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Educational Events; British Montessori Centers

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: School and Society, vol. 13, no. 319

Pages: 166-167

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Language: English

ISSN: 0036-6455


TIES to Offer 3-Week Online Conference [The Institute for Educational Studies]

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 11, no. 2

Pages: 30

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Educational Choice Meeting in Washington, D.C. [December, 1992]

Publication: Montessori Observer, vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 1, 4

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Language: English

ISSN: 0889-5643


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Eğitim Yaklaşımının Din Eğitimine Uygulanması: Godly Play Örneği / Application of Montessori Educational Approach to Religious Education: The Case of Godly Play

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi / Journal of Values Education, vol. 17, no. 38

Pages: 235-266

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori carried out both theoretical and practical studies on child education. When Montessori's studies are examined, it is seen that she made original contributions both in education of children and - although not very well known – in religious education. The purpose of this study is to examine the different aspects of Montessori's practices on religious education and to examine the Godly Play approach developed by Berryman in terms of theoretical foundations and application processes. Qualitative research method was used for this purpose. Data was collected through document review. At the end of the study, it is concluded that Montessori gave special importance to applied religious education in the school she founded in Barcelona where she stayed for 20 years. She practically demonstrated that it is possible to study religion and spirituality based on experience and work in a suitable school environment which arranged according to the level of development of children, not a systematic and theoretical religious education. Berryman has developed her educational approach and made it more systematic. Although he has diverged markedly from the Montessori tradition, he has developed a Protestant interpretation of early childhood religious education. In this approach; it is claimed that the Bible stories can be included with appropriate materials in the classroom environment and they can be introduced to the world of children. In order to achieve this goal, the classes should be organized as Montessori’s style, where children would be left alone with the word of God, and they would get meaning from the material themselves. As a result, it can be argued that this approach can be used for other religions with appropriate method and content arrangements. / Maria Montessori çocuk eğitimi konusunda hem teorik hem de uygulamalı birçok çalışma gerçekleştirmiştir. Montessori’nin çalışmaları incelendiğinde hem çocuk eğitiminde hem de -çok bilinmemekle birlikte- din eğitiminde özgün girişimlerde bulunduğu görülür. Çalışmamız; Montessori’nin din eğitimi konusundaki uygulamalarını farklı yönleri ile ele almayı, Jerome W. Berryman’ın geliştirdiği Godly Play yaklaşımını teorik temeller ve uygulama süreçleri açısından incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler doküman inceleme yolu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Montessori’nin yaklaşık 20 yıl kaldığı Barselona’da kurduğu okulda uygulamalı din eğitimine ayrı bir önem verdiği görülmüştür. Sistematik ve teorik bir din eğitiminin değil, çocukların gelişim düzeylerine göre düzenlenmiş uygun bir çevrede ve okul ortamında, tecrübeye ve çalışmaya dayalı bir din ve maneviyat eğitiminin mümkün olduğunu uygulamalı olarak göstermiştir. Onun eğitim anlayışını daha sistematik bir hale getiren Berryman, bazı yönleriyle Montessori geleneğinden ayrılmakla birlikte, temelde Montessori’ye dayanan erken çocukluk dönemi din eğitiminin Protestan yorumunu geliştirmiştir. Bu yaklaşımda; İncil kıssalarının sınıf ortamında uygun materyaller ile sergilenebileceği ve bunların çocukların dünyasına dâhil edilebileceği iddia edilir. Bunu sağlamak için ayinlerden ziyade çocukların Tanrı’nın kelamı ile baş başa kalacakları ve ilgili materyalden kendi anlamlarını çıkaracakları Montessori sınıfları düzenlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda söz konusu yaklaşımın uygun yöntem ve içerik düzenlemeleri ile diğer dinler için de kullanılabileceği görülmüştür.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.34234/ded.552117

ISSN: 1303-880X


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience

Available from: Croatian Journal of Education

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education / Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 1227-1253

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogy and definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needs and solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results of contemp...

