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187 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Against P21 Early Learning: A Quantitative Benchmarking Analysis

Available from: Lincoln University College (Malaysia)

Publication: International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), vol. 5, no. 1

Pages: 30-46

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study was carried out to evaluate the extent to which the authentic Montessori Method (MM) for Early Childhood Education (ECE), as reflected by theory and practice, encompasses the contemporary 21st-century knowledge on early soft skills development. It involved a quantitative benchmarking analysis wherein it was weighed against the P21 Early Learning Framework (P21ELF) and its implementation guide (P21ELFIG) with the inputs of qualified Montessori ECE practitioners. A questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale collected data from a sample of 100 practitioners reached through the Good Shepherd Maria Montessori Training Center, personal contacts, and snowballing. After filtering by extent of experience in Montessori ECE and knowledge on soft skills, 42 questionnaires were used for computing descriptive statistics and producing tabular and graphical representations. The findings revealed that the authentic MM for ECE is in remarkable sync with the P21ELFIG on concepts, strategies, optimal environment, and family involvement, while being moderate in encouraging and facilitating learning outcomes and encompassing the environmental requisites listed in P21ELF as related to individual skills. Meanwhile it was found to be greatly deviating from them on employing dramatic or role play as a pedagogical tool, use of duplicate materials, and teacher role.

Language: English

ISSN: 2590-3748


✓ Peer Reviewed

Application of Knowledge Based Systems for Child Performance Analysis in an Online Montessori Management System

Available from: Insight Society

Publication: International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 6

Pages: 25-31

Asia, Australasia, Malaysia

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Abstract/Notes: This paper focuses on the application of knowledge based systems for child performance analysis in an online Montessori module. Using knowledge based techniques, the system generates an automatic analysis based on the teacher's answers to a variety of questions about a child's performance of a specific Montessori activity. The questions were created through a study of the criteria used to assess the level of a child's performance and achievement. This prototype is designed as a proof-of-concept, to show how the knowledge base technique could be applied. To design the prototype, we conducted literature reviews on the delivery of Montessori methods and the knowledge base technique, and compared rule -based and case -based reasoning. We selected rule-based reasoning for the concept prototype since it is suitable for Montessori activities which are well defined and easy to acquire.

Language: English

DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.2.6.240

ISSN: 2088-5334


✓ Peer Reviewed

Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Academic Assistance Networks in a Holistic Education Secondary School

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 25-41

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Abstract/Notes: One goal of Erdkinder schools is for students and teachers to provide academic assistance to their peers, particularly to less-knowledgeable ones. However, traditional educational evaluations do not provide a means to investigate the exchange of academic help. This study piloted the use of social network analysis to describe academic assistance relationships within a Montessori secondary school. Using a network survey, social network data concerning the exchange of academic help were collected from 23 students and 8 teachers. The results show that while students provide help to both fellow students and teachers, teachers are the main source of assistance for students. In some subjects, a few students and teachers neither provided nor received assistance, indicating another area for improvement. The results of a multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (multiple regression-QAP) show that for most subjects, their willingness to help others was not significantly influenced by their own personal level of knowledge. Thus, more-knowledgeable individuals do not provide more assistance to less-knowledgeable peers. To adhere to Erdkinder principles, this school should encourage more-knowledgeable students to recognize their responsibility to help others and to actually help those who need support. This pilot yielded valuable information, and social network analysis warrants further study within holistic education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17161/jomr.v4i1.6639

ISSN: 2378-3923


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Level of School Readiness of Five-year-olds within the Area of Social Development in View of the Pedagogic Principles of Maria Montessori – an Analysis Report

Available from: INFONA - Portal Komunikacji Naukowej

Publication: Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education, vol. 4

Pages: 81-97

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Readiness for school, Social development

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Abstract/Notes: Children of kindergarten age develop very quickly. With proper stimuli, they should reach the appropriate level of school readiness around the age of six. The subject of the study carried out in one of Cracow’s kindergartens was to determine the level of school readiness in terms of social development. Tests were carried out among five-year-olds attending a kindergarten based on the pedagogic principles of Maria Montessori. The author wished to know what social skills were developed by the children within the context of an alternative method of interaction. The test group included 22 children from four mixed-age groups. The school readiness evaluation was carried out twice in the school year 2012/13, with the use of the categorised observation technique. The results show that within one year’s time of preparation for school the children made significant progress, but – due to their age and biological development – not all the required skills were shaped at the highest possible level. In the second test only 13.6% children obtained the highest grade in all the test indicators. More than 78% children obtained the high or medium level, which means that the skills tested have not been fully shaped. Children need more time for improving and reinforcing these skills. Social and emotional development is strictly related to the process of growing up. Therefore, certain skills cannot be shaped faster. These include an adequate reaction to new situations, overcoming difficulties, as well as performing and planning tasks on one’s own. The test results confirm that the Montessori educational context faclitates the shaping of such skills as independence of action, making good contacts with adults and peers, or preparing and tidying up the workplace. It was a partial and pilot study.

