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929 results


Kindheit bei Maria Montessori und Ellen Key - Disziplinierung und Normalisierung [Childhood with Maria Montessori and Ellen Key - Discipline and Normalization]

Ellen Key - Biographic sources, Ellen Key - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Reformpädagogik gilt bis heute als »magische Größe«. Ihre Anhänger verzaubert sie mit der eingängigen Formel: Nicht nur »naturgemäß« soll Erziehung sein, sondern auch wertschätzend, praxisnah und individuell. So verspricht sie Heilung (von falscher Pädagogik) und argumentiert scheinheilig: Sowohl »begradigen« als auch »überwinden« sind unverzichtbare Bestandteile ihres Kanons pädagogischer Leitbegriffe. Die Kindheitskonzepte von Maria Montessori und Ellen Key werden besonders dafür geschätzt, dass sie das »Leben« feiern. Dabei argumentieren sie mitunter allerdings wenig lebensbejahend. Besonders augenfällig ist, dass sie vor allem gesunde, normale und folgsame Kinder besonders wertschätzen. Der ideale Nachwuchs soll sowohl folgsam als auch unauffällig sein: Nicht jedes Kind ist aus sich heraus wertvoll. Daher appellieren sie an künftige Eltern, möglichst nur den richtigen Erbanlagen ins Leben zu verhelfen (was nicht zwangsläufig die eigenen sind). Überhaupt haben beide sehr konkrete Vorstellungen davon, wie Kinder sein müssen... und was passieren könnte, wenn sie nicht sind, wie sie sein sollen. [Reform pedagogy is still considered a »magic factor« today. She enchants her followers with the catchy formula: Education should not only be »natural«, but also appreciative, practical and individual. So she promises healing (from false pedagogy) and hypocritically argues: Both "straighten" and "overcome" are indispensable components of her canon of pedagogical guiding principles. Maria Montessori and Ellen Key's concepts of childhood are particularly valued for their celebration of "life." Sometimes, however, their arguments are not very life-affirming. What is particularly striking is that they particularly appreciate healthy, normal and obedient children. The ideal offspring should be both obedient and inconspicuous: not every child is valuable in and of itself. They therefore appeal to future parents to only help the right hereditary factors into life (which are not necessarily their own). In general, both have very specific ideas about how children should be... and what could happen if they aren't how they should be.]

Language: German

Published: Paderborn, Germany: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-657-77324-4 3-657-77324-X 978-3-506-77324-1


Les Recherches Historiques sur Maria Montessori en Italie (2000-2021) [Historical Research on Maria Montessori in Italy (2000-2021)]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Les Études Sociales, vol. 175, no. 1

Pages: 201-208

Italy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Cette bibliographie sans prétendre être exhaustive montre la densité croissante des recherches historiques sur Maria Montessori réalisées en Italie ces vingt dernières années. Il existe parmi nos collègues transalpins un réseau de chercheurs en la matière où les pionniers : Clara Tornar, Giacomo Cives et Paola Trabalzini, entraînent à leur suite une pléiade de chercheurs comme Fulvio De Giorgi, Renato Foschi, Tiziana Pironi ou Erica Moretti. D’où la variété des travaux qui laissent de moins en moins de zones d’ombre dans l’œuvre de la pédagogue et dans son action. La formation de Maria Montessori imprégnée du positivisme scientifique ambiant, ses liens, parfois contradictoires, avec l’Église catholique, la théosophie et la maçonnerie, son engagement social aux côtés des féministes et des enfants des classes pauvres, ses rapports à la psychanalyse, ses relations ambigües avec le pouvoir y compris fasciste, etc. sont passés au peigne fin. Cependant, tout n’est pas encore exploré concernant Maria Montessori et, surtout, le mouvement qu’elle a fondé. Les enfants qui bénéficièrent de la pédagogie montessorienne et leur devenir scolaire restent sous-étudiés, ainsi que la place du montessorisme dans l’école publique, question sensible pour les Français. Mais le travail de nos collègues italiens a largement ouvert la voie... [This bibliography, without claiming to be exhaustive, shows the increasing density of historical research on Maria Montessori carried out in Italy over the past twenty years. Among our transalpine colleagues there is a network of researchers in the field where the pioneers: Clara Tornar, Giacomo Cives and Paola Trabalzini, lead a host of researchers like Fulvio De Giorgi, Renato Foschi, Tiziana Pironi or Erica Moretti. Hence the variety of work that leaves less and less gray areas in the work of the pedagogue and in his action. Maria Montessori's training, steeped in the prevailing scientific positivism, her links, sometimes contradictory, with the Catholic Church, theosophy and Masonry, her social commitment alongside feminists and children from the poor classes, her relationship to psychoanalysis, her ambiguous relations with power, including fascists, etc. have been combed through. However, not everything has yet been explored concerning Maria Montessori and, above all, the movement she founded. The children who benefited from Montessorian pedagogy and their future at school remain under-studied, as well as the place of Montessorism in public schools, a sensitive issue for the French. But the work of our Italian colleagues has largely paved the way...]

