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The Influence of Neuroscience on Early Childhood Education

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Book Title: Scientific Influences on Early Childhood Education

Pages: 176-190

Developmental psychology, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Neuroscience

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Abstract/Notes: It is only within very recent history – the past 25 to 30 years – that neuroscience has become a force in child development and educational research, as the tools to study the brain in action have improved and become more readily available. Although neuroscience research on reading, math, and social and emotional function also has important implications for education, this chapter focuses on executive function (EF) skills because these skills play an especially foundational role in learning and because they have been particularly well studied. Basic research on EF development has provided an important foundation for interventions designed to specifically target EF skills in young children, and suggests how to structure places of education to playfully explore their environments in intentional and attentive ways, to practice reflection, and to engage in self-regulated learning. Although neuroscience is a relatively new player in early education, it has transformed people's understanding of the conditions that support learning and brain development.

Language: English

Published: New York: Routledge, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-429-46828-5


The Montessori System of Education

Available from: Internet Archive

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Language: English

Published: London, England: H. M. Stationery Office, 1912

Series: Educational Pamphlets (Board of Education, Great Britain) , 24


Cosmic Education, Sixth Lecture

Publication: Communications: Journal of the Association Montessori Internationale (2009-2012), vol. 2009, no. 2

Pages: 39-43

Cosmic education, England, Europe, Great Britain, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Northern Europe, Trainings, United Kingdom

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Abstract/Notes: In this Cosmic Lecture, Montessori continues her previous lecture on supra-nature, and how that connects to human growth. In a way this lecture also reverberates the specific theme of this issue, when Montessori writes that in the first year of the child's life he has already seen everything, and has started to order all sorts of things in his mind, through an inner, directed effort. This is not happening haphazardly. Montessori points out that 'in the second year of his life the child is observing the tiniest possible things; almost invisible things are seen by him. Just as if he had already seen enough of the larger things of life, and they no longer held any interest for him.'

Language: English

ISSN: 1877-539X

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