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1457 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Women’s Role in Early Childhood Education in Europe

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 67-75

Europe, Feminism

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Abstract/Notes: The history of education is mainly a history of male educators and their ideas and systems of education, whereas the history of early childhood education is to a large extent a field of history where women have been the actors and to some extent also the writers about early childhood education. But this history is coloured by the withdrawn and to a large degree subordinate status of women, which is also reflected in the way history is written: A history of invisibility and anonymity, which also may have affected the place early childhood education has had in general educational history...

Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/BF03174635

ISSN: 0020-7187, 1878-4658


Pioneers of Early Childhood Education: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide

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Language: English

Published: Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood publishing group, 1998

ISBN: 0-313-30404-1


幼児教育の追求とモンテッソーリ教育 [The Pursuit of Early Childhood Education and Montessori Education]

Available from: Hanazono University - Institutional Repository

Publication: Hanazono daigaku shakai fukushi gakubu kenkyu kiyo / 社会福祉学部研究紀要 / Annual Report of the Social Welfare Department at Hanazono University, no. 22

Pages: 49-57

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Japan, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: 今、モンテッソーリ教育が再び注目されている。幼児教育への関心の高まりと先進国各国で行きづまった教育の方向模索の中で、再評価され始めているのである。モンテッソーリ教育そのものというよりも、今日の教育観、人間観、子ども観に「人格形成」の確立を迫るものとしてのモンテッソーリの貢献が、取り上げられている。本稿では、近代以降の教育思想の歩みの中で、モンテッソーリによってなされた子ども観の転換と幼児教育の転換の特質を考察し、モンテッソーリの唱えた子どもの創造的使命擁護の方法が、今日こそ必要性を増していることを考察した。 [Recently the method of Montessori is recognized again. It is being revalued because the childhood education is getting much interest and it is at a standstill in advanced countries. The contribution of Montessori is in the limelight, not as one teaching method, but as a clue to establishment of "character building" in perspectives on education, human, and children. The study considers the characteristics of perspective on children and the childhood education, which have been converted and effected by Montessori from modern times onwards. The study also suggests that the need to support the creativities of children, proposed by Montessori, is increasing today.]

Language: Japanese


Maria Montessori - Selbsttätige Erziehung im Frühen Kindesalter [Maria Montessori - Independent Education in Early Childhood] (Book Review)

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Pharus, vol. 5 (Halbjahrband 1), no. 6

Pages: 570

Book reviews

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Language: German

Book Section

Play and Learning in Early Childhood Education: The Contribution of High Scope, Reggio Emilia, and Montessori Pedagogical Approaches

Available from: IGI Global

Book Title: Early Childhood Education From an Intercultural and Bilingual Perspective

Pages: 147-163

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Abstract/Notes: The key role of toys and play in early years education has been highlighted by several childhood pedagogues such as Froebel, Montessori, Weikart, and Malaguzzi, among many others. It is consensual among the international educational community that children now spend far more time being instructed an...

Language: English

Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-5225-5167-6


A Comparative Study of Sensory Training in Early Childhood Education Programs

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1990, no. 1

Pages: 16–20

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


✓ Peer Reviewed

Perspectives in Early Childhood Education: Belize, Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador and Peru

Available from: ERIC

Publication: Forum on Public Policy, vol. 2012, no. 1

Pages: 1-27

Americas, Belize, Brazil, Central America, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, El Salvador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Peru, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Early childhood education (ECE) provision is becoming a growing priority. During the past twenty years, Latin America has shown a growing recognition in the provision of educational programs for young children, birth to age eight, is essential. Urban and rural populations intimated in 2009, that many countries utilizing equitable access to quality early childhood programs is often seen by policy makers as a means of achieving economic and political goals (United Nations, 2012). Unfortunately, a pre-occupation with economic and political goals may conflict with the provision of quality programming for young children. In a number of Latin American countries provisions for educating young children exist as intent to provide quality services. The continuing challenge is to finance, organize and regulate those well-meaning intentions. The objective of this article is two-fold. First, to describe national policy efforts that regulate the education of young children consistently. And, second, to reflect the status of early childhood education programming; and to examine the possibilities for the improvement of the quality and accessibility of an education for all young children. Five Latin American nations have been chosen for examination, including: Belize, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru. (Contains 4 tables.)