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/etsoc.175.0201

ISSN: 0014-2204


Maria Montessori, 1870-1952: Kind ihrer Zeit, Frau von Welt [Maria Montessori, 1870-1952: Child of her Time, Woman of the World]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Translated from the Dutch by Verena Kiefer.

Language: German

Published: Weinheim, Germany: Beltz, 2002

ISBN: 3-407-22750-7 978-3-407-22750-8

Series: Biographie & Kontext

Book Section

Maria Montessoris Pädagogischer Reformimpuls [Maria Montessori's Educational Reform Impulse]

Available from: SpringerLink

Book Title: Handbuch Bildungsreform und Reformpädagogik

Pages: 179-190

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori gehört zu den Klassikern der Pädagogik. Sie kam von der Medizin zur Pädagogik und entfaltete ein weltweites Wirken zur Verbreitung ihrer pädagogischen Ideen. Ihr Fundament haben diese in ihrer Anthropologie des Kindes, für deren Grundlagen sie trotz der unterschiedlichen Ausformungen durch kulturelle Einflüsse universale Geltung beansprucht. Ihre Grundgedanken zu Erziehung und Bildung sollen als Orientierung für alle pädagogischen Handlungsfelder gelten, modifiziert für die unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsabschnitte des Menschen von der Geburt bis zum Tod. Integriert werden diese Ideen in den Entwurf eines global orientierten Erziehungs- und Bildungsprogramms unter der Bezeichnung 'Kosmische Erziehung'. [Maria Montessori is one of the classics of education. She came from medicine to pedagogy and developed a worldwide work to spread her pedagogical ideas. They have their foundation in their anthropology of the child, for the foundations of which they claim universal validity despite the different forms of cultural influences. Her basic ideas on upbringing and education should serve as orientation for all pedagogical fields of action, modified for the different stages of human development from birth to death. These ideas are integrated into the design of a globally oriented education and training program called 'Cosmic Education'.]

Language: German

Published: Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer, 2018

ISBN: 978-3-658-07491-3


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori i el pare Antoni Casulleras: innovació pedagògica i catolicisme modern / Maria Montessori and Father Antoni Casulleras: Pedagogical Innovation and Modern Catholicism

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 107-130

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: This article discusses the relationship between Mary Montessori and the Catholic Church. More specifically, it provides the results of the investigation and the conclusions related to convictions and support that arise from various sectors of the Catholic sphere. Maria Montessori’s pedagogical methodology, without leaving doubts aside, suspicions and complicities, had a recurring link with female and male religious congregations especially in Italy, but also in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (Mallorca and Menorca). This study presents different epicentres, always with the figure of Montessori as the protagonist: it starts from some of the internal movements of the Holy See in 1917, the figure of Father Antoni Casulleras is introduced as a mediator in those polls, and focuses mainly on Mallorca, precisely because this missionary of St. Vincent de Paul had congregational responsibilities in Mallorca while maintaining a close relationship which Montessori and the Roman Curia leaders. Consequently, the research it takes place in the period of the Great War, especially between 1914 and 1919, in a situation of reception and very explicit support of the Montessori method by the Catalan and Balearic Catholic sectors. / Aquest article tracta un aspecte de la relació entre Maria Montessori i l’Església catòlica. Més concretament, aporta els resultats de la investigació i les conclusions relacionades amb condemnes i suports que sorgiren des de sectors diversos de l’àmbit catòlic. La metodologia pedagògica de Maria Montessori, sense deixar de banda dubtes, recels i complicitats, tingué una vinculació recurrent amb congregacions religioses femenines i masculines, sobretot a Itàlia, però també a Catalunya i a les Balears (Mallorca i Menorca). Aquest estudi presenta diferents epicentres, sempre amb la figura de Montessori com a protagonista: es parteix d’alguns dels moviments interns de la Santa Seu el 1917, s’introdueix la figura del pare Antoni Casulleras com a mediador en aquells sondeigs, i se centra sobretot a Mallorca, precisament perquè aquest missioner de Sant Vicenç de Paül tenia responsabilitats congregacionals a Mallorca mentre mantenia una relació estreta amb Montessori i amb els responsables de la cúria romana. En conseqüència, la recerca s’ubica en el període de la Gran Guerra, i més en especial entre 1914 i 1919, en una conjuntura de recepció i de suport molt explícit del mètode Montessori per part dels sectors catòlics catalans i balears. / Este artículo trata un aspecto de la relación entre Maria Montessori y la Iglesia católica. Más concretamente, aporta los resultados de la investigación y las conclusiones relacionadas con condenas y adhesiones que surgieron desde sectores diversos del ámbito católico. La metodología pedagógica de Maria Montessori, sin dejar de lado dudas, recelos y complicidades, tuvo una vinculación recurrente con congregaciones religiosas femeninas y masculinas, sobre todo en Italia, pero también en Cataluña y Baleares (Mallorca y Menorca). Este estudio presenta diferentes epicentros, siempre con la figura de Montessori como protagonista: se parte de algunos de los movimientos internos de la Santa Sede en 1917, se introduce la figura del padre Antoni Casulleras como mediador en aquellos sondeos, y se centra sobre todo en Mallorca, precisamente porque este misionero de San Vicente de Paúl tenía responsabilidades congregacionales en Mallorca, mientras mantenía una estrecha relación con Montessori y con los responsables de la Curia Romana. En consecuencia, la investigación se ubica en el período de la Gran Guerra, y más especialmente entre 1914 y 1919, en una coyuntura de recepción y de apoyo muy explícito del método Montessori por parte de los sectores católicos catalanes y baleares.

