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975 results


Unterricht nach Maria Montessori. Ein Profil beginnt zu greifen [Lessons according to Maria Montessori. A profile begins to take hold]

Publication: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, vol. 36

Pages: 658-659

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: German

ISSN: 0513-9066

Book Section

“Lei che è l’Arca dell’Alleanza": Due Lettere del Card. Svampa a Maria Montessori (1903-1905) ["She who is the Ark of the Covenant": Two Letters from the Card. Svampa to Maria Montessori (1903-1905)]

Available from: Google Books

Book Title: Sguardi Storici sull'Educazione dell'Infanzia: Studi in Onore di Mirella Chiaranda [Historical Looks on Early Childhood Education: Studies in Honor of Mirella Chiaranda]

Pages: 275-286

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Abstract/Notes: Il contributo pubblica e contestualizza storicamente due lettere inedite del Card. Svampa, arcivescovo diu Bologna, a Maria Montessori (conservate nell'Archivio Montessori ad Amsterdam) [This contribution publishes and historically contextualizes two unpublished letters from Card. Svampa, archbishop of Bologna, to Maria Montessori (preserved in the Montessori Archive in Amsterdam)]

Language: Italian

Published: Fano, Italy: Aras Edizioni, 2015

ISBN: 978-88-98615-66-7

Doctoral Dissertation

Attraverso i confini. Traduzioni e diffusione di Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica di Maria Montessori. Uno studio comparato [Across the Borders: The Translation and Spread of Maria Montessori’s Scientific Pedagogy – A Comparative Study]

Available from: AMS Dottorato - Institutional Theses Repository (University of Bologna Digital Library)

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori è una delle pedagogiste italiane più conosciute e celebrate in tutto il mondo. Come è noto, il suo pensiero ha avuto una diffusione che per rapidità e ampiezza geografica si può senza dubbio definire straordinaria. Fu Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, pubblicato in Italia nel 1909, a portare la Montessori alla ribalta della scena mondiale. Dal 1912, le traduzioni si moltiplicarono, fino a coprire, prima della fine della prima Guerra mondiale, il panorama europeo e americano. Inoltre, i corsi internazionali per la formazione d’insegnanti stranieri (il primo fu organizzato in Italia nel 1913), permisero la diffusione del metodo anche in India, in Sud America, in Australia e in Asia. La mia ricerca si concentra sull’analisi comparata delle prime traduzioni del Metodo, in particolare l’edizione americana (1912), l’edizione inglese (1912), l’edizione svizzera (1912) e l’edizione francese (1916), calate nel contesto storico, sociale, cultura e pedagogico di riferimento. Per meglio comprendere le modalità di diffusione dell’opera, ho scelto di dare ampio spazio anche alle figure che hanno circondato Maria Montessori e si sono operate per diffondere e promuovere tanto l’opera quanto la filosofia della pedagogista nelle realtà elencate. Il progetto ha voluto mettere a fuoco il processo di costruzione di un lavoro scientifico e culturale costantemente influenzato da una pluralità di culture, tradizioni, lingue e voci differenti, nonché il faticoso impegno dell’autrice di difendere il proprio pensiero da qualsiasi intromissione esterna volta a snaturarlo. [Maria Montessori is one of the most famous and celebrated Italian pedagogists in the world. Due to its speed and geographical extent, the spread of her scientific pedagogy can surely be described as extraordinary, even more since we talk about a woman’s work in the beginning of the twentieth century. It was Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, published in Italy in 1909, that brought Montessori to the forefront of the world scene, allowing her to be acclaimed internationally as one of history’s great pioneering educators. Since 1912, the number of translations multiplied, to the point of covering, before the end of the First World War, the European and American scene. In addition, international courses for the training of teachers (the first was organized in Italy in 1913), allowed the spread of the method in India, South America, Austrialia and Asia. My research focuses on the comparative analysis of the Metodo’s first translations, in particular the American edition (1912), the English edition (1912), the Swiss edition (1912) and the French edition (1916), placed in the historical, social, cultural and pedagogical context of reference. Furthermore, great part of the research is dedicated to the many figures who surrounded Maria Montessori and worked as hard as she did to help in the spreading of both her thought and book internationally. Indeed, editors, translators, journalists and intellectuals, as well as politicians and ambassadors played an essential role in her successful career. The project aimed to focus on Montessori’s process of building a scientific and cultural work constantly influenced by a plurality of different cultures, traditions, languages and voices, as well as on the hard work of the author to defend her philosophy from any external interference aimed at distorting it.]

Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Edelstain-Goudeli and the beginning of Montessori education in Greece / Maria Edelstain-Goudeli i l’inici de l’educació Montessori a Grècia

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 161-182

Europe, Greece, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s work spread throughout the world in a vast number of countries. In Greece, it was first implemented by a pioneer of Montessori education there, Maria Goudeli (formerly, Maria Edelstein) in the 1930’s. The present study aims to unfold the history of Edelstain-Goudeli, while examining the social, political, historical and cultural environment of the time. It is important for the global pedagogical community to investigate how any “alternative” education system is established in a country without any prior experience, especially since to date, the Greek education system has been highly centralised in terms of organisation and administration. Edelstain-Goudeli had to overcome the dominant intellectual traditions, and political and educational institutions in Greece, in order to infuse the Montessori education system into Greek society. The process is situated within the framework of “reception theory” for a scientific theory within a “scientifically peripheral” country. The study also attempts to reveal Edelstain-Goudeli’s personality, as well as identify stimuli and motivations underlying her efforts and decisions. / L’obra de Maria Montessori es va estendre arreu del món en un gran nombre de països. A Grècia, es va aplicar per primera vegada a la dècada de 1930 per Maria Goudeli (primer, Maria Edelstein), una pionera de l’educació Montessori a Grècia. El present estudi pretén descriure la història d’Edelstain-Goudeli, dins de l’entorn social, polític, històric i cultural de l’època. És important que la comunitat pedagògica d’arreu del món investigui i conegui com s’estableix qualsevol sistema educatiu “alternatiu” en un país sense experiència prèvia, sobretot perquè fins avui el sistema educatiu grec ha estat molt centralitzat, tant en l’organització com en l’administració. Edelstain-Goudeli va haver de superar les tradicions intel·lectuals dominants i les institucions polítiques i educatives de Grècia, per tal de traslladar a la societat grega el sistema educatiu Montessori. El procés que hem seguit se situa en el marc de la “teoria de la recepció” d’una teoria científica en un país de l’anomenada “perifèria científica”. L’estudi també intenta revelar la personalitat d’Edelstain-Goudeli i identificar estímuls i motivacions darrere dels seus esforços i decisions. / El trabajo de María Montessori se extendió por todo el mundo en una gran cantidad de países. En Grecia, fue aplicado por primera vez en la década de 1930 por María Goudeli (antes, María Edelstein), pionera de la educación Montessori en Grecia. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explicar la historia de Edelstain-Goudeli, dentro del contexto social, político, histórico y cultural de la época. Es importante que la comunidad pedagógica de todo el mundo investigue y conozca cómo se establece cualquier sistema educativo «alternativo» en un país sin experiencia previa, especialmente porque hasta el día de hoy, el sistema educativo griego ha estado muy centralizado, en términos de organización y administración. Edelstain-Goudeli tuvo que superar las tradiciones intelectuales dominantes y las instituciones políticas y educativas de Grecia, para transfundir a la sociedad griega el sistema educativo Montessori. El proceso se sitúa en el marco de la “teoría de recepción” de una teoría científica en un país de la llamada “periferia científica”. El estudio también intenta desvelar la personalidad de Edelstain-Goudeli e identificar estímulos y motivaciones detrás de sus esfuerzos y decisiones.

