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16 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Historiando a Montessori: desde el feminismo y socialismo utópico hacia su compromiso como pionera del holismo / Telling the Montessori story: From feminism and utopic socialism towards her compromise with cosmic education and conscious cultural evolution

Available from: Universidad de Costa Rica - Portal de Revistas Académicas

Publication: Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, vol. 12, no. 3

Pages: 1-33

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Abstract/Notes: El presente ensayo indaga acerca de las raíces de la educación montessoriana, pionera de concepciones holistas. Como resultado, se evidencia que únicamente puede ser abordada desde un paradigma de la complejidad y del compromiso con el destino de la humanidad. Solo una comprensión más amplia de su teleología, antropología y epistemología, nos proporcionará la perspectiva que permita integrar estas dimensiones. Con una introducción que parte de la primera costarricense en poner en práctica su filosofía, la preclara Carmen Lyra, se aborda la multi-texualidad, complejidad y trasdisciplinareidad de Montessori, así como sus contingencias y su época, indagación necesaria para sopesar su necesidad hoy. A search for Montessori’s roots concludes that an authentic Montessori education, pioneer in holistic conceptions, can only be addressed from a paradigm of complexity, a Transdisciplinary perspective, and an attitude of compromise with the destiny of humanity. Only an all-encompassing understanding of her teleology, anthropology, and epistemology will provide a perspective to integrate these dimensions. In relating Montessori’s circumstances and life-experiences, a parallel is made to the challenges faced by the first practicing Montessorian in Costa Rica, Carmen Lyra, educator, writer, activist, and founding-member of the Costa Rican Communist Party. Montessori’s multi-texuality, contingencies and the quotidien are addressed in an effort to outline her relevance today.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.15517/aie.v12i3.10298

ISSN: 1409-4703

Master's Thesis

El mètode Montessori a Catalunya a través de revistes i publicacions periòdiques (1911-2014) [The Montessori method in Catalonia through journals and periodicals (1911-2014)]

Available from: Universitat de Vic - Institutional Repository

Europe, Southern Europe, Spain

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952), doctora i pedagoga, va dedicar la vida a l’estudi de l’infant. A partir de les seves observacions va elaborar un mètode pedagògic en el qual el centre era el nen i propiciava la resolució de les seves necessitats. El seu mètode va estendre’s per tot el món, arribant a Catalunya l’any 1911 a través d’un article a la revista Feminal. L’any 1914 es va dur a terme per primera vegada a la Casa de Maternitat de Barcelona una experiència d’aplicació del mètode Montessori. Des d’aquell moment l’ interès pel mètode va anar en creixement, sent molts els mestres i pedagogs interessats en ell. Aquest fet va provocar que fins i tot la mateixa Maria Montessori va viure durant un període a Catalunya. En aquest treball hem analitzat 95 articles publicats a Catalunya des del 1911 al 2014, any de celebració del centenari de la primera aula Montessori a Barcelona, per tal de valorar la repercussió que aquests articles podien haver tingut en la difusió i impuls del mètode a Catalunya. [Maria Montessori (1870-1952), a doctor and pedagogue, dedicated her life to the study of the child. From his observations he elaborated a pedagogical method in which the center was the child and favored the resolution of his needs. Her method spread all over the world, arriving in Catalonia in 1911 through an article in the magazine Feminal. In 1914, an experiment in the application of the Montessori method was carried out for the first time at the Barcelona Maternity Home. From that moment on, interest in the method grew, with many teachers and educators interested in it. This fact caused that even the same Maria Montessori lived during a period in Catalonia. In this work we have analyzed 95 articles published in Catalonia from 1911 to 2014, the year of the centenary of the first Montessori classroom in Barcelona, ​​in order to assess the impact that these articles could have had on the dissemination and promotion of the method in Catalonia.]

