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602 results


Die Pädagogik Maria Montessoris [Maria Montessori's pedagogy]

Publication: Katholische Frauenbildung, vol. 53

Pages: 241-249

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Language: German

ISSN: 0343-4613


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori tra Scienza Spiritualità e Laicità [Maria Montessori Between Science, Spirituality and Secularism]

Available from: Università Degli Studi Firenze

Publication: Studi sulla Formazione / Open Journal of Education, vol. 17, no. 2

Pages: 119-147

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Abstract/Notes: Has Maria Montessori an religious horizon? Yes, she have, but it’s laic and cosmic. It’s tied to her scientific education and to the cultural context in which she lived

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz-16184

ISSN: 2036-6981


✓ Peer Reviewed

Da Ellen Key a Maria Montessori: La Progettazione di Nuovi Spazi Educativi per l’Infanzia [From Ellen Key to Maria Montessori: Planning New Educational Spaces for Childhood]

Available from: Università di Bologna

Publication: Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica / Journal of Theories and Research in Education, vol. 5, no. 1

Ellen Key - Biographic sources, Ellen Key - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: In questa prima fase della ricerca - ancora in itinere - si compie un’analisi storico-pedagogica del rapporto infanzia/famiglie/istituzioni. L’indagine si focalizza sulle trasformazioni dei modelli familiari, visti nella loro interdipendenza con l’elaborazione di nuove pratiche educative. Al riguardo, l’avvento del’900 si profila come un passaggio importante, che trova un suo esito nel volume di Ellen Key, Il secolo dei fanciulli. Proprio in quest’opera, la scrittrice svedese elabora una nuova idea di “maternità” e di “paternità” che pone al centro i bisogni e le esigenze infantili. La sua prospettiva diventa oggetto di dibattito, agli inizi del secolo scorso, sia in campo pedagogico, sia in campo femminista, soprattutto in merito al dilemma per la donna di coniugare insieme sfera pubblica e sfera privata, maternità e autonomia individuale. Secondo l’ipotesi qui evidenziata è in particolare Maria Montessori a raccogliere la sfida di Ellen Key, con il suo esperimento pedagogico della “Casa dei bambini”, in cui lo spazio domestico, “privato” si trasforma in uno spazio scolastico, “pubblico”, a misura di “bambino” (valenza estetica degli ambienti, cura delle relazioni umane, ecc.). [In the first phase of research it conducts an historical and pedagogical analysis on the relationship between childhoods, families and institutions, identifying family-models changes and their interdependence with the elaboration of new educative practices. At the beginning of twentieth century, Ellen Key wrote the famous book The century of children. Following the introduction of Modernity age, the author defined a new idea of “motherhood” and “fatherhood” which focused on childish subjects’ needs and requirements. Her prospective became item of debate both in pedagogic and in feminist fields, especially in regard to women’s dilemma on how to combine public and private life, motherhood and individual autonomy. In particular, Maria Montessori took up the Ellen Key challenge, in fact she made the pedagogical experiment of Children’s House, where domestic space became institutional space (settings’ aesthetic quality, human relationships’ care).]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/1767

ISSN: 1970-2221

Doctoral Dissertation

Maria Montessoris 'Antropologia Pedagogica': Übersetzung und Kommentar [Maria Montessori's 'Antropologia Pedagogica': Translation and Commentary]

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: This is a dissertation by Angelika Hanisch (University of Beyrouth, Germany, 2012) in which she translates Montessori's 'Antropologia Pedagogica' from Italian to German and provides commentary on the text.

Language: German

Published: Bayreuth, Germany, 2012

Book Section

Der mathematische Geist nach Maria Montessori [The mathematical mind according to Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 42-47

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X


Maria Montessori und die Katholiken [Maria Montessori and the Catholics]

Publication: Katholische Frauenbildung, vol. 63

Pages: 676-679

Catholicism, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: German

ISSN: 0343-4613


En Tale av Dr. Maria Montessori, ved en festmiddag for hende i London [A Speech by Dr. Maria Montessori, at a gala dinner for her in London]

Available from: National Library of Norway

Publication: Vår Skole, vol. 9, no. 8

Pages: 49-51

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Language: Norwegian

ISSN: 0042-2029


Il Quarto Articolo della Dott. Maria Montessori: Alcune Interessanti Esperienze della Illustre Educatrice con i Bambini Deficienti [The Fourth Article by Dr. Maria Montessori: Some Interesting Experiences of the Distinguished Educator with Deficient Children]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Maria Montessori - Writings, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400

Doctoral Dissertation

Über selbsttätige Erziehung der Vorschulkinder bei Maria Montessori und im Kindergarten der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [About the independent education of the preschool children with Maria Montessori and in the kindergarten of the German Democratic Republic]

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Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany, 1961


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori va in America. Una Rilettura Pedagogica di un Episodio di Incontro-Scontro tra Attivismo Pedagogico Italiano e Progressive Education Americana / Maria Montessori goes to America: A Pedagogical Reflection of an Encounter-Clash Between Italian Activism Movement and American Progressive Education

Available from: Formazione, Lavoro, Persona

Publication: Formazione, Lavoro, Persona, vol. 10 (Anno 4)

Pages: 1-10

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, North America, Progressive education, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: The complex history of Montessori’s Method spreading in the United States was signed by some misunderstandings connected with the reform of the american education system. The Method wasn’t understood in its specificity, but it appeared, in the same time, an alternative or an application of the tradition of Froebel’s Kindergarten. In those years the American pedagogical reflection tried to create an alternative to the continental tradition. For this reason the Progressive Education critized Montessori (i.e. Kilpatrick) for her spiritual and metaphysical premises but this movement couldn’t realize this project and it was inevitably connected with the tradition of European Activism.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2039-4039

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