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996 results


Miserie Sociali e Nuovi Ritrovati della Scienza [Social Miseries and New Findings of Science] (part 2)

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Roma: Rivista Politica Parlamentare, vol. 2, no. 28

Pages: 652-655

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian


Miserie Sociali e Nuovi Ritrovati della Scienza [Social Miseries and New Findings of Science] (part 1)

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Roma: Rivista Politica Parlamentare, vol. 2, no. 26

Pages: 605-608

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian


Miserie Sociali e Nuovi Ritrovati della Scienza [Social Miseries and New Findings of Science] (part 2)

Publication: Risveglio Educativo: Monitore Bisettimanale delle Scuole Elementari, vol. 15, no. 18

Pages: 147-149

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian


Miserie Sociali e Nuovi Ritrovati della Scienza [Social Miseries and New Findings of Science] (part 1)

Publication: Risveglio Educativo: Monitore Bisettimanale delle Scuole Elementari, vol. 15, no. 17

Pages: 130-132

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian


La questione sociale del bambino [The social question of the child]

Publication: Pro Juventute, vol. 21

Pages: 198-203

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 1012-7895


✓ Peer Reviewed

Historiando a Montessori: desde el feminismo y socialismo utópico hacia su compromiso como pionera del holismo / Telling the Montessori story: From feminism and utopic socialism towards her compromise with cosmic education and conscious cultural evolution

Available from: Universidad de Costa Rica - Portal de Revistas Académicas

Publication: Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, vol. 12, no. 3

Pages: 1-33

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Abstract/Notes: El presente ensayo indaga acerca de las raíces de la educación montessoriana, pionera de concepciones holistas. Como resultado, se evidencia que únicamente puede ser abordada desde un paradigma de la complejidad y del compromiso con el destino de la humanidad. Solo una comprensión más amplia de su teleología, antropología y epistemología, nos proporcionará la perspectiva que permita integrar estas dimensiones. Con una introducción que parte de la primera costarricense en poner en práctica su filosofía, la preclara Carmen Lyra, se aborda la multi-texualidad, complejidad y trasdisciplinareidad de Montessori, así como sus contingencias y su época, indagación necesaria para sopesar su necesidad hoy. A search for Montessori’s roots concludes that an authentic Montessori education, pioneer in holistic conceptions, can only be addressed from a paradigm of complexity, a Transdisciplinary perspective, and an attitude of compromise with the destiny of humanity. Only an all-encompassing understanding of her teleology, anthropology, and epistemology will provide a perspective to integrate these dimensions. In relating Montessori’s circumstances and life-experiences, a parallel is made to the challenges faced by the first practicing Montessorian in Costa Rica, Carmen Lyra, educator, writer, activist, and founding-member of the Costa Rican Communist Party. Montessori’s multi-texuality, contingencies and the quotidien are addressed in an effort to outline her relevance today.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.15517/aie.v12i3.10298

ISSN: 1409-4703


Valore educativo e sociale della scuola materna [Educational and social value of the nursery school]

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 10, no. 10

Pages: 3-7

Marziola Pignatari - Writings

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


✓ Peer Reviewed

Non solo seggioline e tavolini: il valore sociale della proposta di Maria Montessori [Not just small chairs and tables: the social value of Maria Montessori's proposal]

Available from: Educação (UFSM)

