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Development of a Montessori Performance Assessment Scale / 몬테소리 수행평가 도구 개발에 관한 연구

Available from: RISS

Publication: 유아교육연구 / Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, vol. 24, no. 2

Pages: 243-264

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Abstract/Notes: This study develops a Montessori Performance Assessment Scale (MPAS), a scale for assessing the performance of 3-5 year old kindergarteners in Montessori programs. Subjects were 50 3-5 year old children attending a Montessori kindergarten in Seoul and 167 kindergarten teachers in Montessori programs in Seoul. Statistical methods employed were frequency, Cronbach's Alpha, test/re-test reliability, construct validity and concurrent validity. Results of this study are: 1) There are few reliable scales to assess the performance of the educational objectives of Montessori programs: 2) Cronbach's Alpha of the MPAS's of 8 areas (practical life, sense, language, mathematics, social studies, science, music and art education) ranged from .90 to .92. The correlation of the test/re-test was .92. The correlation among the MPAS's 8 areas and between the 8 areas and the total scores of the areas ranged from .67 to .89. It was also shown that MPAS highly correlated with the Standardized Korean Creativity Traits Checklist (K-CTC) (r=.51) and the Korean Child Social Maturity Scales (r=.60). These results indicate that MPAS developed by the authors is a valid scale with high reliability. / 본 연구는 몬테소리 유아교육과정을 실시하는 기관에서 일상생활 연습, 감각, 언어, 수학, 사회, 과학, 음악, 미술교육의 8개 영역에 대한 유아의 수행능력을 구체적이고 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 도구를 개발하고자 하는 목적으로 이루어졌다. 167명의 몬테소리 유아교육기관 교사를 대상으로 평가방법에 대한 현황을 파악하고 3차례에 걸쳐 만 3~5세 남녀 유아에게 검사를 실시한 후 전문가 협의를 거쳐 몬테소리 수행평가 도구의 항목과 점수체계를 구성하였다. 몬테소리 수행평가 도구 개발 과정에서는 서울지역에 있는 대학 부속유치원에 다니는 유아 50명을 대상으로 적용하여 그 가능성을 검증하였다. 개발된 평가도구의 신뢰도를 알아보기 위해서는 Cronbach’s α값과 재검사 계수(test/re-test correlation)를 산출하였다. Cronbach’s α값은 .90에서 .92의 범위로 매우 높은 문항내적 합치도를 보여주었으며 재검사 계수 또한 .92로 높은 신뢰도를 보여주었다. 본 연구자들이 개발한 수행평가의 8개 구인과 총점간 상관계수는 .67~.89로 나타났다. 개발된 몬테소리 수행평가 도구는 유아용 창의적 특성 검사(r=.51) 및 사회성숙도 검사(r=.60)와도 높은 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9565, 2733-9637


The Development of Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales: Centered on 6 to 24 Month Infants / 영아용 몬테소리 수행평가 도구 개발 - 6~24개월 영아를 중심으로 -

Available from: KoreaScience

Publication: Korean Journal of Child Studies / 아동학회지, vol. 26, no. 2

Pages: 27-41

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales developed by the authors. Subjects of the study consisted of 132 Montessori teachers and 50 infants who were attending Montessori home school throughout the whole country, using census method. Infant's age ranged from 6 to 24 months. Data were analysed by using SAS 8.2 PC program. Statistical methods employed were frequency, Cronbach's alpha, Kappa coefficient, test-retest correlation, construct validity, and concurrent validity. The Cronbach's alpha of 6 sub-scales included physical, creativity, practical life, sense, language, and cognitive education, which ranged from .70 to .86. And the! correlation of the test/re-test was .72. The correlation between the 6 sub-scales of Infant-Montessori Performance Assessment Scales and the total scores of 6 items ranged from .06 to .84. Therefore, the construct validity of Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales was verified. The Kappa coefficient of inter-rater reliability was .76. The correlation between the Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales and the Standardized Korean Creativity Traits Checklist(K-CTC) and the Korean Child Social Maturity Scales showed non-significant levels of .16 and .12 respectively. Conclusively, Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales developed by the authors were verified through the above reliability and validity tests. Specifically the Infant Montessori Performance Assessment Scales showed the relationship of the convergent and divergent validity with the Korean Child Social Maturity Scales and the Standardized Korean Creativity Traits Checklist, respectively.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-1688, 2234-408X


