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Master's Thesis

A Study Comparing the Effect of Multiage Education Practices versus Traditional Education Practices on Academic Achievement

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This study compared the effects of multi-age classroom strategies to those of traditional classroom strategies on the academic achievement of fourth grade students in reading and math. Standardized test scores from 20 fourth-grade students in two multi-age third- and fourth-grade classrooms were compared to the scores of 20 students from 7 traditional fourth-grade classrooms. The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), ninth edition was used as the test instrument. Scores from the students' third grade test in the 1996-97 school year were compared to their scores from the fourth grade test in reading and math by applying T-tests to the data. Analysis of the data revealed no difference in reading or math achievement between students taught in a multi-age classroom and those from a traditional classroom.

Language: English

Published: Salem, West Virginia, 1998

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Circular Food Education: Developing a food education programme based on sustainability, experiential learning and pleasure in Irish primary schools

Available from: Technological University Dublin

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Abstract/Notes: This research explored how an expanded and sustained education about food within the primary school curriculum in the Republic of Ireland could be achieved. A constructivist ontology underpinned the project, with multiple theoretical frameworks related to constructivist learning and building agency, informing the study. A multi-method action research methodology was used, providing practical solutions through action, reflection, practice and theory. A narrative review of the literature and existing policy preceded three sections of fieldwork. A scoping consultation with key stakeholders was followed by the development and piloting of a food education programme entitled the Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity Theme in eight primary schools over two years, in conjunction with Green-Schools. The third section of fieldwork verified and expanded the results within a research findings feedback workshop which included academics working in education, principals, teachers, trainee teachers, and two staff members from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. The scoping consultation with key stakeholders highlighted a desire for a changed approach to food education in Irish primary schools. The key findings indicated that schools are in a unique position to influence and promote food education, but that an expanded approach to the current curriculum’s principal focus on health and nutrition was required. The term ‘circular food education’ was coined to describe the approach to food education which was consequently developed. Circular food education encompasses experiential learning, sustainability and pleasure. It is grounded in theory and is an educational solution to tackling an array of social issues: building knowledge about climate change, biodiversity loss, and food waste, teaching practical food skills, as well as instilling the potential for children to become active citizens. The development and piloting of the Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity Theme illustrated how educational approaches that stem from constructivism could be put into practice. This theme included hands-on classes as well as building agency to think critically through the use of collaborative and social learning methods. Amartya Sen’s capability approach was used as a theoretical framework to evaluate data generated from the pilot. The research findings feedback workshop indicated that increased circular food education would require support from the whole-school, a change in approach by government as well as teacher training to address confidence and agency, and the provision of suitable facilities. One of the outputs from the research is the Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity Theme programme which is being implemented incrementally in schools on a nation-wide basis, with 120 locations to date. A limitation of the Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity Theme is the two-year cycle of the Green-Schools flag system. The thesis recommends a systemic policy change to food education in Irish primary schools. An embedded full-time approach within the primary curriculum would provide structure and scaffolding but requires a collaborative approach from all stakeholders. Until then, an increase in teacher training and developing teacher agency would be a suitable first step to increased food education in Irish primary school classrooms. Circular food education offers a model, which helps provide students with the ability to lead a life in which both they, and the natural world, could flourish.

Language: English

Published: Dublin, Ireland, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Education and a Neighborhood School: A Case Study of Two Early Childhood Education Classrooms

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 1-18

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Project SYNC (Systems, Yoked through Nuanced Collaboration) details perspectives of a community of stakeholders committed to the enhancement of early childhood (i.e., prekindergarten through grade 3) education. Although there is a growing number of public-school programs informed by the Montessori philosophy, Montessori educational experiences often take place within affluent communities. SYNC aimed to enhance the prekindergarten through grade 3 educational experiences for traditionally underserved students by transforming two traditional early childhood classrooms to Montessori settings within a diverse, Title I school. Montessori pedagogy, curricula, and materials aligned with the school’s dedicated commitment to social justice. The study, one in a series, explored the impact of Montessori education on a neighborhood school community as evidenced through stakeholder opinions, project implementation, and teacher attitudes. Project data illustrate that a Montessori educational experience created learning opportunities that supported children from culturally and ethnically diverse communities in a traditional, Title I elementary school.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17161/jomr.v6i1.8539

ISSN: 2378-3923


A Theosophical Paradigm in Montessori Educational Thought: A Point of Contact with Steiner Educational Thought / モンテッソーリ教育思想にみる神智学的パラダイム--シュタイナー教育思想との接点 / A Theosophical Paradigm in Montessori Educational Thought: A Point of Contact with Steiner Educational Thought

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 39

Pages: 50-68

Montessori method of education, Theosophy, Waldorf method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This is an article from Montessori Education, a Japanese language periodical published by the Japan Association Montessori.

Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Social State, Active Citizen and Empowering Education: Contribution of Montessori’s Humanistic Philosophy of Education / Социальное государство, активный гражданин и расширяющее права и возможности образование: вклад гуманистической философии образования Монтессори / Әлеуметтік мемлекет, белсенді азамат құбылысы және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі: Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясының үлесі

Available from: Adam alemi

Publication: Adam Alemi, vol. 94, no. 4

Pages: 78-86

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Abstract/Notes: The social state, the phenomenon of the active citizen, and empowering education are the actual goals of what ‘New Kazakhstan’ has to achieve. Maria Montessori is a globally known, leading thinker and practitioner of humanistic education philosophy and positive social transformations. Montessori believed in and practiced the principles of developing non-commercialized and accessible to all quality education, which is not just child-centric but is also conducive to creating global citizens with an inclusive outlook who perceive themselves as the integral parts of the whole, called Universe. Montessori’s education philosophy helps children develop a way of thinking based on the unity of the Universe, awakens and sustains in them an unrestrained interest in exploring the Universe, evokes creativity, and induces them to see everything in interconnectedness. Overall, an analysis of Cosmic education, a fundamental concept in Montessori’s humanistic philosophy of education, which also can be depicted as empowering education, shows some concrete ways how to form active citizens, create a vital social state and build an inclusive society. / Социальное государство, феномен “активный граждан” и расширяющее права и возможности образование – одни из главных целей, которых должен достичь «Новый Казахстан». Мария Монтессори – одна из всемирно известных ученых и практиктов философии гуманистического образования и позитивных социальных преобразований. Монтессори верила и практиковала принципы развития доступного для всех, некоммерческого и качественного образования, которое не только ориентировано на ребенка, но и способствует формированию глобальных граждан с инклюзивным мировоззрением, которые воспринимают себя как неотъемлемую часть целого, называемого Вселенная. Философия образования Монтессори помогает формировать у детей образ мышления, основанный на единстве Вселенной, пробуждает и поддерживает в них безудержный интерес к познанию Вселенной, пробуждает творчество и побуждает видеть все во взаимосвязи. В целом, анализ Космического образования, фундаментальной концепции гуманистической философии образования Монтессори, которая по сути является расширяющей права и возможности системой образованием, может показать некоторые пути создания феномена “активный гражданин”, формирования сильного социального государства и построения инклюзивного общества. / Әлеуметтік мемлекетті, белсенді азамат құбылысын және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесін – «Жаңа Қазақстанның» қол жеткізуі тиіс басты мақсаттарының арасында атауға болады. Мария Монтессори – жаһанға танымал, гуманистік білім беру философиясы мен оң әлеуметтік өзгерістер жасаудың жетекші ойшылы және практиктерінің бірі. Монтессори барлық азаматтарға қолжетімді, коммерциялық емес сапалы білім беруді дамыту қағидаттарына сенді және оны жүзеге асыра білді. Монтессоридің білім беру философиясы баланы (яғни баланың қажеттіліктерін) негізге алып қана қоймай, сонымен бірге балаға өзін “Ғалам” деп аталатын үлкен жүйенің ажырамас бөлігі және жаһан азаматы ретінде қабылдайтын инклюзивті көзқарас құруға ықпал етеді. Монтессори білім беру философиясы балаларға Ғаламда әр нәрсенің басқалармен тығыз байланыста екенін көрсетуге негізделген ойлау тәсілін дамытуға көмектеседі, оларда Ғаламды зерттеуге деген шексіз қызығушылықты оятады және қолдайды, шығармашылық рухты оятады. Тұтастай алғанда, Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясында (оны құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі деп те сипатауға болады) іргелі тұжырымдама болып табылатын “Ғарыштық білім” түсінігі, белсенді азамат құбылысын қалыптастырудың, күшті әлеуметтік мемлекет пен инклюзивті қоғам құрудың кейбір нақты жолдарын көрсетеді.

