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499 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Effects of Four Programs of Classroom Intervention on the Intellectual and Language Development of Four-Year-Old Children

Available from: Wiley Online Library

Publication: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, vol. 40, no. 1

Pages: 58-76

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Abstract/Notes: Differential effects of four preschool programs were evaluated through pre‐and post‐batteries of standardized tests. The interventions represent levels of structure along a continuum from the traditional to the highly structured preschool. Results from all instruments differentiated among the programs, and clearly favored the highly structured preschool.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.1970.tb00679.x

ISSN: 0002-9432, 1939-0025

Book Section

Sprachanbahnung bei geistig behinderten Kindern [Language initiation for mentally handicapped children]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 267-274

Children with disabilities, Conferences, Developmentally disabled children, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977)

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9

Book Section

Erziehungsberatung der Eltern behinderter Kinder bei ihrem Einsatz als Kotherapeuten [Educational advice for the parents of disabled children in their work as co-therapists]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 280-288

Children with disabilities, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977), Mentally ill children, Parents of children with disabilities, Parents of children with mental disabilities

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9


Opening of the Penfield Children's Center [Milwaukee, Wisconsin]

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1975, no. 1

Pages: 17–18

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


The Mind Behind the Musical Ear: How Children Develop Musical Intelligence

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Language: English

Published: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991

ISBN: 0-674-57607-1


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Use of Play in Occupational Therapy for Children: What is Play?

Available from: SAGE Journals

Publication: British Journal of Occupational Therapy, vol. 55, no. 3

Pages: 107-108

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Abstract/Notes: This article introduces some of the theoretical principles that inform the use of play in the treatment of children with disabilities. A number of competing definitions of play and its functions are briefly discussed. Both educationalists and child psychotherapists make claims for the value of play but tend to offer quite different explanations of why it helps vulnerable children, whilst animal ethologists stress the role of play in promoting survival and adaptation. Some of the key ideas of historically important play theorists, including Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Froebel, Montessori and Piaget, are mentioned.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1177/030802269205500309

ISSN: 0308-0226, 1477-6006


Art Expo '96: Celebrating the Creativity of Children [Maple Knoll Village retirement community, Cincinnati, Ohio]

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 8, no. 3

Pages: 29

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Doctoral Dissertation

A Comparative Study of the Philosophies of John Amos Comenius and Maria Montessori on the Education of Children

Available from: Loyola University Chicago

John Amos Comenius - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Language: English

Published: Chicago, Illinois, 1965


✓ Peer Reviewed

Miłość w perspektywie dzieci ze szkół pracujących w oparciu o pedagogikę M. Montessori i system tradycyjny / Love in the Perspective of Children from Schools Working on the Basis of M. Montessori’s Pedagogy vs. Those Working on the Basis of the Traditional One

Available from: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

Publication: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia, vol. 31, no. 4

Pages: 275-291

Comparative education, Emotions in children, Love, Montessori method of education, Social emotional learning

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Abstract/Notes: W artykule opisano wyniki badań dotyczących rozumienia pojęcia „miłość” przez dzieci uczęszczające do szkół pracujących w oparciu o system tradycyjny oraz alternatywny – M. Montessori. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w 2018 r. w grupie 80 dzieci w wieku 6–9 lat. Wyniki zostały zebrane na podstawie analizy wytworu plastycznego, przedstawiającego wyobrażenie miłości (rysunek wykonany dowolną techniką), oraz wypowiadanych przez dziecko skojarzeń ze słowem miłość. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz zauważono większą różnorodność interpretowania miłości wśród dzieci uczących się w oparciu o system alternatywny, jakim jest pedagogika Montessori. / The article presents the results of the research of understanding of the concept of “love” by children attending to schools based on traditional and M. Montessori’s alternative system. The research was conducted in 2018 on a group of 80 children (aged 6–9). The results were collected on the basis of the analysis of their artistic products, presenting an image of love (drawings with the use of various techniques) and associations expressed by the child with the word love. According to the analyses, a greater variety of interpretations of love among children learning on the basis of an alternative system, i.e. the pedagogy of Montessori, has been noticed.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.17951/j.2018.31.4.275-291

ISSN: 0867-2040

Master's Thesis

Printing Peace: Cultural and Pedagogical Negotiation Through Children's Periodicals in Costa Rica, 1912-1947

Available from: University of Illinois - IDEALS

Americas, Carmen Lyra - Biographic sources, Central America, Costa Rica, Latin America and the Caribbean, Luisa González - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, Peace

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Abstract/Notes: At the turn of the twentieth century, in the context of the budding nation-state formation process throughout Latin America, liberalism, nationalism, and social reforms dominated Latin American intellectual political discourse in its relentless quest for modernity. Popular literacy movements and the expansion and centralization of the educational sphere, which was essential for cultivating national identities and reinforcing allegiance, proliferated throughout Latin America. In Costa Rica, the Olympians, a group of elite intellectuals intricately connected with the agro-export oligarchy, directed social and political reforms. The Olympians were overwhelmingly patriotic and patriarchal, and aimed to create a national culture that would reinforce existing economic, gender, and racial hierarchies. This project focuses on revolutionary feminists Carmen Lyra and Luisa González, who negotiated the cultural politics of education as intermediaries between students and the state through the publication of children’s periodicals. Specifically, this project analyzes the periodicals San Selerín (1912-1913, 1923-1924) and Triquitraque (1936-1947) to elucidate the ways in which these educators used children’s literature and Montessorian pedagogy to create a culture of inclusion and engagement rather than the patriotic and patriarchal pedagogy the Olympians. Contemporary memory has forgotten the revolutionary ideals of these educators, but this project affirms Carmen Lyra and Luisa González cannot be separated from their legacies as active members of the Costa Rican Communist Party, as fervent proletarian internationalists, and as revolutionary feminists. To do so would be to neutralize the potency of their memory.

Language: English

Published: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 2016

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