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528 results


The Effect of Montessori Therapeutic Educational Program on the Learning Disabilities Child's Math & Language / Montessori치료교육이 학습장애아의 언어 및 수학교육에 미치는 영향

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 10

Pages: 55-70

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Bachelor's Thesis

Testování jemné motoriky dětí ve věku 3-6 let navštěvujících Montessori předškolní zařízení testovou baterií MABC-2 / Fine Motor Skills Testing of Children in the Preschool Age Visiting Montessori Kindergarten by the battery test MABC-2

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Cíl: V rámci bakalářské práce bylo provedeno měření jemné motoriky u dětí předškolního věku pravidelně navštěvujících Montessori mateřskou školu. Cílem měření bylo posoudit, zdali jsou výsledné hodnoty dětí z Montessori MŠ (mateřská škola) lepší v porovnání s hodnotami dětí, které pravidelně docházejí do běžné mateřské školy. Metodika: Ke sběru dat byla aplikována testová baterie MABC-2. Pro účely výzkumného šetření byla dále použita data z měření jemné motoriky u výběru dětí z pražského komplexu běžných MŠ (autorem dosud nepublikovaného výzkumu je Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D.) a data, která ve své práci uvádí Mgr. Ludvík Valtr. Nejdříve proběhlo porovnání výsledků dětí z Montessori MŠ s hodnotami pražských dětí a poté komparace výsledků zjištěných v Montessori MŠ a hodnot dětí uvedených v diplomové práci Mgr. Ludvíka Valtra. Výsledky a diskuze: V rámci obou porovnání byl patrný statisticky významný rozdíl pouze v motorické dovednosti číslo 1, kdy u prvního zmíněného vzorku vykazovaly ukazatele úrovně jemné motoriky lepší hodnoty u souboru dětí z běžné MŠ a u druhého byla naopak patrná dovednostní převaha dětí z Montessori MŠ. Z výsledků tedy jednoznačně nevyplývá potvrzení ani vyvrácení hypotézy, která předpokládala dosažení jasně lepších výsledků dětmi z Montessori MŠ. / The Aim of the Thesis: We will measure fine motor skills of children in preschool age visiting Montessori kindergarten. We will compare measured results with children who visit common kindergartens. Method: We used battery test MABC-2 for measuring. We also used data from measuring fine motor skills among children from selection of kindergartens in Prague. This research is done by Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. and has not been publishet yet. We also used data presented by Mr. Ludvík Valtr. We compared results between children from the Montessori kindergarten and children visiting prague kindergartens- sample one. Then we compared our results with results from the Diploma thesis by Mr. Ludvík Valtr- sample two. Results and Discussion: We found statistically significant result only in measuring of motor skill number one. In first mentioned sample we found better results between children from common kindergartens. In second mentioned sample we found better results between children from the Montessori kindergarten. We can not confirm or disprove the hypothesis where we expected significantly better results between children visiting Montessori kindergarten.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2015


Montessōri no shūkyō kyōiku / モンテッソーリの宗教教育 [Religious Education by the Montessori Method]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 30

Pages: 70-79

Montessori method of education, Religious education

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220

Doctoral Dissertation

Attraverso i confini. Traduzioni e diffusione di Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica di Maria Montessori. Uno studio comparato [Across the Borders: The Translation and Spread of Maria Montessori’s Scientific Pedagogy – A Comparative Study]

Available from: AMS Dottorato - Institutional Theses Repository (University of Bologna Digital Library)