Language: English

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150353

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258


Einführung zum Tagungsband - Die kosmische Erziehung Maria Montessoris [Introduction to the proceedings - The cosmic education of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 37, no. 2-3

Pages: 122-129

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


Dr. Maria Montessoris Opdragelsesmetode [Dr. Maria Montessori's Method of Upbringing]

Publication: Nordisk Ugeblad for Katholske Kristne [Nordic Weekly for Catholic Christians], vol. 74

Pages: 365-370

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Language: Norwegian

Master's Thesis

Maria Montessori의 "우주적 교육": 기독교종교교육을 위한 모색 [Maria Montessori's "Cosmic Education": Search for Christian Religious Education]

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Language: Korean

Published: Seoul, South Korea, 2004


Dr. Maria Montessoris Opdragelsesmetode [Dr. Maria Montessori's Method of Upbringing]

Publication: Nordisk Ugeblad for Katholske Kristne [Nordic Weekly for Catholic Christians], vol. 74

Pages: 381-384

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Language: Norwegian


Il [terzo] Articolo della Dott. Maria Montessori: Gli Studi della Illustre Educatrice sui Ragazzi Deficienti - Una Serie di Studi e di Esperimenti Felici e Fortunati [The (third) Article by Dr. Maria Montessori: The Studies of the Distinguished Educator on Deficient Children - A Series of Happy and Lucky Studies and Experiments]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 5

Americas, Maria Montessori - Writings, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400

Book Section

Maria Montessori: Les voies de l’autonomie [Maria Montessori: Paths to Autonomy]

Available from: CAIRN

Book Title: Les Grands Penseurs de l'éducation [The Great Thinkers of Education]

Pages: 55-58

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952) est l’une des grandes figures du courant de l’éducation nouvelle (voir l’encadré). Première femme diplômée de médecine dans son pays, elle s’occupe d’abord d’enfants dits « arriérés » ou « idiots ». Constatant que ces enfants peuvent progresser dans un environnement plus favorable, elle commence à développer tout un matériel pour les aider à lire et écrire. C’est en 1907, alors âgée de 37 ans, qu’elle a l’occasion de mettre au point sa méthode pédagogique qui, dès le début du xxe siècle, lui vaut une reconnaissance internationale. Cette fois, le ministre lui demande de prendre en charge les enfants défavorisés du quartier de San Lorenzo, un quartier ghetto de Rome, peuplé d’immigrants de l’Italie du Sud pour la plupart illettrés, où les enfants de 3 à 6 ans sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Dans l’unique pièce qui lui est octroyée, elle crée alors sa première casa dei bambini (maison des enfants). Elle fait construire des tables et des chaises adaptées à leur taille (grande innovation pour l’époque, qui inspirera les équipements des écoles maternelles) et crée un matériel pédagogique tactile et sensoriel. En l’espace de deux ans, c’est un véritable petit miracle qui s’accomplit. Les enfants, désordonnés et irrespectueux, sont devenus « polis et calmes ». Mais il y a plus : ils ont appris à écrire et à lire. De nouvelles maisons des enfants et des écoles voient le jour dans Rome. Des observateurs arrivent de partout. Montessori organisera des stages à Londres, Nice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelone, San Francisco et même en Inde, où elle s’installe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale… [ It was in 1907, then aged 37, that she had the opportunity to perfect her teaching method which, from the beginning of the twentieth century, earned her international recognition. This time, the minister asks him to take care of the disadvantaged children of the district of San Lorenzo, a ghetto district of Rome, populated by immigrants from southern Italy for the most part illiterate, where children from 3 to 6 years old are left to fend for themselves. In the only room granted to her, she then created her first casa dei bambini (children's house). She built tables and chairs adapted to their size (a major innovation for the time, which would inspire nursery school equipment) and created tactile and sensory educational material. In the space of two years, a real little miracle takes place. Children, messy and disrespectful, have become "polite and calm". But there is more: they have learned to write and read. New children's homes and schools are emerging in Rome. Observers are coming from everywhere. Montessori will organize internships in London, Nice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​San Francisco and even in India, where she settled during World War II ...]

Language: French

Published: Auxerre, France: Éditions Sciences Humaines, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-36106-465-5

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