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1423 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Kaksi pedagogista elämäntyötä: John Dewey e M. Montessori [The life work of two pedagogues: John Dewey and M. Montessori]

Publication: Kasvatus ja koulu (Jyväskylän Yliopisto. Kasvatustieteiden tutkimuslaitos) [Education and school (University of Jyväskylä. Institute of Educational Sciences)], no. 1

Pages: 1-13

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Language: Finnish

ISSN: 0783-1552


Model Pembelajaran Montessori dalam Membangun Kedisiplinan Anak di TK Awliya Kota Cirebon [Montessori Learning Model in Building Child Discipline in Kindergarten Awliya Cirebon City]

Available from: Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini

Publication: Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini [Kiddo: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education], vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 108-120

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Discipline is very important to be developed early on, while the definition of discipline itself is giving an understanding to which children should be obeyed and which should be avoided. Discipline also teaches children about making mistakes will certainly contain a number of consequences, for this reason the function of punishment in children's education. Discipline is a behavioral value that can be done by force and can be done voluntarily. This Montessori-based learning model can build discipline starting from getting children to tidy up their former food, washing dishes, being able to take responsibility for the assignments given by their teacher, which has been applied in kindergarten Awliya, Cirebon. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that seeks to provide background, unique characteristics. The data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that children in the Awliya Kindergarten in Cirebon City could build their discipline through a Montessori-based learning model. This habit is a rare beginning in building discipline in early childhood.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2716-1641, 2716-0572


✓ Peer Reviewed

Como o Currículo se Constitui na Pedagogia Waldorf, Pedagogia Montessori e Escola da Ponte? [How is the Curriculum Constituted in Waldorf Pedagogy, Montessori Pedagogy and ‘Escola da Ponte’?]

Available from: RSD Journal

Publication: Research, Society and Development, vol. 9, no. 8

Pages: Article e810986385

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Abstract/Notes: Part of the data on this work relies on a doctoral research. The study aimed to problematize about Science Teaching in a Waldorf school, Montessori school and Escola da Ponte, having as guiding aspects the organization of spaces, knowledge and evaluation methods of each analyzed school. As a theoretical reference, we adopted the assumptions of differentiated pedagogy and simultaneously, the field of the curriculum. Methodologically, the article points as sources of research to three directions: a theoretical and systematic review in the light of the fields of science teaching and the field of the curriculum; documentary research around the websites of schools that are pedagogically oriented from the pedagogies under discussion; and finally, field journal data based on differentiated pedagogy observations in three schools. The results showed other ways of organizing spaces, different ways of evaluating and approaching school content, more specifically in the scope of Science Teaching. Finally, the work allows a reflection and awareness about the traditional teaching that still constitutes in the great majority in schools. / Este trabalho tem parte dos dados ancorados em uma pesquisa de doutorado. O estudo teve como objetivo problematizar sobre o Ensino de Ciências em uma escola Waldorf, uma escola Montessori e a Escola da Ponte, tendo como aspectos norteadores a organização dos espaços, saberes e métodos de avaliação de cada escola analisada. Como referencial teórico, adotamos os pressupostos da pedagogia diferenciada e, concomitantemente, do campo do currículo. Metodologicamente, o artigo toma como fontes de pesquisa, três caminhos: uma revisão teórica e sistematizada à luz dos campos do ensino de ciências e do campo do Currículo; pesquisa documental em torno dos sites de escolas que se orientam pedagogicamente a partir das pedagogias em discussão; e, por último, dados de diários de campo a partir de observações em três escolas sendo que cada uma delas se fundamenta numa das pedagogias diferenciadas apresentadas. Os resultados mostraram outras formas de organização dos espaços, formas diferenciadas de avaliação e abordagem dos conteúdos escolares, mais especificamente no âmbito do Ensino de Ciências. Por fim, o trabalho permite uma reflexão e conscientização acerca do tradicional ensino que ainda se constitui em grande maioria nas escolas.