Language: English

ISSN: 1556-763X, 1938-9809

Book Section

La società moderna di fronte all'educazione della prima infanzia [Modern society in the face of early childhood education]

Book Title: Valore educativo e sociale della scuola materna: atti [Educational and social value of the nursery school: proceedings]

Pages: 243-253


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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1963


✓ Peer Reviewed

Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Metode Montessori pada PAUD di Lingkungan Pesantren [Implementation of Character Education Through the Montessori Method in Early Childhood Education in Islamic Boarding Schools]

Available from: Journal of Instructional and Development Researches

Publication: Journal of Instructional and Development Researches, vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 119-130

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi Implementasi pendidikan karakter untuk mempersiapkan mereka kelak sebagai pribadi yang mempunyai identitas diri, melalui pembiasaan dan keteladanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Bagaimana Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada PAUD Melalui Metode Montessori menekankan proses belajar eksperiensial? (2) Bagaimana Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada PAUD Melalui Metode Montessori menekankan proses belajar one-on-one lesson? (3) Bagaimana Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada PAUD Melalui Metode Montessori menekankan proses belajar peace education?Penelitian  ini   menggunakan   pendekatan  kualitatif dan menggunakan penelitian jenis penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah  observasi,  wawancara,  dan  dokumentasi.  Hasil penelitian: (1) Guru dalam proses belajar secara aktif sehingga peserta didik dapat memperoleh pengalaman langsung dan terlatih untuk dapat menemukan sendiri berbagai pengetahuan yang dipelajarinya. (2) Guru memberikan satu tema dan membimbing peserta didik dengan belajar langsung untuk menunjang kebutuhan belajar sehingga peserta didik dapat perhatian penuh dari guru dalam proses belajar (3) Guru membantu peserta didik untuk memiliki kemampuan mengatasi konflik dan masalahnya sendiri, tanpa kekerasan dan dengan cara yang kreatif 0 CITATIONS 0 Total citations 0 Recent citations n/a Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.53621/jider.v3i3.233

ISSN: 2807-5471, 2807-548X

Conference Paper

Maria Montessori’s Philosophy of Education: An Early Beginning of Embodied Education

Available from: University Colleges Knowledge database (Denmark)

18th International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference: Pedagogical Forms in Times of Pandemic (Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-20 August 2022)

Comparative education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: For a century Montessori’s philosophy of education has been understood in separation from Dewey’s philosophy of education. According to Thayer-Bacon [1], a plausible explanation is that Kilpatrick, Dewey’s influential student, rejected Montessori’s system of education [2]. His main objection was that her educational system was founded on an outdated psychology. In contrast, this paper suggests, Montessori’s educational systems is founded on a psychology which, like Dewey’s, was markedly ahead of her time by putting purely embodied interactions with the environment as the foundation of human understanding. By comparing Montessori’s psychology [3; 4] to Dewey’s [5; 6] this paper shows their compatibility. The developed pragmatism of Sellars [5;6] and the interactivism of Bickhard [7] further enables us to explain how the prelinguistic human-environment interactions (or transactions), central to Dewey and Montessori, are pure processes [8]. The pure process ontology enables us to see how more complex processes emerge from simpler ones and how learning in the mere causal domain of bodily human-environment interactions can grow into the linguistic and conceptual domain of education. The ambition is to show that a flourishing interaction between Montessori and pragmatism is possible and preferable if we are to understand the proper role of the body in education. [1] Thayer-Bacon, Barbara (2012). Maria Montessori, John Dewey, and William H. Kilpatrick. Education and Culture, 28, 1, 3-20. [2] Kilpatrick, W. H. (1914). The Montessori system examined. Cambridge, Mass.; The Riverside Press [3] Montessori, M. (1912). The Montessori method. NY: Frederick A. Stokes Company [4] Montessori. M. (1949). The absorbent mind. Adyar: The Theosophical Publishing House [5] Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education. NY: The Macmillan Company [6] Dewey, J. (1925) Experience and nature. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company [7] Sellars, W. (1960). Being and Being Known. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 34, 28-49. [8] Sellars, W. (1981). Foundations for a metaphysics of pure process: The Carus lectures of Wilfrid Sellars. The Monist 64 (1):3-90. [9] Bickhard, M. H. (2009). The interactivist model. Synthese, 166, 3, 547-591. [10] Seibt, Johanna (2016). How to Naturalize Intentionality and Sensory Consciousness within a Process Monism with Gradient Normativity—A Reading of Sellars. In James O'Shea (ed.), Sellars and His Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 186-222.

Language: English

Published: Copenhagen, Denmark: International Network of Philosophers of Education, 2022

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