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378 results


Nutidens og fremtidens paedagogik, barnets frihed og selvopdragelse: en Montessori-betragtning [The pedagogy of the present and the future, the freedom and self-education of the child: a Montessori consideration]

Available from: Royal Danish Library

Publication: Illustreret tidende, vol. 60, no. 26

Pages: 363-364

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Abstract/Notes: This article was digitized by the Royal Danish Library. Each page of the article is available as a separate PDF file. Page 1 (p. 363): http://img.kb.dk/iti/60/pdf/iti_60_0375.pdf Page 2 (p. 364): http://img.kb.dk/iti/60/pdf/iti_60_0376.pdf

Language: Danish


Montessori Pedagogika i Autizam [Montessori Pedagogy and Autism]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Varaždinski učitelj: digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 75-81

Autism, Autism in children, Montessori method of education, Special education

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Abstract/Notes: Različiti pedagoški sustavi i filozofije podučavanja djeci na jedinstveni način omogućuju stjecanje znanja i jačanje jakih područja. Jedno on njih je i Montessori pedagogika koja naglašava individualnost djeteta i koja se temelji na razvojnim potrebama djeteta. Njena značajka jest strukturirano okruženje u kojem se djeca ili učenik susreće s materijalima odnosno pomagalima pomoću kojih se stvaraju različita okruženja. Upravo to pripremljeno okruženje i strukturirani materijali slijede osobine djece sa smetnjama autističkog spektra. Svrha članka je prikazati značajke Montessori pedagogike i osobine odnosno funkcioniranje djece sa smetnjama autističkog spektra i na konkretnom primjeru odrediti zajedničke značajke. [Different pedagogical systems and philosophies of teaching children in a unique way enable the acquisition of knowledge and the strengthening of strong areas. One of them is Montessori pedagogy which emphasizes the individuality of the child and which is based on the developmental needs of the child. Its feature is a structured environment in which children or students encounter materials or aids that create different environments. It is this prepared environment and structured materials that follow the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders. The purpose of the article is to present the features of Montessori pedagogy and the characteristics and functioning of children with autism spectrum disorders and to determine common features on a concrete example.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 2623-7237


Elementi Montessori Pedagogije u Nastavi [Elements of Montessori Pedagogy in Teaching]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Varaždinski učitelj: digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 4, no. 5

Pages: 305-312

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori bila je liječnica, učiteljica i filozofica, a najpoznatija je po svojoj Montessori metodi podučavanja djece od rođenja do adolescencije. Njena metoda se i danas primjenjuje u školama širom svijeta, a nastala je promatranjem djece tijekom igre. Promatrala je spontanost u dječjim postupcima i otkrila potrebu djece za ponavljanjem, jer ponavljanje postupaka djeci pruža osjećaj sigurnosti. Unosila je red i mir u učionicu jer je dijete moralo smjestiti stvari koje je koristilo na svoje mjesto. Radi u tišini, govori tiho ili šapatom. Osnova njezine metode i učenja su senzorna pomagala. Dijete treba steći sve sadržaje i iskustva svim osjetilima - dodirom, vidom, sluhom, mirisom i okusom. Djeca svoje znanje grade na greškama i eksperimentima. Materijal koji djeca koriste izrađen je na način da djetetu ne treba prisustvo ili intervencija učitelja radi kontrole. Budući da mi je Marie Montessori pedagogija vrlo bliska, jednom tjedno, petkom, poučavala sam u 1. razredu po načelima Montessori pedagogije. S ciljem utvrđivanja i produbljivanja sadržaja stečenih prilikom usvajanja novog gradiva iz svih predmeta. Sadržaji su bili međusobno isprepleteni i povezani. [Maria Montessori was a physician, teacher and philosopher, and is best known for her Montessori method of teaching children from birth to adolescence. Her method is still used today in schools around the world, and was created by observing children during play. She observed spontaneity in children's actions and discovered the need for children to repeat, because repeating actions gives children a sense of security. She brought order and peace to the classroom because the child had to put the things she used in their place. He works in silence, speaks softly or in whispers. The basis of her method and teaching are sensory aids. The child should acquire all the contents and experiences of all the senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Children build their knowledge on mistakes and experiments. The material used by the children is made in such a way that the child does not need the presence or intervention of a teacher for control. Since Marie Montessori pedagogy is very close to me, once a week, on Fridays, I taught in the 1st grade according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. With the aim of determining and deepening the content acquired during the adoption of new material from all subjects. The contents were intertwined and interconnected.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 2623-7237


