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518 results

Doctoral Dissertation

The Development of Autonomy in Children: An Examination of the Montessori Educational Model

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This descriptive study examined the nature and degree of autonomous behavior among Montessori elementary students. A further aim of the study was to elucidate those elements of the Montessori educational model which may affect the development of autonomy. The study employed direct observation and comparative analysis to examine the actual classroom experience of Montessori elementary students and traditional elementary students. Thirty third-year students from two accredited Montessori schools and thirty third-grade students from two public schools were included in the sample. The research hypothesis stated that the nature and degree of autonomous behavior was expected to differ between the two groups. The first stage of the investigation involved ethnographic observations of classroom environments, focusing upon physical space and furnishings, materials, procedures, social interactions, and the role of the teacher. The second stage of the study compared classroom behaviors of the student groups as recorded by independent observers using the Classroom Autonomous Behavior Checklist. The results of the ethnographic observations demonstrated clear distinctions between the Montessori and traditional classroom environments in all five elements examined. Results of the observations of student behavior indicated that the Montessori students demonstrated significantly higher levels of independence, initiative, and self-regulation, the three constructs used to define autonomy. The nature of autonomous behavior also differed between the two groups with Montessori students initiating more social interaction and employing a more varied approach to task completion and problem solving. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of the Montessori method in assisting the development of autonomy among children. As such, this research makes an important contribution toward evaluation of the Montessori model and the validity of its methods. For educators concerned about the lack of motivation and initiative among students in our schools, this study highlights the role of education in the development of autonomy and suggests important considerations in restructuring our educational system to address those concerns.

Language: English

Published: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1992


The Development of Autonomy in Children: An Examination of the Montessori Educational Model

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 18, no. 1

Pages: 64-83

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Examined the nature and degree of autonomous behavior among groups of elementary students from Montessori schools and from traditional public schools. Results indicated that Montessori students demonstrated higher levels of independence, initiative, and self-regulation than students from traditional schools. (PAM)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


✓ Peer Reviewed

Making Room for Children's Autonomy: Maria Montessori's Case for Seeing Children's Incapacity for Autonomy as an External Failing

Available from: Wiley Online Library

Publication: Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol. 50, no. 3

Pages: 332-350

Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: This article draws on Martha Nussbaum's distinction between basic, internal, and external (or combined) capacities to better specify possible locations for children's ‘incapacity’ for autonomy. I then examine Maria Montessori's work on what she calls ‘normalization’, which involves a release of children's capacities for autonomy and self-governance made possible by being provided with the right kind of environment. Using Montessori, I argue that, in contrast to many ordinary and philosophical assumptions, children's incapacities for autonomy are best understood as consequences of an absence of external conditions necessary for children to exercise capacities they already have internally, rather than intrinsic limitations based on their stage of life. In a closing section, I show how Montessori proposes a model wherein both children and adults have autonomy, power, and responsibility, but over different spheres, and suggest implications of these differences for who has responsibility for establishing the conditions under which children can flourish.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12134

ISSN: 1467-9752


Another Story of the Montessori Children; Raffaelo's Hunger: How the New Way of Helping Children to Find Themselves Opened the Eyes and Soul of a Baby

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Delineator, vol. 84, no. 1

Pages: 8

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Language: English


Montessori Elementary Is Different: What Children Study, What Children Do

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 15, no. 2

Pages: 8-10

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Guiding Children 'Back from the Edge' Preparing an Environment to Support Children at Risk

Available from: ERIC

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 42, no. 2

Pages: 169-190

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: "The children who demand more attention than others, who are disruptive, unmotivated, oppositional, aggressive, or do not give us the positive feedback we get from others…This is where we dig in and find compassion, and understanding, and the knowledge that no child wants to be disruptive, oppositional, or aggressive. They do this because they are hurt, and we are here to help." Sarah Werner Andrews provides an approach to the children who pose a challenge because they themselves are facing challenges. She offers practical tools and approaches that are first based on positive relationships, then on the relationship with the environment, and finally on positive, collaborative interventions. [This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled "Children on the Edge: Creating a Path for Happy, Healthy Development," January 12-15, 2017 in New Orleans, LA.]

