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1220 results


Relating Dr. [Kay] Baker's Presentations to the Public School Sector

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 39, no. 3

Pages: 9–10

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Abstract/Notes: refresher course 2007

Language: English

Bachelor's Thesis

Spelenderwijs oefenen op fijne motoriek in Groep A in een school voor buitengewoon lager onderwijs in Tudella, Sri Lanka.: Het resultaat van een samenwerking met de leerkrachten van de Montessori Primary Section in het Nisansala Special Training Centre [Playful practice of fine motor skills in Group A in a special primary school in Tudella, Sri Lanka: The result of a collaboration with the teachers of the Montessori Primary Section in the Nisansala Special Training Center]

Available from: DOKS

Asia, Montessori schools, Motor ability in children, Preschool children, South Asia, Sri Lanka

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Abstract/Notes: Dit onderzoek vond plaats in het buitengewoon lager onderwijs van het Nisansala Special Training Centre in Tudella, Sri Lanka. Het onderzoeksonderwerp ‘fijne motoriek’ werd mee bepaald door de inbreng van de leerkrachten tijdens een brainstormsessie. Nadien vond het eigenlijke onderzoek plaats in Groep A. We ontwikkelden een pre- en postmeting met kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve observaties tijdens enkele activiteiten en twee specifieke oefeningen, namelijk duim- en pincetgreep en oog- handcoördinatie. Tegelijkertijd maakten we veertien spelletjes en activiteiten om de fijne motoriek te trainen. Deze werden na de premeting ingezet in Groep A. Door onvoorziene omstandigheden vielen veel oefenmomenten weg en kon de postmeting niet uitgevoerd worden. Hierdoor konden we de evolutie van de leerlingen niet onderzoeken. De algemene conclusie van dit onderzoek was dat er verschillende spelletjes en activiteiten om fijne motoriek te trainen bestaan, maar dat deze niet allemaal even efficiënt, eenvoudig om te maken noch als fijn ervaren werden door de leerlingen. Daarom werd een opsomming gemaakt van de interessantste spelletjes en activiteiten. Vervolgens toonden de onderzoeksresultaten uit de premeting aan dat de leerlingen van Groep A reeds over een behoorlijke fijne motoriek beschikten, maar dat dit niet altijd tot uiting kwam doordat ze aan een traag tempo werkten en gevoelig waren voor afleidende stimuli in de klas.

Language: Dutch

Published: Heverlee, Belgium, 2016

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

The Historical Evolution and Contemporary Status of Montessori Schooling in New Zealand as an Example of the Adaptation of an Alternative Educational Ideal to a Particular National Context

Available from: Massey University - Theses and Dissertations

Australasia, Australia and New Zealand, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, Montessori schools, New Zealand, Oceania

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Abstract/Notes: There have been two distinct phases of the Montessori method of education in New Zealand. The first began in 1912 and continued into the 1950s. The second phase, starting in 1975, has resulted in over one hundred Montessori early childhood centres being established throughout the country. In this thesis I examined the historical evolution and contemporary status of Montessori schooling in New Zealand, as an adaptation of an alternative educational ideal to a particular national context. To situate this study, the history of the Montessori movement was investigated, taking into consideration the particular character and personality of its founder, Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952). It is argued that the apparent contradictions of Montessori, who claimed to be both a scientific educator and a missionary, help explain the endurance of her method. The thesis further maintains that Montessori became a global educator whose philosophy and pedagogy transcends national boundaries. The middle section of this thesis examines the Montessori movement in New Zealand during the first phase and the second phase, highlighting the key role that individuals played in spreading Montessori's ideas. The major aim was to examine how Montessori education changes and adapts in different cultures and during different time frames. The thesis concentrates on New Zealand as a culturally specific example of a global phenomenon. The final section of the thesis is a case study of a Montessori early childhood centre examining the influence of Government policy and how the development of the centre supports the ongoing implementation of Montessori's ideas. The perceptions of Montessori teachers, former parents and students regarding the nature and value of Montessori education are also considered. Finally, observations carried out as part of the case study are analysed to further demonstrate the ways in which the original ideas of Montessori have been reworked to suit a different historical and societal context. It is concluded that Montessori is a global educator whose philosophy and pedagogy transcends national boundaries. Nonetheless, the integration of Montessori education within any country, including New Zealand, does result in a culturally specific Montessori education.

Language: English

Published: Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2004


Montessori Method and the Child: Some Experiments and Incidents in Birla Montessori School [Pilani]

Publication: The Montessori Magazine: A Quarterly Journal for Teachers, Parents and Social Workers (India), vol. 4, no. 1/2

Pages: 26-28

Asia, India, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South Asia

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Language: English


Does Your School Have an Alumni Organization?

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership

Pages: 30-31

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Language: English


Tibetanska Flyktingbarn i Norra Indien Går i Montessoriskola [Tibetan Refugee Children in Northern India Attend Montessori School]

Publication: Montessori-tidningen (Svenska montessoriförbundet), no. 6

Pages: 12-13

Asia, Displaced communities, India, Refugees, South Asia, Tibet

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Language: Swedish

ISSN: 1103-8101


The SchoolHome: Rethinking Schools for Changing Families

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Educational change

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Abstract/Notes: A century ago, John Dewey remarked that when home changes radically, school must change as well. With home, family, and gender roles dramatically altered in recent years, we are faced with a difficult problem: in the lives of more and more American children, no one is home. The Schoolhome proposes a solution. Drawing selectively from reform movements of the past and relating them to the unique needs of today's parents and children, Jane Martin presents a philosophy of education that is responsive to America's changed and changing realities. As more and more parents enter the workforce, the historic role of the domestic sphere in the education and development of children is drastically reduced. Consequently, Martin advocates removing the barriers between the school and the home--making school a metaphorical "home," a safe and nuturant environment that provides children with the experience of affection and connection otherwise missing or inconsistent in their lives. In this proposition, the traditional schoolhouse where children are drilled in the three Rs is transformed into a "schoolhome" where learning is animated by an ethic of social awareness. At a time when many school reformers are calling for a return to basics and lobbying for skills education and quick-fix initiatives, Martin urges us to reconsider the distinctive legacies of Dewey and Montessori and to conceive of a school that integrates the values of the home with those of social responsibility. With cultural diversity and gender equality among its explicit goals, the schoolhome expands upon Dewey's edict to educate the "whole child," seeking instead to educate all children in the culture's whole heritage. Martin eloquently challenges reformers to reclaim the founding fathers' vision of the nation as a domestic realm, and to imagine a learning environment whose curriculum and classroom practice reflect not merely an economic but a moral investment in the future of our children. More than a summons to action, this remarkable book is a call to rethink the assumptions we bring to the educational enterprise, and so, to act wisely.

Language: English

Published: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992

Edition: 1st

ISBN: 978-0-674-04067-0 978-0-674-79265-4 978-0-674-79266-1


School on Coast Is Host to Critics: Pupils Teach Themselves in Montessori Classrooms

Publication: New York Times (New York, New York)

Pages: 1

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Language: English

ISSN: 0362-4331


What Works in Middle School

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 30–31

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Dr. Maria Montessori-Kleuterschool in Haarlem Geopend

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, no. 8

Pages: 8

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Language: Dutch

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