She ji jiao xue fa zai zhong guo / “设计教学法”在中国 [Design Pedagogy in China]

Publication: Jiao yu yan jiu yu shi yan. Xin ke cheng yan jiu. / 教育研究與实验. 新课程研究 [Educational Research and Experiment], vol. 1985, no. 3

Pages: 72-84

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Abstract/Notes: <正> 在旧中国,曾先后介绍和或多或少地试行过来自西方资本主义国家的许多“新教学方法”,如自学辅导法(Supervised Study)分组教学法(Groups of Study,当年称为分团教学法)、蒙台梭利教学法(Montessori Method)、设计教学法(Projoct Method)、道尔顿实验室制(Dalton Laboratory plan)、社会化教学法(Socialized Roaction Mothod)、德可乐利教学法(Decroly Method)、莫礼生单元教学法(Morrisonian Cycle Plan)、文纳特卡制(Winnetka System)等。其中以设计教学法在其理论上最为系统,在其实践上对旧中 [n old China, many "new teaching methods" from Western capitalist countries were introduced and tried to a greater or lesser extent, such as the Supervised Study method and the Groups of Study method. group teaching method), Montessori method (Montessori Method), design teaching method (Projoct Method), Dalton Laboratory plan (Dalton Laboratory plan), socialized teaching method (Socialized Roaction Mothod), De Colelli Teaching method (Decroly Method), Morrisonian Cycle Plan (Morrisonian Cycle Plan), Winnetka System (Winnetka System), etc. Among them, the design teaching method is the most systematic in its theory, and it is the most systematic in its practice.]

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1003-160X


The Basis of a New Pedagogy

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: America (New York), vol. 10, no. 6

Pages: 130-132

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Language: English

ISSN: 0002-7049


Výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori / Selection of pupils into classes and schools applying the pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce zkoumá výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jak si jednotlivé školy vybírají žáky do tříd a škol Marie Montessori. Dále bylo zkoumáno, jaké důvody vedou rodiče k volbě této pedagogiky pro jejich dítě a jaké podmínky musí rodiče a žáci splnit pro přijetí do tohoto vzdělávání. V poslední řadě jsem analyzovala, jak probíhá přijímací řízení. Základním výzkumným designem byla vícepřípadová studie. Cíleně jsem vybrala čtyři základní školy s touto pedagogikou jak ve velkém městě, tak v menších městech. Výzkum jsem rozdělila na dvě části. V první části jsem vedla polostrukturované rozhovory se zaměstnanci zvolených škol a s rodiči dětí z Montessori tříd. V druhé části jsem pozorovala samotné zápisy do 1. tříd. Zjistila jsem, že každá škola má definované požadavky na výběr žáků a tyto požadavky se mezi školami výrazně liší. Rodiče volí školy uplatňující pedagogiku M. Montessori, z důvodu individuálního přístupu k jednotlivcům. Pedagogové se domnívají, že je vhodné, aby rodiče doma uplatňovali stejné výchovné metody a že by toto rádi uplatňovali jako přijímací kritérium. Celý průběh zápisu probíhal stejně jako v běžných školách. Rozdíl byl především v používání Montessori pomůcek / This diploma thesis examines the pupil selection to Marie Montessori pedagogical classes and schools. The aim of the thesis was to find out how the individual schools choose pupils in Marie Montessori classes and schools. Furthermore, it was examined what reasons parents have to choose this pedagogy for their child and what conditions parents and pupils have to fulfill for admission to this education. Last but not least, I analyzed how the admission procedure is taking place. The basic research design was a multi-case study. I chose four primary schools with this pedagogy in the big city as well as in smaller towns. I divided the research into two parts. In the first part I conducted semi-structured interviews with employees of selected schools and with parents of children from Montessori classes. In the second part I observed the first class admission interviews. I have found out that each school has defined pupil selection requirements and that these requirements vary considerably between schools. Parents opt for the Montessori School because of its individual approach to individuals. Teachers believe that it is appropriate that parents apply the same educational methods at home and that they would like to apply this as an admission criterion. The whole admission interviews were the same as in traditional basic schools. The difference was mainly in the use of Montessori tools.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2019


