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125 results


Maria Montessori et Célestin Freinet: Voix et Voies pour Notre École [Maria Montessori and Célestin Freinet: Voices and Directions for Our School]

Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Freinet Modern School Movement, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: French

Published: Paris, France: ESF Sciences Humaines, 2020

ISBN: 978-2-7101-4261-4 2-7101-4261-9


✓ Peer Reviewed

Sličnosti i razlike pedagoških modela Marije Montessori, Rudolfa Steinera i Célestina Freineta [Similarities and differences of pedagogical models of Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner and Célestin Freinet]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu, vol. 56, no. 1-2

Pages: 65-77

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Abstract/Notes: Ovim radom nastoji se istaknuti važnost alternativnih škola koje u svijetu paralelno s državnim školama funkcioniraju od prve polovice 20. st. Metodom komparativne analize prikazuju se tri originalna pedagoška modela: Montessori-pedagogija, waldorfske škole i Freinetov pokret. Posebna pozornost posvećena je teoretskim postavkama i didaktičko-metodičkim posebnostima navedenih pedagoških modela. Steinerova pedagogija temelji se na antropozofiji, Montessori pedagogija na antropologiji, dok je rad temelj Freinetove pedagogije. Zajednička sastavnica ovih alternativnih modela jest: sloboda u širem značenju, poštivanje djeteta kao individue, samostalan rad učenika, učenje istraživanjem, poticanje suradnje u kolektivu, promjena uloge učitelja, korištenje raznih materijala i tehnika u organizaciji učenja i nastave i općenito bolja priprema za život u društvu. Proučavajući temeljne sličnosti i razlike alternativnih školskih sustava, može se zaključiti da je rad i cjelokupna organizacija učenja i nastave uvelike drugačija nego u državnim školama. Obzirom da u Hrvatskoj postoji nekolicina škola koje rade po koncepcijama ovih pedagogija, svrha je rada da se zanimljiva didaktičkometodička rješenja implementiraju u postojeće državne škole, a time i poboljšaju razvoj pedagoškog i školskog pluralizma. [This article tries to point-out the importance of alternative schools which have existed in the world parallel with public schools from the first half of the 20th century. The method of comparative analysis shows three original pedagogical models: Montessori pedagogy, Waldorf schools and Freinet’s movement. Special attention was given to theoretical theses and didactic-methodological particularities of these pedagogical models. Steiner’s pedagogy is based on anthroposophy; Montessori’s pedagogy is based on anthropology, while in Freinet’s pedagogy work is fundamental. The models share the following characteristics: freedom in a broader sense, respect for the child as an individual, individual work of the student, learning through research, stimulation of group cooperation, use of different methods and materials in the organization of learning activities, and generally better preparation for life in society. By analyzing similarities and differences between alternative pedagogical models and those used in public schools, we can conclude that the overall organization of teaching classes differs considerably from that in public schools. Since there are only few schools in Croatia that work following the conceptions of these pedagogies, the main purpose of this work is to implement these interesting didactic-methodical solutions in the existing public schools and by doing so to enhance the development of pluralism in education.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 0037-654X, 1848-0756


Reformpädagogische Bewegung und aktuelle Schulreform: die Relevanz der reformpädagogischen Programme Maria Montessoris und Célestin Freinets für Innovative, methodisch-didaktische Ansätze im Volksschulunterricht

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Language: German

Published: [S.I.]: s.n.], 1996

Doctoral Dissertation

La Problematique de l'Education a la Paix a la Lumiere de Deux Representants de l'Education Nouvelle: Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori [The Problem of Education for Peace in the Light of Two Representatives of New Education: Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori]

