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1083 results

Doctoral Dissertation

Das freie Spiel Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori im Vergleich [The Free Play Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori in Comparison]

Emmi Pikler - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung der Reformpädagogik Emmi Piklers und Maria Montessoris im Bereich des freien Spiels. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, die von Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori entwickelten Richtlinien einer optimalen Erziehung darzustellen, miteinander zu vergleichen und anhand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen zu beurteilen. Die grundlegende Frage ist, auf welche Details Eltern und Erzieher im kindlichen freien Spiel achten müssen, um eine ideale Entwicklung des Kindes ermöglichen zu können und welche Vorteile eine solche Erziehung für das Kind bringen kann. Anhand der Methode einer Inhaltsanalyse wird versucht, die entsprechenden Konzepte zur Darstellung der pädagogischen Annahmen einzubringen. Desweiteren wird über die Parallelen und Unterschiede in den erzieherischen Theorien Piklers und Montessoris diskutiert. Bei jenen Annahmen, in denen Pikler und Montessori differenzierte Ansichten vertreten, sollen wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, welche Theorie tatsächlich im Interesse des Kindes ist. Anhand mehrerer empirischen Studien werden die Konzepte der beiden Pädagoginnen verglichen und beurteilt. Anhand eines Literaturreviews werden die sechs Studien und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zusammengefasst. Der Leser erhält dadurch einen Überblick über Art und Vorgehensweise der Untersuchung was die Interpretation der Ergebnisse nachvollziehbar macht. Weiter bietet das Buch einen Überblick über Gestaltung und Organisation von Pikler- beziehungsweise Montessorispielgruppen, das freie Spiel aus Entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht und biographischen Angaben der beiden Reformpädagoginnen. [This book contains a scientific examination of Emmi Pikler's and Maria Montessori's reform pedagogy in the area of ​​free play. The aim of the study is to present the guidelines for optimal upbringing developed by Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori, to compare them and to assess them on the basis of scientific studies. The basic question is which details parents and educators have to pay attention to in children's free play in order to enable ideal development of the child and what advantages such an upbringing can bring to the child. Using the method of content analysis, an attempt is made to introduce the appropriate concepts for the presentation of the pedagogical assumptions. Furthermore, the parallels and differences in the educational theories of Pikler and Montessori are discussed. In the case of those assumptions in which Pikler and Montessori represent differentiated views, scientific studies should show which theory is actually in the interest of the child. Based on several empirical studies, the concepts of the two teachers are compared and evaluated. The six studies and their research results are summarized using a literature review. This gives the reader an overview of the type and procedure of the investigation, which makes the interpretation of the results comprehensible. The book also offers an overview of the design and organization of Pikler and Montessori play groups, free play from a developmental psychological point of view and biographical information from the two reform educators.]

Language: German

Published: Salzburg, Austria, 2008


Una Scuola Modello Montessori all'Esposizione del 1915 [A Montessori Model School at the 1915 Exposition]

Available from: California Digital Newspaper Collection

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, North America, Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Si annunzia che la Signora Montessori, la celebre educatrice italiana, ha comunicato al dipartimento dell'Istruzione dell'Esposizione che essa verrà qui per sopraintendere alla organizzazione nella Mostra dell'Istruzione Pubblica di una scuola modello del suo sistema. Questa decisione della illustre donna è stata sollecitata dalla National Education Association, che terrà nel 1915 il suo congresso a San Francisco e da una delle sue allieve, Miss Katherine Moore, di Los Angeles, che sarà una sua attiva cooperatrice.

