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1262 results


L'éducation Montessori: les principes qu'applique Mme Montessori dans les Case dei Bambini, causeries et notes d'une mère

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Language: French

Published: Paris, France: Fischbacher, [1925]

Edition: 10. ed


The Study on the Application of Montessori Sensory Materials According to Age and Sex / 연령 , 성별에 따른 Montessori 감각교구의 적용에 관한 연구

Available from: RISS

Publication: 아동교육 [The Korean Journal of Child Education], vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 119-135

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Abstract/Notes: The Purpose of this study is, to practical application of MONTESSORI education system by comparing degrees of achievement according to age and sex, about offering five MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS which children prefer. And consequently it can be offered as basic data for children of kindergarten of our country at present to appication each educational instrument in proper time according to children's achievements. For this study, randam sample ten 3-year-old boys and girls respectively, who have not any MONTESSORI educational experience at NOLIBANG in Taegu, and at S MONTESSORI KINDERGARTEN ten 4-year-old boys and girls respectively, who have 18 month's MONTESSORI educational experience. Two persons experimented on instruments such as CYLINDER BLOCKS, PINK WOWERS, BROWN STAIRS, COLOR TABLETS, SOUND BOXES which children of the kindergarten preferred, and recorded the results. To ascertain difference between age and sex, respecting achievement degress of MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS, the obtained data was executed MANOVA using SPSS PC+. For verification, WILKS LAMBDA values were estimated and in the case of main effects being reliable, F-TEST and STRUCTURE COEFFICIENTS were measured. Conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows. First, according to age(3,4,5), there is difference in degrees of achievement of MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS. With advancing years, degrees of achievement increase, and children of various age interact with one another, this is younger children observe the older ones and have indirect experience, and afterwards they can experience instruments in proper age. Second, there is not any difference in MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS according to sex distinction. So we can offer SENSORY MATERIALS to children according to application age. Third, there is no disparity of age in sex distinction about achievement degrees of instruments are to be offered in order of age MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS. That regardless of sex distinction. is, there isn't interaction of age and sex, so the instruments are to be offered in order of age regardless of sex distinction.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-2722

Book Section

Einige Grundprinzipien der Montessori-Methode, beurteilt vom Standpunkt der neueren Psychologie [Some basic principles of the Montessori method, judged from the point of view of recent psychology]

Book Title: Psychologisches zur Montessori-Methode: Aus dem Montessori-Heft der Neuen Erziehung [Psychological information on the Montessori method: From the Montessori booklet of the New Education]

Pages: 18-32

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Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: Hensel and Co. Verlag, 1927

Doctoral Dissertation

A Comparative Study of Characteristics of Montessori Teachers Certified by Three Montessori Training Programs

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Language: English

Published: Memphis, Tennessee, 1977


De Biologie in de 'Amsterdamse Montessori School en het Montessori Lyceum'

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 20, no. 2

Pages: 12-13

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Language: Dutch

Doctoral Dissertation

Attraverso i confini. Traduzioni e diffusione di Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica di Maria Montessori. Uno studio comparato [Across the Borders: The Translation and Spread of Maria Montessori’s Scientific Pedagogy – A Comparative Study]

Available from: AMS Dottorato - Institutional Theses Repository (University of Bologna Digital Library)

