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Bachelor's Thesis

Role asistenta pedagoga na základní škole s Montessori programem / Role of the teaching assistant at primary school with Montessori program

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Bakalářská práce na téma role asistenta pedagoga na základní škole s Montessori programem se věnuje inkluzi žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a pozici asistenta pedagoga v Montessori prostředí. Vymezili jsme vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami včetně nejčastějších diagnóz, se kterými se během výzkumu setkáme. Celá práce se opírá o legislativní rámec České republiky v oblasti základního vzdělávání. V práci také popisujeme alternativní vzdělávání a jeho nejčastější možnosti, včetně charakteristiky vzdělávání podle filozofie Marie Montessori. V této části se věnujeme principům Montessori pedagogiky, roli Montessori pedagoga, charakteristice prostředí i organizaci výuky, včetně forem a metod výuky. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, jaká je aktuální situace ve vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a v jejich podpoře v alternativní škole. Dalšími cíli bylo popsat práci asistenta pedagoga v Montessori škole s vymezením hlavních rozdílů mezi jeho rolí v Montessori škole a ve škole tradiční. V praktické části byla popsána realizace kvalitativního výzkumu, který jsme provedli za pomoci polostrukturovaných rozhovorů a s využitím metody pozorování. V praktické části jsme také popsali cíle výzkumu a výzkumné otázky, které jsme z cílů vymezili. Všechny cíle výzkumu byly splněny a otázky jsme zodpověděli. Rozhovory jsme zpracovali na a základě kódování rozdělili do několika kategorií. Práce obsahuje analýzu výsledků rozhovorů a ukázky z pozorování vyučování. V závěru práce vyhodnocujeme výsledky celého výzkumu a zodpovídáme výzkumné otázky. / This bachelor’s thesis deals with the topic of the role of teacher assistant in a primary school classroom with Montessori program, focusing on the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and on the position of a teacher assistant in Montessori learning environment. We defined the education of pupils with special educational needs, including the most frequent diagnoses we encounter during the research. The whole paper is grounded in the legislation of the Czech Republic in the field of primary education. The paper also describes alternative education and its most common varieties and includes the characteristics of the education following Maria Montessori philosophy. This part is dedicated to the principles of the Montessori method, to the role of a Montessori teacher, to the characteristics of the classroom environment as well as to the teaching organisation, including teaching forms and methods. The object of this research was to find out about the current situation in educating pupils with special educational needs and in their support in the alternative classroom environment. Another object was to describe the work of a teacher assistant in a Montessori school, defining the basic differences between their role in a Montessori school and in a traditional school. The practical part of the paper describes the implementation of a qualitative research, which was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews and the method of observation. The research objects and the research questions defined by the objects were also described in the practical part. All the research goals were achieved, and all the questions were answered. The interviews were processed and divided into several categories based on coding. The paper contains an analysis of the results of the interviews and illustrations of lesson observations. In the paper conclusion the whole research results are assessed and the research questions are answered.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2021


Marie Montessori a její pedagogika / Maria Montessori and her teaching method

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Diplomová práce "Marie Montessori a její pedagogika" se zabývá hlavními principy pedagogického systému italské lékařky a pedagožky Marie Montessori. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, část teoretickou a část praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje ústředním pojmům pedagogického konceptu M. Montessori se zvláštním zřetelem na postavení pedagoga v této výchovné metodě. Praktická část zkoumá roli učitele v metodě M. Montessori v komparaci s rolí učitele v tradiční škole.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2010


Italian Woman Who Revolutionized Kindergarten Teaching Visits U.S.

Available from: Arizona Memory Project

Publication: Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona)

Pages: 4

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Article consists of a picture and caption.

Language: English

ISSN: 2157-3255, 2766-9270

Conference Paper

The Montessori Method in University Teaching

Available from: IATED Digital Library

14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

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Abstract/Notes: “The child’s progress does not depend only on his age, but also on being free to look around him.” Maria Montessori. The Montessori Method of education was developed by Maria Montessori at the turn of the 20th century. The first book "Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all' educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini” was published in Italy in 1909, and was soon translated into other languages. This educational philosophy and method has been used worldwide for more than a century, usually educating children from 3 to 12 years old. The proposal of the method includes: mixed age classrooms, freedom of movement within the classroom (a thoughtfully prepared and structured environment), or students´ freedom to choose activities. As Maria Montessori stated: “The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self”. The method consistently seeks to stimulate children to learn voluntarily. Our aim in this paper is to extend the basic philosophy and underlying ideas of the Montessori Method to university classes, to improve outcomes in terms of engagement, motivation, maturity and critical thinking. Our initial hypothesis is that the non-traditional schooling approach of the Method could be positively strengthened with current advances in teaching techniques, such as flipped classrooms or technology-based teaching and learning.

Language: English

Published: Valencia, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2020

Pages: 3861-3864

DOI: 10.21125/inted.2020.1079

ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8


Perceived Effects of State-Mandated Testing Programs on Teaching and Learning: Findings from a National Survey of Teachers

Available from: Google Scholar

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Language: English

Published: Boston, Massachusetts, 2003


Classes in Child Teaching: Mme. Montessori in Poona

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 9

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Language: English


No Teaching of Hindi in Schools: Ahmedabad Boards Decision

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 11

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Abstract/Notes: At the general meeting or the Ahmedabad Municipal School Board the proposals of Dr. Swaminarayan and Mr. Panchal sent through the Municipal Board for opening Montessori schools in the Northern Division were discussed at length, and it was resolved that the Board was Not prepared on its own responsibility to open any more Montessori schools. The Board, however, accepted the principle of giving all possible help to private enterprises.

Language: English


Montessori Teaching Course

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 4

Asia, India, South Asia

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Language: English


Current Topics: Revival of Monsoon; Mugger's Victory; Bombay Danger; Montessori Teaching!

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 8

Asia, India, South Asia

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Implementacija kozmičkog odgoja Montessori pedagogije u nastavu prirode i društva / Implementation of Montessori Cosmic Education in Teaching Science

Available from: Nacionalni repozitorij završnih i diplomskih radova ZIR

Cosmic education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Science - Study and teaching

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori pedagogy, a child-focused educational approach, is based on principles introduced by Maria Montessori while observing child’s learning, encouraging their activity and respecting their personality. By following the guidelines and educational principles of Montessori pedagogy, we follow the natural psychological and physiological development of the child, as well as encouraging the child’s personal development. The aim of this paper is to implement Cosmic education of Montessori pedagogy in teaching Science. By extensively researching literature on the Montessori method, Cosmic education, and attending the two year Montessori education in Osijek, I find that the Cosmic education could be implemented in teaching Science to a great extent, because it offers a large variety of topics and cosmic tasks which a person should fulfill during their lifetime and which are taught and thoroughly explored in a Montessori school and regarded as an inexhaustible source of knowledge. .

Language: Croatian

Published: Osijek, Croatia, 2018

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