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141 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Where Visions Meet: Ellen Swallow Richards and Maria Montessori

Available from: IngentaConnect

Publication: Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, vol. 114, no. 3

Pages: 34-37

Ellen Swallow Richards - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Home economics (now called family and consumer sciences [FCS] in the United States) and the Montessori education method were both started by strong women pioneers. American-born Ellen Swallow Richards (home economics founder) graduated from Vassar College (chemistry) the same year that Maria Montessori was born in Italy–1870. Both women were scientists and Richards was the first woman to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (sanitary engineering). Montessori was interested in engineering but completed studies in medicine (pediatrics) and psychology. She was one of the first female doctors in Italy (Association Montessori Internationale, 2020; Kramer, 2017; McGregor, 2020).

Language: English

DOI: 10.14307/JFCS114.3.34

ISSN: 1082-1651, 2331-5369


Kindheit bei Maria Montessori und Ellen Key - Disziplinierung und Normalisierung [Childhood with Maria Montessori and Ellen Key - Discipline and Normalization]

Ellen Key - Biographic sources, Ellen Key - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Reformpädagogik gilt bis heute als »magische Größe«. Ihre Anhänger verzaubert sie mit der eingängigen Formel: Nicht nur »naturgemäß« soll Erziehung sein, sondern auch wertschätzend, praxisnah und individuell. So verspricht sie Heilung (von falscher Pädagogik) und argumentiert scheinheilig: Sowohl »begradigen« als auch »überwinden« sind unverzichtbare Bestandteile ihres Kanons pädagogischer Leitbegriffe. Die Kindheitskonzepte von Maria Montessori und Ellen Key werden besonders dafür geschätzt, dass sie das »Leben« feiern. Dabei argumentieren sie mitunter allerdings wenig lebensbejahend. Besonders augenfällig ist, dass sie vor allem gesunde, normale und folgsame Kinder besonders wertschätzen. Der ideale Nachwuchs soll sowohl folgsam als auch unauffällig sein: Nicht jedes Kind ist aus sich heraus wertvoll. Daher appellieren sie an künftige Eltern, möglichst nur den richtigen Erbanlagen ins Leben zu verhelfen (was nicht zwangsläufig die eigenen sind). Überhaupt haben beide sehr konkrete Vorstellungen davon, wie Kinder sein müssen... und was passieren könnte, wenn sie nicht sind, wie sie sein sollen. [Reform pedagogy is still considered a »magic factor« today. She enchants her followers with the catchy formula: Education should not only be »natural«, but also appreciative, practical and individual. So she promises healing (from false pedagogy) and hypocritically argues: Both "straighten" and "overcome" are indispensable components of her canon of pedagogical guiding principles. Maria Montessori and Ellen Key's concepts of childhood are particularly valued for their celebration of "life." Sometimes, however, their arguments are not very life-affirming. What is particularly striking is that they particularly appreciate healthy, normal and obedient children. The ideal offspring should be both obedient and inconspicuous: not every child is valuable in and of itself. They therefore appeal to future parents to only help the right hereditary factors into life (which are not necessarily their own). In general, both have very specific ideas about how children should be... and what could happen if they aren't how they should be.]

Language: German

Published: Paderborn, Germany: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-657-77324-4 3-657-77324-X 978-3-506-77324-1


✓ Peer Reviewed

Da Ellen Key a Maria Montessori: La Progettazione di Nuovi Spazi Educativi per l’Infanzia [From Ellen Key to Maria Montessori: Planning New Educational Spaces for Childhood]

Available from: Università di Bologna

Publication: Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica / Journal of Theories and Research in Education, vol. 5, no. 1

