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27 results


Wat is dat voor een school?: over de nieuwe basisschool, Dalton, Freinet, Jenaplan, Montessori en Vrije School

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Language: Dutch

Published: Deventer, The Netherlands: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1986

Edition: 2nd ed.

ISBN: 978-90-6001-924-5 90-6001-924-5

Series: Kinderen als beroep


✓ Peer Reviewed

Sličnosti i razlike pedagoških modela Marije Montessori, Rudolfa Steinera i Célestina Freineta [Similarities and differences of pedagogical models of Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner and Célestin Freinet]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu, vol. 56, no. 1-2

Pages: 65-77

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Abstract/Notes: Ovim radom nastoji se istaknuti važnost alternativnih škola koje u svijetu paralelno s državnim školama funkcioniraju od prve polovice 20. st. Metodom komparativne analize prikazuju se tri originalna pedagoška modela: Montessori-pedagogija, waldorfske škole i Freinetov pokret. Posebna pozornost posvećena je teoretskim postavkama i didaktičko-metodičkim posebnostima navedenih pedagoških modela. Steinerova pedagogija temelji se na antropozofiji, Montessori pedagogija na antropologiji, dok je rad temelj Freinetove pedagogije. Zajednička sastavnica ovih alternativnih modela jest: sloboda u širem značenju, poštivanje djeteta kao individue, samostalan rad učenika, učenje istraživanjem, poticanje suradnje u kolektivu, promjena uloge učitelja, korištenje raznih materijala i tehnika u organizaciji učenja i nastave i općenito bolja priprema za život u društvu. Proučavajući temeljne sličnosti i razlike alternativnih školskih sustava, može se zaključiti da je rad i cjelokupna organizacija učenja i nastave uvelike drugačija nego u državnim školama. Obzirom da u Hrvatskoj postoji nekolicina škola koje rade po koncepcijama ovih pedagogija, svrha je rada da se zanimljiva didaktičkometodička rješenja implementiraju u postojeće državne škole, a time i poboljšaju razvoj pedagoškog i školskog pluralizma. [This article tries to point-out the importance of alternative schools which have existed in the world parallel with public schools from the first half of the 20th century. The method of comparative analysis shows three original pedagogical models: Montessori pedagogy, Waldorf schools and Freinet’s movement. Special attention was given to theoretical theses and didactic-methodological particularities of these pedagogical models. Steiner’s pedagogy is based on anthroposophy; Montessori’s pedagogy is based on anthropology, while in Freinet’s pedagogy work is fundamental. The models share the following characteristics: freedom in a broader sense, respect for the child as an individual, individual work of the student, learning through research, stimulation of group cooperation, use of different methods and materials in the organization of learning activities, and generally better preparation for life in society. By analyzing similarities and differences between alternative pedagogical models and those used in public schools, we can conclude that the overall organization of teaching classes differs considerably from that in public schools. Since there are only few schools in Croatia that work following the conceptions of these pedagogies, the main purpose of this work is to implement these interesting didactic-methodical solutions in the existing public schools and by doing so to enhance the development of pluralism in education.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 0037-654X, 1848-0756


✓ Peer Reviewed

Freinet and Montessori in Practice. A Comparative Analysis of the Meanings Attributed to the Process of Learning by Early Education Teachers – Research Report

Available from: Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe

Publication: Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji [Issues in Early Education], vol. 51, no. 4

Pages: 167-179

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: The article presented is a qualitative analysis of the early education Freinet and Montessori teachers in relation to their educational practices in the scope of educational constructivism. Understanding constructivism as a metaphor describing process of learning, the authors outline similarities and differences in the conceptions attributed to the processes of learning between the two researched groups of teachers. The results of the analysis show the opposite “direction” of the thematizations. Freinet teachers concentrate on the techniques and then – in their narratives – outline the values related to education whereas Montessori teachers’ narratives are oriented at values and only illustrated with some technological examples. The outcomes of the analysis can be formulated in a form of provisional synthesis: The realization of constructivism in education is not connected so much with so called “active learning techniques” but rather with values, individual and shared axio-educational orientations and the quality of relations between various subjects involved in education. Such a hypothesis leads to the questioning of the tendency according to which teachers’ education should be practical. On the contrary, we claim that such a conception on teachers’ education might be an obstacle to the wide implementation of constructivism in educational practices.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26881/pwe.2020.51.13

ISSN: 1734-1582, 2451-2230


Friends of the Child [Roger Gal, C. Freinet, E. Coops-Broese van Groenou, and Lily Peller-Roubicek]

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1967, no. 1/2

Pages: 6–9

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

Book Section

Maria Montessori - Célestin Freinet - Peter Petersen

Available from: V&R E-Library

Book Title: Reformpädagogische Konzepte

Pages: 75-93

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Language: German

Published: Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-525-70152-2

Series: Frühe Bildung und Erziehung


Freinet och Montessori - skillnader och likheter

Publication: Montessori (Svenska Montessoriförbundet), vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 4-5

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Language: Swedish

ISSN: 0280-5839


Bron en perspectief: het belang van Jenaplan, Montessori, Dalton, Freinet en de Vrije School voor het basisonderwijs

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Language: Dutch

Published: Heeswijk-Dinther, The Netherlands: Esstede, 2000

Edition: 2. dr

ISBN: 90-75142-35-8

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