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Summary of SWOT Analysis

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2005, no. 2-3

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


The Development of Movement and Its Educational Counterpart in the Montessori Primary Class

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1994, no. 1

Pages: 11–23

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Anna Maria Maccheroni [English summary]

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1966, no. 3

Pages: 37–38

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


The 24th International Montessori Congress: "Education as an Aid to Life" Paris, July 2001 [Conference summary]

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2001, no. 2-3

Pages: 15–18

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (24th, Paris, France, 2-4 July 2001)

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Physical Science and Technology in the Montessori Primary Classroom

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 24, no. 1

Pages: 6–8

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Abstract/Notes: includes curriculum flow chart on page 8

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

Implementing Assessment Methods in Primary State Schools / Implementacija dokimoloških rješenja u primarnom obrazovanju državnih škola

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education / Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 21, no. 4

Pages: 1231-1261

Assessment, Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of the research was to compare the assessment methods of state schools andthose of some alternative schools and examine the opinions and estimates of teacherson the possibility and need to implement assessment methods from some alternativeschools into state schools. The purpose of the paper is to enhance existing assessmentmethods in state schools. The longitudinal research was carried out in five alternativeschools and in state schools in the city of Zagreb. Triangulation methodology wasapplied. Seventeen participants were included in the qualitative phase of the researchcarried out in 2011 while the sample in the quantitative phase of the research in 2018comprised 159 participants. The first phase collected data using the case study andinterview, while a questionnaire - Assessment models and methods - was developedfor the second phase. The research did not show significant differences in opinionsbetween teachers regarding the same assessment methods seven years later. The resultsshow that teachers in alternative schools give a more positive estimate of the possibilityand need for implementation. The existing manner of assessment and evaluation instate schools should be modernized with alternative methods such as the yearly report,portfolio and Montessori materials.Keywords: alternative schools; assessment and evaluation; primary education, specificassessment methods; state schools.---SažetakCilj istraživanja bio je usporediti dokimološka rješenja u državnim i nekimalternativnim školama te ispitati mišljenja i procjene učitelja o mogućnosti i potrebiimplementacije dokimoloških rješenja iz nekih alternativnih škola u državne škole.Svrha rada jest unaprjeđenje postojećih dokimoloških rješenja u državnim školama.Istraživanje je longitudinalno i provedeno je u pet alternativnih i u državnimškolama u gradu Zagrebu. Korištena je metodološka triangulacija. U kvalitativnojfazi istraživanja iz 2011. godine, sudjelovalo je 17 ispitanika, a u kvantitativnoj faziistraživanja 2018. godine, 159 ispitanika. U prvoj fazi za prikupljanje podatakakorištena je studija slučaja i intervju, a za drugu je konstruiran anketni upitnik- Dokimološki modeli i rješenja. Ispitivanje nije pokazalo značajnije razlike umišljenjima učiteljica i učitelja o istim dokimološkim rješenjima 7 godina kasnije.Rezultati pokazuju kako učitelji alternativnih škola pozitivnije procjenjuju mogućnosti potrebu implementacije, a postojeće načine praćenja i ocjenjivanja u državnojškoli treba osuvremeniti alternativnim dokimološkim rješenjima poput godišnjegaizvještaja, portfolija i Montessori materijala.Ključne riječi: alternativne škole; državne škole; praćenje i ocjenjivanje; primarnoobrazovanje; specifična dokimološka rješenja.

Language: Croatian, English

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


Mission Possible: Peace: Peace Education for Primary Age Children at Princeton Montessori School

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 13, no. 3

Pages: 13–15

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

Dimension Analysis and Architectural Model of BAPNE Classroom for Pre-school and Primary Education

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 237

Pages: 1284-1290

Architecture, Classroom environments, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this article is to determine the relationship between architecture and teaching, providing functional architecture models that are capable of absorbing the teaching load for movement and, fundamentally, for the development of kinesthetic intelligence (Howard Gardner). For this, we will establish a metric range of spatial proportions, m2/student ratio, in accordance with the activities performed on the BAPNE method. This study will focus on students of Pre-school and Primary Education, providing specific standing architectural models and the minimum requirements for a classroom, as well as determining whether a space is suitable or not for the proposed activities. The method includes analyzing architecture of the basic teaching room, approaching other education systems (Dalcroze, Montessori) and determining the differences between those systems and BAPNE. This study is carried out by architects and engineers, directly noting the architectural needs that current teaching requires for user stimulation.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2017.02.211

ISSN: 1877-0428


✓ Peer Reviewed

Pre-Primary Education in Bombay City and Suburbs

Available from: Internet Archive

Publication: The Indian Journal of Social Work, vol. 10, no. 4

Pages: 320-333

Asia, India, Montessori method of education, South Asia

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Language: English

ISSN: 0019-5634


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Correlation Between Active Participation and Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students Through Montessori Learning Method

Available from: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar

Publication: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar / Journal of Innovation in Elementary Education, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 63-70

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Metacognitive was the student's skill in the process of acting (activity) and thinking (mental process). This skill could improve their learning process and memory. Student who had metacognitive skill will be able to control and to arrange his learning activity by himself. Active participation was the interaction both physically and psychologically to think, to interact, to try and to find new things in the learning process. The purpose of this research was to find the relationship between active participation and the metacognitive ability of students, especially in elementary school. This research was a correlation study. Population of this research was 5th grade students in SD Negeri 3 Klangenan academic year 2017/2018. Sample was taken using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by observation and written test. The instruments for active participation was observation sheets and the instrument for metacognitive ability was a multiple choice test that consist of 20 questions. The data was analyzed using correlation technique using IBM SPSS Statistics 16.0 for windows. Based on the data nalaysis, it was obtained was 0.682. At a significant level 5% then was 0.413. Based on value then it showed that there was a positive and significant corelation between active participation and metacognitive ability of students 5th grade SD Negeri 3 Klangenan.

Language: English

ISSN: 2477-3581, 2477-3859

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