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1652 results


Hartford Early Childhood Program, Hartford, Connecticut: An Urban Public School System's Large-Scale Approach Toward Restructuring Early Childhood Education. Model Programs - Childhood Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: The Hartford Early Childhood Program involves more than 4,500 children from 4 years old to first grade level in over 200 classrooms. Classrooms are designed to offer children an environment that encourages them to learn independently. Ideas have been borrowed from the Montessori approach and the British Infant Schools and fitted to the needs of the Hartford school district's urban students. The program philosophy embodies new approaches that can be used in old school buildings such as formal education beginning at 3 years, mixed-age "family" grouping, interest centers, and emphasis on intrinsic motivation toward personel success. Future plans call for extension of the program to all public school classes in grades K through 2. Sources of more detailed information are provided for this program, specifically, and for Model Programs Childhood Education, in general. (Author/WY)

Language: English

Published: Palo Alto, California, 1970


Social Justice and Montessori Teacher Education: Notes from the IMC Teacher Education Committee

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 28-29

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

The Future of Public Education: A Free Appropriate Public Education for All Students

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Educational change, Public schools

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Abstract/Notes: This paper examines the challenges facing the public school system as it attempts to live up to the promise to provide a “free appropriate public education” to all of its students. The funding mechanism for public schools, with its reliance on community funding, lends itself to inequities. The lack of an effective response to the rising challenge of mental health issues, the unwillingness to respond to the changing skill demands of the workforce by revising curriculum and the ineffectiveness of efforts to close the achievement gap have all led the public to question whether or not they are receiving an “appropriate” education. The response increasingly has been to look for a better educational alternative elsewhere, in charter schools. The effect of charter schools overall has been to weaken public schools’ abilities to provide a quality education for each and every student. An analysis of each of these challenges and possible responses will provide a possible road map for traditional public education to do a better job of living up to its mandate, to “promote the general welfare”.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Early childhood care and education in india [Accueil et education de la petite enfance en inde / Cuidado temprano en la niñez y educación en india]

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: International Journal of Early Years Education, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 31-42

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: A brief history of the development of Early Childhood Care and Education in pre and post Independent India has been given first. The current situation of ECCE, teacher training and research has been described and the Research — Policy — Program interface has been delineated. Among the myriad issues confronting ECCE in the country a few have been selected for discussion. [Un bref historique du développement de l'accueil et de 1'éducation de la petite enfance de la période pré — et post Indepnédance est donné pour débuter. La situation actuelle ,1a formation des enseignants et la recherche ont été décrites et la Recherche — Politique — Programme envisagé ont été délimités. Parmi les myriades de sujets auxquels l'Accueil et l'Education de la Petite Enfance ont été confrontées quelques‐uns ont été sélectionnés pour la discussion. / Primero ha sido descrita una breve historia acerca del desarrollo del Cuidado Temprano de la Niñez y Educacion en la India pre y post independiente. Se ha descrito la situación presente de ECCE, el entrenamiento del profesorado e investigatión y la Investigación — la Política — el Programa común ha sido delineado. Dentro de los muchos miríados temas que confronta la ECCE en el país unos pocos han sido seleccionados para discusión.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/0966976940020103

ISSN: 0966-9760


Science Education and Scientific Education

Publication: NAMTA Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 24-27

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Social State, Active Citizen and Empowering Education: Contribution of Montessori’s Humanistic Philosophy of Education / Социальное государство, активный гражданин и расширяющее права и возможности образование: вклад гуманистической философии образования Монтессори / Әлеуметтік мемлекет, белсенді азамат құбылысы және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі: Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясының үлесі

Available from: Adam alemi

Publication: Adam Alemi, vol. 94, no. 4

Pages: 78-86

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Abstract/Notes: The social state, the phenomenon of the active citizen, and empowering education are the actual goals of what ‘New Kazakhstan’ has to achieve. Maria Montessori is a globally known, leading thinker and practitioner of humanistic education philosophy and positive social transformations. Montessori believed in and practiced the principles of developing non-commercialized and accessible to all quality education, which is not just child-centric but is also conducive to creating global citizens with an inclusive outlook who perceive themselves as the integral parts of the whole, called Universe. Montessori’s education philosophy helps children develop a way of thinking based on the unity of the Universe, awakens and sustains in them an unrestrained interest in exploring the Universe, evokes creativity, and induces them to see everything in interconnectedness. Overall, an analysis of Cosmic education, a fundamental concept in Montessori’s humanistic philosophy of education, which also can be depicted as empowering education, shows some concrete ways how to form active citizens, create a vital social state and build an inclusive society. / Социальное государство, феномен “активный граждан” и расширяющее права и возможности образование – одни из главных целей, которых должен достичь «Новый Казахстан». Мария Монтессори – одна из всемирно известных ученых и практиктов философии гуманистического образования и позитивных социальных преобразований. Монтессори верила и практиковала принципы развития доступного для всех, некоммерческого и качественного образования, которое не только ориентировано на ребенка, но и способствует формированию глобальных граждан с инклюзивным мировоззрением, которые воспринимают себя как неотъемлемую часть целого, называемого Вселенная. Философия образования Монтессори помогает формировать у детей образ мышления, основанный на единстве Вселенной, пробуждает и поддерживает в них безудержный интерес к познанию Вселенной, пробуждает творчество и побуждает видеть все во взаимосвязи. В целом, анализ Космического образования, фундаментальной концепции гуманистической философии образования Монтессори, которая по сути является расширяющей права и возможности системой образованием, может показать некоторые пути создания феномена “активный гражданин”, формирования сильного социального государства и построения инклюзивного общества. / Әлеуметтік мемлекетті, белсенді азамат құбылысын және құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесін – «Жаңа Қазақстанның» қол жеткізуі тиіс басты мақсаттарының арасында атауға болады. Мария Монтессори – жаһанға танымал, гуманистік білім беру философиясы мен оң әлеуметтік өзгерістер жасаудың жетекші ойшылы және практиктерінің бірі. Монтессори барлық азаматтарға қолжетімді, коммерциялық емес сапалы білім беруді дамыту қағидаттарына сенді және оны жүзеге асыра білді. Монтессоридің білім беру философиясы баланы (яғни баланың қажеттіліктерін) негізге алып қана қоймай, сонымен бірге балаға өзін “Ғалам” деп аталатын үлкен жүйенің ажырамас бөлігі және жаһан азаматы ретінде қабылдайтын инклюзивті көзқарас құруға ықпал етеді. Монтессори білім беру философиясы балаларға Ғаламда әр нәрсенің басқалармен тығыз байланыста екенін көрсетуге негізделген ойлау тәсілін дамытуға көмектеседі, оларда Ғаламды зерттеуге деген шексіз қызығушылықты оятады және қолдайды, шығармашылық рухты оятады. Тұтастай алғанда, Монтессоридің гуманистік білім беру философиясында (оны құқық пен мүмкіндіктерді кеңейтетін білім беру жүйесі деп те сипатауға болады) іргелі тұжырымдама болып табылатын “Ғарыштық білім” түсінігі, белсенді азамат құбылысын қалыптастырудың, күшті әлеуметтік мемлекет пен инклюзивті қоғам құрудың кейбір нақты жолдарын көрсетеді.

