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1444 results


The Montessori Index: Compiled From the Books of Maria Montessori and Authors of Books Related to the Montessori Method of Education

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Language: English

Published: Chicago, Ill.: Virginia B. Fleege, 1987


An Address to Bengali Mothers on the Montessori Method of Education

Available from: Internet Archive

Publication: Dacca Review, vol. 4, no. 3

Pages: 79-87

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: An address delivered to a gathering of Zenana ladies at Decca.

Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori: The Montessori Method (Introduction by Martin Mayer); Spontaneous Activity in Education (The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. 1); The Montessori Elementary Material (The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. 2)

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Review of Education, vol. 11, no. 2

Pages: 240-242

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/BF01419908

ISSN: 1573-0638, 0020-8566


Studien zur Montessori-Pädagogik I: Maria Montessori und die "reform-pädagogische Bewegung" [Studies on Montessori Education I: Maria Montessori and the "New Education Movement"]

Europe, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1986

ISBN: 978-3-451-20919-2


Hundert Jahre Montessori-Pädagogik, 1907-2007: Eine Chronik der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz [One Hundred Years of Montessori Education, 1907-2007: A Chronicle of Montessori Education in Switzerland]

Europe, Montessori method of education, Montessori movement, Montessori organizations - Switzerland, Montessori schools, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Harold Baumann ordnet die schweizerische Montessori-Pädagogik in die internationale Reformpädagogik ein, skizziert ihre Anfänge im Kanton Tessin, zeigt die Auswirkungen und Einflüsse der Montessori-Bestrebungen in vielen Schweizer Kantonen, u.a. anhand der staatlichen Montessori-Kindergärten im Kanton Wallis. Zudem erläutert er den heutigen Stand der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz. Harold Baumann ergänzt seine Recherchen durch Beiträge, die ihm von Zeitzeugen überreicht wurden. [Harold Baumann classifies the Swiss Montessori pedagogy in the international reform pedagogy, outlines its beginnings in the canton of Ticino, shows the effects and influences of the Montessori endeavors in many Swiss cantons, e.g. with the help of the state Montessori kindergartens in the canton of Valais. He also explains the current state of Montessori education in Switzerland. Harold Baumann supplements his research with contributions that were presented to him by contemporary witnesses.]

Language: German

Published: Bern, Switzerland: Haupt Verlag, 2007

Edition: 1st edition

ISBN: 978-3-258-07092-6


Montessori Method of Education in Terms of Philosophical Anthropology

Available from: ERIC

Publication: International Journal of Progressive Education, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 249-258

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Abstract/Notes: Since its existence, the subject of man has been difficult and painful to understand. Philosophical anthropology comes to the fore as the field that deals with the essence and function of man to make sense of him. Philosophical anthropology tries to evaluate man from his birth to death. By doing so, philosophical anthropology draws on various philosophers. The process of understanding man, which started with Kant, is shaped by names such as Scheler, Cassirer, Mengüsoglu, and Hartmann. In philosophical anthropology, besides these names, Maria Montessori, who assessed man as a child, is also significant. She contributed to philosophical anthropology by actualizing theoretical structures with the Montessori method of education, which is based on the understanding of a child who stands on his/her own feet and which presents a new perspective on the man. This study is considered important in terms of grounding the aforementioned contribution and guiding future studies on the subject.

Language: English

DOI: 10.29329/ijpe.2022.431.16

ISSN: 1554-5210


Dr. Montessori, The Famous Woman Educator, Will deliver two illustrated lectures with motion pictures on 'The Montessori Method of Education'... [Advertisement]

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Boston Daily Globe (Boston, Massachusetts)

Pages: 16

Americas, Montessori Educational Association (USA), North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: "...At Tremont Temple, Saturday, Dec. 13th at 11 A.M. and 8:15 P.M. Under the Auspices of the Montessori Educational Association. Tickets 50 cents to $1.50. On sale at Tremont Temple Box Office."

Language: English

ISSN: 2572-1828


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Montessori Method of Education of the Senses: The Case of the Children’s Houses

Available from: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Publication: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, vol. 4, no. 5

Pages: 6671-6673

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Abstract/Notes: The Montessori method of teaching is founded on the idea that education should support rather than undermine a child’s natural abilities. Therefore, scientific research on children and an understanding of how development and learning work should serve as the foundation for education. A psychic force or ability is active through physical organs, causing the experience. The action of the structure acting as a proper origin and determining the force is seen from one perspective; the action of the feeling, which catches the practical and formally establishes experience, is seen from the opposite perspective. The use and development of the senses are stressed in the Montessori method. Doing this a child is observed and new ideas and methods are used to develop the senses in the child. This paper is an attempt to show the methods used by Dr. Montessori in her Children’s Houses to develop senses in children.

Language: English

ISSN: 2582-7421


Acceptability and Knowledge of Montessori Method of Education Among Early Years’ Practitioners in Lagos State.