Publication: Educação (UFSM), vol. 43, no. 4

Pages: 641-654

Europe, Italy, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Il contributo ha un taglio storico con attenzione all’attualità e si occupa della pedagogia montessoriana, che è recentemente al centro di un dibattito vivace in Italia e di nuove sperimentazioni. Esso vuole mostrare il notevole valore etico e sociale presente nella proposta di Maria Montessori: un valore che attualmente è un po’ trascurato a livello divulgativo, perché la concezione montessoriana viene ridotta in alcuni casi a un metodo didattico (arredi a misura di bambino, materiali scientifici, maestra unica). Per questo motivo, l’autrice del contributo analizza il Discorso inaugurale in occasione dell’apertura di una Casa dei bambini nel 1907, scritto e pronunciato da Maria Montessori, focalizzandosi su alcuni temi. Il primo tema è quello degli spazi: il Discorso mette in luce come Montessori pensava al valore simbolico e sociale delle Case dei bambini e alla loro importanza per il recupero di situazioni di degrado e di miseria. Il secondo tema è quello del profilo professionale della maestra: le parole di Montessori mostrano come l’insegnante ha una importante funzione sociale ed è la persona che cresce i futuri cittadini favorendone la consapevolezza critica attraverso una relazione fondata sull’autonomia. Una rilettura dell’opera montessoriana in questa luce ci sprona anche a rivedere le proposte di altri pensatori della nostra storia culturale non come metodi didattici, pur innovativi e interessanti, ma anche e soprattutto nel loro messaggio sociale. Questa prospettiva appare sempre più urgente e doverosa in un’epoca come la nostra, che si trova ad affrontare problemi molto gravi riguardo alle condizioni dell’infanzia. [The contribution has a historical focus with attention to current affairs and deals with Montessori education, which has recently been at the centre of a lively debate in Italy and new experiments. It wants to show the remarkable ethical and social value present in the proposal of Maria Montessori: a value that is currently somewhat neglected at the level of popularization because the Montessori concept is reduced in some cases to an educational method (child-friendly furnishings, materials and methods, single teacher). For this reason, the author of the contribution analyzes the inaugural speech on the occasion of the opening of a Children's Home in 1907, written and pronounced by Maria Montessori, focusing on some themes. The first theme is that of spaces: the Discourse highlights how Montessori thought of the symbolic and social value of the homes of children and their importance for the recovery of situations of degradation and misery. The second theme is that of the professional profile of the teacher: the words of Montessori show how the teacher has an important social function and is the person who grows future citizens, encouraging critical awareness through a relationship based on autonomy. A reinterpretation of the Montessori work in this light also encourages us to review the proposals of other authors of our cultural history not as educational methods, although innovative and interesting, but also and above all in their social message. This perspective appears ever more urgent and necessary in our age, which is facing very serious problems concerning the conditions of childhood.]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.5902/1984644434579

ISSN: 1984-6444


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Galaxie des Pédagogies Alternatives, Objet d’Étude des Sciences Humaines et Sociales [The Galaxy of Alternative Pedagogies, an Object of Study in the Human and Social Sciences]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Tréma, no. 50

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Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/trema.4159

ISSN: 1167-315X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Representaciones sociales de la violencia generada por el conflicto armado colombiano en estudiantes víctimas, de la institución educativa municipal Montessori del municipio de Pitalito-Huila [Social Representations of Violence Generated by the Colombian Armed Conflict in Student Victims of the Municipal Montessori Educational Institution in the Municipality of Pitalito, Huila]

Available from: Universidad de San Buenaventura (Colombia)

Publication: El Ágora USB: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, vol. 19, no. 2

Pages: 372-386

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Abstract/Notes: La presente investigación tiene como propósito identificar las representacionessociales hacia la violencia, de los estudiantes de la institución educativamunicipal Montessori del Municipio de Pitalito Huila. Los estudiantes, a pesarde que tienen información de los hechos violentos a partir de sus familias,reflejan representaciones sociales hacia la violencia con imágenes de muerte,asesinato, manipulación y privación, por cuanto fueron movilizados desus asentamientos originales por los grupos armados. Igualmente, se percibeninterpretaciones cognitivas de sentimientos de tristeza y miedo hacia laviolencia y deducen que la paz podría ser una opción para evitar estas situaciones.Con respecto a las relaciones sociales u opinión del entorno hacialos hechos de violencia, los entrevistados expresaron que el entorno hizocaso omiso de la situación y los medios de comunicación nunca expresaronapoyos hacia las víctimas. [The purpose of this research is to identify the social representations towardviolence, of the students of the Municipal Montessori Educational Institution of the Municipality of Pitalito, Huila. Although, the students have information on violent events from their families, they reflect social representations toward violence with images of death, murder, manipulation, anddeprivation, as they were mobilized from their original settlements by armedgroups. Similarly, cognitive interpretations of feelings of sadness and fearof violence are perceived and infer that peace could be an option to avoidthese situations. With regard to the social relationships or opinion of theenvironment toward acts of violence, the interviewees expressed that theenvironment overlooked the situation, and the media never expressed support for the victims.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.21500/16578031.4394

ISSN: 2665-3354

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