Montessori pedagogika v českém školství / Montessori pedagogy in the Czech education

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Diplomová práce zpracovává uplatnění montessori pedagogiky v českém prostředí. Úvodní kapitoly této práce se věnují životu a dílu Marie Montessori, základním antropologický myšlenkám a principům, dále pak vývoji montessori pedagogiky. Deskriptivní metodou práce mapuje současné zastoupení institucí a základních škol, které v českém prostředí působí. Další kapitoly obsahují případové studie dvou pražských Montessori základních škol. Výsledky této práce poukazují na to, že pedagogika Marie Montessori není jen strnulou koncepcí, nýbrž pedagogikou, která je stále schopna rozvoje v rámci živého procesu v praxi. / The thesis processes the use of Montessori pedagogy in the Czech environment. The introductory chapters of this thesis describe the life and work of Marie Montessori, the fundamental anthropological thoughts and principles, and the development of Montessori approach. The thesis maps out by descriptive method the current institutions and primary schools which operates in the Czech environment. The following chapters contain case studies of two Montessori primary schools in Prague. The results of this thesis show that the approach of Marie Montessori is not just a rigid conception, but that it is still capable of development in the living process in school practice.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2017

Book Section

Workshop: Integrative Aspekte der Montessori-Pädagogik aus der Sicht der Praxis: Grundlagen der heilpädagogischen Montessori-Therapie [Workshop: Integrative aspects of Montessori pedagogy from the perspective of practice: Basics of curative Montessori therapy]

Book Title: Kinder Sind Anders: Maria Montessoris Bild Vom Kinde Auf Dem Prüfstand [Children Are Different: Maria Montessori's Picture of the Child on the Test Bench]

Pages: 273-284

Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Ergon, 1996

ISBN: 3-928034-90-1

Bachelor's Thesis

Duchovní aspekty pedagogiky Marie Montessori / Spiritual aspects of pedagogy Maria Montessori

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Bakalářská práce „Duchovní aspekty pedagogiky Marie Montessori“ ukazuje duchovní a náboženská východiska Marie Montessori, která se zrcadlí v celém jejím díle. Práce popisuje její život, didaktiku, vývoj dítěte, náboženskou výchovu, kosmickou výchovu a její pojetí křesťanství. / Bachelor thesis "The spiritual aspects of pedagogy of Maria Montessori". Work shows the spiritual and religious bases of Maria Montessori, which is reflected in all her work. Work describes her biography, didactics, child development, religious education, cosmic education and her conception of Christianity.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2016


Pedagogika a škola Marie Montessori v České republice / Pedagogy and school of Maria Montessori in the Czech republic

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Diplomová práce „Pedagogika a škola Marie Montessori v České republice“ v teoretické části popisuje ţivot Marie Montessori, principy Montessori pedagogiky a vývoj škol s Montessori zaměřením na území České republiky. Praktická část se věnuje případové studii praţského gymnázia s Montessori principy a dotazníkovému šetření mezi řediteli Montessori škol. / This thesis "Pedagogy and Maria Montessori School in the Czech Republic" in the theoretical part describes the life of Maria Montessori, Montessori principles of education and development of Montessori schools with a focus on their development in the Czech Republic. The practical part deals with a case study of a Prague school with Montessori principles and a questionnaire survey with the headmaster of Montessori schools.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2012

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