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6385

ISSN: 2525-3409


Updating Montessori: Some Current Research and Comments about Montessori Techniques

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: The Constructive Triangle (1974-1989), vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 32–39

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Language: English

ISSN: 0010-700X

Book Section

Montessori im Kontext der Reformpädagogik [Montessori in the context of educational reform]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 5-13

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X


Montessori Centenary Calendar–"Spirit of Montessori"

Publication: Montessori Society Review, vol. 18

Pages: 48

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitimi alan ve almayan 48-72 aylık çocukların matematik becerilerinin karşılaştırılması / Comparison of the math skills of 48-72 month-old children who are attending Montessori preschools and Non-Montessori preschools

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Comparative education, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Mathematics education - Achievement, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this study is to compare the math skills of children with and without Montessori education. A mixed design method was used in the research. Quantitative data were used to measure children's mathematical skills. Parents' views on early mathematics education were obtained by qualitative data collection method. The study group included 39 children who attended two different kindergartens with and without Montessori education for two years and their parents. Personal information form and the Early Mathematics Test (EMAT) were used to collect data. As a result that the educational institution they attend is effective in children's mathematics skills, it was found that, the mathematics skill scores of the children who received Montessori education were higher than those who did not receive Montessori education. It was determined that the age of the children's parents, education level of the parents and working status of mothers did not cause significant changes on the children's math scores. Parents of children attending both schools stated that they see mathematics as a part of daily life and that early mathematics achievements will affect both their whole life and their future academic achievements. It was observed that the parents mostly focused on counting skills. While some of the parents expressed skills such as sequencing, matching, and patterns, none of them responded to geometry. It has been concluded that the families adopting the Montessori education method see this education method as a tool for learning mathematics and guide their learning at home by interacting more with their teachers. / Bu araştırma, Montessori eğitimi alan ve almayan çocukların matematik becerilerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada nicel ve nitel veri toplama yöntemleri birlikte yer almıştır. Araştırmanın nicel boyutunda sontest kontrol gruplu model, nitel boyutunda ise ilişkisel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubuna MEB OÖEP'na göre eğitim veren ve MEB OÖEP'na ek olarak Montessori yöntemiyle eğitim veren farklı anaokullarından 39 çocuk ve bu çocukların ebeveynleri dahil edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Aile Görüşme Formu ve Erken Matematik Testi (EMAT) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; çocukların matematik becerilerinde, devam ettikleri eğitim kurumunun etkili olduğu, Montessori eğitimi alan çocukların matematik beceri puanlarının, Montessori eğitimi almayan çocuklardan daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çocukların yaş grubu, cinsiyet ve kardeş sayısının matematik becerilerini etkilemediği görülmüştür. Anne-baba yaşı, anne-baba öğrenim durumu ve annenin çalışıp çalışmama durumunun çocukların EMAT puanları üzerinde anlamlı değişikliklere yol açmadığı saptanmıştır. Her iki okula devam eden çocukların ebeveynleri, matematiği günlük hayatın bir parçası olarak gördüklerini ve erken dönem matematik kazanımlarının hem hayatın tamamını hem de akademik başarıları etkileyeceğine yönelik görüş bildirmişlerdir. Ebeveynlerin matematik konusunda en çok sayı sayma becerisi üzerinde durdukları görülmüştür. Bazı ebeveynler sıralama, eşleştirme, örüntü gibi becerileri ifade ederken geometriye yönelik herhangi bir yanıt gelmemiştir. Montessori eğitim yöntemini benimseyen ailelerin, bu eğitim yöntemini matematik öğrenimi için bir araç olarak gördükleri ve öğretmenleriyle daha çok etkileşimde bulunarak evdeki öğrenmelerine rehberlik ettikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Ankara, Turkey, 2021


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori: Penser l’Éducation des Jeunes Enfants [Maria Montessori: Thinking About Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Revue Internationale d’Éducation de Sèvres, no. 79

Pages: 139-147

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori est entrée dans l’histoire avec l’élaboration d’une méthode qui s’appuie sur une vision de l’éducation comme ensemble de pratiques basées sur les ressources de l’élève et son élan vers l’exploration et la compréhension du monde. Cette éducation, capable, d’une part, de répondre aux besoins spécifiques et aux centres d’intérêts de l’enfant et, d’autre part, de respecter son rythme de développement, suppose de repenser entièrement les rôles traditionnels d’enseignant et d’élève. Quelles sont les conditions historiques et culturelles qui ont favorisé l’émergence de la pédagogie montessorienne? Quels obstacles ont rencontré la circulation de la méthode montessorienne et sa mise en œuvre dans les écoles? Quelle est la contribution de l’approche montessorienne à l’idée contemporaine d’éducation et d’école? L’article explore l’expérience montessorienne et son héritage, afin de proposer quelques réponses à ces questions. [Maria Montessori went down in history with the development of a method that is based on a vision of education as a set of practices based on the student's resources and his drive towards the exploration and understanding of world. This education, capable, on the one hand, of meeting the specific needs and centers of interest of the child and, on the other hand, of respecting its pace of development, involves completely rethinking the traditional roles of teacher and student. What are the historical and cultural conditions that favored the emergence of Montessorian pedagogy? What obstacles have encountered the circulation of the Montessorian method and its implementation in schools? What is the contribution of the Montessorian approach to the contemporary idea of ​​education and school? The article explores the Montessorian experience and its heritage, in order to offer some answers to these questions.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/ries.7162