Montessori Assessment Playbook

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Abstract/Notes: Can we measure what we treasure? Can we build and sustain truly excellent schools focused on the ambitious goal of human flourishing? And can we hold ourselves accountable to the children and families we serve in ways that harness data to advance that goal? The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector says “yes”! The Montessori Assessment Playbook shows us how to do it. Organized around 33 discrete tools, the Playbook provides a clear and actionable scaffold for building an assessment protocol that captures compelling student outcomes, such as perseverance, compassion, and creativity, and that links those outcomes to the investments we make to classrooms and schools. Emphasizing both coherence and precision, the Montessori Assessment Playbook shows us how to develop and implement a comprehensive assessment framework focused on human flourishing and, just as important, why such a framework is urgently needed.

Language: English

Published: West Hartford, Connecticut: National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector Press, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-73386-911-9


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment of Food Intake and Nutritional Status of Children Attending Montessori School of Pokhara Valley

Available from: Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences

Publication: Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1

Asia, Montessori schools, Nepal, Nutrition, Nutrition education, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Introduction: Childhood is a time of critical growth in which proper nutrition is necessary. Children afflicted by sustained poor nutrition are at greater risk for obesity, mental and emotional health problems and a failure to thrive academically. The objective of this study was to assess the food intake of children attending the Montessori school. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among 235 children of 3-5 years from twenty Montessori schools. Data were collected using simple random sampling. A weighed food was recorded from the consumption of children during a day of their stay in the Montessori school along with the observation of food consumption. Results:  More than every nine out of ten children (92.8%) didn’t meet calorie requirement. The mean food intake during their stay in Montessori was 368.81±111.89 grams. Mean calorie, fat, protein, retinol and beta carotene intake were 540±150.5 Kcal, 10.04±5.6 grams, 13.25±5.49 grams, 49.76±32.6 grams, 135.75±274.67 grams respectively. Dietary fat (OR=3.7, 95% CI; 1.8, 7.5) and protein consumption (OR=2.2, 95% CI; 1.1, 4.4) were significantly associated with overweight status of children. Conclusion: The amount of nutritive foods should be increased so that the children meet adequate amount of nutrient required for the proper growth and development of their body. Since the association between dietary fat and protein intake with overweight condition was observed the excess use of fat providing foods should be limited and protein rich foods should be provided as per the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Montessori children. Keywords: Food intake, nutritional status, children, Nepal

Language: English

ISSN: 2676-1327

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Impact of Student-Driven Mathematical Assessment on Learning Behaviors in Sixth Grade Students

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: This seven-week study explored the impact of student-self assessment on learning and engagement behaviors of 48 sixth graders during math classes in a public school setting. Data collection tools such as student surveys, pre-and post -self-assessments, observations, reflections, and teacher- student conferencing provided the information to inform the conclusions regarding self-efficacy. Observation confirmed that a student’s participation in using self-evaluation to contribute to their learning affected internal processes such as motivation and engagement. Assessment activities that provided evidence and feedback to inform goals specific to skill development and learner traits yielded significant results. Highly structured assessment tools and classroom routines reduced students' reliance on the teacher to interpret and use individual performance data. The use of formative assessment practices that promoted goal setting, self-assessment and self-determination practices improved engagement and learning behaviors in the classroom.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2022


Komparace školního hodnocení v hodinách výchovy k občanství na tradiční a Montessori základní škole / Comparison of students assessment in citizenship education classes at traditional and Montessori basic schools

