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378 results


The Montessori Method: Scientifice Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in 'The Children's Houses' [book review]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Athenaeum, no. 4415

Pages: 645

Book reviews

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Language: English

ISSN: 1747-3594


Montessori Method; Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the Children's Houses [Review]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Athenaeum, no. 4415

Pages: 645

Book reviews

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Language: English

ISSN: 1747-3594


Giuseppina Pizzigoni's 20th Century Pedagogy of the Kindergarten

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Giuseppina Pizzigoni - Biographic sources, Giuseppina Pizzigoni - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: English

Published: S.l.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-5275-8714-4 1-5275-8714-2


Teoria i praktyka pedagogiki Marii Montessori w szkole podstawowej [Theory and practice of Maria Montessori's pedagogy in primary school]

Elementary education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Primary education

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Language: Polish

Published: Kielce, Poland: Jedność, 2003

ISBN: 978-83-7224-601-1

Master's Thesis

Interaction of Environmental Education and Montessori Pedagogy

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Comparative education, Environmental education, Montessori method of education, Nature education

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Abstract/Notes: Research shows that environmental education and time outdoors increase social emotional, cognitive, and physical health. We know it’s important to start early and to use a holistic systems-based lens. While research is underway in traditional early childhood programs, research is lacking on how environmental education is implemented and practiced in Montessori early childhood programs. The purpose of the study is to integrate information on the philosophical underpinnings of environmental education with Montessori philosophy and pedagogy, create a questionnaire to examine the implementation of environmental education in Montessori early childhood programming, and pilot the questionnaire to gather information through educators’ responses to systems-based environmental education-framed questions on teacher’s understanding of environmental education, program and pedagogical practices, health promotion, social systems education, natural systems education, and barriers to implementation. Special attention was paid to constructivism, realism mixed with wonder, interdisciplinary practices, biophilia versus ecophobia, critical pedagogy of place, local versus global awareness, and the use of play. A pilot questionnaire was created and sent out via the Internet; 43 questionnaires were returned with sufficient information and analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative methods. The results are included in full to support continuing conversation about the interaction between environmental education and Montessori pedagogy. Final discussion highlights discrepancies between the philosophical foundations of Montessori pedagogy and environmental education and the reported practices.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2019

Book Section

Maria Montessori (1870–1952): Scientific Pedagogy

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Book Title: Early Years Pioneers in Context: Their Lives, Lasting Influence and Impact on Practice Today

Pages: 120-138

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This chapter focuses on Maria Montessori, the first female doctor of medicine in Italy, who later became a pioneering educator. It considers the influences

Language: English

Published: New York: Routledge, 2016

Edition: 1st

ISBN: 978-1-315-74702-6


✓ Peer Reviewed

Demands in Early Childhood Education: Montessori Pedagogy, Prepared Environment, and Teacher Training

Available from: International Journal of Research in Education and Science

Publication: International Journal of Research in Education and Science, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 144-162


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Abstract/Notes: Recognizing the inherent attention in examining how educational practices affect our future, there is little known about society's demands related to early childhood education. This paper aims to analyze the current preschool enrolment situation in the Euro-Western world and the demands of society, focusing attention on the characteristics needed in the prepared environment and in teacher training practices that inclusive education offers. Different socio-cultural theories have been analyzed, and practices regarding human development have been presented as they guarantee an integral development of the child, one which respects infant developmental stages and offers the right scaffolding and environment to stimulate a child's interest and potential. All these aspects are claimed in society, and are reflected in the Montessori Pedagogy principles, where thanks to the observation and knowledge regarding children's needs, educators can prepare stimulating environments that lead to personal formative development.

Language: English

DOI: 10.46328/ijres.1272

ISSN: 2148-9955


✓ Peer Reviewed

L’Essor Actuel de la Pédagogie Montessori dans l’École Maternelle Publique Française [The Current Development of Montessori Pedagogy in French Public Kindergarten]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Tréma, no. 50

Pages: 1-22

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Europe, France, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Public Montessori, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: La pédagogie Montessori connaît actuellement un essor dans l’école maternelle publique française. L’auteure le démontre ici en étudiant les réseaux constitués par des enseignants sur Internet. Puis elle en a interrogé certains par questionnaire. L’usage de la pédagogie Montessori répond à des difficultés liées aux injonctions institutionnelles et sociétales paradoxales qui assignent à ces enseignants la double mission de réussite scolaire pour tous et d’épanouissement personnel de chacun. [Montessori pedagogy is currently on the rise in French public nursery schools (Pre-K and Kindergarten classes). The writer proves this first in her study of the Internet networks which have been developed by teachers, then by interviewing some teachers through questionnaires. Montessori pedagogy is an answer to challenging and paradoxical institutional and societal injunctions: Teachers are assigned the double mission of fully supporting a successful schooling for all and the personal growth and fulfillment of every learner.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/trema.4318

ISSN: 1167-315X


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Montessori Method of Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the 'Children's Houses' [advertisement]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Journal of Education (Boston), vol. 75, no. 24

Pages: 687

Advertisements, Americas, House of Childhood, Inc. (New York), Montessori method of education, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

