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186 results


The Moral Philosophy of Maria Montessori: Agency and Ethical Life

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

Published: London, England: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-350-17638-6 1-350-17638-9

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

Searching for a Philosophy: Growing with Children

Available from: Concordia University - Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: My personal search for principles and practices to guide my role as a teacher of young children took me to Munich, Germany to be trained in the Montessori method; to Tumbaco, Ecuador to be a teacher trainee at the Wild's active school and most recently to Bali, Indonesia to experience Jean Liedloff's notion of a continuum concept. This search has brought me skills to set up an environment for children and to better understand my role in it. My work with children has helped me to integrate the principles and practices of individuals who have inspired my own feelings, thoughts and actions, thereby eliminating conflicts which I have previously experienced.

Language: English

Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1993

Doctoral Dissertation

Per un'educazione al pensiero complesso Metodo Montessori e Philosophy for Children: connessioni e sconfinamenti

Available from: AMS Dottorato - Institutional Theses Repository (University of Bologna Digital Library)

Comparative education, Montessori method of education, Philosophy for Children

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Abstract/Notes: La presente ricerca, di impianto teorico, si prefigge lo scopo di indagare - all’interno della cornice teorica del problematicismo pedagogico - le connessioni tra due proposte educative che concorrono alla promozione dell’esercizio del pensiero complesso già nell’infanzia: il Metodo elaborato da Maria Montessori e la Philosophy for Children sviluppata da Matthew Lipman. Attingendo alla bibliografia scientifica di riferimento, sia nazionale sia internazionale, e a partire dalle connessioni individuate, si arrischiano sconfinamenti in saperi altri: sostando in ambiti di ricerche, apparentemente lontani, vengono interrogate le teorie dell’apprendimento, i rapporti con le tecnologie, fino al confronto con le interessanti conferme che emergono dalle recenti ricerche neuroscientifiche. La scelta dell’oggetto della ricerca nasce da una riflessione relativa all’emergere di fenomeni di negazione dell’infanzia e dei suoi diritti; ra gli altri, il diritto al pensiero. Sembra necessario richiamare alla responsabilità di accompagnare l’infanzia sulle strade della complessità nella cittadinanza GLocale. In questa direzione, le proposte educative prese in esame sembrano offrire, a partire dall’infanzia, modalità diversificate e divergenti delle esperienze di conoscere, sentire, comunicare alle quali poter attingere come bambini e bambine e nelle successive età della vita. Con il presente lavoro di ricerca, che mi ha vista impegnata in diverse forme per tre ricchi e intensi anni, ho tentato di mettere al centro della riflessione l’esercizio del pensiero che emerge come imprescindibile responsabilità educativa a cui i dispositivi propri del Metodo Montessori e della Philosophy for Children possono contribuire a corrispondere. [The research undertaken for this doctoral thesis - within the theoretical framework of pedagogical problematicism - explores the connections between two educational proposals that contribute to the promotion of the exercise of complex thought already since childhood: the Method elaborated by Maria Montessori and the Philosophy for Children developed by Matthew Lipman. With reference to the scientific bibliography, both national and international, this work matches Learning Theories, Studies on New Technologies and Practices in Education, comparing it with the interesting discoveries that emerge from recent neuroscientific research. It seems necessary to recall the responsibility of accompanying childhood on the roads of complexity in GLocal citizenship and, so, to offer children the tools and times for developing the capacity to think critically, to reason around events, and to undertake constructive relations with the environment and with others. With the present research, which has engaged me in different forms for three richly intense years, I have tried to centre my analysis on the exercise of thought as an indispensable educational responsibility to which the devices of the Montessori Method and of the Philosophy for Children can contribute.]

Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy, 2018


The Lonely Prophet: The Origins and Development of Maria Montessori's Peace Philosophy

Publication: M: The Magazine for Montessori Families

Pages: 9–11

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Abstract/Notes: Includes sidebar on children's books on peace

Language: English

Master's Thesis

Una mirada a la filosofía Montessori en el sistema público de enseñanza de Puerto Rico [A look at the Montessori philosophy in the public education system of Puerto Rico]

Available from: University of Puerto Rico - Theses and Disserations Collection

Americas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Caribbean, Public Montessori, Puerto Rico

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Abstract/Notes: Este trabajo presenta las ideas sobresalientes de Montessori. Examina el vínculo entre el enfoque de dicha filosofía y la enseñanza de inglés en Puerto Rico con énfasis de las posibilidades que ofrece tal metodología para obtener logros em la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. Finalmente, expone los retos que enfrenta el maestro que interesa estudiar y aplicar la filosofía Montessori en las escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico.

Language: Spanish

Published: Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Nature-Based Education in the Light of Montessori Philosophy: Meaning, Principles and Practices

Available from: European Journal of Alternative Education Studies

Publication: European Journal of Alternative Education Studies, vol. 8, no. 1

Pages: 134-153

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Nature education

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Abstract/Notes: The subject of the article is the role of nature in learning as an essential part of the Montessori Philosophy in early childhood education. This article highlights the use of nature-based activities within Montessori’s pedagogical perspective for including content about the natural world in early childhood settings. In this paper, it is aimed to increase the awareness of learning through nature on child development and to disseminate nature-based practices used in line with the Montessori approach in preschools. Firstly, the role of nature as an educational tool is described, followed by an understanding of nature pedagogy and its educational value according to Maria Montessori. Additionally, the article reviews the implementation of nature-based learning activities as an integral part of the educational work in Montessori schools. In this educational stream, nature-related work stands as the main methodical means for early childhood education and supporting the development of children. Nature in itself serves as a kind of special resonance and restorative effect that can help children understand the world and impart meaning to their lives. Subsequently, recommendations for nature-based practices that can be applied in preschools were presented in light of the Montessori philosophy.  Article visualizations:

Language: English

DOI: 10.46827/ejae.v8i1.4670

ISSN: 2501-5915


Teaching Nature: From Philosophy to Practice

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 28, no. 1

Pages: 207-218

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Examines educational resistance to nature study, focusing on the subtle resistance evident in the vicarious approach that limits nature study to books and videos, while ignoring the sensory richness and kinship developed through direct connection with the natural world. Suggests that environmental science, citizen education, inquiry learning, personal growth orientations, and social action can contribute to a more holistic and environmentally sensitive Montessori plan of study. (Author/KB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Putting Philosophy into Practice

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 2

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


New Developments in Neuroscience Supports [sic.] Montessori Under Three Philosophy

Publication: Montessori NewZ, vol. 20

Pages: 7

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Language: English


Dalai Lama's Visit Reinforces Connections with Montessori Philosophy

Publication: Montessori NewZ, vol. 47

Pages: 10–11

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori Children's House, Wellington; Wa Ora Montessori School

Language: English

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