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506 results

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Relevant Professional Development: Reflective of Adult Learning Styles

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This action research project was instigated to determine the effects of professional development (PD) for practicing Montessori teachers using the Montessori Language materials. The specific targeted materials included: vocabulary cards, sound analysis, sandpaper letters, moveable alphabet, pencil use, and reading. The research took place during a four week period in a large west coast Montessori school that serves children between 18 months and 12 years old. The teachers who participated in the study all worked with children between the ages of 3 – 6 years old. The data was collected using a provider journal (notes taken by the researcher during the PD sessions), questionnaires and weekly teacher logs. The researcher used available PD literature to plan and execute the study, which highlighted the importance of teachers participating in PD that was designed around participant identified content. The literature also provided guidance as to the content methods to incorporate into the PD sessions. At the conclusion of the study, findings revealed that the teachers benefited from support in all the language categories listed. They also became aware of the content delivery methods that best met their individual needs. Future research is needed to determine the content and delivery needs of teachers in different stages of their careers.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2016

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Project-Based and Student-Centered Learning in Teaching the Montessori Social Development Curriculum

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how Montessori middle school educators described the use of project-based and student-centered learning to teach social development to their adolescent female students in the southeast region of the United States. The theoretical framework providing a lens for this examination of project-based and student-centered learning and how teachers described how such learning exercised on their students’ social development was Vygotsky’s social learning and development theory. Two research questions were posed for this study. RQ1 asked: How do Montessori middle school educators describe the use of project-based learning to teach social development to their adolescent female students? RQ2 asked: How do Montessori middle school educators describe the use of student-centered learning to teach social development to their adolescent female students? The sample (N = 30) completed 30 questionnaires, 10 individual semi-structured interviews via Zoom, and a 3-member focus group via Zoom. The sampling strategy was purposeful sampling. All participants originated from the southeast region of the United States and represented one school. An open-ended questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group were the sources of data. Thematic analysis with an inductive coding approach was performed to identify, analyze, and report patterns emerging from the data. Four key themes emerged: (a) promoting the construction of knowledge; (b) student voice and choice; (c) student ownership and agency; (d) construction of learning. The results highlighted the important role that Montessori middle school educators play when teaching adolescents girls.

Language: English

Published: Phoenix, Arizona, 2021

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Architecture and Students' Physical Activity in Learning Environments

Available from: University of Notre Dame Australia

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Language: English

Published: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia, 2022

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Toward an Improved Model of Education: Maria Montessori, Karl Popper, and the Evolutionary Epistemology of Human Learning

Available from: Lehigh University Library

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Abstract/Notes: Although most Americans steadfastly maintain that getting a good education guarantees a better society and opens the door to more rewarding careers, it is debated regularly whatthe best set of educational priorities and practices that constitute good schoolingshould be. Sociopolitical considerations of power and control have often driven the agendas of educational reform movements in the United States, and these agendas have typically clustered around adult priorities and ideas of how knowledge should be “transmitted” to children (Cuban, 2003, 2004; Kliebard, 1995, 2002; Perkinson, 1968, 1980, 1984; Tyack & Cuban, 1995). It is asserted in this dissertation that approaches to educational reform should instead be derived from an informed understanding of naturalistic human learning so that curricular structures and pedagogical practices start from children and work backwards in support of their intrinsic curiosity and search for regularities in the world around them...

Language: English

Published: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 2012

Master's Thesis

Montessori Education and Learning in Living Systems

Available from: American Montessori Society

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Language: English

Published: Beverly, Massachusetts, 2012

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Learning as Development: Reflections of Former Montessori Students

Available from: American Montessori Society

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Language: English

Published: Moraga, California, 2014

Doctoral Dissertation

Learning by Doing with Maria Montessori's Fraction Material- an Analysis of Operations and Methematical Processes of Understanding of Primary School Children

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Abstract/Notes: Parent-teacher partnership could dramatically improve educational outcomes for students (Bikmaz & Guler, 2003; Epstein, 2001). However, most teachers and parents lack knowledge and resources for creating this relationship (Christenson, 2004; Epstein, 2001; Henderson & Mapp, 2002). The interactive handbook is a tool for Montessori elementary educators and parents that addresses the common barriers to connection and develops a partnership to provide a continuation of lessons and values from the classroom to the home. The implementation is focused on the Montessori elementary context as it correlates to the "cosmic education" philosophy. Current parents and teachers in the public and private sector of Montessori elementary education evaluated the handbook, and their feedback was incorporated to be the most relevant and effective tool possible. [Reviewed in AMI Communications 2008/1]

Language: English

Published: Münster, Germany, 2006

Doctoral Dissertation

Learning Processes of Highly Gifted Children in the Free Work of the Montessori Method - an Empirical Analysis on the Basis of Individual Case Studies in Montessori Primary Schools

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Abstract/Notes: The beginnings of the dissertation by Esther Grindel, holder of the Montessori diploma and former assistant at the Montessori Centre, also date back to this time. The survey analyses in an empirical way how and under which conditions highly gifted primary school children can learn according to their individual competencies and needs in the periods of Free Work, which is a characteristic way of learning in the Montessori Method. On the basis of four descriptive case studies of highly gifted students of a Montessori primary school typical structures of their ways of learning during the Montessori Free Work are investigated in a comparative analysis. The results, which are discussed in the context of current findings of the research on high abilities, are of great interest to both the Montessori schools and for the fostering at regular schools. A publication of the work as part of the series “Impulses of New Education” is in preparation.

