academic achievement, Comparative education, Executive function, Preschool education, Social emotional learning

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Abstract/Notes: Research findings indicate that executive function (EF), social-emotional skills, and pre-academic competence significantly promote children's school readiness and later success. School readiness broadly refers to a combination of skills necessary to function successfully in school and lack thereof may increase the risk of children's school problems. Therefore, it is essential for school systems to provide appropriate and timely support to the development of these fundamental skills. The present study focused on three particular preschool programmes: Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and the traditional play-based (British Columbia Early Learning Framework: BCEFL) programmes in Western Canada. Although they are popular, there is little empirical research that examines and compares the benefits of these programmes to the development of school readiness skills. As such, the present study aimed to 1) determine the effectiveness of these three preschool programmes in Western Canada on the development of children's school readiness; and 2) examine other sources of influences in the child, family and school in relation to the development of school readiness skills. Overall, 119 preschool children (48 Montessori, 42 Reggio Emilia, 29 BCELF) participated in the study. Observation was conducted once in the autumn of 2015 for each classroom using the CLASS observation tool. Teachers and parents of participating children filled in a series of questionnaires regarding the quality of their relationship with their child and their perceptions of daily EF and social-emotional skills of their child. The researcher also assessed individual children's fluid intelligence, EF, and pre-academic competence. The results showed that 1) although Montessori education appeared to be the most effective in facilitating numeracy skills, no curriculum stood out as notably more effective than any of the others at improving other areas of school readiness skills; 2) well-run classrooms where teachers were effective in time, behavioural, and attention management were most effective in promoting children's numeracy skills; 3) EF, social-emotional skills, and pre-academic competence exhibited an overlapping developmental process over time; 4) relational quality in both home and school environments significantly affected the development of school readiness skills, especially social-emotional skills; and 5) adults' perceptions of children's EF and social-emotional skills had a significant consequence for how teachers and parents formed their relationships with their children.

Language: English

Published: Oxford, England, 2018

Master's Thesis

Acquisition of English as a Second Language for Hispanic Immigrant Adults with Low Academic and Socioeconomic Levels in the United States of America Through a Proposed Montessori Approach / Adquisición del Inglés como Segunda Lengua en Adultos Hispanos Inmigrantes con Bajo Nivel Académico y Socioeconómico en Estados Unidos de América: Proponiendo un Enfoque Montessori

Available from: American Montessori Society

Adult education, Americas, Immigrants, Language acquisition, Language development, Montessori method of education, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Published: San Pedro Garza García, Mexico, 2017


✓ Peer Reviewed

Effects of Montessori Education on the Academic, Cognitive, and Social Development of Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study in the French Public-School System

Available from: Wiley Online Library

Publication: Child Development, vol. 92, no. 5

Pages: 2069-2088

Academic achievement, Cognitive development, Europe, France, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Public Montessori, Social development, Western Europe, Work periods

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Abstract/Notes: Previous research on Montessori preschool education is inconsistent and prone to analytic flexibility. In this preregistered study, disadvantaged preschoolers in a French public school were randomly assigned to either conventional or Montessori classrooms, with the latter being adapted to French public education. Adaptations included fewer materials, shorter work periods, and relatively limited Montessori teacher training. Cross-sectional analyses in kindergarten (N = 176; Mage = 5–6) and longitudinal analyses over the 3 years of preschool (N = 70; Mage = 3–6) showed that the adapted Montessori curriculum was associated with outcomes comparable to the conventional curriculum on math, executive functions, and social skills. However, disadvantaged kindergarteners from Montessori classrooms outperformed their peers on reading (d = 0.68). This performance was comparable to that of advantaged children from an accredited Montessori preschool.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13575

ISSN: 0009-3920, 1467-8624


The Effects of Young Children's Team centered Problem-Based Learning Strategies on the Self-Efficacy and Academic Interests in Young Children's Mathematics / 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 미치는 효과

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 37-53

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of young children's team centered problem-based learning strategies(team centered PBL) on the self-efficacy and academic interests in young children's mathematics. For these purposes, the data were collected by questionnaire from 27 young children living in S-city. They were respectively assigned to experimental group and comparative group. The experimental group was trained four weeks with the 12th sessions through the team centered PBL. Before administrating the experimental procedure, both groups took the pretest for measuring their self-efficacy and academic interests. After the experimental sessions, they also took the posttests to measure both of them. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the experimental group trained through the team centered PBL strategies has got higher scores on the self-efficacy questionnaire than the comparative group. Second, the former which got higher scores on the self-efficacy also gained more scores on academic interests test than the latter. In light of these results, it suggests that young children's self-efficacy in the kindergarten could be acquired through team centered PBL strategies. / 본 연구의 목적은 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 밝혀내는 것이다. 이를 수행하기 위해 경기도 S시 소재의 H유치원만 5세반 실험집단 14명에게 4주 동안 총 12차시에 걸쳐 유아 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 실시하였다. 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 종료된 후에 유아 수학 관련 자기효능감검사와 학습흥미검사의 결과를 비교집단 13명의 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 주요 결과로는 첫째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 받은 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 자기효능감 점수가 유의미하게 높았다. 둘째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략으로 자기효능감이 높아진 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 학습흥미에서도 유의미하게 높았다. 이 같은 연구결과는 수업시간에 유아들에게 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 제공될 경우, 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미가 향상될 수 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미 향상을 위해 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 적용해 볼 필요성이 있을 것이다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Master's Thesis

The Extent That Montessori Programs Contribute to Students' Academic and Social Gains and How Montessori Programs Differ from Traditional Programs

Available from: Google Scholar

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this paper, through a review of current research, is to compare and contrast the Montessori Method and traditional programs and to identify the extent of the social and academic benefit from each. Researchers have found that there are some academic advantages to both programs. However, the academic gains that a child makes in traditional prekindergarten programs appear to diminish as the child gets older. Socially, children who have attended Montessori programs appear to enjoy school and have better relationships with peers and teachers than those in traditional program. An important thing to note is much of this research is inconclusive because of sampling bias due to study design. It is my recommendation that some of the aspects of Montessori education be incorporated into the traditional programs and that this continue as a supplement to the regular school day. Perhaps if students continue to be provided with additional support as they are in prekindergarten, the academic gains experienced as a result could be longer lasting.

Language: English

Published: Marquette, Michigan, 2009

Conference Paper

Academic Learning of Young Children in a Montessori Class

Mental Health Research Meeting (University of Washington, Seattle)

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Language: English

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