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512 results


The Growing Popularity of Montessori Education [China, U.S.]

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 5

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Conference Paper

Montessori Education and Its Relevance to Educational Reform

Available from: ERIC

Montessori School/Public Schools: A Conference on the Future of Public Montessori Programs (New York, Oct 17-19, 1991)

Educational change, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This article describes the general principles of the philosophy of Montessori education. The basis of Montessori education is a student-centered learning environment--one that includes provision for an inquisitive, cooperative, safe, and nurturing atmosphere for learning. Students' psychosocial needs must be addressed before their cognitive needs, so that students will enjoy learning and become life-long learners. Montessori education has developed two sets of practices with regard to teacher preparation and classroom environment that facilitate student-centered environments. Montessori teacher education programs focus on training teachers in observational skill and child development. Teachers are educated in developmental levels and in matching appropriate skills and activities to levels. Appropriate materials facilitate the development of physical, intellectual, and social independence. Characteristics of the Montessori classroom include: teachers who are educated in the Montessori method; partnership with the family; a multi-aged, multi-graded, heterogeneous grouping of students; a diverse set of Montessori materials, activities, and experiences; a schedule that allows time for problem solving; connections between knowing and creating; and a classroom atmosphere that encourages social interaction for cooperative learning, peer teaching, and emotional development. The paper concludes with comments regarding the positive aspects of multi-age grouping.

Language: English

Published: New York City, NY: American Montessori Society, Oct 1991

Pages: 7 p.


Cosmic Education, Third Lecture (1936)

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2008, no. 1

Pages: 5–9

Cosmic education, England, Great Britain, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Northern Europe, Trainings, United Kingdom

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori talks extensively about sea life and the many captivating examples that will rouse and sustain the children’s interest in the concept of Cosmic Education. Third lecture, January 9, 1936, 21st International Course Extension, London

Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


✓ Peer Reviewed

Filsafat Pendidikan Maria Montessori Dengan Teori Belajar Progresivisme Dalam Pendidikan Aud [Maria Montessori Educational Philosophy with Progressivism Learning Theory in Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Publication: Bunayya: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak [Journal of Children's Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 64-88

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan pendidikan Islam dari sudut pandang Maria Montessori, yang merupakan tokoh pendidikan anak yang mencurahkan hampir keseluruhan hidupnya untuk anak-anak. Maria Montessori memiliki prinsip dasar mengenai metode montessori ini, yang sangat memfokuskan anak sebagai childern center dan orang dewasa sebagai pembimbing. Menurutnya, suatu fase kehidupan di awal sangat berpengaruh terhadap faserase kehidupan selanjutnya artinya bahwa pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialami oleh seorang anak di awal kehidupannya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kedewasaannya kelak begitu juga perlakuan yang di dapatkan anak sejak kecil akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembang an anak selanjutnya. Kemudiaan sebagai umat Islam, sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi orang tua dan pendidik untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman pada anak-anaknya. Dan agar nilai-nilai ke-Islaman tersebut dapat terserap dengan sempurna, maka harus diajarkan sejak anak-anak usia dini juga. Rasulullah telah menegaskan tentang tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak-anak dalam sabdanya. [This paper tries to explain Islamic education from the perspective of Maria Montessori, who is a figure of children's education who devotes almost her entire life to children. Maria Montessori has a basic principle regarding this Montessori Method, which is very focused on children as children centers and adults as guides. According to him, a phase of life at the beginning is very influential on the phases of the next life which means that the experiences experienced by a child early in life are very influential on their maturity as well as the treatment that children get from childhood will greatly affect the subsequent development of children. Youth as Muslims, it has become an obligation for parents and educators to instill Islamic values in their children. And so that these Islamic values can be absorbed perfectly, it must be taught from an early age as well. Rasulullah has emphasized the responsibility of parents towards children in their sayings.]

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2549-3329


My System of Education

Americas, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, National Education Association (NEA), National Montessori Promotion Fund, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: National Montessori Promotion Fund, 1915


Resources for Montessori Adult Education

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 38

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Maria Montessori: una grande innovatrice nell'educazione del fanciullo [Maria Montessori: a great innovator in the education of the child]

Publication: Polizia moderna [Modern Police]

Pages: 36-37

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0032-356X

Book Section

Multimodal Representation of Educational Meanings in Montessori Pedagogy

Book Title: Multimodal Semiotics: Functional Analysis in Contexts of Education

Pages: 201-215

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Language: English

Published: London: Bloomsbury, 2008

ISBN: 1-4411-1597-8 978-1-4411-1597-3


The Educational Scene

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: Elementary English, vol. 42, no. 1

Pages: 75-79

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Language: English

ISSN: 0013-5968


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori as an Alternative Early Childhood Education

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Early Child Development and Care, vol. 191, no. 7/8 (Early Childhood Theorists and Pioneers)

Pages: 1196-1206

Comparative education, Culturally responsive teaching, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education was developed over 100 years ago, and persists as a marginal ‘niche reform’ of the standard model. Here I discuss two unresolved dichotomies in early childhood education – the tension between work and play, and between structure and freedom. I explain how Montessori collapses and thereby resolves the dichotomies, and does so in a contemporary theoretical frame – one that is dynamical rather than linear. I next describe the origins and functioning of Montessori preschool environments, outcomes from the most methodologically sound studies to date, and impediments to Montessori’s more widespread adoption. I also show how Montessori is a culturally responsive pedagogy, and conclude by return to the dichotomies and how Montessori makes sense for the modern era.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2020.1832998

ISSN: 0300-4430, 1476-8275

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