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1540 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Filsafat Pendidikan Maria Montessori Dengan Teori Belajar Progresivisme Dalam Pendidikan Aud [Maria Montessori Educational Philosophy with Progressivism Learning Theory in Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Publication: Bunayya: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak [Journal of Children's Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 64-88

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan pendidikan Islam dari sudut pandang Maria Montessori, yang merupakan tokoh pendidikan anak yang mencurahkan hampir keseluruhan hidupnya untuk anak-anak. Maria Montessori memiliki prinsip dasar mengenai metode montessori ini, yang sangat memfokuskan anak sebagai childern center dan orang dewasa sebagai pembimbing. Menurutnya, suatu fase kehidupan di awal sangat berpengaruh terhadap faserase kehidupan selanjutnya artinya bahwa pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialami oleh seorang anak di awal kehidupannya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kedewasaannya kelak begitu juga perlakuan yang di dapatkan anak sejak kecil akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembang an anak selanjutnya. Kemudiaan sebagai umat Islam, sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi orang tua dan pendidik untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman pada anak-anaknya. Dan agar nilai-nilai ke-Islaman tersebut dapat terserap dengan sempurna, maka harus diajarkan sejak anak-anak usia dini juga. Rasulullah telah menegaskan tentang tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak-anak dalam sabdanya. [This paper tries to explain Islamic education from the perspective of Maria Montessori, who is a figure of children's education who devotes almost her entire life to children. Maria Montessori has a basic principle regarding this Montessori Method, which is very focused on children as children centers and adults as guides. According to him, a phase of life at the beginning is very influential on the phases of the next life which means that the experiences experienced by a child early in life are very influential on their maturity as well as the treatment that children get from childhood will greatly affect the subsequent development of children. Youth as Muslims, it has become an obligation for parents and educators to instill Islamic values in their children. And so that these Islamic values can be absorbed perfectly, it must be taught from an early age as well. Rasulullah has emphasized the responsibility of parents towards children in their sayings.]

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2549-3329


Maria Montessori: lettera a un montessoriano: 1947: un documento rivelatore delle speranze di Maria Montessori affidate all'Opera Montessori e a tutti i montessoriani

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 45, no. 8

Pages: 4-7

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241

Doctoral Dissertation

American Writings on Maria Montessori: An Inquiry into Changes in the Reception and Interpretations Given to Writings on Maria Montessori and Montessori Educational Ideas 1910-1915 and 1958-1970

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this dissertation will be to survey and analyze American writings on Maria Montessori and her educational system, in order to show how the idea of Montessori education has interacted with some changing American ideas and social forces. These changes in social and intellectual currents can be likened to a shift from centrifugal to centripetal force; or to the expansion and then the contraction of a universe. The central metaphor is the same. It is applicable to, and illustrative of, much about the changing social and educational scene in America. The writings on Montessori, examined against this framework, should provide a new view on certain changes in American educational thinking.

Language: English

Published: Kent, Ohio, 1973


✓ Peer Reviewed

M. Schwegman, Maria Montessori 1870-1952. Kind van haar tijd, vrouw van de wereld; H. Leenders, Montessori en fascistisch Italië. Een receptiegeschiedenis [M. Schwegman, Maria Montessori 1870-1952. Child of her time, woman of the world; H. Leenders, Montessori and Fascist Italy. A reception history]

Available from: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review

Publication: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, vol. 117, no. 3

Pages: 428-430

Book reviews

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Abstract/Notes: Book Reviews

Language: Dutch

DOI: 10.18352/bmgn-lchr.5751

ISSN: 2211-2898


✓ Peer Reviewed

L’educazione morale e religiosa nell’opera di Maria Montessori: Alcuni studi del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma [Moral and religious education in the work of Maria Montessori: Some studies of the Montessori Laboratory in Rome]

Available from: Università di Macerata

Publication: History of Education and Children's Literature (HECL), vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 159-168

Europe, Italy, Moral education, Religious education, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: L’articolo illustra il programma di ricerche del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma, un’as- sociazione che raccoglie ricercatori di varia provenienza impegnati nello studio della storia del metodo Montessori. Particolare attenzione è rivolta a due tematiche: da una parte, la formazione del carattere, che è stata oggetto di approfondite ricerche negli ultimi vent’anni (si vedano le ricerche di Angeline Stoll Lillard); e, dall’altra, l’educazione religiosa – temati- ca alla quale la Montessori si dedicò profondamente, mantenendo fino alla fine la radicata convinzione che il proprio metodo potesse essere utile all’insegnamento religioso e della religione cattolica in particolare. [This paper presents the research program of the Laboratory Montessori in Rome. The Laboratory is an association which brings together scholars from various countries to carry out research projects on the history of the Montessori movement. In 2011, the association has explored character education according to the Montessori method and special attention will be devoted to religious education. The character education has been studied with par- ticular attention in the last twenty years, and some research (for example, those of Angeline Stoll Lillard) have demonstrated the validity of the Montessori method. Religious education has been the subject of much discussion since Montessori had intense relationships with other cultures and religious figures from around the world. The author argues that Montes- sori devoted himself to Catholic education; she was linked to this confession until the end of his work and his life.]