Language: English

DOI: 10.48010/2022.4/1999-5849.08

ISSN: 1999-5849


The Learning Abilities of the Young Child: Arguments in Favour of Day-Care, Pre-School Education and Parent Education

Publication: Montessori Quarterly, vol. 25

Pages: 2–13

Muriel I. Dwyer - Writings

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitim sistemi ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması / Comparision of Montessori education system with Islamic education system

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Comparative education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education

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Abstract/Notes: In this study where literature review method is used, Montessori education method that is considered among the alternative education methods and the one that carefully defines what kind of education and learning experiences are suitable and useful for each growing period and Islamic education whose basic aim is to grow "mature human being" has been compared. In the introduction part of the study containing two sections as introduction and another two parts, the problem, aim, importance, hypotheses, methods and limitations of the study are handled. Montessori Education system is examined in the first part, and in the second part it is compared with Islamic education that forms the basis for the study, giving information about Islamic education system. Studies carried out on both Montessori and Islamic education systems were searched thoroughly and then they were carefully evaluated before starting to write. Within this context, all the sources related to the subject in the libraries in Turkey were provided, a very large database of information for foreign sources were scanned and they were obtained through different ways. In the light of the data obtained as a result of the study, the methods and principles that are similar in both approaches were determined and their comparison which forms the base for the study was made through the findings obtained. / Literatür taraması yönteminin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada, her gelişim aşamasına, hangi çeşit eğitim ve öğrenme deneyimlerinin uygun ve yararlı olduğunu özenle belirleyen ve alternatif eğitim modellerinden Montessori eğitim sistemi ve esas hedefi "kamil insan yetiştirmek" olan İslam eğitim sistemi karşılaştırılmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Giriş ve iki bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın giriş kısmında araştırmanın problemi, amacı ve önemi, hipotezleri ve yöntem ve sınırlılığı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Montessori eğitim sistemi incelemeye tabi tutulmuş, ikinci bölümde ise araştırmanın temelini oluşturan İslam eğitim sistemi hakkında bilgilere yer verilerek, Montessori ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yazım aşamasına başlamadan önce Montessori ve İslam eğitim sistemiyle ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede Türkiye'deki kütüphanelerdeki konuyla ilgili tüm kaynak eserlerin temini yapılmış, yabancı kaynakların temini için pek çok veritabanlarında taramalar yapılmış ve bu eserler çeşitli şekillerle elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu ortaya çıkan veriler ışığında her iki yaklaşımın benzerlik gösterdiği metot ve ilkeler tespit edilmiş ve elde edilen bulgularla çalışmanın esasını oluşturan her iki yaklaşımın karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Bursa, Turkey, 2016

Master's Thesis

A Study Comparing the Effect of Multiage Education Practices versus Traditional Education Practices on Academic Achievement

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This study compared the effects of multi-age classroom strategies to those of traditional classroom strategies on the academic achievement of fourth grade students in reading and math. Standardized test scores from 20 fourth-grade students in two multi-age third- and fourth-grade classrooms were compared to the scores of 20 students from 7 traditional fourth-grade classrooms. The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), ninth edition was used as the test instrument. Scores from the students' third grade test in the 1996-97 school year were compared to their scores from the fourth grade test in reading and math by applying T-tests to the data. Analysis of the data revealed no difference in reading or math achievement between students taught in a multi-age classroom and those from a traditional classroom.

Language: English

Published: Salem, West Virginia, 1998


Basic Education and the Montessori Method [Gandhi's Wardha Scheme of Basic Education]

Publication: The Montessori Magazine: A Quarterly Journal for Teachers, Parents and Social Workers (India), vol. 1, no. 2/3

Pages: 44-49

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Wardha scheme of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

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