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104 results


Designing the “Plan of Study and Work” for Adolescence

Publication: Montessori Insights

Pages: 22-24

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Language: English

Book Section

Linear Geometric Design Decoration

Book Title: The Advanced Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to the Education of Children from Seven to Eleven Years: The Montessori Elementary Material

Pages: 285-292

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: Includes the following section(s): Artistic Composition with the Insets

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori Pierson Publishing Company, 2017

ISBN: 978-90-79506-28-6

Series: The Montessori Series , 13

Volume: 2 of 2

Master's Thesis

O projecto do espaço educativo. O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger [The Design of the Educational Space: The Kindergarten in the Genesis of Herman Hertzberger's Contemporary School]

Available from: Universidade do Porto - Repositório Aberto

Architecture, Europe, Herman Hertzberger - Biographic sources, Herman Hertzberger - Works, Holland, Montessori schools, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: A presente Dissertação de Mestrado, O projeto do espaço educativo - O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger, propõe uma análise e uma reflexão dos espaços escolares projetados pelo oarquiteto holandês Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), entre 1960 e 2007. No conjunto de obras analisadas, foram destacados alguns temas projetuais caraterísticos dos espaços escolares. Estes temas encontram a própriaorigem no modelo educativo desenvolvido pela médica italiana Maria Montessori (1879-1952) no início do século XX. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os seguintes temas: 1) A polivalência da sala de aula, sendo um dos temas baseado no modelo montessoriano e de relevância nas obras do arquiteto; 2) A função distributiva e social do espaço central, assemelhando-se à piazza de Malaguzzi (1920-1994), com influências de Froebel (1782-1852); 3) A ideia de "learning street" do corredor, assumindo-se como um espaço flexível. O estudo destes temas, entre outros, tornou-se essencial para a compre ensãodas escolas de Herman Hertzberger e, consequentemente, da sua obra em geral. [This Master Thesis proposes an analysis and a reflection of school spaces designed by Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), between 1960 and 2007. The set of works analyzed were assigned some design themes with typical interest in school spaces. These themes have origin in the educational model developed by Italian doctor Maria Montessori (1879-1952) at the beginning of the 20th century. In this context, stands out the following themes: 1) The versatility of the classroom, one of the themes based on the educational model proposed by Maria Montessori and one of the most relevant themes in the architect's work; 2) The distributive and social functions of the central space, similar to the piazza of Malaguzzi (1920-1994), with influences from Froebel (1782-1852); 3) The idea of "learning street" of the corridor, becoming a flexible space. The study of these subjects, among others, was essential to understand Herman Hertzbergers' schools and, consequently, his work in general.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Porto, Portugal, Nov 15, 2016

Master's Thesis (M. Arch.)

Down the Rabbit Hole: Merging Education, Neuroscience and Wonderland in Architectural Design

Available from: Virginia Tech Libraries

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of this project is to reimagine learning spaces by combining education and architecture principles and a hint of imagination. This is done through designing a school in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington D.C. for children aged 3-12. The design integrates Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio principles with behavioral and neuroscientific insights. Additionally, the imaginative essence of "Alice in Wonderland" brings a whimsical dimension, adding an enchanting layer to the architectural narrative. The design of the school considers how space impacts cognition and creativity, in addition to functional aspects. Highlighting the bond between architecture and neuroscience, the design emphasizes how the built environment shapes children's cognition and emotions. Sensory experiences, architectural elements, and nature integration shape the ambiance, significantly influencing children's cognitive development. Through a blend of educational philosophies, neuroscience findings, and the timeless allure of Wonderland, it aims to sculpt an environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and profound world connection in children.

Language: English

Published: Blacksburg, Virginia, 2023

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