ISSN: 1254-4590

Book Section

Der mathematische Geist nach Maria Montessori [The mathematical mind according to Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 42-47

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X


✓ Peer Reviewed

La persistenza del movimento montessoriano / La persistencia del movimiento Montessori / The Persistence of the Montessori Movement

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 35-48

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Abstract/Notes: La storia del movimento montessoriano comincia in Italia con l’apertura della prima “Casa dei bambini” nel quartiere popolare di San Lorenzo a Roma. Maria Montessori ha raccontato la storia delle prime scuole che applicarono il suo metodo nei libri che hanno reso celebre il nome Montessori in molti paesi del mondo. Molto resta ancora da studiare nella storia del movimento montessoriano successiva alla morte della sua fondatrice. Anche le prime case dei bambini di Roma furono trasformate negli anni del regime fascista, chiuse e riaperte dopo la fine del regime. La vita stessa di Maria Montessori è stata ampiamente studiata, ma alcuni periodi della sua vita possono essere ancora approfonditi. La proposta educativa sulla quale il metodo Montessori è basato è stata arricchita nel corso del tempo; oggi le ricerche di Angeline S. Lillard hanno aggiornato la teoria dell’educazione montessoriana con importanti riferimenti alla psicologia dell’età evolutiva contemporanea. Lo studio della pedagogia Montessori richiede oggi una conoscenza approfondita del contesto storico di un secolo fa e della vita di Maria Montessori. La conoscenza adeguata della psicologia del bambino è fondamentale per l’uso efficace del metodo e dei materiali. Ciascun bambino è diverso e ha bisogno di insegnanti che conoscano adeguatamente i principi e i valori che orientano l’attività delle case dei bambini; l’applicazione del metodo deve essere legata allo stile educativo democratico e aperto che Maria Montessori ha posto alla base della sua teoria dell’educazione. / evolutiva contemporanea. Lo studio della pedagogia Montessori richiede oggi una conoscenza approfondita del contesto storico di un secolo fa e della vita di Maria Montessori. La conoscenza adeguata della psicologia del bambino è fondamentale per l’uso efficace del metodo e dei materiali. Ciascun bambino è diverso e ha bisogno di insegnanti che conoscano adeguatamente i principi e i valori che orientano l’attività delle case dei bambini; l’applicazione del metodo deve essere legata allo stile educativo democratico e aperto che Maria Montessori ha posto alla base della sua teoria dell’educazione. Montessori con importantes referencias a la psicología evolutiva contemporánea. El estudio actual de la pedagogía Montessori requiere de un profundo conocimiento del contexto histórico de hace un siglo y de la vida de María Montessori. El conocimiento adecuado de la psicología infantil es fundamental para el uso eficaz del método y los materiales. Cada niño es diferente y necesita de maestros que conozcan adecuadamente los principios y valores que orientan la actividaded de las “Casa dei Bambini”; la aplicación del método debe estar asociada con el estilo educativo democrático y abierto que Maria Montessori puso en la base de su teoría de la educación. / The history of the Montessori Movement began in Italy with the opening of the first children’s home in the popular area of San Lorenzo in Rome. Maria Montessori told the story of the first schools which applied her method in the books that have made famous her name in many countries around the world. Much remains to be studied in the history of the Montessori Movement after the death of its founder. Even the first houses of the children in Rome ceased their activities during the years of the fascist regime and reopened after the end of the regime. The life of Maria Montessori has been extensively studied, but some periods of her life may be further studied. The educational proposal on which the Montessori method is based has been enriched in the course of time; today, Angeline S. Lillard’s researches have updated the Montessori educational theory with important references to contemporary developmental psychology. The study of Montessori pedagogy today would require a thorough understanding of the historical context of a century ago and of the life of Maria Montessori herself. Adequate knowledge of child psychology is fundamental to the effective use of the method and materials; each child is different and needs teachers who know adequately the principles and values that guide the activities of the children’s homes; the application of the method must be linked to the democratic and open educational style that Maria Montessori made the basis of her theory of education.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666

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