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1412 results


Montessori incontra... Intrecci pedagogici tra scuola montessoriana e didattiche non tradizionali / Montessori meets... Pedagogical interweaving between Montessori school and non-traditional teaching

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Abstract/Notes: E se Maria Montessori fosse vissuta ancora nei decenni passati dalla sua morte a oggi? Avrebbe verosimilmente incontrato don Milani, Mario Lodi, Rodari, Bortolato, Malaguzzi, Rosenberg, la Pedagogia del bosco, l’Apprendimento cooperativo, l’Educazione diffusa, le Scuole Senza Zaino. E, viceversa, senza Maria Montessori, quante di queste esperienze non sarebbero ciò che sono? In dieci diversi dialoghi viene proposto in questo volume un dizionario pedagogico di incontri e di temi significativi, fraternità pedagogiche evidenti e suggestive. Sono incontri che Montessori non ha mai vissuto personalmente, ma che possiamo provare a immaginare trasformandoli non solo in riflessione educativa e didattica ma anche in pratica quotidiana. Percorsi possibili di apprendimento e di sviluppo, spunti operativi per raccontare come l’incontro pedagogico possa essere declinato nel fare scuola, affidato alla professionalità di docenti che, appassionati al metodo Montessori, abbiano il desiderio e la capacità di farlo vivere nel presente, senza timore che la contaminazione possa voler dire snaturare l’essenza e il valore del metodo.

Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Erickson, 2018

ISBN: 978-88-590-1642-7


✓ Peer Reviewed

Sprawozdanie z konferencji "Metoda Montessori Senior – Montessori Lifestyle® w praktyce”, Warszawa, 15–16 czerwca 2019 roku [Report from the conference "Montessori Senior Method - Montessori Lifestyle® in practice", Warsaw, June 15-16, 2019]

Available from: Central and Eastern European Online Library

Publication: Psychologia Rozwojowa, vol. 24, no. 3

Pages: 99-101

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Language: Polish

ISSN: 1895-6297


M. Montessori no gainen" Concentration" ni kansuru shōron / M. Montessori の概念"Concentration"に関する小論 [An Essay on Maria Montessori's Concept of "Concentration"]

Available from: National Diet Library (Japan)

Publication: Nihon hoiku gakkai taikai kenkyū happyō ronbun shōroku / 日本保育学会大会研究発表論文抄録 [Abstracts of papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Early Childhood Education], no. 26

Pages: Article 1-102 (2 pages)

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Language: Japanese


Das "Beispiel Montessori": eine Art case-study über Rezeption und Entwicklung der Montessori-Pädagogik im faschistischen Italien [The "Example of Montessori": a kind of case study about the reception and development of Montessori pedagogy in fascist Italy]

Available from: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) - e-Periodica

Publication: Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 11-20

Europe, Fascism, Italy, Montessori method of education, Southern Europe

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Language: German

DOI: 10.5169/seals-901872

ISSN: 1424-845X


Maria Montessori. The Montessori Method, the Montessori Elementary Material and Spontaneous Activity in Education [Book Review]

Publication: The Month (London), vol. 33, no. 1

Pages: 189

Book reviews

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Language: English

ISSN: 0027-0172


Montessori Headlines [Little Flower Montessori Schools, New York; Dutch Princess Maria Christina, teacher at Caedmon's Montessori School, New York]

Publication: AMS News, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 3

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Language: English

ISSN: 0065-9444


Maria Montessori, die Begründerin der Montessori-Methode : zum 25jährigen Jubiläum der Montessori-Bewegung in der Schweiz

Available from: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) - e-Periodica

Publication: Schweizerische Lehrerinnen-Zeitung, vol. 37, no. 20

Pages: 349-350

Montessori method of education, Switzerland

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Language: German

DOI: 10.5169/seals-312786


Bringing Montessori to America: S. S. McClure, Maria Montessori, and the Campaign to Publicize Montessori Education

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, McClure's Magazine, North America, S. S. McClure - Biographic sources, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Traces in engrossing detail one of the most fascinating partnerships in the history of American education - that between Maria Montessori and S.S. McClure, from their first meeting in 1910 until their final acrimonious dispute in 1915. Gerald and Patricia Gutek trace the dramatic arc of the partnership between the Italian teacher and American publisher united by a vision of educational change.