Language: Italian


O casá a copiilor - Scoala Montessori [A children's home - Montessori School]

Publication: Ilustratiunea Româna, no. 8

Children's House (Casa dei Bambini)

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Language: Romanian

ISSN: 2559-1207

Book Section

Tragedia espiritual de la Doctora Montessori [The Spiritual Tragedy of Dr. Montessori]

Book Title: Problemes d'educació: idees, fets

Pages: 84-97

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Spirituality

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Language: Catalan

Published: Barcelona, Spain: Editorial franciscana, 1964


✓ Peer Reviewed

Riflessioni sulle Pratiche Educative Osservate in un Nido del Centro Nascita Montessori [Reflecting on the Educational Practices led in a Nursery of the Centro Nascita Montessori]

Available from: Università di Bologna

Publication: Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica / Journal of Theories and Research in Education, vol. 5, no. 1

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Abstract/Notes: L’articolo presenta una ricerca basata sull’osservazione di un contesto educativo di ispirazione montessoriana. La ricerca intendeva mettere in luce gli atteggiamenti, le proposte e le strategie delle educatrici, e le risposte dei bambini a queste sollecitazioni. Il testo si articola in una introduzione metodologica che illustra il tipo di servizio educativo, la metodologia di osservazione adottata e la traccia che ha gui-dato le osservazioni; seguono alcune considerazioni sull’autonomia del bambino, l’attenzione al singolo bambino e la cura del bambino, emerse dalla analisi delle osservazioni; conclude l’articolo la trascrizione di una delle tre osservazioni condotte. [The paper presents an observational study carried on in an early educational context inspired to Montessori approach. It is aimed at illustrating the educators’ attitudes, behaviours, and educational strategies and the children’s reactions to them. First, the educational approach of the centre and the observational methodology are described. Then, a detailed analysis of the observations with regard to the educators’ support to child autonomy, attention to children’s requests and needs, and care behaviours is presented. Finally, the transcript of a whole observation is reported.]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/1760

ISSN: 1970-2221

Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)

Differences in Mathematics Scores Between Students Who Receive Traditional Montessori Instruction and Students Who Receive Music Enriched Montessori Instruction

Available from: Library and Archives Canada

Mathematics education, Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: While a growing body of research reveals the beneficial effects of music on education performance the value of music in educating the young child is not being recognized, particularly in the area of Montessori education. This study was an experimental design using a two-group post-test comparison. A sample of 200 Montessori students aged 3 to 5-years-old were selected and randomly placed in one of two groups. The experimental treatment was an "in-house" music enriched Montessori program and children participated in 3 half-hour sessions weekly, for 6 months. This program was designed from appropriate early childhood educational pedagogies and was sequenced in order to teach concepts of pitch, dynamics, duration, timbre, and form. The instrument used to measure mathematical achievement was the Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3 to determine if the independent variable, music instruction had any effect on students' mathematics test scores, the dependent variable. The results showed that subjects who received music enriched Montessori instruction had significantly higher mathematics scores. When compared by age group, 3 year-old students had higher scores than either the 4 or 5 year-old children.

Language: English

Published: Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2005


✓ Peer Reviewed

Capacitación docente, basada en la teoría Montessori, para atender la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de Educación General Básica de Guayaquil 2021 / Teacher training, based on Montessori theory, to attend to mild intellectual disability in children of Basic General Education of Guayaquil 2021

Available from: South Florida Publishing

Publication: South Florida Journal of Development, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 194-210

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Abstract/Notes: La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar que la capacitación docente basada en la teoría Montessori, influye en la atención de la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de educación general básica de Guayaquil. Se sustentó teóricamente con los aportes de Montessori (1907), Lee (2018), Molina (2012, 2015), Chiavenato (2000), Rodríguez y Ramírez (1997), OMS (2021), AARM (2020),Tünnermann (2011), (Aubrey, 2010), UNESCO (2006), Cossentino (2005), Díaz (2002), Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador (2011), entre otros. La investigación se catalogó como experimental-aplicada, con nivel netamente explicativo. El diseño se clasificó como pre-experimental, con modelo pre-test/post-test con un solo grupo. La población estuvo constituida por 50 profesionales de educación general básica; debido al número finito y conocido de la población se empleó un censo poblacional. Como técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento, el cuestionario. El análisis descriptivo de los datos se realizó mediante la confección de tablas de frecuencia absoluta (fa) y porcentaje (%), medidas de posición (promedio, mediana, mínima y máxima), dispersión (desviación estándar) y varianza. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis inferencial acerca de la población, basándose en los datos recolectados y la contrastación de las hipótesis planteadas. Los resultados evidenciaron una diferencia significativa de 19,02, entre los resultados del pre y post test, con un nivel de significancia de 0,000 < 0,05. Por tanto, se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación (Hi) y se rechazó la hipótesis nula (Ho), llegando a la conclusión que la propuesta basada en teoría Montessori influye de forma significativa y positiva en la atención de la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de educación general básica de Guayaquil. El presente estudio representa un gran aporte para el sistema educativo en lo concerniente al área de la discapacidad e inclusión.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.46932/sfjdv3n1-015