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori è una delle pedagogiste italiane più conosciute e celebrate in tutto il mondo. Come è noto, il suo pensiero ha avuto una diffusione che per rapidità e ampiezza geografica si può senza dubbio definire straordinaria. Fu Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, pubblicato in Italia nel 1909, a portare la Montessori alla ribalta della scena mondiale. Dal 1912, le traduzioni si moltiplicarono, fino a coprire, prima della fine della prima Guerra mondiale, il panorama europeo e americano. Inoltre, i corsi internazionali per la formazione d’insegnanti stranieri (il primo fu organizzato in Italia nel 1913), permisero la diffusione del metodo anche in India, in Sud America, in Australia e in Asia. La mia ricerca si concentra sull’analisi comparata delle prime traduzioni del Metodo, in particolare l’edizione americana (1912), l’edizione inglese (1912), l’edizione svizzera (1912) e l’edizione francese (1916), calate nel contesto storico, sociale, cultura e pedagogico di riferimento. Per meglio comprendere le modalità di diffusione dell’opera, ho scelto di dare ampio spazio anche alle figure che hanno circondato Maria Montessori e si sono operate per diffondere e promuovere tanto l’opera quanto la filosofia della pedagogista nelle realtà elencate. Il progetto ha voluto mettere a fuoco il processo di costruzione di un lavoro scientifico e culturale costantemente influenzato da una pluralità di culture, tradizioni, lingue e voci differenti, nonché il faticoso impegno dell’autrice di difendere il proprio pensiero da qualsiasi intromissione esterna volta a snaturarlo. [Maria Montessori is one of the most famous and celebrated Italian pedagogists in the world. Due to its speed and geographical extent, the spread of her scientific pedagogy can surely be described as extraordinary, even more since we talk about a woman’s work in the beginning of the twentieth century. It was Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, published in Italy in 1909, that brought Montessori to the forefront of the world scene, allowing her to be acclaimed internationally as one of history’s great pioneering educators. Since 1912, the number of translations multiplied, to the point of covering, before the end of the First World War, the European and American scene. In addition, international courses for the training of teachers (the first was organized in Italy in 1913), allowed the spread of the method in India, South America, Austrialia and Asia. My research focuses on the comparative analysis of the Metodo’s first translations, in particular the American edition (1912), the English edition (1912), the Swiss edition (1912) and the French edition (1916), placed in the historical, social, cultural and pedagogical context of reference. Furthermore, great part of the research is dedicated to the many figures who surrounded Maria Montessori and worked as hard as she did to help in the spreading of both her thought and book internationally. Indeed, editors, translators, journalists and intellectuals, as well as politicians and ambassadors played an essential role in her successful career. The project aimed to focus on Montessori’s process of building a scientific and cultural work constantly influenced by a plurality of different cultures, traditions, languages and voices, as well as on the hard work of the author to defend her philosophy from any external interference aimed at distorting it.]

Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy, 2020

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

A Comparison of Academic Achievement for Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade Students from Montessori and Non-Montessori School Programs

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to determine whether a difference exists between the academic progress of seventh and eighth grade students who attended Texas public Montessori schools and the academic progress of their peers who attended matched non- Montessori schools. Specifically, this study sought to determine whether students enrolled in Montessori programs had higher percentages of passing rates on state mandated criterion referenced tests than students enrolled in non-Montessori programs for early adolescents. Research questions were posed and corresponding research hypotheses were tested within the subject matter disciplines of reading and mathematics in the seventh grade and within the subject matter disciplines of reading mathematics, science, and social studies in the eighth grade. In all but one analysis, the Montessori students had higher passing percentages than non-Montessori students. Seventh grade Montessori students had higher passing percentages in math and higher passing percentages in reading. Eighth grade Montessori students had higher passing percentages on reading, science, math and social studies. The study provided evidence that Montessori programs for early adolescents produce favorable academic outcomes when compared with their matched non-Montessori counterparts in public schools.

Language: English

Published: Stephenville, Texas, 2011

Book Section

Die Entdeckung des Ohres - Musik in der Montessori-Pädagogik [The discovery of the ear - music in Montessori pedagogy]

Book Title: 100 Jahre Montessori-Kinderhaus Geschichte und Aktualität eines pädagogischen Konzepts [100 Years of the Montessori Children's Home: History and Topicality of an Educational Concept]

Pages: 288-306

Music - Instruction and study

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Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: LIT Verlag, 2009

ISBN: 978-3-8258-1650-6

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 24


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analisis metode islamic montessori for multiple intelligences pada anak generasi alpha dalampengembangan pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam / Analysis of the Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences Method in Alpha Generation Children in the Development of Islamic Education Learning