Language: English

Published: Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2016


Montessori-Lyzeum in Rotterdam / Lycée Montessori à Rotterdam / Montessori secondary school in Rotterdam

Available from: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) - e-Periodica

Publication: Bauen + Wohnen / Construction + Habitation / Building + Home: Internationale Zeitschrift, vol. 13

Pages: 383-387

Architecture, Europe, Holland, Montessori Lyceum Rotterdam (Netherlands), Netherlands, Western Europe

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Language: English, French, German

DOI: 10.5169/seals-330152

ISSN: 1663-0629

Doctoral Dissertation

Informationstechnologien und Montessori-Pädagogik: die Implementierung des Internets als Informationsmedium in Montessori-Schulen der USA [Information technologies and Montessori pedagogy: the implementation of the Internet as an information medium in Montessori schools in the USA]

Available from: Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg

Americas, Information and communications technology (ICT), Montessori method of education, North America, Technology and children, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass in der Unterrichtsforschung Konzepte des „offenen Lernens“ für die Implementierung neuer Medien, wie dem Internet, empfohlen werden, wird der Zusammenhang zwischen reformpädagogischen Ansätzen und neuen Informationstechnologien hergestellt. Hier knüpfen die Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit an. Herausgegriffen wird das Konzept Maria Montessoris, untersucht in den USA, wo sich zum einen alternative Pädagogiken freier entwickeln können und zum anderen die Implementierung neuer Medien in den Unterricht offensiver vorangetrieben wird. Es wird angenommen, dass die Lernumgebung Montessoris unter dem Gesichtspunkt einer Modernisierung des Konzepts auf die heutigen Ansprüche eine optimale Lernlandschaft bietet, das Internet als natürliche Informationsquelle in den Unterricht zu integrieren. Die gegenwärtig kontroverse Umsetzung der Pädagogik Montessoris (AMI und AMS) sowie die zu diesem Zeitpunkt verwirklichte Internetnutzung in den Schulen werden am Beispiel der USA einer kritischen Reflexion unterzogen. Kapitel 1 dieser Arbeit betrachtet die Pädagogik Montessoris. Ein Abschnitt liefert Informationen über die kontemporäre Verwirklichung ihrer Pädagogik in den USA. Die Möglichkeiten des Internets für den Unterricht, die Aussagen der Forschung über das informationstechnische Lernen sowie seine Integration in den USA, wird in Kapitel 2 näher untersucht. In Kapitel 3 wird die Notwendigkeit des Interneteinsatzes in Schulen überprüft und die Eignung offener Strukturen als Basis dafür begründet. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse geben die Grundlage zu den in Kapitel 4 und 5 beschriebenen Untersuchungen, wie diese Implementierung in der Praxis nordamerikanischer Montessori-Schulen verwirklicht ist. Beschrieben wird sowohl eine Querschnittsuntersuchung als auch eine Fallstudie. Kapitel 6 schildert die pädagogischen Konsequenzen für die Nutzung des Internets im Unterricht. [Based on the observation that teaching research recommends concepts of “open learning” for the implementation of new media such as the Internet, the connection between reform-pedagogical approaches and new information technologies is established. This is where the investigations of the present work tie in. The concept of Maria Montessori is being singled out, examined in the USA, where, on the one hand, alternative pedagogies can develop more freely and, on the other hand, the implementation of new media in the classroom is being promoted more aggressively. It is assumed that the Montessori learning environment, from the point of view of modernizing the concept to meet today's requirements, offers an optimal learning landscape to integrate the Internet as a natural source of information into the classroom. The currently controversial implementation of Montessori pedagogy (AMI and AMS) as well as the internet usage in schools at that time are subjected to critical reflection using the example of the USA. Chapter 1 of this thesis looks at Montessori's pedagogy. A section provides information on the contemporary realization of their pedagogy in the USA. The possibilities of the Internet for teaching, the statements of research about information technology learning and its integration in the USA are examined in more detail in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 examines the necessity of using the Internet in schools and explains the suitability of open structures as a basis for this. The knowledge gained provides the basis for the investigations described in Chapters 4 and 5, how this implementation is realized in practice in North American Montessori schools. Both a cross-sectional study and a case study are described. Chapter 6 describes the pedagogical consequences for the use of the Internet in the classroom.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 2003

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