Language: Catalan

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150351

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258

Book Section

Theosophische Annäherungen und Jüdische Förderinnen Maria Montessoris [Theosophical approaches and Jewish patrons of Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Kinder Sind Anders: Maria Montessoris Bild Vom Kinde Auf Dem Prüfstand [Children Are Different: Maria Montessori's Picture of the Child on the Test Bench]

Pages: 129-151

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Ergon, 1996

ISBN: 3-928034-90-1


Eine revolutionäre Pädagogik: zum 100. Geburtstag von Maria Montessori [Revolutionary pedagogy: for Maria Montessori's 100th birthday]

Available from: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) - e-Periodica

Publication: Schweizer Schule, vol. 57, no. 21

Pages: 784-785

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Language: German

DOI: 10.5169/seals-535953

ISSN: 0036-7443, 2297-8186


✓ Peer Reviewed

La pedagogía en femenino de Maria Montessori: un vínculo colaborativo entre ciencia, educación y feminismo / Maria Montessori's feminine pedagogy: a collaborative link between science, education and feminism / A pedagogia em feminino de Maria Montessori: um elo colaborativo entre ciência, educação e feminismo

Available from: Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (Colombia)

Publication: Pedagogía y Saberes, no. 58

Pages: 189-206

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Abstract/Notes: This reflection paper is the result of an analytical exercise around the experiences of Maria Montessori as a scholar and feminist woman between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Following a chronological order —not necessarily linear— of the most significant historical aspects analyzed in the light of different sources of study (conferences, books, research, articles, among others), it is intended to highlight the particular influence of the pedagogical elaborations of a woman in the educational field; a woman who lived in a time when social and cultural reality only valued the female role as a homemaker and denied their value in science, still, she manages to venture into the academic and research territory. I present comments and reflections of this excursus aiming to restore, to a certain extent, the philosophical dignity of the renowned pedagogue, that is, the vindication of her thought beyond the Method application perspective. The emphasis is on examining the pedagogical work of Maria Montessori under a lens that amplifies the reflection of a life characterized by a properly feminine and feminist style in an Italy that, galloping between the old and the new century, saw the birth of a New emancipated Woman, able to confront the positivism of the macho monopoly of her time. Consequently, this philosopher, anthropologist, doctor, pedagogue and feminist —with the help of an important participation of women who marked her history— establishes a complete educational revolution in Italy, and later international impact.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.17227/pys.num58-17244

ISSN: 2500-6436, 0121-2494


Maria Montessorin käsitys lapsuuden merkityksestä ihmisen elämässä, yhteiskunnassa ja maailmassa [Maria Montessori's understanding of the importance of childhood in human life, society and the world]

Child development, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland: Helsingin yliopisto, 2002

Book Section

Il messaggio universale di Maria Montessori [The universal message of Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Maria Montessori, oggi: 1870-1970 [Maria Montessori, today: 1870-1970]

Pages: 17-35

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Italian

Published: Firenze: Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970

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