ISSN: 0022-0574, 2515-5741


✓ Peer Reviewed

Psychology within Montessori pedagogy – theory and practice

Available from: dLibra

Publication: Pedagogika, vol. 27, no. 2

Pages: 143-155

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Abstract/Notes: In this paper titled Psychology within Montessori pedagogy – theory and practice the authors elaborate a current topic of access to upbringing and education, a theme that encompasses both psychology and pedagogy. Based on her experience as an assistant professor on the subject Educational anthropology and her experience as a pedagogue at a private preschool, which follows a Montessori approach, author Topic provides a theoretical approach to upbringing and education in the educational sector in the city of Mostar. Despite it being a review of a single city, the patterns and behaviors observed can be found in any other place or a city.By nurturing an individual approach to each child and taking into account their needs, children are encouraged to study by themselves, therefore allowing and supporting them to develop self confidence and self actualization. The example given is taken from a kindergarten provides an overview of practices which encourage the child towards healthy growth and development into a confident young people who will be able to form and make good choices in life.Through practical psychology, author Colak, provides us with an answer to the question why is all that important. Through her experiences in work with young people who suffer from consequences of, among other things, an inadequate approach to upbringing and education in their younger age.And to answer why this is important, psychology might have some cues. Author Čolak from her work experience with young people at Psychiatry Clinic in Mostar considers consequences that (according to literature, theory and practice) have some causes in upbringing approach at an earlier age and which behaviors were/are reinforced through evaluation systems and early messages from adults. Working with young people, author Čolak presents case study of female student with extremely low self-esteem and extremely high perfectionism in cognitive-behavioral therapy process. We discuss how and why those are so immensely pathologically connected. Some risk factors (following bio-psycho-social model of illness/wellness) are connected with psychological and social context. Thus, by educating parents and educators so we may have chance to improve mental health of children and later adults.As a conclusion, co-operation and multidisciplinary approach is suggested. Education, psychotherapy and prevention have much in common. Montessori approach is not the only one which deals with it, but in its foundations holds the bases to help us to react in time, both as a profession and as humans too. / W artykule niniejszym autorki odnoszą się do aktualnego problemu dostępu do wychowania i kształcenia, obejmującego zarówno psychologię, jak i pedagogikę. Opierając się na swoim doświadczeniu w zakresie antropologii edukacyjnej oraz jako pedagoga w prywatnym przedszkolu pracującym w oparciu o podejście M. Montessori, Kristina Topić zapewnia teoretyczne podejście do wychowania i edukacji w sektorze edukacyjnym w Mostarze (Bośnia i Hercegowina). Pomimo tego, że tekst dotyczy jednego miasta, zaobserwowane wzorce i zachowania można znaleźć w każdym innym miejscu. Pielęgnując indywidualne podejście do każdego dziecka i biorąc pod uwagę jego potrzeby, zachęca się je do samodzielnego uczenia się, umożliwiając i wspierając w rozwijaniu pewności siebie i samorealizacji. Podany przykład, pochodzący z przedszkola, zawiera przegląd praktyk, które zachęcają dziecko do prawidłowego rozwoju, aby stać się ludźmi, którzy będą w stanie tworzyć i dokonywać dobrych wyborów w życiu. Poprzez psychologię praktyczną, Iva Čolak, formułuje odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego wskazane wyżej praktyki są tak ważne. Poprzez swoje doświadczenia w pracy z młodymi ludźmi, którzy cierpią z powodu popełnianych błędów w wychowaniu i kształceniu. W celu odpowiedzi, dlaczego indywidualizacja podejścia, samodzielność w uczeniu się i wspieranie w rozwoju są ważne, psychologia może dostarczyć pewnych interpretacji. Iva Čolak z perspektywy swojego doświadczenia w pracy z młodzieżą w Klinice Psychiatrii w Mostarze rozważa konsekwencje, które (zgodnie z teorią i praktyką) mają pewne przyczyny w podejściu do wychowania młodych ludzi oraz w zachowaniach, które zostały (bądź są) wzmacniane poprzez systemy oceniania i wczesne informacje zwrotne od dorosłych. Pracując z młodzieżą, przedstawia ona case study studentki o skrajnie niskiej samoocenie i niezwykle wysokim perfekcjonizmie będących przedmiotem terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej. Omówione zostało, jak i dlaczego te zjawiska są powiązane. Niektóre czynniki ryzyka (zgodnie z biopsychospołecznym modelem choroby / dobrego samopoczucia) są powiązane z kontekstem psychologicznym i społecznym. W ten sposób, poprzez edukację rodziców i wychowawców, możemy mieć szansę na poprawę zdrowia psychicznego dzieci i dorosłych. Podsumowując, Autorki sugerują współpracę i interdyscyplinarne podejście. Edukacja, psychoterapia i profilaktyka mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego. Podejście Montessori nie jest jedynym, które zajmuje się relacjami między tymi pojęciami, ale w jego fundamentach znajdują się podstawy, które pomagają reagować na czas.

Language: English

ISSN: 2545-3041

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