Ellen Key - Biographic sources, Ellen Key - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: In questa prima fase della ricerca - ancora in itinere - si compie un’analisi storico-pedagogica del rapporto infanzia/famiglie/istituzioni. L’indagine si focalizza sulle trasformazioni dei modelli familiari, visti nella loro interdipendenza con l’elaborazione di nuove pratiche educative. Al riguardo, l’avvento del’900 si profila come un passaggio importante, che trova un suo esito nel volume di Ellen Key, Il secolo dei fanciulli. Proprio in quest’opera, la scrittrice svedese elabora una nuova idea di “maternità” e di “paternità” che pone al centro i bisogni e le esigenze infantili. La sua prospettiva diventa oggetto di dibattito, agli inizi del secolo scorso, sia in campo pedagogico, sia in campo femminista, soprattutto in merito al dilemma per la donna di coniugare insieme sfera pubblica e sfera privata, maternità e autonomia individuale. Secondo l’ipotesi qui evidenziata è in particolare Maria Montessori a raccogliere la sfida di Ellen Key, con il suo esperimento pedagogico della “Casa dei bambini”, in cui lo spazio domestico, “privato” si trasforma in uno spazio scolastico, “pubblico”, a misura di “bambino” (valenza estetica degli ambienti, cura delle relazioni umane, ecc.). [In the first phase of research it conducts an historical and pedagogical analysis on the relationship between childhoods, families and institutions, identifying family-models changes and their interdependence with the elaboration of new educative practices. At the beginning of twentieth century, Ellen Key wrote the famous book The century of children. Following the introduction of Modernity age, the author defined a new idea of “motherhood” and “fatherhood” which focused on childish subjects’ needs and requirements. Her prospective became item of debate both in pedagogic and in feminist fields, especially in regard to women’s dilemma on how to combine public and private life, motherhood and individual autonomy. In particular, Maria Montessori took up the Ellen Key challenge, in fact she made the pedagogical experiment of Children’s House, where domestic space became institutional space (settings’ aesthetic quality, human relationships’ care).]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/1767

ISSN: 1970-2221


Richards, Barbara (Rich Main) (1967-1969): Oral history interview

Available from: JFK Library

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Abstract/Notes: Barbara Richards (formerly Rich Main) served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia from June 1967 to June 1969 as an English teacher. Richards attended training in Utah for the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) program. She discusses her life as a TESL teacher in two different communities. Her first station was in a geographically isolated area. Richards also described the effect that the Peace Corps had on her eventual career as a Montessori teacher. Interviewed and recorded by Paul Kinsley, September 23, 2010. 2 tapes (web streaming files combined into 1 file). This is part of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer collection at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

Language: English


In Memoriam: Sylvia Onesti Richardson, MD

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 27, no. 1

Pages: 18

Obituaries, Sylvia Onesti Richardson - Biographic sources

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Everything Comes in Handy: An Interview with Sylvia Richardson, M.D.

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 22–26

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Change Is in Me. The Transformation of Adults to the Role of the Montessori Guide. Qualitative - Biographical Research Study / Zmiana jest we mnie. Transformacja dorosłych do roli przewodnika Montessori. Raport z badania jakościowo – biograficznego

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1 (no. 68)

Pages: 65-78

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Abstract/Notes: Artykuł stanowi sprawozdanie z badania jakościowo – biograficznego zrealizowanego wśród dwóch grup uczestników biorących udział w kursach Montessori. Podstawowym celem badania była analiza znaczeń nadawanych zmianie. Pytanie badawcze sformułowano następująco: Jak uczestnicy kursu Montessori (6-12) tematyzują swój proces transformacji?  Artykuł podejmuje kwestię zmiany edukacyjnej w kontekście wiedzy milczącej oraz teorii osobistych a następnie opisuje procedurę gromadzenia i analizy danych z dwudziestu pięciu pogłębionych, jakościowych wywiadów indywidualnych, które następnie poddano analizie zgodnie z opisanymi przez Kvale siedmioma krokami. W rezultacie analiz udało się zidentyfikować i opisać dwie główne kategorie: radykalną transformację oraz korektę biograficzną. W końcowej części artykułu autor, w kontekście zebranego materiału zwraca uwagę na ograniczone możliwości narzucania zmiany w edukacji i – podążając za głosami uczestników badania rekomenduje pożądane warunki do zaistnienia potencjalnych zmian: tworzenie nauczycielom warunków wolności do podejmowania decyzji i tworzenia autorskich rozwiązań dydaktycznych, demokratyzacja sfery związanej z edukacją oraz wspieranie poczucia godności wśród nauczycieli.

Language: English

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2023.1868.05

ISSN: 2353-7787


✓ Peer Reviewed

Semblanza Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí (1866-1962) [Biographical Note Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí (1866-1962)

Available from: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Publication: Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, vol. 23, no. 36

Pages: 313-318

Americas, Central America, Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Nicaragua

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Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.19053/01227238.12891

ISSN: 2256-5248

Book Section

Maria Montessori, M.D.: A Biographical Sketch

Book Title: American Montessori Manual: Principles, Applications, Terms

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Language: English

Published: New York: American Montessori Society, 1970


✓ Peer Reviewed

Wanda Dynowska-Umadevi: A Biographical Essay

Available from: Theosophical History

Publication: Theosophical History, vol. 5, no. 3

Pages: 89-105

Theosophical Society, Theosophy, Wanda Dynowska-Umadevi - Biographic sources

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Language: English

ISSN: 0951-497X

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