Language: English

Published: Münster, Germany, 2005


✓ Peer Reviewed

Evaluasi Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Montessori Menggunakan Model Stake Countenance [Evaluation of Learning in Montessori Schools Using the Stake Countenance Model]

Available from: PPJPAUD Indonesia

Publication: Murhum: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 112-124

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This article aims to describe and analyze the implementation of learning for Montessori schools in Bogor City. The information gathered from teachers, principals, and parents. In this evaluation study, the authors used an evaluation model developed by Stake, consists of 3 evaluation stages: 1) antecedents, 2) transactions, and 3) outcomes. The results of the research on the antecedent’s component that consists of seven aspects of assessments shows that one aspect which is Human Resources aspect is in the sufficient value category. From the five aspects of transactions component, monitoring and evaluation aspect is in the sufficient value category. Meanwhile, the outcomes component, consists of one aspect, the result of learning implementation shows it is in a good value category. Based on the thirteen aspects of evaluation in the antecedents, transactions and outcomes components, it can be concluded that learning in Montessori schools has been running well and proceed with improvements in two aspects, Human Resources aspect and monitoring and evaluation aspect. / Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara keseluruhan terhadap sekolah Montessori di Kota Bogor. Informan yang menjadi narasumber terdiri dari guru, kepala sekolah serta orang tua siswa. Dalam studi evaluasi ini, penulis menggunakan model evaluasi yang dikembangkan oleh Stake, yaitu model Stake Countenance yang terdiri dari 3 tahap evaluasi: 1) antecedents, 2) transactions, dan 3) outcomes. Hasil penelitian pada komponen antecedents dari tujuh aspek penilaian, terdapat satu aspek dalam kategori nilai cukup, yaitu aspek Sumber Daya Manusia. Dari komponen transactions, yang terdiri atas lima aspek, terdapat satu aspek dalam kategori cukup yaitu aspek monitoring dan evaluasi. Sedangkan dari komponen outcomes terdiri dari satu aspek yaitu hasil pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan berada dalam kategori baik. Berdasarkan ketiga belas aspek evaluasi pada komponen antecedents, transactions dan outcomes dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran pada sekolah Montessori telah berjalan dengan baik dan dapat dilanjutkan dengan perbaikan pada dua aspek, yaitu komponen antecedents pada aspek Sumber Daya Manusia dan komponen transactions pada aspek monitoring dan evaluasi.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.37985/murhum.v4i1.166

ISSN: 2723-6390

Master's Thesis (Design)

A Montessori Approach to Workforce Development and Future-Ready Adult Learning

Available from: OCAD University

Adult education, Montessori method of education, Workplace literacy

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Abstract/Notes: This research explores principles from the Montessori method to inspire a guiding framework that can be employed to enhance the delivery of adult upskilling and re-skilling initiatives. Humanity is witnessing a technological revolution and recovering from the ongoing global pandemic that began in 2020. The effects of COVID-19 extended far beyond physical health, impacting labour market conditions and exacerbating stresses on labour shortages and labour skill gaps. This means that workforce innovation will be critical for economic recovery. Workforce innovation and development involves testing, sharing, and implementing new approaches to employment and training initiatives. More than 100 years ago, amidst the rapid social and economic change that was taking place across Europe, Maria Montessori envisioned a new kind of education that could play a part in a broad social innovation program. She opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Children’s House), aiming for the recovery of an entire community in San Lorenzo, Rome. At the time, San Lorenzo was known as the “shame of Italy”; with the introduction of the Montessori method, it soon became a beacon of hope for the community and the world. The Montessori Method was built on six primary principles: observation; freedom with limits; respect; hands-on learning; independence; and a prepared environment that is designed for children to choose freely from several developmentally appropriate activities. For Montessori, education (which she conceived of as active learning experience in the form of work) was integral to the growth of the child and the formation of a new world. This core philosophy is not restricted to children, however; Montessori’s core principles have been explored in adult learning; as part of designing and delivering healthcare programs for older adults around the world; and in language and social programs for adults at risk of social isolation in Europe. This major research project will focus on exploring how the core principles of the Montessori Method can be applied to support future-ready adult learning to inspire workforce innovation and development in Canada. With a goal of supporting upskilling and re-skilling design innovation, and of prioritizing skills-training and development offerings for groups who face the greatest number of barriers (including racialized women and skilled recent immigrant talent), this study uses a heuristic inquiry approach to explore the question of how employment and skills training programs might learn from, and leverage the core principles of, the Montessori method to respond to and meet the skills gaps and labour shortages in Canada. Through a literature review and Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), this research project offers a Montessori-inspired, principle-focused guide to supporting future-ready adult learning environments.

Language: English

Published: Ontario, Canada, 2023

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