Language: Croatian, English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience / Potvrde postulata Montessori pedagogije u suvremenoj obrazovnoj neuroznanosti

Available from: University of Zagreb

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Croatia, Europe, Neuroscience, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogyand definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needsand solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results ofcontemporary researches, the paper connects the achievements of Montessoripedagogic methods and strategies with the scientific indicators of educationalneuroscience about the manners of positive impact on the development of anindividual. The results of the educational neuroscience research will corroborate thepostulates of Montessori pedagogy that state that understanding the developmentalstages of upbringing, individual competences, and specificities of each child areimportant for upbringing. Specific cases will be used to emphasize that, apartfrom the cognitive competence, it is essential to develop psychomotor and affectivecompetences, meaning that the development of these personality spheres isconnected and interdependent. By providing the pedagogic perspective, the paperpoints to the need for further deliberation on how to shape an optimal curriculum.The paper suggests that various social and technological changes are reasons toconsider pedagogic methods, strategies, and approaches of Montessori, which is alsosupported and substantiated by contemporary educational neuroscience.Key words: didactics; Montessori pedagogy; neurodidactics; neuroscience. - U ovom radu daje se uvid u osnovne postulate Montessori pedagogije i definicijesuvremene obrazovne neuroznanosti, orijentirajući se prema potrebama i rješenjimaza suvremene didaktičke pristupe. Prikazom rezultata suvremenih istraživanja radpovezuje dostignuća Montessori pedagoških metoda i strategija sa znanstvenimpokazateljima obrazovne neuroznanosti o načinima pozitivnoga utjecaja na razvojpojedinca. Rezultati istraživanja obrazovne neuroznanosti potkrijepit će postulateMontessori pedagogije da je za odgojni pristup važno razumijevanje razvojnih fazaodrastanja, individualnosti kompetencija i specifičnosti odgajanika. Specifičnimprimjerima naglasit će se da je uz kognitivne, bitno razvijati psihomotorne iafektivne kompetencije, odnosno da je razvoj ovih sfera ličnosti povezan imeđuovisan. Ponuđenom pedagoškom perspektivom rad ukazuje na potrebudaljnjega razmatranja kako pristupiti oblikovanju optimalnih kurikula. U radu sesugerira da je upravo zbog različitih društvenih i tehnoloških promjena potrebnorazmišljati o pedagoškim metodama, strategijama i pristupima Montessoripedagogije, što podržava i potkrepljuje suvremena obrazovna neuroznanost.Ključne riječi: didaktika; Montessori pedagogija; neurodidaktika; neuroznanost.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


✓ Peer Reviewed

Issues in Education: Multi-Age Programs in Primary Grades: Are They Educationally Appropriate?

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Childhood Education, vol. 69, no. 1

Pages: 3-4

Educational change

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Abstract/Notes: Although multiage grouping is part of a greater approach to change in education, classroom problems can result when the approach's rationale is not understood. Three precepts of vertical grouping concern heterogeneity of student groups, individualized materials and activities, and a caring learning community. Factors influencing successful programs are described. (LB)

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/00094056.1992.10521787

ISSN: 0009-4056, 2162-0725


✓ Peer Reviewed

Filsafat Pendidikan Maria Montessori Dengan Teori Belajar Progresivisme Dalam Pendidikan Aud [Maria Montessori Educational Philosophy with Progressivism Learning Theory in Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Publication: Bunayya: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak [Journal of Children's Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 64-88

