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142 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Change Is in Me. The Transformation of Adults to the Role of the Montessori Guide. Qualitative - Biographical Research Study / Zmiana jest we mnie. Transformacja dorosłych do roli przewodnika Montessori. Raport z badania jakościowo – biograficznego

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1 (no. 68)

Pages: 65-78

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Abstract/Notes: Artykuł stanowi sprawozdanie z badania jakościowo – biograficznego zrealizowanego wśród dwóch grup uczestników biorących udział w kursach Montessori. Podstawowym celem badania była analiza znaczeń nadawanych zmianie. Pytanie badawcze sformułowano następująco: Jak uczestnicy kursu Montessori (6-12) tematyzują swój proces transformacji?  Artykuł podejmuje kwestię zmiany edukacyjnej w kontekście wiedzy milczącej oraz teorii osobistych a następnie opisuje procedurę gromadzenia i analizy danych z dwudziestu pięciu pogłębionych, jakościowych wywiadów indywidualnych, które następnie poddano analizie zgodnie z opisanymi przez Kvale siedmioma krokami. W rezultacie analiz udało się zidentyfikować i opisać dwie główne kategorie: radykalną transformację oraz korektę biograficzną. W końcowej części artykułu autor, w kontekście zebranego materiału zwraca uwagę na ograniczone możliwości narzucania zmiany w edukacji i – podążając za głosami uczestników badania rekomenduje pożądane warunki do zaistnienia potencjalnych zmian: tworzenie nauczycielom warunków wolności do podejmowania decyzji i tworzenia autorskich rozwiązań dydaktycznych, demokratyzacja sfery związanej z edukacją oraz wspieranie poczucia godności wśród nauczycieli.

Language: English

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2023.1868.05

ISSN: 2353-7787


Einführung in eine Methode, Erwachsene lesen und schreiben zu lehren [Introduction to a method of teaching adults to read and write]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 36, no. 3

Pages: 106-112

Functional literacy, Literacy, Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537

Blog Post

Montessori Children Often Turn Into Happy Adults

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Abstract/Notes: New research highlights the long-term benefits of a Montessori education.

Language: English

Published: Jan 3, 2022


Dr. Montessori Will Lecture for Adults

Available from: NewsBank - San Diego Evening Tribune Historical

Publication: San Diego Evening Tribune (San Diego, California)

Pages: 8

Adelia McAlpin Pyle - Biographic sources, Americas, Anna Fedeli - Biographic sources, Edith Little - Biographic sources, Helen Little - Biographic sources, Helen Parkhurst - Biographic sources, International Montessori Training Course (3rd [course 1], Los Angeles and San Diego, USA, May - July 1915), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Mario M. Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, North America

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Abstract/Notes: Includes a list of individuals assisting Montessori with her work in San Diego. Also, reports on a 10-lecture series Montessori provided: "For the benefit of mothers, teachers and all others interested, Dr. Montessori has decided to offer a short course of ten lectures and two demonstrations of the use of the didactic appareatus, to begin Wednesday, July 7th, at 3:30 p.m. in the lecture room, at the normal school. Those interested in this course should make personal application on Monday and Tuesday, between the hours of 2 and 3, in the afternoon, in Dr. Montessori's office at the normal school, where they may learn the nature of the work and the requirements for admission. This short course has been arranged in response to the many requests that have been made for it by persons unable to take the advanced course which was begun in Los Angeles and will be continued in San Diego and, later, in San Francisco, for about four months. The first public address by Dr. Montessori will be given at the exposition on the afternoon of July 12, which has been set aside by the exposition management as 'Education Day.'"

Language: English


Value Formation by Likeable Adults

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 2

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Bridging the Intergenerational Gap in Therapeutic Activity Delivery Between Younger Professional Caregivers and Older Adults Living With Dementia

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, vol. 9, no. 2

Pages: 161-175

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Many older individuals have cohort-specific knowledge that may not be known by young caregivers. By providing familiar information, using Montessori principles that key into the remaining abilities of those with dementia, it is possible for the younger caregivers to successfully facilitate satisfying, interactive programs. Forty activity directors and staff, age 25–50, in long-term care settings interacted with residents age 56–100 in groups of 10 or more in both an activity intervention and standard activities. The younger caregivers indicated positive responses to the activity intervention and demonstrated increases in positive attitudes toward cognitively impaired, elderly residents, which was due to the intervention that provides the structure and materials to overcome both the skills gap and intergenerational knowledge gap for those staff that have them.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/15350770.2011.568340

ISSN: 1535-0770

Master's Thesis

Impact of Montessori-Based Dementia Programming on Engagement and Affect of Older Adults with Dementia

Available from: University of San Francisco

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the Adult Day Services program and Adult Day programs across the country. As the Adult Day Services program transitions to an in-person format, goals within the organization include developing appropriate programming, increasing group size, and keeping clients entertained. The framework guiding this quality improvement project is Montessori-Based Dementia Programming ® (MBDP). This project aims to increase client engagement, decrease client anxiety, and decrease staff workload. This will be measured by a self-developed staff workload survey, the Menorah-Park Engagement, and the Affect rating scale. Implementation of MBDP at the Adult Day Center did not meet all projected goals, however benefits of MBDP were observed. The benefits of MBDP include improved affect and engagement of clients when participating in MBDP.

Language: English

Published: San Francisco, California, 2022


Montessori in a Therapeutic Setting Among Adults with Handicaps

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1999, no. 2-3

Pages: 52–58

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Children's Creativity: Adult's Communication

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 10, no. 1

Pages: 39–41

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Abstract/Notes: Workshop at AMS Annual Seminar, Chicago, IL, April, 1997

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Young Adults at the UN: Hope for the Future

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 16, no. 1

Pages: 49

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

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