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518 results


Tales of Two Montessori Cities; Denver's Montessori Vision

Available from: ERIC

Publication: MPSC Update [Montessori Public School Consortium (Cleveland, OH)], vol. 2, no. 3

Pages: 1-3

Americas, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English


Anmerkungen zur Montessori-Pädagogik und zu dem Buch: Fröbel und Montessori von Hecker-Muchow

Publication: Die Neue Erziehung, vol. 10

Pages: 425-437

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Language: German


Grassroots Montessori: Cincinnati's Groundswell to Create One of the Country's Few Public Neighborhood Montessori Schools

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 22, no. 3

Pages: 4-7A,8A,9A,10A

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Abstract/Notes: In 2002, Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) adopted a policy committing itself to develop all schools in the district as community learning centers. In Pleasant Ridge, one of Cincinnati's most racially and socio-economically diverse neighborhoods, the community set itself to the task of rebuilding what had been a failing school that reflected little of the neighborhood's diversity. After-school programming to provide extracurricular opportunities emerged as a top priority, as did health and wellness services. Another priority was the development of the Pleasant Ridge school facility as an environmentally sound and sustainable "green" building. Yet, despite the promise of an environmentally cutting-edge school and partnerships ranging from the YMCA to various health providers, all of this was not sufficient to attract new families to the school. And so, just as the environmental enthusiasts were leading a grassroots effort to dramatically change the plans for the physical facility, a group of young parents became involved in challenging the academic program. This group, mostly parents of infants and toddlers, asked themselves, "What would it take for us to send our children to this new school?" Their collective answer was a conversion to a Montessori program.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Zu Hessens Aufsatz "Fröbel und Montessori" [On Hesse's essay "Froebel and Montessori"]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 67

Pages: 1-16

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Language: German


Der Streit um Montessori [The dispute over Montessori]

Publication: Katechetische Blätter, vol. 88

Pages: 88-90

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Language: German

ISSN: 0342-5517


✓ Peer Reviewed

Um movimento em direção aos espaços educadores sustentáveis na Pedagogia Montessori [A movement towards sustainable educational spaces in Montessori Pedagogy]

Available from: Comunicações

Publication: Comunicações, vol. 22, no. 2

Pages: 391-413

Americas, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Apresenta-se aqui o resultado da pesquisa feita numa escola de educação infantil e ensino fundamental de São José (SC) que objetivou verificar as contribuições da pedagogia Montessori às dimensões da escola como um espaço educador sustentável (EES). Revisitaram-se as ideias de educadores que pensaram uma escola à realidade da educação de seu tempo histórico e cultural, especialmente as de Maria Montessori. Na educação ambiental, destacaram-se a sustentabilidade, a escola sustentável e o nosso modo de ser, estar e permanecer na “casa de vida”, sob o olhar de Sauvé, Sato e outros. Ancorou-se em Foucault, com seu entendimento sobre os discursos de verdade, e em Bachelard, que interligou ciência e arte. A pesquisa evidenciou que a escola em foco está em processo de transição de constituir um EES quanto à dimensão do currículo, do projeto político pedagógico e da interação escola-comunidade e em virtude de seus caminhos e escolhas, entretanto algumas limitações existem, principalmente no espaço arquitetônico. Nas falas da comunidade escolar, viu-se que a escola busca criar seu próprio caminho, suas próprias estradas, e, embora não apresente total consonância entre sua proposta e os objetivos do Programa Nacional Escolas Sustentáveis, ambos possuem aspectos em comum. Concluiu-se que o projeto do centro educacional continua se efetivando entre saberes e fazeres da pedagogia Montessori. [We present here the result of a research carried out in a kindergarten and elementary school in São José (SC) which aimed to verify the contributions of Montessori pedagogy to the dimensions of the school as a sustainable educational space (EES). The ideas of educators who thought a school to the reality of education in its historical and cultural time were revisited, especially those of Maria Montessori. In environmental education, sustainability, the sustainable school and our way of being, being and staying in the “home of life” were highlighted, under the eyes of Sauvé, Sato and others. It was based on Foucault, with his understanding of truth discourses, and on Bachelard, who linked science and art. The research showed that the school in focus is in a transition process of constituting an EES regarding the dimension of the curriculum, the pedagogical political project and the school-community interaction and due to its paths and choices, however some limitations exist, mainly in the space architectural. In the speeches of the school community, it was seen that the school seeks to create its own path, its own roads, and, although it does not present total consonance between its proposal and the objectives of the Sustainable Schools National Program, both have aspects in common. It was concluded that the project of the educational center continues to be carried out between the knowledge and practices of Montessori pedagogy.]

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.15600/2238-121X/comunicacoes.v22n2ep391-413

ISSN: 2238-121X, 0104-8481


Celebrating Diversity at a Public Montessori School [Hull-Jackson Montessori Magnet School, Nashville, TN]

Publication: Montessori International, vol. 77

Pages: 24–25

Americas, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Aplicación del Método Montessori en la Educación Infantil Ecuatoriana [The Application of the Montessori Method in Ecuadorian Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (Ecuador)

Publication: Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: 122-131

Americas, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El método de Montessori destaca la didáctica a través de los cinco sentidos, no sólo a través de tres de ellos como se hace tradicionalmente (escuchar, ver o leer), el docente deberá saber con previa evaluación lo que cada niño está listo para realizar. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control. El objetivo de la investigación es impulsar el hábito del auto-estudio y la autodisciplina, es decir que posibilita a que el niño trabaje con autonomía, favoreciendo el propio interés y la investigación que ayudan al niño a concentrarse en su aula; la metodología aplicada se buscó coordinar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos mediante una investigación bibliográfica y relatos narrativos. La función del orientador fundamental es la del adulto, y en especial el padre, ya que se considera el principal guía del niño, quien es el responsable de mostrarle elmundo en sus primeros pasos. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control, los niños logran asimilar: una investigación propia e independiente, planificar, organizar, compilar información; crear: presentaciones, exposiciones y proyectos. [The Montessori method highlights the didactics through the five senses, not only through three of them as is traditionally done (listening, seeing or reading), the teacher must know with prior evaluation what each child is ready to do. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control. The objective of the research is to promote the habit of self-study and self-discipline, that is, it enables the child to work with autonomy, favoring self-interest and research that help the child to concentrate in her classroom; The applied methodology sought to coordinate and achieve the proposed objectives through bibliographic research and narrative stories. The role of the fundamental guide is that of the adult, and especially the father, since she is considered the child's main guide, who is responsible for showing her the world in her first steps. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control, children manage to assimilate: their own independent research, planning, organizing, compiling information; create: presentations, exhibitions and projects.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.32645/13906925.935

ISSN: 2631-2905


A Montessori eszközök alkalmazása a matematika tanításban egy Montessori-jellegű osztályban

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Language: Hungarian

Published: Budapest, Hungary, 2006


The Possibility of Public Montessori Schools: Examining the Montessori philosophy and its prospect in American public schools

Available from: Vanderbilt University Institutional Repository

Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: In an effort to explore the ways in which Montessori curriculum and public schools are cooperative or mutually exclusive, I will examine the principles of the Montessori philosophy as set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori in the areas of learners and learning, the learning environment, the curriculum and instructional strategies, and student assessment. After examining these sectors of the Montessori method, I will discuss theoretical possibilities in adapting the Montessori method to the American public school system in the early 21st century. For the purpose of this paper, I will refer to the author of the Montessori method, as "Dr. Montessori" and call the general method or portions thereof as "Montessori."

Language: English

Published: Nashville, Tennessee, 2007

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