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983 results


News from the Schools

Publication: Freedom for the Child, vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 17-18

Americas, Montessori Educational Association (USA) - Periodicals, Montessori method of education - History, North America, United States of America

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Language: English


The California Montessori Project! [charter schools]

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 24, no. 3

Pages: 20–21

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Language: English


Milwaukee Public Schools Forge Ahead–3rd School to Open

Publication: AMI/USA News, vol. 9, no. 2

Pages: 2

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Language: English


Handicrafts in Schools

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 11

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Language: English


Basic Schools Must Improve: Training of Teachers Is Vital, Says Mr. Nehru

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 7

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Abstract/Notes: "Mr. Darbarilal Sharma (U. P.) said that Congress leaders were not sincere about basic education. They sent their own children to Montessori or convent schools. If the leaders believed in the basic education system, they should first sent their children to basic schools he added."

Language: English


Sui Caratteri Antropometrici in Relazione alle Gerarchie Intellettuali dei Fanciulli nelle Scuole [On Anthropometric Characters in Relation to Intellectual Hierarchies of Children in Schools]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Archivio per l'Antropologia e l'Etnologia, vol. 34, no. 2

Pages: 243-300

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0373-3009

Bachelor's Thesis

Prvky Montessori pedagogiky ve vzdělávacích programech a praxi mateřských škol / Elements of Montessori pedagogy in educacion programs and practice of nursery schools

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: The main target of my essay is to find out and to clarify the meaning of “elements of Montessori pedagogy”. The theoretic part of the essay contains entrance to the theme, information about life and pedagogic work of Marie Montessori, explanation and closer understanding of intention and philosophy of pedagogy Marie Montessori. In this essay is describing principals of Montessori pedagogy. There is five parts which are used for Montessori pedagogy. Theoretic part of this essay also includes description of the main documents for kindergarten, which means framework and school education program. The essay is donated to explanation of poems principal and element from the pedagogic and lexicon view. In practical part of this essay is the purpose to find out what it “element of Montessori pedagogy” is and how this poem “elements” understanding managers and pedagogues of selected kindergartens and also the member of company Montessori o.s. Many of kindergartens in these days proclaim use of elements of Montessori pedagogy, but Montessori pedagogy only works with poem “principals”. The target is to find out the elements composing into the school education program for preschool education. ůnother target is to find out how pedagogic works in practice in kindergartens with “Montessori elements”. The essay explains how schools and teachers understand the original intention of the Montessori direction.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2017


Výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori / Selection of pupils into classes and schools applying the pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce zkoumá výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jak si jednotlivé školy vybírají žáky do tříd a škol Marie Montessori. Dále bylo zkoumáno, jaké důvody vedou rodiče k volbě této pedagogiky pro jejich dítě a jaké podmínky musí rodiče a žáci splnit pro přijetí do tohoto vzdělávání. V poslední řadě jsem analyzovala, jak probíhá přijímací řízení. Základním výzkumným designem byla vícepřípadová studie. Cíleně jsem vybrala čtyři základní školy s touto pedagogikou jak ve velkém městě, tak v menších městech. Výzkum jsem rozdělila na dvě části. V první části jsem vedla polostrukturované rozhovory se zaměstnanci zvolených škol a s rodiči dětí z Montessori tříd. V druhé části jsem pozorovala samotné zápisy do 1. tříd. Zjistila jsem, že každá škola má definované požadavky na výběr žáků a tyto požadavky se mezi školami výrazně liší. Rodiče volí školy uplatňující pedagogiku M. Montessori, z důvodu individuálního přístupu k jednotlivcům. Pedagogové se domnívají, že je vhodné, aby rodiče doma uplatňovali stejné výchovné metody a že by toto rádi uplatňovali jako přijímací kritérium. Celý průběh zápisu probíhal stejně jako v běžných školách. Rozdíl byl především v používání Montessori pomůcek / This diploma thesis examines the pupil selection to Marie Montessori pedagogical classes and schools. The aim of the thesis was to find out how the individual schools choose pupils in Marie Montessori classes and schools. Furthermore, it was examined what reasons parents have to choose this pedagogy for their child and what conditions parents and pupils have to fulfill for admission to this education. Last but not least, I analyzed how the admission procedure is taking place. The basic research design was a multi-case study. I chose four primary schools with this pedagogy in the big city as well as in smaller towns. I divided the research into two parts. In the first part I conducted semi-structured interviews with employees of selected schools and with parents of children from Montessori classes. In the second part I observed the first class admission interviews. I have found out that each school has defined pupil selection requirements and that these requirements vary considerably between schools. Parents opt for the Montessori School because of its individual approach to individuals. Teachers believe that it is appropriate that parents apply the same educational methods at home and that they would like to apply this as an admission criterion. The whole admission interviews were the same as in traditional basic schools. The difference was mainly in the use of Montessori tools.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2019


Relationship of Public and Private Schools: A Legal Perspective

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 14, no. 3

Pages: 1-15

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Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064


Montessori in the Public Schools

Publication: AMI/USA News, vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 3–5

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Abstract/Notes: with sidebar, "Montessori in the Public Schools

Language: English

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