Available from: University of Lagos Library (Nigeria)

Publication: UNILAG Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 191-204

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Abstract/Notes: This study investigated the acceptability and knowledge of the Montessori Method of education among early years' practitioners in Lagos State. Four research questions and one hypothesis were raised for the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study consisted of all early years' practitioners in Lagos State while the sample comprised 126 early years practitioners which were stratified as 102 early years' practitioners (teachers) and 24 school operators (school heads/owners). In the first stage, proportionate sampling technique was used in selecting four Nursery schools from each of the six educational districts of Lagos State out of which two were Montessori Schools and the other two were non-Montessori schools. The total number of Nursery schools used for the study were twenty-four; whyile a random sampling technique was used in selecting four teachers from each Montessori school and five teachers from non-Montessori schools. Forty-eight Montessori teachers and fifty-four non-Montessori teachers were used for the study. The two researcher's designed instruments that were used to gather data for the study were Early Years' Practitioners Knowledge of Montessori Method (EYPKOMM) and School Operators Perception of Montessori Method (SOPOMM). EYPKOMM measured teachers' knowledge about the Montessori Method and it consisted of 20 close-ended items while SOPOMM consisted of 25 items on 4 point Likert scale. The study revealed that the majority of the teachers had average qualifications to work in early years' classrooms and that their knowledge of the Montessori Method is a little above average. It it also revealed school operators were enthusiastic and preferred the Montessori Method to conventional method but noted that the method is expensive to implement and too rigid to be adopted in conventional schools. It is therefore recommended that: (i) teachers seeking employment in a Montessori school should have professional training and experience; (ii) more awareness programme should be organized for early years' practitioners; (iii) The Montessori method should be adapted so that all stakeholders of education can benefit from it.

Language: English

ISSN: 2736-0199


✓ Peer Reviewed

Mari̇a Montessori̇ Eği̇ti̇m Metodu [Montessori Method of Education]

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi / Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 12

Pages: 59-62

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: İtalyan eğitim felsefesi uzmanı Maria Montessori 1970 yılında İtalya Ancora’da dünyaya gelmiştir. Yüzyılı aşkın süredir kullanılan Montessori eğitim sistemi Maria Montessori tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Herhangi bir sınırlamanın bulunmadığı bu eğitim sistemiyle çocuklara özgür bir eğitim sunulur. Günümüzde Montessori eğitimlerini verebilmek amacıyla İngiltere’de bulunan Uluslararası Montessori Derneği tarafından eğitmen yetiştirilmektedir. Bu eğitim anaokulu, ilkokul ve bazı ülkelerde lise seviyesine kadar çıkmaktadır. Maria Montessori 1907 yılında ilk çocukevi “Casa dei Bambini”de engelli olmayan çocuklarla çalışmalarında yaptığı gözlemlerde çocukların nelerden hoşlandıklarını ve nelerden hoşlanmadıklarını saptar. Maria Montessori çocukların: ödüllerden, cezalardan,oyuncaklardan, öğretmen masasından,toplu derslerden hoşlanmadıklarını, özgür seçimden, hatalarını kendilerin denetiminden, sessizlikten, sosyal ilişkilerini kendileri tarafından kurmasından, kitapsız okuma ve yazmadan hoşlandıklarını gözlemledi. Çocukların kendilerini birey olarak görmesinin sağlandığı Montessori eğitiminde aile, öyretmen ve öyrenci iş birliği içerisindedir. Öğrencinin öyrenme hızı doğrultusunda eğitim verilir ve bilgi akılla değil el yordamıyla öğrenilir.Soyut kavramların somut kavramlarla anlaşılması sağlanır. Montessori eğitimi emelde kişiliğin oluşumu üzerinde durmaktadır. Maria Montessori bunu açıkça şu şekilde ifade etmektedir:” Eğitimde metot değil,insan kişiliği göz önüne alınmaktadır.” [Italian pedagogue Maria Montessori was born in 1970 in Ancona, Italy. The Montessori education system, which has been used for over a century, was developed by Maria Montessori. With this education system, where there is no restriction, a free education is offered to children. Today, trainers are trained by the International Montessori Association in England in order to provide Montessori education. This education goes up to kindergarten, primary school and in some countries high school level. Maria Montessori determined what the children liked and disliked in her observations while working with non-disabled children in the first children's home “Casa dei Bambini” in 1907. Maria Montessori observed that children: they do not like rewards, punishments, toys, teacher's desk, group lessons, they like free choice, control over their mistakes, silence, establishing social relations by themselves, reading and writing without books. In Montessori education, where children see themselves as individuals, family, teacher and student are in cooperation. Education is given in line with the student's learning pace and knowledge is learned by groping, not by mind. It is ensured that abstract concepts are understood with concrete concepts. Montessori education primarily focuses on the formation of personality. Maria Montessori expresses this clearly as follows: “In education, not the method, but the human personality is taken into consideration.”]

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2148-9963

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