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1027 results

Book Section

Davanti al Dramma della Guerra. Autoeducazione e Sensibilità Spirituale in Maria Montessori [Faced with the Drama of the War: Self-Education and Spiritual Sensitivity in Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Itaca: In Viaggio tra Storia, Scuola ed Educazione: Studi in Onore di Salvatore Agresta [Ithaca: Traveling Between History, School and Education: Studies in Honor of Salvatore Agresta]

Pages: 151-160

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Spirituality

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Abstract/Notes: Il saggio ricostruisce le riflessioni - sia di taglio spirituale sia di taglio pedagogico - sviluppate da Maria Montessori circa la Grande Guerra: soprattutto nel volume "Autoeducazione", pubblicato nel 1916. [The essay reconstructs the reflections - both spiritual and pedagogical - developed by Maria Montessori about the Great War: especially in the volume "Self-education", published in 1916.]

Language: Italian

Published: Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multimedia, 2018

ISBN: 978-88-6760-416-6


Dr. Maria Montessori si pedagogiá contemporaná [Dr. Maria Montessori and contemporary pedagogy]

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Language: Romanian

Published: Bucharest, Romania: [s.n.], 1940


In memoria di Maria Jervolino [In memory of Maria Jervolino]

Available from: Atlante Montessori

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 25, no. 7

Pages: 3-4

Maria Jervolino - Biographic sources, Marziola Pignatari - Writings, Obituaries

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


✓ Peer Reviewed

Entre Pauline Kergomard et Maria Montessori [Between Pauline Kergomard and Maria Montessori]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Le Portique, vol. 2007, no. 4

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Abstract/Notes: In the 19th century the references concerning the education in the early years of infants took 2 different orientations. One uses an “educational mother” as the model. Between the love and limits that she offers her child, she brings a moral education. In the other reference, the educator, very respectful to the dynamic of the child, intervenes as little as possible. The objective is that he conquers autonomy and learns a sense of responsibilities. Two educated women are representative of these 2 tendencies: On one hand Pauline Kergomard (preschool inspector 1838–1925), author of “the motherly education at school”, in her teaching to school principals, presents as a reference the “comprehensive and devoted mother” taking care of the physical intellectual and moral development of children. In this case she represents more the dimension of “care”. On the other hand, Maria Montessori, (Italian pedagogue, 1870-1952) author of "scientific education”, is going to impute little by little her ideas based on the fact that the child has the necessary qualities to grow on his/her own. So according to the educator with just creating a high-quality environment in order to enable the child to find the extract to grow up and be the autor of their own evolution. We consider her to represent the concept of education, resulting from a method. We have presented the essence of both authors convictions. Alter restoring them in their context, we will confront them to see in what degree these methods are opposed or not, in the sense of seeing how they complete and intervene with each other. Our idea is to make use of the analysis of both orientations and develop to what point care is indispensable to the quality and the education of child and more over at the present time. Au XIXe siècle les références concernant l’éducation de la petite enfance ont pris deux orientations différentes. L’une donne comme modèle la mère éducatrice. Dans l’autre référence, l’éducatrice très respectueuse de la dynamique de l’enfant, intervient le moins possible. Deux femmes pédagogues sont représentatives de ces courants : D’une part, Pauline Kergomard (inspectrice des écoles maternelles, 1838-1925) auteur de « L’éducation maternelle à l’école » présente comme référence « la mère intelligente et dévouée » ; elle représente plutôt la dimension « soin ». D’autre part, Maria Montessori (pédagogue italienne,1870-1952) auteur de « La pédagogie scientifique » va peu à peu imposer ses idées basées sur le fait que l’enfant possède les qualités nécessaires pour grandir par lui-même. Nous la considérons comme représentant le concept d’éducation fruit d’une méthode. Notre propos est de nous servir de l’analyse de ces deux orientations pour dévoiler combien les soins sont indispensables à la qualité de l’éducation même.

Language: French

ISSN: 1283-8594

La fortuna di Maria Montessori negli Stati Uniti d'America 1909-1989: prime linee di ricerca [The fortune of Maria Montessori in the United States of America 1909-1989: first lines of research]

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy, 1988

Book Section

La posizione di Maria Montessori sul Peccato Originale. “Peccato originale” della sua pedagogia o “reattivo teologico” originale? [Maria Montessori's position on Original Sin. "Original sin" of your pedagogy or original "theological reactive"?]

Book Title: Il Peccato Originale [Original Sin]

Pages: 97-197

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Abstract/Notes: Il saggio illustra la posizione di Maria Montessori sul "Peccato Originale": si indica la rilevanza generale del tema (nella storia e nella storiografia) e si ricostruiscono le riflessioni della Montessori dai primi scritti fino agli ultimi. [The essay illustrates Maria Montessori's position on "Original Sin": the general relevance of the theme is indicated (in history and historiography) and Montessori's reflections are reconstructed from the first writings to the last.]