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori è una delle pedagogiste italiane più conosciute e celebrate in tutto il mondo. Come è noto, il suo pensiero ha avuto una diffusione che per rapidità e ampiezza geografica si può senza dubbio definire straordinaria. Fu Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, pubblicato in Italia nel 1909, a portare la Montessori alla ribalta della scena mondiale. Dal 1912, le traduzioni si moltiplicarono, fino a coprire, prima della fine della prima Guerra mondiale, il panorama europeo e americano. Inoltre, i corsi internazionali per la formazione d’insegnanti stranieri (il primo fu organizzato in Italia nel 1913), permisero la diffusione del metodo anche in India, in Sud America, in Australia e in Asia. La mia ricerca si concentra sull’analisi comparata delle prime traduzioni del Metodo, in particolare l’edizione americana (1912), l’edizione inglese (1912), l’edizione svizzera (1912) e l’edizione francese (1916), calate nel contesto storico, sociale, cultura e pedagogico di riferimento. Per meglio comprendere le modalità di diffusione dell’opera, ho scelto di dare ampio spazio anche alle figure che hanno circondato Maria Montessori e si sono operate per diffondere e promuovere tanto l’opera quanto la filosofia della pedagogista nelle realtà elencate. Il progetto ha voluto mettere a fuoco il processo di costruzione di un lavoro scientifico e culturale costantemente influenzato da una pluralità di culture, tradizioni, lingue e voci differenti, nonché il faticoso impegno dell’autrice di difendere il proprio pensiero da qualsiasi intromissione esterna volta a snaturarlo. [Maria Montessori is one of the most famous and celebrated Italian pedagogists in the world. Due to its speed and geographical extent, the spread of her scientific pedagogy can surely be described as extraordinary, even more since we talk about a woman’s work in the beginning of the twentieth century. It was Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, published in Italy in 1909, that brought Montessori to the forefront of the world scene, allowing her to be acclaimed internationally as one of history’s great pioneering educators. Since 1912, the number of translations multiplied, to the point of covering, before the end of the First World War, the European and American scene. In addition, international courses for the training of teachers (the first was organized in Italy in 1913), allowed the spread of the method in India, South America, Austrialia and Asia. My research focuses on the comparative analysis of the Metodo’s first translations, in particular the American edition (1912), the English edition (1912), the Swiss edition (1912) and the French edition (1916), placed in the historical, social, cultural and pedagogical context of reference. Furthermore, great part of the research is dedicated to the many figures who surrounded Maria Montessori and worked as hard as she did to help in the spreading of both her thought and book internationally. Indeed, editors, translators, journalists and intellectuals, as well as politicians and ambassadors played an essential role in her successful career. The project aimed to focus on Montessori’s process of building a scientific and cultural work constantly influenced by a plurality of different cultures, traditions, languages and voices, as well as on the hard work of the author to defend her philosophy from any external interference aimed at distorting it.]

Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy, 2020


Reports from the Field: National Public Montessori Support Network [addresses of ten public Montessori schools]

Available from: ERIC

Publication: MPSC Update [Montessori Public School Consortium (Cleveland, OH)], vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 5

Americas, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori tra Scienza Spiritualità e Laicità [Maria Montessori Between Science, Spirituality and Secularism]

Available from: Università Degli Studi Firenze

Publication: Studi sulla Formazione / Open Journal of Education, vol. 17, no. 2

Pages: 119-147

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Abstract/Notes: Has Maria Montessori an religious horizon? Yes, she have, but it’s laic and cosmic. It’s tied to her scientific education and to the cultural context in which she lived

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz-16184

ISSN: 2036-6981

Master's Thesis

Una mirada a la filosofía Montessori en el sistema público de enseñanza de Puerto Rico [A look at the Montessori philosophy in the public education system of Puerto Rico]

Available from: University of Puerto Rico - Theses and Disserations Collection

Americas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Caribbean, Public Montessori, Puerto Rico

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Abstract/Notes: Este trabajo presenta las ideas sobresalientes de Montessori. Examina el vínculo entre el enfoque de dicha filosofía y la enseñanza de inglés en Puerto Rico con énfasis de las posibilidades que ofrece tal metodología para obtener logros em la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. Finalmente, expone los retos que enfrenta el maestro que interesa estudiar y aplicar la filosofía Montessori en las escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico.

Language: Spanish

Published: Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2020

Conference Paper

Academic Achievement Outcomes: Montessori and Non-Montessori Public Elementary Students

Available from: Semantic Scholar

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Montessori의 敎育思想에 관한 硏究 [A Study of Montessori Educational Philosophy]

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Language: Korean

Published: Gangneung, South Korea, 1999


장애어린이를 위한 Montessori교육 [Montessori Education for Children with Disabilities]

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 2

Pages: 109-125

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

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