Language: English

DOI: 10.48010/2022.4/1999-5849.08

ISSN: 1999-5849

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Preschool STEM Education: Perspectives on the Education-Practice Gap and Professional Development

Available from: California State University - ScholarWorks

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Abstract/Notes: This research revolved around Johnson's (2013) definition of early childhood science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, emphasizing the integration of science and math instruction with scientific inquiry, engineering design, mathematical analysis, and 21st-century interdisciplinary skills. Johnson recommended using an approach called integrated STEM, which aims to create a meaningful integration of STEM disciplines in the context of real-world challenges and problems. Given the swift advancements in science and technology, early exposure to STEM concepts is crucial for children. Research has indicated introducing STEM in preschool equips children with foundational skills to explore complex concepts in elementary school. Early childhood experiences have a substantial impact on cognitive and academic development, fostering brain development and enhancing lifelong cognitive and academic outcomes. Young children naturally exhibit qualities like prediction, hypothesizing, analysis, and curiosity. They actively engage with their surroundings, constructing scientific and mathematical understanding through hands-on STEM activities, and developing competence, knowledge, and problem-solving skills. This study employed narrative inquiry and autoethnography to explore early childhood educators' needs, talents, and challenges in integrating STEM curricula. It addressed critical questions about STEM education, such as its ideal form, optimal introduction timing, and ensuring equitable access for all preschoolers. The research examined educators' STEM knowledge and identified implementation barriers that affect STEM self-efficacy. This research underscores the importance of introducing STEM education early in childhood and highlights the need for comprehensive policies and equitable funding. The study's results bridge the knowledge–doing gap and emphasized the significance of adequately preparing educators to provide STEM-related curricula.

Language: English

Published: San Francisco, California, 2023


Life Education [Drug education program]

Publication: Montessori Today (London), vol. 1, no. 5

Pages: 12-13

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Language: English

ISSN: 0952-8652

Book Section

A new method in infant education (da The Journal of education, settembre 1909)

, Leonardo De Sanctis (Editor)

Book Title: L'infanzia svantaggiata e Maria Montessori: esperienze psicopedagogiche, educative e sociali dal '900 ad oggi

Pages: 148-151

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2013

ISBN: 978-88-95988-36-8

Series: Pagine Vere , 19


Peace 101: The Introduction of Education for Peace as a Mandatory Subject of the Montessori Teacher Education Curriculum

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Language: English

Published: [S.I.]: Nienhuis Montessori USA, 1992


✓ Peer Reviewed

Konsep Montessori Tentang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam [The Montessori Concept of Early Childhood Education in the Perspective of Islamic Education]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (Indonesia)

Publication: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam [Journal of Islamic Religious Education], vol. 11, no. 1

Pages: 37-52

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Education is the business of adults to prepare children to be able to live independently and is able to perform the duties of his life as well as possible. The toddler years are a golden period for the growth and development of children. Development of each child must be observed, education and teaching needs to be ailored to the child’s development. Montessori is early childhood education leaders who opened the eyes of their sensitive period in children, Montessori asserted that education is self-education. Montessori then use the freedom and liveliness of the child with the best in the method, so that each child had the opportunity to evolve according to the nature and talent. In Islam, God entrusted the child is to be protected and educated with the best. Therefore, addressing the development and early childhood education, the need for an educational program that is designed in accordance with the child’s developmental level. This study aims to describe and analyze the Montessori concept of early childhood education in the perspective of Islamic education. Data collection through literature study is based on primary and secondary data. Data analysis using analytic descriptive with inductive thinking patterns. The results showed: 1) Montesssori shift from teacher-education center central (teachers as a source of learning) be child-central (protégé as a center of learning); 2) Sensitive Periods expressed early age is a sensitive period; 3) The freedom and independence according to the Montessori system is not real freedom, but freedom is limited; 4) Child’s Self-Construction stating that children construct their own development of his soul; 5) At the time of early childhood have a soul absorbent range of knowledge and experience in his life. Montessori concept in Islamic educational perspective, the emphasis is on the child’s intellectual is right. However, it should pay attention to other aspects such as emotional aspects and skills.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.14421/jpai.2014.111-03

ISSN: 2502-2075

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