Language: Italian

Published: Brescia, Italy: Scholé, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-284-0060-8

Series: Orso Blu , 130


✓ Peer Reviewed

Pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Maria Montessori tentang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [The Thoughts of Ki Hajar Dewantara and Maria Montessori About Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universitas PGRI Semarang (Indonesia)

Publication: PAUDIA: Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Research Journal in the Field of Early Childhood Education], vol. 9, no. 1

Pages: 17-35

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia, Taman Siswa

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Abstract/Notes: Mendalami ilmu pendidikan anak usia dini tidak dapat dilakukan apabila hanya mengkaji pemikiran satu tokoh saja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui (1) pemikiran, (2) persamaan dan perbedaan pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Maria Montessori tentang pendidikan anak usia dini. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan yang mengkomparasikan pemikiran kedua tokoh. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua bulan mulai januari sampai februari 2020. Sumber data terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) pemikiran pendidikan anak usia dini menurut Ki Hajar Dewantara adalah pendidikan yang diberikan pada anak 0-7 tahun dengan pemberian pendidikan yang memperhatikan unsur alami anak dengan materi melatih panca indera menggunakan metode lahiriah dan batiniah dilakukan di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat dengan tujuan mengembangkan cipta, rasa dan karsa pada anak. Menurut Maria Montessori pendidikan anak usia dini adalah pendidikan yang diberikan untuk anak 0-6 tahun dilakukannya dilingkungan sekolah dengan materi keterampilan sehari-hari menggunakan metode lahiriah dan batiniah yang memberikan kebebasan anak untuk memilih aktivitas dan media yang ingin digunakan. (2) persamaan dan perbedaan pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Maria Montessori tentang anak usia dini terletak dari aspek nama dan filosofi sekolah, setting lingkungan, dasar pemikiran PAUD, metode dan tugas pendidik. [The science of early childhood education cannot be understood from one’s thought. This research intended to know (1) the thoughts (2) the similarities and differences of early childhood education thoughts by Ki Hajar Dewantara and Maria Montessori. The method used was qualitative with library research which compared two experts’ thoughts. The data was analyzed by descriptive approach. This research was done within two months, january to february 2020. The data were from primary and secondary data. The results revealed (1) Ki Hajar Dewantara states that early childhood education is an education given to 0-7 year old children and emphasizes on natural factors by training five senses through outward and inward method around family, school and community environments to develop creativity, feeling and intention. While Maria Montessori says that early childhood education is an education given to 0-6 year old children through daily skills in school environment and uses outward and inward method which let them choose activity and media they want. (2) the similarities and differences of Ki Hajar Dewantara and Maria Montessori thoughts were school’s name and philosopy, environment, ECE basic thoughts, learning method and educator’s duties.]

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.26877/paudia.v9i1.5610

ISSN: 2598-4047, 2089-1431


Maria Montessori, oggi: 1870-1970 [Maria Montessori, today: 1870-1970]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian

Published: Firenze, Italy: Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970


✓ Peer Reviewed

Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme Maria Montessori dan Penerapannya di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 [Maria Montessori's Constructivism Learning Theory and Its Application during the COVID-19 Pandemic]

Available from: Institut Agama Islan Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo

Publication: Jurnal Ibriez: Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains [Ibriez Journal: Science-Based Journal of Islamic Basic Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 241-262

Asia, Australasia, COVID-19 Pandemic, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The coronavirus which began to spread in early 2020 changed the world order (new normal), it also had a direct impact on the education aspect. In Indonesia, there is a policy to conduct online learning. Not all learning can be done online due to signal constraints and costs. So we need a solution, in the form of a theoretical concept that reveals the importance of independent learning and self-study to hone sensory-motor development in children. This concept is found in Maria Montessori's constructivism learning theory. Using a qualitative approach through reading through philosophical hermeneutics, which the author excavated from Maria Montessori's parent books, this research is to find (1) What are the big ideas of Maria Montessori's constructivism learning theory? (2) How is the application of constructivism learning theory for children during the Covid-19 period? with the aim of research to uncover and apply constructivism learning theory from Maria Montessori's perspective for children during a pandemic.This study concludes: (1) Children can self-construct, sensitive period, absorbent mind and certain developmental laws in their learning (2) Application of the Montessori method which includes activities to provide sensory, motor, and language stimulationat home. This understanding is important so that parents use constructivism learning theory in children and use it as the basis for parents' beliefs during this new normal era of learning. / Virus corona yang mulai menyebar awal tahun 2020 mengubah tatanan dunia (new normal), hal tersebut juga terdampak langsung pada aspek pendidikan. Di Indonesia, muncul kebijakan untuk melakukan pembelajaran online. Faktanya, tidak semua pembelajaran bisa dilakukan secara online karena terkendala signal dan biaya. Maka perlu sebuah solusi, berupa konsep teoritis yang mengungkapkan pentingnya pembelajaran mandiri dan belajar sendiri untuk mengasah perkembangan sensori motorik pada anak. Konsep ini ditemukan dalam teori belajar kontruktivisme milik Maria Montessori. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pembacaan secara hermeneutika filosofis, yang penulis gali dari buku-buku induk karya Maria Montessori, penelitian ini untuk mencari (1) Bagaimana gagasan besar teori belajar konstruktivisme Maria Montessori? (2) Bagaimana penerapan teori belajar kontruktivisme untuk anak dalam masa Covid-19? dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengungkap dan menerapkan teori belajar konstruktivisme perspektif Maria Montessori untuk anak di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan: (1) Anak memiliki kemampuan self construction, sensitive period, absorbent mind dan hukum perkembangan tertentu dalam belajarnya (2) Penerapan metode Montessori yang meliputi kegiatan untuk memberikan stimulasi sensorik, motorik dan bahasa di dalam rumah. Pemahaman ini penting, agar orang tua menggunakan teori belajar kontruktivisme pada anak dan digunakan sebagai dasar keyakinan orang tua di saat pembelajaran era new normal ini.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.21154/ibriez.v6i2.164

ISSN: 2548-4176, 2548-3447


Maria Montessori e la sua riforma educativa [Maria Montessori and her educational reform]

Educational change, Marziola Pignatari - Writings, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Italian

Published: Firenze, Italy: Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970

Series: Per una scuola operativa

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