Language: English

ISSN: 2084-7998


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analysis of Two Early Childhood Education Settings: Classroom Variables and Peer Verbal Interaction

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Journal of Research in Childhood Education, vol. 23, no. 2

Pages: 193-209

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Descriptive and ecobehavioral analyses were used to explore the daily activity contexts in classroom settings reflecting two distinct models of early childhood education. Activity context, social configurations, teacher behavior, and child behavior were explored, with specific consideration given to peer verbal behavior as an indicator of social interaction. Twenty-four children between the ages of 3 and 6 years enrolled in a Montessori classroom and 26 children between the ages of 3 and 5 years enrolled in a traditional preschool classroom were observed over a 3-month period using the Ecobehavioral System for Complex Assessment of Preschool Environments (ESCAPE; Carta, Greenwood, & Atwater, 1986). Overall, activity context, social configurations, teacher behavior, and child behavior varied across settings in ways consistent with program philosophies. However, levels of peer verbal interaction did not vary significantly.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/02568540809594655

ISSN: 0256-8543, 2150-2641


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analisis Metode Montessori Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa SD/MI Kelas Rendah [Analysis of the Montessori Method in Improving the Beginning Reading Ability of Low Grade SD/MI Students]

Available from: Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education

Publication: Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education, vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 69-77

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Metode Montessori merupakan metode yang dirumuskan berdasarkan teori montessori yang dapat digunakan dalam ranah pendidikan anak  dan disusun berdasarkan teori tentang perkembangan anak.  Karakteristik yang  paling terlihat dari metode ini yaitu menekankan pada aktivitas yang dimunculkan oleh diri anak dengan menekankan pada proses adaptasi lingkungan belajar anak yang dibentuk sesuai dengan tahap perkembangannya menggunakan peran dari aktivitas fisik dalam menyerap konsep pembelajaran untuk memiliki kemampuan yang praktis. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimanakah metode Montessori dalam meningkatakan kemampuan membaca permulaan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kepustakaan (library research), pembahasan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisa isi (analysis content). Sumber yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini merupakan tulisan-tuliasan Maria yang telah diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil Penelitian trekait penerapan metode montessori menggunakan aktivitas rangsangan sesuai dengan prinsip maria montessori ternyata dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa dan dapat mengatasi keterbatasan siswa dalam pengenalan huruf-huruf. Maka dengan menggunakan metode Montessori untuk belajar membaca diupayakan dapat membantu peserta didik dalam mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif, psikomotor, dan afektif yang terdapat pada diri peserta didik, dengan membuat anak dapat belajar sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangannya. [The Montessori method is a method formulated based on the montessori theory which can be used in the realm of children's education and is compiled based on the theory of child development. The most visible characteristic of this method is that it emphasizes the activities brought up by the child by emphasizing the adaptation process of the child's learning environment which is formed according to their development stage using the role of physical activity in absorbing the concept of learning to have practical abilities. This paper aims to describe how the Montessori method is to improve pre-reading skills. This research is a library research, the discussion is analyzed using the content analysis method (content analysis). The source used in this paper is Maria's writings which have been translated into Indonesian. The results of this research concerning the application of the montessori method using stimulation activities in accordance with the principle of maria montessori, it turns out that learning can improve students 'reading skills and can overcome students' limitations in recognizing letters. So by using the Montessori method to learn to read, it is endeavored to help students develop cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities that are found in students, by enabling children to learn according to their level of development.]

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.15575/al-aulad.v3i2.7917

ISSN: 2620-5238


✓ Peer Reviewed

Tangibles for learning: a representational analysis of physical manipulation

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 16, no. 4

Pages: 405-419

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/s00779-011-0406-0

ISSN: 1617-4909, 1617-4917


✓ Peer Reviewed

Comparing Child Outcomes of Physical Punishment and Alternative Disciplinary Tactics: A Meta-Analysis

Available from: SpringerLink

Publication: Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, vol. 8, no. 1

Pages: 1-37

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Abstract/Notes: This meta-analysis investigates differences between the effect sizes of physical punishment and alternative disciplinary tactics for child outcomes in 26 qualifying studies. Analyzing differences in effect sizes reduces systematic biases and emphasizes direct comparisons between the disciplinary tactics that parents have to select among. The results indicated that effect sizes significantly favored conditional spanking over 10 of 13 alternative disciplinary tactics for reducing child noncompliance or antisocial behavior. Customary physical punishment yielded effect sizes equal to alternative tactics, except for one large study favoring physical punishment. Only overly severe or predominant use of physical punishment compared unfavorably with alternative disciplinary tactics. The discussion highlights the need for better discriminations between effective and counterproductive use of disciplinary punishment in general.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/s10567-005-2340-z

ISSN: 1096-4037


Powder Mill Children's House... Analysis of Results [Beltsville, Maryland]

Publication: Montessori Observer, vol. 14, no. 3

Pages: 1, 4

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Language: English

ISSN: 0889-5643


Autism: A Reality of the 21st Century Classroom [Montessori and Applied Behavioral Analysis]

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 19, no. 4

Pages: 16

Autism in children, Children with disabilities, People with disabilities, Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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