Available from: Université Lyon 2 Theses

Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, New Education Fellowship, Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: L'étude du thème de l'éducation à la paix en regard des options spécifiques, éducatives et pédagogiques - historiquement ancrées - de Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori, inscrites dans le mouvement de l'Education nouvelle, imposent avant tout d'interroger le concept de paix à la lumière des approches philosophiques. La notion de conflit, comme lieu - d'espace et de temps, moment différé à la violence - où s'articulent les rapports de tensions entre les contraires mis en présence, apparaît dès lors comme l'élément central à prendre en considération dans ce qui caractérise les relations humaines, afin que ces dernières ne dégénèrent pas en violence aveugle. S'il est indéniable que les deux pédagogues ont été animés par un profond désir de voir la paix s'installer dans le monde après deux catastrophes mondiales, il n'en demeure pas moins que leurs approches en ce domaine révèlent, à l'instar de leur attitude vis à vis des conflits armés, un déni de la notion même de conflit au sein des relations entre les hommes et par voie de conséquence de la valeur qui lui est attachée. L'établissement d'une adéquation entre nature et paix, renforcée en cette époque charnière du début du XXe siècle, amène Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori à asseoir leurs conceptions, pour l'un comme pour l'autre, sur les bases du naturalisme et du vitalisme en prenant, pour Maria Montessori plus particulièrement, le chemin de la religion. C'est en cela que les conceptions et démarches de ces deux pédagogues, s'inscrivant dans le mouvement plus général de l'Education nouvelle, s'appuient sur la nécessité de l'éradication des conflits. Outre le fait que par la voie du pacifisme, la paix ne saurait advenir, l'éducation à la paix demeure un problème parce qu'elle se doit de considérer la composante conflictuelle tant dans les relations inter-individuelles qu'inter-éthniques et inter-étatiques. Il reste au demeurant que non seulement on peut mais que l'on doit éduquer à la paix, au risque de la violence possible, afin d'assurer aux futures générations l'apprentissage de liberté et de l'autonomie. [The probematics of education for peace in light of two representatives of the New education : Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori The study of education for peace theme from the specific, educational and pedagogical – historically rooted – options of Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori, registered in the New Education movement, imposes first to question the concept of peace in the light of philosophical approaches. The notion of conflict, as unit – of space and time, moment differred to violence – where tension struggles between opposites, appear from that time as the central element to be considered in what caracterizes human relations, so that these relations do not degenerate in blind violence. If it is undeniable that both pedagogues have been incited by a deep desire to see peace spreading over the world after both world catastrophes, the fact remains that their approaches in this domain reveal, in the manner of their attitude towards armed conflicts, a denial of the very notion of conflict in relations between men and consequently of the value hereto attached. The setting-up of an adequacy between nature and peace, reinforced at this hinge time of the beginning of the 20th century, leads Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori to ground their conceptions, for both of them, on the basis of naturalism and vitalism, by taking, especially for Maria Montessori, the way of religion. Conceptions and approaches of these both pedagogues, in the scope of the general New Education movement, lean on the necessity to eradicate conflicts. Besides the fact that by the way of pacifism, peace could not come to pass, education to peace remains a problem because it has to consider the conflict element in inter-individual as well as inter-ethnical and inter-state relations. The fact remains that education to peace not only can be but has to be dispensed, at the risk of possible violence, in order to ensure to future generations learning of freedom and autonomy.]

Language: French

Published: Lyon, France, 2004


Der Schule wieder Sinn geben: eine Umsetzung der pädagogischen Theorien von Maria Montessori und Célestin Freinet in die Oberstufe (insbesondere in die HAK und HAS)

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Language: German

Published: Innsbruck, Germany: [s.n.], 1997


Das Spiel in der Reformpädagogik Ein Vergleich zwischen Celestin Freinet und Maria Montessori

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Language: German

Published: München, Germany: GRIN, 2007

ISBN: 978-3-638-64649-9 3-638-64649-1

Book Section

Maria Montessori - Célestin Freinet - Peter Petersen

Available from: V&R E-Library

Book Title: Reformpädagogische Konzepte

Pages: 75-93

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Language: German

Published: Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-525-70152-2

Series: Frühe Bildung und Erziehung

Video Recording

Europäische Reformpädagogen: Maria Montessori, Peter Petersen, Célestin Freinet

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Runtime: 90 minutes

Language: German

Published: Ellwangen, Germany, 2004


Montessori- , Freinet- , Waldorfpädagogik: Konzeption und aktuelle Praxis [Montessori, Freinet, Waldorf education: Concept and current practice]

Alternative education, Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Educational change, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rudolf Steiner - Biographic sources, Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy, Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: German

Published: Weinheim, Germany: Beltz, 1992

ISBN: 3-407-25140-8 978-3-407-25140-4


Montessori- , Freinet- , Waldorfpädagogik: Konzeption und aktuelle Praxis [Montessori, Freinet, Waldorf education: Concept and current practice]

Alternative education, Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Educational change, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rudolf Steiner - Biographic sources, Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy, Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: German

Published: Weinheim, Germany: Beltz, 1994

Edition: 2nd ed.

ISBN: 3-407-25140-8 978-3-407-25140-4

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