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan pendidikan Islam dari sudut pandang Maria Montessori, yang merupakan tokoh pendidikan anak yang mencurahkan hampir keseluruhan hidupnya untuk anak-anak. Maria Montessori memiliki prinsip dasar mengenai metode montessori ini, yang sangat memfokuskan anak sebagai childern center dan orang dewasa sebagai pembimbing. Menurutnya, suatu fase kehidupan di awal sangat berpengaruh terhadap faserase kehidupan selanjutnya artinya bahwa pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialami oleh seorang anak di awal kehidupannya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kedewasaannya kelak begitu juga perlakuan yang di dapatkan anak sejak kecil akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembang an anak selanjutnya. Kemudiaan sebagai umat Islam, sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi orang tua dan pendidik untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman pada anak-anaknya. Dan agar nilai-nilai ke-Islaman tersebut dapat terserap dengan sempurna, maka harus diajarkan sejak anak-anak usia dini juga. Rasulullah telah menegaskan tentang tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak-anak dalam sabdanya. [This paper tries to explain Islamic education from the perspective of Maria Montessori, who is a figure of children's education who devotes almost her entire life to children. Maria Montessori has a basic principle regarding this Montessori Method, which is very focused on children as children centers and adults as guides. According to him, a phase of life at the beginning is very influential on the phases of the next life which means that the experiences experienced by a child early in life are very influential on their maturity as well as the treatment that children get from childhood will greatly affect the subsequent development of children. Youth as Muslims, it has become an obligation for parents and educators to instill Islamic values in their children. And so that these Islamic values can be absorbed perfectly, it must be taught from an early age as well. Rasulullah has emphasized the responsibility of parents towards children in their sayings.]

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2549-3329


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Effects of Three Different Educational Approaches on Children's Drawing Ability: Steiner, Montessori, and Traditional

Available from: Wiley Online Library

Publication: British Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 70, no. 4

Pages: 485-503

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Abstract/Notes: Although there is a national curriculum for art education in the UK there are also alternative approaches in the private sector. This paper addresses the issue of the effect of these approaches on children's drawing ability. Aim. To compare the drawing ability in three drawing tasks of children in Steiner, Montessori and traditional schools. Sample. The participants were 60 school children between the ages of 5;11 and 7;2. Twenty children were tested in each type of school. Method. Each child completed three drawings: a free drawing, a scene and an observational drawing. Results. As predicted, the free and scene drawings of children in the Steiner school were rated more highly than those of children in Montessori and traditional schools. Steiner children's use of colour was also rated more highly, although they did not use more colours than the other children. Steiner children used significantly more fantasy topics in their free drawings. Further observation indicated that the Steiner children were better at using the whole page and organising their drawings into a scene; their drawings were also more detailed. Contrary to previous research Montessori children did not draw more inanimate objects and geometrical shapes or fewer people than other children. Also, contrary to the prediction, Steiner children were significantly better rather than worse than other children at observational drawing. Conclusion. The results suggest that the approach to art education in Steiner schools is conducive not only to more highly rated imaginative drawings in terms of general drawing ability and use of colour but also to more accurate and detailed observational drawings.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1348/000709900158263

ISSN: 2044-8279, 0007-0998


✓ Peer Reviewed

Da Maria Montessori a Margherita Zoebeli: l'Impegno Educative nei Confronti dell'Infanzia Traumatizzata dalla Guerra [From Maria Montessori to Margherita Zoebeli: the Educational Commitment in the Confrontation of Children Traumatized by War]

Available from: Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente

Publication: Annali della Didattica e della Formazione Docente, vol. 8, no. 12

Pages: 115-128

Margherita Zoebeli - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Attraverso l’utilizzo di un’ampia documentazione, basata su fonti bibliografiche e archivistiche, nel presente saggio è stato individuato un filo conduttore tra due personalità femminili, tra loro molto diverse, anche dal punto di vista generazionale: Maria Montessori e Margherita Zoebeli. Le loro iniziative in campo educativo, rispettivamente durante la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale, si svilupparono a partire dai bisogni di un’infanzia segnata tragicamente dagli eventi bellici. Proprio nelle loro esperienze è possibile individuare il fulcro vitale e propulsivo di quella che oggi viene definita “pedagogia dell’emergenza”. / In this essay, through the use of an extensive documentation, based on bibliographical and archival sources, a red thread has been identified between two female personalities, who are very different from each other, not only from a generational point of view: Maria Montessori e Margherita Zoebeli. Their initiatives in the educational field, respectively during the first and the second world war, developed starting from the needs of a childhood tragically marked by the war. In their experiences it is possible to find the cornerstone of what we can define today as “Emergency Pedagogy”.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.15160/2038-1034/1348

ISSN: 2038-1034

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