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502 results

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

The Impact of Creative Movement Presentations on Dance Participation and Student Attitudes Towards Dance in a Montessori Early Childhood Classroom

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Lower elementary, Montessori method of education, Movement education

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Abstract/Notes: This action research study examined the impact of creative movement presentations on dance participation and student attitudes towards dance in one outdoor Montessori early childhood classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 13 kindergarten and lower elementary students, ages 5-8, and the researcher, their teacher. Students were presented creative movement activities eight times during circle time over four weeks. They were also given opportunities to dance freely once a week for six weeks and asked three times to respond to statements regarding their attitudes towards dance; pre-intervention, mid-intervention, and post-intervention. Data was collected using observations of dance participation, field notes about circle time presentations, and student self-assessment regarding their attitudes towards dance. There was some improvement in attitudes towards dance and an increase in dance participation. Many children expressed enjoyment and the researcher felt inclined to continue providing free dance opportunities and creative movement presentations at circle. The researcher encourages other educators to incorporate dance opportunities in class free time and curriculum lessons.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2021

Bachelor's Thesis

Draamatuokiot: pienten lasten osallisuuden tukeminen Montessori-leikkikoulussa [Drama lessons: supporting the participation of young children in a Montessori play school]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of this thesis was to support small children`s participation at a daycare center. The aim was to enable the children to become active by listening to their own ideas and letting them influence the planned action as much as possible. The cooperation partner of this thesis was a Montessori Playschool in Helsinki. The method chosen to support participation was drama activity in a small group. All in all the output of this project comprised drama activities and ready-made drama fairytales that I wrote to help the educators of the playschool to continue using drama in the future. The theoretical base of this thesis was the theory of social participation and the theory of drama education. In the evaluation process of the project I compared a model describing the participation process and levels among children to drama to clarify the process during the drama sessions and to measure the level of participation. I used the same model when planning the drama sessions. The evaluation process was ongoing throughout the drama process to make sure the planned activity would enable the participation of the children as well as possible. The drama process included five drama sessions organized for the six smallest children of the playschool. A fairy tale was used as a frame for the drama sessions, and the theme of the action, environmental education and recycling were based on the fairy tale and the interests of working life. The drama activities filled the requirements of supporting participation among children. They were able to influence the action at many levels and to bring out their own ideas during it. This and the key point of drama, which is equality between the adult and the children, enabled true participation among children. Drama-action can be used as an enriching method in Montessori activities but also in different situations in daycare in general such as working with children with special needs or in a process of building trust in a new group. / Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli pienten lasten osallisuuden tukeminen päiväkodin arjessa. Opinnäytetyön tiimoilta pyrittiin mahdollistamaan lasten kuulluksi tuleminen ja tila heidän omien ajatustensa ja ideoidensa esille tuomiseksi. Opinnäytetyöni yhteistyökumppanina toimi Helsingissä sijaitseva Montessori- leikkikoulu. Toiminnallisen, projektiluontoisen opinnäytetyöni menetelmiksi osallisuuden tukemiseen valikoituivat pienryhmä- sekä draamatoiminta. Toiminnallisen projektin tuotoksina toimivat lapsille pitämäni draamamenetelmään pohjautuvat tuokiot sekä Montessori- leikkikoulun työntekijöille menetelmän jatkokäytön tueksi laatimani kehyskertomukset. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön teoriapohjana toimivat osallisuuden teoria sekä teoria draamakasvatuksesta. Toiminnallisen osuuden arvioinnissa peilasin tuokioiden toimintaa Leena Turjan osallisuuden moniulotteisuuden – malliin. Kyseistä mallia hyödynsin myös opinnäytetyön toiminnallisen osuuden suunnittelussa. Toimintaa arvioitiin jatkuvasti prosessin kaikissa vaiheissa, jotta toiminta vastaisi parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla pienten lasten osallisuuden tukemisen haasteeseen Montessori- leikkikoulussa. Toiminnallinen osuus koostui viidestä Montessori- leikkikoulun 3-4 -vuotiaille lapsille pitämästäni draamatuokiosta. Draamatuokioiden raamina toimi satu, joka viitoitti tuokioiden kulkua. Tuokioiden teemaksi valikoitui sadussakin esiintyvä kierrätys. Ympäristökasvatus on myös päiväkodin arkeen ja arvoihin keskeisesti liittyvä aihe. Pienryhmässä toteutetut draamatuokiot mahdollistivat Montessori- leikkikoulun pienten lasten kuulluksi tulemisen ja vaikuttamisen toimintaan. Draamatoiminnassa keskeisessä asemassa oleva aikuisen ja lapsen tasavertaisuus sekä toiminnan luoma tila lasten mielikuvitukselle ja ideoille sekä ajatuksille mahdollistivat lasten aidon osallisuuden päiväkodin arjessa. Draamatoiminnan voidaan nähdä rikastuttavan Montessori- toiminnan lisäksi myös lasten päivähoitoa yleisesti ja erilaisissa konteksteissa. Draamatuokiot voisivat toimia myös erityistä tukea tarvitseville lapsille suunnatussa toiminnassa sekä muun muassa luottamuksen syntymisen tukena uuden lapsen tai kasvattajan saapuessa päiväkotiin.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2014


Parents' Q and A: Selecting Toys for Toddlers

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 10–11

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Getting Dinner on the Table in 30 Minutes

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 11, no. 1

Pages: 9–10

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Changing Negatives to Positive

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 9, no. 2

Pages: 16–17

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 8, no. 4

Pages: 11–12

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Praise and Rewards

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 11, no. 2

Pages: 9

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Toddler Tasks at Home

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 11, no. 3

Pages: 9–10

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Supporting Positive Eating Habits

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 10, no. 1

Pages: 9–10

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Language: English


Parents' Q and A: Timing Toilet Training

Publication: Infants and Toddlers, vol. 10, no. 3

Pages: 9–10

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Language: English

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