Language: Catalan

Published: Vic, Spain, 2017

Master's Thesis

Printing Peace: Cultural and Pedagogical Negotiation Through Children's Periodicals in Costa Rica, 1912-1947

Available from: University of Illinois - IDEALS

Americas, Carmen Lyra - Biographic sources, Central America, Costa Rica, Latin America and the Caribbean, Luisa González - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, Peace

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Abstract/Notes: At the turn of the twentieth century, in the context of the budding nation-state formation process throughout Latin America, liberalism, nationalism, and social reforms dominated Latin American intellectual political discourse in its relentless quest for modernity. Popular literacy movements and the expansion and centralization of the educational sphere, which was essential for cultivating national identities and reinforcing allegiance, proliferated throughout Latin America. In Costa Rica, the Olympians, a group of elite intellectuals intricately connected with the agro-export oligarchy, directed social and political reforms. The Olympians were overwhelmingly patriotic and patriarchal, and aimed to create a national culture that would reinforce existing economic, gender, and racial hierarchies. This project focuses on revolutionary feminists Carmen Lyra and Luisa González, who negotiated the cultural politics of education as intermediaries between students and the state through the publication of children’s periodicals. Specifically, this project analyzes the periodicals San Selerín (1912-1913, 1923-1924) and Triquitraque (1936-1947) to elucidate the ways in which these educators used children’s literature and Montessorian pedagogy to create a culture of inclusion and engagement rather than the patriotic and patriarchal pedagogy the Olympians. Contemporary memory has forgotten the revolutionary ideals of these educators, but this project affirms Carmen Lyra and Luisa González cannot be separated from their legacies as active members of the Costa Rican Communist Party, as fervent proletarian internationalists, and as revolutionary feminists. To do so would be to neutralize the potency of their memory.

Language: English

Published: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 2016


✓ Peer Reviewed

Educational Ideas of Maria Montessori on the Pages of Foreign Periodicals / Освітні Ідеї Марії Монтеcсорі На Сторінках Зарубіжних Періодичних Видань

Available from: Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine)

Publication: Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, vol. 76, no. 3

Pages: 84-90

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Abstract/Notes: The article deals with the educational ideas the famous Italian doctor and educator Maria Montessori, her many-sided personality, some aspects of the life, activities and methods highlighted on the pages of foreign periodicals. The relevance of the pedagogue’s ideas in the modern world has been stressed; the demand of the modern society for the education of a free individual, striving for independent active searches and self-realization, has been emphasized. The article reveals the personality of M. Montessori as one of the educators who was able to pose and solve a global problem in philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theory, as well as to implement her concept in practice, creating a pedagogical system named as «Montessori method». M. Montessori; as an educator who gave a new quality to the education development strategy, humanizing it, returning it to the person. The analysis of M. Montessori’s pedagogical activities, positions, views and her life paths, highlighted by foreign researches, have been presented in the article; her role as an architect of the «rediscovery» of the child has been stressed. The educator’s revolutionary ideas about childhood and education for life, rather than education based on obedience and immobility, have been noted as well as their development as a result of M. Montessori’s medical research has been admitted; her new visions of the school by designing strategies that would overcame the barriers to education, have been mentioned. The article also stresses the educator’s desire to show how to save humanity by means of pedagogy: starting with the child and human freedom and, in particular, freedom for women. / У статті розглядаються просвітницькі ідеї відомої італійської лікарки та педагогині Марії Монтессорі, її багатогранна особистість, окремі сторони життя, діяльності, методики, цінності, світоглядні орієнтири та принципи, висвітлені дослідниками на сторінках зарубіжних періодичних видань. Підкреслено актуальність ідей італійської педагогині в сучасному світі; зауважено запит сучасного суспільства на виховання вільної особистості, що прагне до самостійного активного пошуку, зростання та самореалізації. У статті розкривається особистість М. Монтессорі як однієї з педагогинь, яка зуміла поставити і вирішити глобальну проблему у філософській та психолого-педагогічній теоріях, а також змогла реалізувати її концепцію на практиці, створивши педагогічну систему під назвою «Метод Монтессорі». М. Момтессорі розкривається у статті як освітня діячка, яка надала стратегії розвитку освіти нової якості –гуманізувавши її та повернувши її людині. У статті подано думки зарубіжних дослідників стосовно педагогічної діяльності, позицій, поглядів та життєвих шляхів М. Монтессорі, висвітлених на сторінках зарубіжних періодичних видань; підкреслюється її роль як архітектора «повторного відкриття»дитини. Відзначено революційні ідеї педагогині стосовно дитинства та виховання на все життя, а не виховання на основі слухняності та нерухомості, а також визнання їх розвитку у результаті медичних досліджень М. Монтессорі. Згадано коментарі зарубіжних дослідників стосовно того, що протягом тривалого часу М. Монтессорі вважалася «проблемною»фігурою в італійському академічному та політичному істеблішменті, «будучи нонконформісткою, феміністкою та «складним педагогом»«; зауважено і підкреслено її нове бачення школи шляхом розробки стратегій задля подолання бар’єрів в освіті. У статті також наголошується на прагненні педагогині показати, як засобами педагогіки врятувати людство: починаючи зі свободи дитини та свободи людини та, зокрема, свободи жінки.