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce se zabývá školním hodnocením. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, a to teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části dochází nejprve k vysvětlení Montessori pedagogiky a jejich principů jako jsou svoboda dětí, předem připravené prostředí či principy věkové heterogenity. Dále se zde pojednává o didaktickém materiálu, které tyto typy škol využívají. Poslední částí této kapitoly je postavení učitelů a dospělých ve škole. Poté následuje kapitola o hodnocení. Dochází zde k vymezení jeho definice, jaké funkce hodnocení existují a také typy, které jsou ve školách využívány. V neposlední řadě pak formy hodnocení, tedy klasifikace pomocí známek a slovní hodnocení. Druhou částí této práce je praktická část. Cílem praktické části je najít odlišnosti ve způsobu hodnocení ve dvou typech základních škol, tedy v Montessori základní škole a běžné základní škole a také zjistit, které typy hodnocení, o kterých pojednává teoretická část, jsou v hodinách nejvíce využívány. Pro výzkum byla použita metodu pozorování a hloubkové rozhovory s vyučujícími, u kterých probíhal náslech. Výsledky praktické části ukázaly, že oba typy základních škol využívají jiné formy hodnocení. V běžné základní škole se jedná nejvíce o známky, které jsou i na vysvědčení. V Montessori základní škole se využívá slovní hodnocení a zpětná vazba žákova výkonu. Na konci roku pak žáci dostávají tzv. dopisy, které shrnují jejich výsledky na uplynutý rok. / This diploma thesis deals with a school assessment. It is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical one. In the theoretical part, first of all, the Montessori pedagogy and its principles like a freedom of children, beforehand prepaired surroundings or principals of the age heterogeneity are clarified. Further on the didactical material, used in those types of schools, is discussed. The last part of this chapter deals with the position of teachers and adults at school. Next there is a chapter about the assessment. It circumscribes the definition, functions and types of the assessment used in schools. Last, but not least, the forms of the assessment, which means classification by marking or a word evaluation. The second part is the practical one. It is aimed at finding the difference between the way of assessment in two types of primary schools, which means the Montessori primary school and an ordinary primary school and also at finding out, which types of assessment, concerned by the theoretical part, are used the most during lessons. For the research the method of observation and in-depth conversations with the teachers, at whose lessons the sitting in on a classes took place, were used. The outcome of this work was that both types of primary schools use different types of assessment. At the ordinary school it is mostly about the grades, which also occur at the school report. At the Montessori school, the verbal assessment and a feedback to student’s performance is used; at the end of the year the students receive the so called letters, which summarize their results from the last year.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2017


Montessori Assessment

Available from: ERIC

Publication: MPSC Update [Montessori Public School Consortium (Cleveland, OH)], vol. 2, no. 3

Pages: 6

Americas, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori Development Partnerships to devise plan.

Language: English


Formative Assessment in Montessori

Available from: MontessoriPublic

Publication: Montessori Public, vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 16

Public Montessori

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Language: English

Conference Paper

The Application of Student Portfolios in Primary/Intermediate and Self-Contained/Multi-Age Team Classroom Environments: Implications for Instruction, Learning, and Assessment

Available from: ERIC

Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

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Abstract/Notes: Portfolios have gained wide acceptance as a learning and assessment tool. Yet, little research has been reported on the practices of teachers who are actually using portfolios within their classrooms and how those practices are moderated by contextual variables. This research examined the instructional, learning, and assessment roles of student portfolios, and explored, from the perspective of the classroom teacher, variations in portfolio applications associated with teaching level (primary versus intermediate) and classroom environment (self-contained versus multiage/teaming). Teachers for kindergarten through grade 5 in 3 elementary schools (n=314) completed a survey questionnaire regarding the instructional and assessment uses to which portfolios are put within their classrooms. To further examine patterns of portfolio use, a subset of 44 teachers was interviewed to explore teacher perceptions about the impact of student portfolios on themselves and their students. Results suggest that these teachers make deliberate decisions regarding uses of their students' portfolios, decisions that appear heavily impacted by the maturity or skill level of the child, the purposes of the application, and the classroom environment within which the application occurs. They also depend on whether the portfolio product is in a formative state (working portfolio) or final state (performance portfolio). (Contains 7 tables and 14 references.) (Author/SLD)

Language: English

Published: Montreal, Canada, Apr 19-24, 1994


Formen der Leistungsbeurteilung in der Montessorischule Bonn-Dottendorf [Forms of performance assessment in the Montessori school Bonn-Dottendorf]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 35, no. 2

Pages: 88-91

Europe, Germany, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessorischule Bonn (Germany), Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Montessorischule Bonn in the Dottendorf neighborhood of Bonn, Germany.

Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537

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