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1544 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Méthodologie Montessori Appliquée dans L'Enseignement des Langues aux Adultes [Montessori Methodology Applied in Language Teaching for Adults]

Available from: Central and Eastern European Online Library

Publication: Limba Și Literatura: Repere Identitare În Context European [Language and Literature: Identity Landmarks in a European Context], no. 20

Pages: 250-256

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Abstract/Notes: De nos jours, on vit dans un monde globalisant où les gens ont la liberté de mouvement, dans leur recherche d'avoir part d'une vie meilleure. L'apprentissage des langues étrangères est encore plus une nécessité évidente dans notre société moderne et les adultes se confrontent avec des blocages psychologiques, tout comme ceux de limite du temps, qui les empêchent à acquérir de nouvelles aptitudes de communication.

Language: French

ISSN: 1843-1577, 2344-4894


News of Montessorians [News Items on 11 Montessorians]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: The Constructive Triangle (1974-1989), vol. 16, no. 1

Pages: 19

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Language: English

ISSN: 0010-700X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori in the Role of a Teacher / Maria Montessori w roli nauczycielki

Available from: Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 13, no. 1 (whole no. 47)

Pages: 14-28

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Abstract/Notes: The essay analyses the figure of Maria Montessori as a teacher and the teaching that she conducted in her career. A historical perspective is adopted, with reference to some fundamental moments in Montessori’s teaching life, described with the help of her own early writings (often unpublished), and the testimonies of some of her colleagues and students. M. Montessori began her career as a teacher in 1899 at the “Higher Institute of Teaching for Women” and then she continued at the “Pedagogical School” of the University of Rome. The analysis presented in this article shows that Montessori considered it essential to combine theory and practice, to promote students’ active participation, linking what is learnt in the classroom with the outside world. From her earliest experiences as a teacher, it became fundamental for Montessori to place her teaching against the background of social and civil commitment, open it up to comparison, and to integrate her experience with work and empirical research. / Prezentowany esej jest analizą sylwetki Marii Montessori jako nauczycielki oraz jej kariery nauczycielskiej. W analizie przyjęto perspektywę historyczną, z odniesieniem do wybranych, kluczowych momentów w karierze nauczycielskiej M. Montessori, opisanych z pomocą jej własnych, wczesnych pism (często niepublikowanych), oraz wspomnień jej współpracowników i studentów. Maria Montessori rozpoczęła swoją karierę jako nauczycielka w 1899 roku w „Wyższym Instytucie Edukacji dla Kobiet”, a następnie kontynuowała pracę w Szkole pedagogicznej Uniwersytetu Rzymskiego. Przedstawione rozważania ukazują, że M. Montessori uznawała za kluczowe: łączenie teorii z praktyką, wspieranie aktywnego udziału studentów, łączenie tego, czego się nauczyli w klasie szkolnej z działaniem w świecie zewnętrznym. Na podstawie swoich wczesnych nauczycielskich doświadczeń M. Montessori fundamentem swojego nauczania uczyniła zaangażowanie społeczne i obywatelskie, a także otwarcie się na porównanie i integrację zdobytych doświadczeń z pracą i badaniami empirycznymi.

Language: English

DOI: 10.14632/eetp.2017.13.47.17

ISSN: 1896-2327, 2353-7787


Der Streit um Montessori [The dispute over Montessori]

Publication: Katechetische Blätter, vol. 88

Pages: 88-90

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Language: German

ISSN: 0342-5517

Book Section

Montessori e la questione della pace [Montessori and the question of peace]

Book Title: L'Utopia Montessoriana: Pace, Diritti, Libertà, Ambiente [Montessorian Utopia: Peace, Rights, Freedom, Environment]

Pages: 95-112

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Peace education

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Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Erickson, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-590-2042-4 88-590-2042-5


Vkljucevanje Elementov Pedagogike Marie Montessori v Naravoslovje [Integrating Elements of Maria Montessori Pedagogy into Science]

Publication: Pedagoska Obzorja (Drustvo Pedagoskih Delavcev Dolenjske) [Pedagogical Horizons (Association of Pedagogical Workers of Dolenjska)], no. 1-2

Pages: 50-58

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Language: Slovenian

ISSN: 0353-1392


✓ Peer Reviewed

Stimulasi Kemampuan Mengenal Konsep Bilangan Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan Matematika Montessori [Stimulation of Ability to Recognize Numbers Concepts in Early Childhood Through Montessori Math Games]

Available from: Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai

Publication: Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pahlawan, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 488-498

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran stimulasi kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan anak usia dini melalui permainan matematika Montessori. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian studi literatur ini peneliti menggunakan berbagai sumber tertulis seperti artikel, jurnal, dan dokumen yang relevan dengan penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini berfokus pada wacana tentang kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan pada anak usia dini yang dapat dilakukan melalui permainan matematika Montessori. Hal tersebut menjadi bagian penting dari implementasi pembelajaran di PAUD karena merangsang kemampuan mengenali konsep angka anak sejak dini harus dikembangkan karena akan berdampak besar pada kemampuan kognitif anak yang juga sangat berguna untuk masa depan mereka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa permainan matematika Montessori sangat efektif digunakan untuk merangsang kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan pada anak usia dini. Ini terbukti dari bukti yang telah diteliti dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan anak melalui permainan matematika Montessori. [This research is a literature study that aims to find out how the description of the stimulation of the ability to recognize the concept of numbers for early childhood through Montessori math games. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with literature study. In this literature study the researcher uses various written sources such as articles, journals, and documents relevant to the research in this study. This study focuses on the discourse on the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in early childhood which can be done through Montessori math games. This is an important part of implementing learning in PAUD because it stimulates the ability to recognize children's number concepts from an early age because it will have a major impact on children's cognitive abilities which are also very useful for their future. The results of this study indicate that Montessori math games are very effective in stimulating the ability to recognize number concepts in early childhood. This is evident from the evidence that has been researched from the results of previous studies relating to the ability to recognize the concept of children's numbers through Montessori math games.]

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2614-3097, 2614-6754


Montessoris Beitrag zu einer indirekten religiösen Erziehung [Montessori's Contribution to Indirect Religious Education]

Publication: Katechetische Blätter, vol. 106, no. 1

Pages: 28-34

Montessori method of education, Religious education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0342-5517


Montessori Erziehung in Familie/Kinderhaus/Schule: Ein Buch für Eltern und Kinderfreunde mit vielen Bildern [Montessori education in the family/children's home/school: A book for parents and friends of children with many pictures]

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Abstract/Notes: Distributed by the Deutsche Montessori-Gesellschaft with the October 1927 issue of their periodical "Montessori-Nachrichten".

Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Montessori-Gesellschaft, [1927]


De Vereeniging Montessori-Vereeniging en de Cusus tot Opleiding van Leerkrachten Volgens Montessori-Beginselen te 's-Gravenhage (z.g. Haagsche Opleidingscursus)

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 11, no. 14

Pages: 105-107

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Language: Dutch

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