ISSN: 2675-5459

Book Section

Il femminismo di Maria Montessori. Educazione, emancipazione per un nuovo modello di donna [The feminism of Maria Montessori: Education, emancipation for a new model of woman]

Book Title: L'Utopia Montessoriana: Pace, Diritti, Libertà, Ambiente [Montessorian Utopia: Peace, Rights, Freedom, Environment]

Pages: 137-152

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Peace education

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Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Erickson, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-590-2042-4 88-590-2042-5


✓ Peer Reviewed

Manajemen Kurikulum Taman Kanak-Kanak Kurikulum Islamic Montessori (Studi Kasus di TK Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022) [Curriculum Management Kindergarten Islamic Montessori Curriculum (Case Study at Kindergarten Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta Academic Year 2021/2022)]

Available from: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Publication: Jurnal Paud Agapedia, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 43-50

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Curriculum management is a form of curriculum management in education to develop intelligence. Islamic Montessori-based curriculum management differs from curriculum management in general. The purpose of this study was to describe the curriculum of Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Kindergarten in Yogyakarta and to describe the involvement of teachers, parents, school committees, and the surrounding community. The research uses an approach with a case study research design. The research subjects as data sources are : principals, teachers, parents, school educators, and the surrounding community. Data collection methods are : observation, interviews, and documentation. In addition, the research uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study can be seen that an Islamic Montessori Curriculum management that starts from planning to evaluation. Planning that is adapted to the vision and mission of creating children who have good morals in this world and the hereafter. Organizing by developing indicators according to established themes. Implementation, and achievement of indicators with the Montessori method with an Islamic approach. Evaluations are carried out routinely every day and are held at monthly and annual meetings. The involvement of teachers, parents, school committees and the community looks good and has their respective roles. Manajemen kurikulum merupakan bentuk pengelolaan kurikulum dalam pendidikan untuk mengembangkan intelegensi. Manajemen kurikulum berbasis Islamic Montessori memiliki perbedaan dengan manajemen kurikulum sekolah secara umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan manajemen kurikulum lembaga Taman Kanak-Kanak Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta dan untuk menggambarkan keterlibatan guru, orang tua, komite sekolah, dan masyarakat sekitar.  Penelitian mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Subyek penelitian sebagai sumber data adalah : kepala sekolah, guru, orang tua, tenaga pendidik sekolah dan masyarakat sekitar. Metode pengumpulan data adalah : observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Selain itu penelitian menggunakan tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, data penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi teknik sumber dan triangulasi metode.  Hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa Taman Kanak-Kanak Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu memiliki manajamen Kurikulum Islamic Montessori yang baik dimulai dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi. Perencanaan disesuaikan dengan visi dan misi yaitu menciptakan anak yang memiliki akhlak baik di dunia dan akhirat. Pengorganisasian dengan mengembangkan indikator sesuai tema yang ditetapkan. Pelaksanaan, mencapai indikator dengan metode Montessori dengan pendekatan Islamic. Evaluasi yang dilakukan rutin setiap hari dan dirapatkan pada rapat bulanan dan tahunan. Keterlibatan guru, orangtua, komite sekolah dan masyarakat terlihat baik dan mempunyai peran masing-masing.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2580-9679, 2581-2823


Montessori Matters and NSW Montessori Association

Publication: Montessori Matters

Pages: 4

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Language: English

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