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1971-1093, 1971-1131


Montessori Yöntemi: Her Yönüyle Montessori Eğitimi ve Etkinlik Rehberi [The Montessori Method: Montessori Education and Activity Guide in Any Way]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education is gaining popularity day by day and it has become one of the most interesting subjects in the field of education all over the world. So what is Montessori education? What does this educational philosophy, which affects everyone, tell? Who is Maria Montessori who revolutionized the field of education? The Montessori Method was prepared to find the answer to all these questions. One of the aims of the Montessori educational philosophy is not only to teach, but also to enable the child to gather his own experiences and explore and be active. This book was written to share these experiences accumulated over the years in Montessori education and the stimulating perspective of Montessori education. The main purpose of the education and activities in the book is to prepare the most suitable environment for children to find everything that will enable them to be independent and to support their development. The inside of the book is completed with many sample applications and drawings in order to make these activities to be done with children much more understandable. This book, prepared by the International Montessori Association (AMI) certified Montessori educator Emel Çakıroğlu Wilbrandt, as a result of years of experience and training, has the feature of being a guide for educators and parents in their daily work with children. / Montessori eğitimi gün geçtikçe yaygınlık kazanıyor ve eğitim alanında, bütün dünyada en ilgi çeken konulardan biri olmuş durumda. Peki Montessori eğitimi nedir? Herkesi etkisi altına alan bu eğitim felsefesi neler anlatıyor? Eğitim alanında bir devrime imza atan Maria Montessori kimdir? Montessori Yöntemi, tüm bu soruların cevabını bulmak için hazırlandı. Montessori eğitim felsefesinin amaçlarından biri, yalnızca öğretmek değil aynı zamanda çocuğun kendi deneyimlerini bir araya getirip keşifler yapabilmesini ve etkin olmasını sağlamaktır. Bu kitap, Montessori eğitiminde yıllar boyunca biriken bu deneyimlerin ve Montessori eğitiminin ufuk açıcılığının paylaşılması için yazıldı. Kitapta yer alan eğitim ve etkinliklerin başlıca amacı, çocuklara bağımsız olmalarını sağlayacak her şeyi bulabilecekleri ve gelişimlerini destekleyen en uygun çevreyi hazırlamaktır. Kitabın içi çocuklarla yapılacak bu etkinliklerin çok daha anlaşılır olmasını desteklemek amacıyla çok sayıda örnek uygulama ve çizimle tamamlandı. Uluslararası Montessori Derneği (AMI) diplomalı Montessori eğitimcisi Emel Çakıroğlu Wilbrandt’ın yıllara dayanan deneyim ve eğitimleri sonucunda hazırladığı bu kitap, çocuklarla günlük olarak yapılacak çalışmalarda eğitimcilere ve ebeveynlere bir rehber olma özelliğine sahip.

Language: Turkish

Published: Istanbul, Turkey: Final Kültür Sanat Yayinlari, 2019

ISBN: 978-605-374-958-5 605-374-958-3


Diffusione e Prospettive dell'Educazione Montessori in Giappone: Montessori nel Mondo [Diffusion and Perspectives of Montessori Education in Japan: Montessori in the World]

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 46, no. 6

Pages: 14-19

Asia, East Asia, Japan, Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori e i corsi di pedagogia infantile presso le Francescane Missionarie di Maria [Maria Montessori and the courses of infantile pedagogy at the Missionary Franciscans of Maria]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, vol. 25

Pages: 74-88

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Religious education, Trainings

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Abstract/Notes: The article intends to document the presence of the nuns at the courses held by the Prof. Montessori in the years 1910-1911 at the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary in their home in Via Giusti in Rome. It is certain that, with the support of the Vicariate of Rome, numerous Franciscan Missionary of Mary, some Guanellian Sisters and a group of Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret participated in the courses. The article also illustrates the difficulty that the Montessori method elicited then in the Catholic sphere and the reaction...

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1723-9672, 2612-6559

Book Section

Maria Wachendorf (1913-1998): Maria Wachendorf - eine Würdigung zum 70 Geburtstag (1983) [Maria Wachendorf (1913-1998): Maria Wachendorf - a tribute to her 70 birthday (1983)]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 145-146

Europe, Germany, Western Europe

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori e Maria Maraini Guerrieri Gonzaga: un'amicizia solidale [Maria Montessori and Maria Maraini Guerrieri Gonzaga: A Friendship in Solidarity]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, vol. 25

Pages: 115-145

Maria Maraini Guerrieri Gonzaga - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: This contribution has the intention to retrace, by letters and documents, a period of Maria Montessori's life, from 1910 to 1913. It was a short but a decisive period on a human and professional level, in which–after having had overcame many difficulties–she had abandoned the profession of doctor to embrace that of an educator; her Case dei Bambini and the scientific pedagogy method were affirmed; her son Mario, who had previously grown up with a nanny and then in a boarding school, finally went to live with her; and she had then...

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1723-9672, 2612-6559

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