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Spaces for Children: Listing to Young Children about Their Early Childhood Environments

Publication: Montessori International, vol. 84

Pages: 16–17

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Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647


The Effects of Young Children's Team centered Problem-Based Learning Strategies on the Self-Efficacy and Academic Interests in Young Children's Mathematics / 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 미치는 효과

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 37-53

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of young children's team centered problem-based learning strategies(team centered PBL) on the self-efficacy and academic interests in young children's mathematics. For these purposes, the data were collected by questionnaire from 27 young children living in S-city. They were respectively assigned to experimental group and comparative group. The experimental group was trained four weeks with the 12th sessions through the team centered PBL. Before administrating the experimental procedure, both groups took the pretest for measuring their self-efficacy and academic interests. After the experimental sessions, they also took the posttests to measure both of them. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the experimental group trained through the team centered PBL strategies has got higher scores on the self-efficacy questionnaire than the comparative group. Second, the former which got higher scores on the self-efficacy also gained more scores on academic interests test than the latter. In light of these results, it suggests that young children's self-efficacy in the kindergarten could be acquired through team centered PBL strategies. / 본 연구의 목적은 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 밝혀내는 것이다. 이를 수행하기 위해 경기도 S시 소재의 H유치원만 5세반 실험집단 14명에게 4주 동안 총 12차시에 걸쳐 유아 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 실시하였다. 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 종료된 후에 유아 수학 관련 자기효능감검사와 학습흥미검사의 결과를 비교집단 13명의 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 주요 결과로는 첫째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 받은 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 자기효능감 점수가 유의미하게 높았다. 둘째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략으로 자기효능감이 높아진 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 학습흥미에서도 유의미하게 높았다. 이 같은 연구결과는 수업시간에 유아들에게 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 제공될 경우, 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미가 향상될 수 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미 향상을 위해 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 적용해 볼 필요성이 있을 것이다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Awareness for Children's Songs of Young Children, Their Teacher's and Parents and Component Analysis of Their Favorite Children's Songs / 유아,교사,학부모의 동요에 대한 인지수준과 구성요소 분석

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 2

Pages: 79-104

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: In order to know general awareness for children's song among preschoolers, their teachers and parents the questionary paper survey was performed against 212 of kindergarteners, 63 of their teachers and 197 of their parents. At the sametime their favorite children's songs were collected among the prepared lists of children's songs and selected about 10 children's songs for each group, in order. Also, those selected children's songs were analyzed their musical elements, too. The under 4 year old and female children more favorited the singing children's songs everyday than the 5 year old and male. Thachers replied that they selected the proper children's songs in the basic of the topics of usual daily life and children's interests. Also, parents believed that children's songs is very important to develop their children's musicality. Finally, the favorite children's songs were analyzed as followings the major beat was 4/4, the major tonality was C major, the major form and leongth were 8-34 measures, and the major rhythm was the replicated, symcopated and nimbled one. / 본 연구에서는 유아·교사·학부모의 동요에 관한 인지수준과 선호하는 동요의 유형은 어떠한지 또한 유아들이 선호하는 동요의 음악적 구성요소는 어떠한지에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 대상은 국·공·사립유치원의 유아 212명, 교사 63명 및 학부모 197명이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아·교사·학부모의 동요에 관한 인지수준은 유아·교사·학부모 모두가 동요를 좋아하고 동요부르기가 음악성 발달에 매우 중요한 것으로 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아·교사·학부모가 선호하는 동요의 유형은 유아는 동물 또는 가족과 관련된 창작동요를 교사는 동물과 식물에 관련된 창작동요제곡과 인터넷동요를 학부모는 식물과 사랑, 기본생활습관에 관련된 창작동요와 인터넷동요를 선호하였다. 결과적으로 유아·교사·학부모의 선호하는 동요는 크게 차이는 없지만 유아들이 선호하는 동요는 학부모의 선호도 보다는 교사가 선호하는 동요와 일치도가 높아 학부모보다는 교사의 영향을 더 받는 것으로 판단되었다. 셋째, 유아들이 선호하는 동요의 악곡의 특징은 노래 마지막 부분에 강세가 있거나 반복적인 리듬과 노랫말에 엄마, 아빠, 아기로 표현된 가족과 연관된 노래와 동물을 의인화한 노래 또는 동물의 의성어를 표현한 노래를 좋아하는 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


English with Non-English Children in a Montessori House of Children [1]

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 3

Pages: 80-84

Children's House (Casa dei Bambini)

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Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142

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