Available from: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Madani Yogyakarta (STITMA)

Publication: At Turots: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 47-59

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Multiple intelligences, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Children are born into the world as the nature of both parents. The importance of education from an educator is the initial foundation of the formation of creativity and activity, children. The role of educators of parents and teachers is a principle of how they are formed and fostered by the environment. Alpha generation is a child born in 2010 until now. The development of increasingly advanced technology makes the Alpha generation highly skilled using existing technology. They are principled to become an unfashionable generation. Today, the era is dominated by an instant and easy nature that results in influence in all fields, especially the field of education. The Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences method is a method that teaches Islamic education based on compound intelligence in children. The intelligence of alpha generation children has the potential incomplete multiple intelligences so that they can survive, adapt and always be resilient in following high levels of diversity and all changes that are instant. This research aims to find out (1) The role of educators to alpha generation children in the development of Islamic Education learning with Islamic Montessori methods for Multiple Intelligences, (2) Methods that can support success in improving the quality of education. The method in this article uses by library research. The primary and secondary source is Maria Montessori's book translated in Indonesian and journal references. The result of the discussion in this paper is (1) The development of Islamic Religious Education learning that applies the following, language intelligence, mathematical logic, spatial-visual, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. (2) Knowing the compound intelligence in alpha generation children in Islamic education. / Anak terlahir ke dunia sebagai fitrah kedua orang tuanya. Pentingnya pendidikan dari seorang pendidik merupakan pondasi awal terbentuknya kreatifitas dan keaktifan pada anak. Peran pendidik dari orang tua dan guru merupakan prinsip bagaimana mereka dibentuk dan dibina oleh lingkungan masing-masing. Generasi alpha adalah anak yang lahir di tahun 2010 hingga sekarang. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju membuat generasi alpha sangat terampil menggunakan teknologi. Sehingga, mereka berprinsip untuk menjadi generasi yang tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dewasa ini, zaman pun di dominasi dengan sifat yang serba instan dan serba mudah yang mengakibatkan pengaruh dalam segala bidang khususnya bidang pendidikan. Metode Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences merupakan metode yang mengajarkan pendidikan Islam berdasarkan kecerdasan majemuk pada anak. Kecerdasan anak generasi alpha memiliki potensi dalam kecerdasan majemuk (Multiple Intelligences) yang komplit sehingga mereka bisa bertahan, beradaptasi dan selalu tangguh dalam mengikuti tingkat keragaman yang tinggi dan segala perubahan yang serba Instan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Peran pendidik terhadap anak generasi alpha dalam pengembangan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan metode Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences, (2) metode yang dapat menunjang kesuksesan dalam perbaikan kualitas pendidikan. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka (Library Research). Bersumber primer dan sekunder yaitu buku Maria Montessori yang di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan refrensi-refrensi jurnal. Hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini adalah (1) pengembangan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam yang menerapkan sebagai berikut, kecerdasan bahasa, logika matematika, visual spasial, kinestetik, interpersonal, intrapersonal dan kecerdasan naturalis. (2) mengetahui kecerdasan majemuk pada anak generasi alpha dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.51468/jpi.v5i2.156

ISSN: 2747-089X, 2656-7555

Doctoral Dissertation

Freier Umgang drei bis sechsjähriger Kinder mit Montessori-Material [Free use of Montessori material by three to six year old children]

Montessori materials

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Abstract/Notes: In this discussion of the psychology of the Montessori method and Gestalt play the question is raised whether the use of Montessori material for teaching purposes represses spontaneous play with it. Observations on 84 children prove that free use differs greatly from didactic use. The Montessori psychology overlooks the genetic primacy of primitive kinds of experience, not visual, but tactile, motor, acoustic, and especially volitional and affective. It fosters an artificially precocious sensory education and intellectualization, incompatable with the psychology of the Leipzig school. Children's structural capacities develop best in a normal home with many kinds of play material, but without teaching.

Language: German

Published: Leipzig, Germany, 1939

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