Language: English, Ukrainian

DOI: 10.28925/1609-8595.2023.3.8

ISSN: 2412-0774

Book Section

The Scientific Feminism of Maria Montessori

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 22-27

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: This chapter traces Maria Montessori’s feminism from her early career to her work in the field of education. Her first appearances on the public stage were political, and in the late nineteenth century she was active in both the national and the international arenas. While she participated in two international women’s congresses held in Berlin in 1896 and London in 1899, her militant feminism was more than that. Concern with the condition of women in social, political, and even private political life was the guiding thread of her intellectual and scientific formation and served as the inspiration for her transition from medicine to pedagogy. As discussed in this chapter, she shifted her battle on behalf of motherhood and women’s rights from the political to the educational arenas.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks


La Giovane Montessori: Dal Femminismo Scientifico alla Scoperta del Bambino [The Young Montessori: From Scientific Feminism to the Discovery of the Child]

Available from: Google Books

Feminism, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Una biografia professionale della giovane dottoressa, che segue il suo percorso di lavoro e lo sviluppo del suo pensiero dopo la laurea in medicina del 1896 fino ai primi anni della sua pedagogia scientifica, concentrandosi intorno al suo forte impegno sociale. [A professional biography of the young doctor, who follows her career path and the development of her thinking after her medical degree in 1896 up to the early years of her scientific pedagogy, focusing on her strong social commitment.]

Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy: Il Leone Verde, 2020

ISBN: 978-88-6580-295-3

Book Section

Education, Philanthropy and Feminism: Components of Argentine Womanhood, 1860-1926

Book Title: Latin American Woman: Historical Perspectives

Pages: 235-253

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Language: English

Published: Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1978

ISBN: 978-0-313-20309-1 0-313-20309-1

Series: Contributions in Women's Studies , 3

Book Section

Emancipazione e rigenerazione spirituale: per una nuova lettura del femminismo [Emancipation and spiritual regeneration: for a new reading of feminism]

Book Title: Donne ottimiste: femminismo e associazioni borghesi nell'Otto e Novecento [Optimistic women: feminism and bourgeois associations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries]

Europe, Feminism, Italy, Southern Europe, Spirituality, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 2002

ISBN: 978-88-15-08943-4

Series: Saggi , 570

Master's Thesis

Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí (1866-1962) and the Forgotten History of Nicaraguan Feminism, 1821-1955

Americas, Central America, Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Nicaragua

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Language: English

Published: Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996


Le Féminisme Italien: Une Entrevue avec Mlle Montessori

Publication: L'Italie

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: French

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