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1443 results


Author Calls for Comprehensive Peace Education

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 8, no. 1

Pages: 4, 28

Public Montessori

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Abstract/Notes: Review of "Comprehensive Peace Education: Educating for Global Responsibility" by Betty Reardon

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Fairy Tales in Education: Meeting of the Montessori Society

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 291

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


A Study on Disabled Children's Psycho-Social Rehabilitation in Montessori Education / Montessori 교육에 있어서 장애아 심리 · 사회적 재활에 관한 고찰

Available from: RISS

Publication: 재활심리연구 / The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, vol. 9, no. 1

Pages: 123-141

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Abstract/Notes: This study deals with the psycho-social rehabilitation in Montessori education system which centered on Montessori s theoretical background principles and model of psycho-social rehabilitation in Montessori method. The psycho-social rehabilitation principles in Montessori education method focused on the normalization theory, self-correctional education, the theory of individualized education, activities of daily living and occupational training. The basic reality of these enable social integration of disabled children. The Montessori Education is a practical educational method. This is applicable to both disabled and normal children alike, and suggests integrated education models for handicapped children. Montessori s methods are applied to all field of the children with physical or mental problems and emphasize social behavior with help and cooperation, personal growth, social maturity, independence and responsibility.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1738-5563


Pedagogia e Puericultura [Education and Childcare]

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori: rivista bimestrale dell'Opera Montessori, vol. 1, no. 4

Pages: 240-247

Americas, Central America, Europe, Georg Kerschensteiner - Philosophy, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Southern Europe, Spain

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Abstract/Notes: Contiene: Cooperazione fra scuola e comunità nel Messico; Centro nazionale d'informazioni pedagogiche; Una pubblicazione del Bureau International d'Education; Tre convegni pediatrici; La denunzia della nascita dei bimbi deformi; Studenti di medicina e avanguardisti; Le nuove disposizioni per la protezione dell'infanzia in Spagna; La biblioteca dei ragazzi; Giorgio Kerschensteiner. [Contains: School-Community Cooperation in Mexico; National Center for Pedagogical Information; A publication of the Bureau International d'Education; Three pediatric conferences; The denunciation of the birth of deformed babies; Medical students and avant-garde; The new provisions for the protection of children in Spain; The children's library; Giorgio Kerschensteiner.]

Language: Italian


Education to Wonder and Conclsuion: Religious Potential of the Child

Publication: NAMTA Quarterly, vol. 8, no. 4

Pages: 18-19

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English


AMS-Affiliated Teacher Education Programs

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 26, no. 4

Pages: 16-19

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Montessori Educational Thought and Its Implications for Family Education

Available from: Clausius Scientific Press

Publication: Applied & Educational Psychology, vol. 4, no. 8

Pages: 1-9

Family relationships, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this paper is to study and analyze Montessori's educational ideas and their implications for family education. Through the study of representative works such as The Complete Montessori Book of Early Education, The Montessori Handbook of Sensitive Periods for Children, The Montessori Family Program, The Montessori Method of Early Education, The Secret of Childhood and The Absorbent Mind, we have come to the following conclusions. Firstly, Montessori's educational philosophy emphasizes the creation of a home environment that matches the child. This includes providing an orderly, quiet, warm and inspiring environment, and parents should be supporters and observers of children's development, respecting their individual interests and needs. Secondly, Montessori emphasized grasping the child's sensitive periods. She observed that children are more sensitive to certain experiences and skills at certain ages and learn best during this period. Finally, Montessori's educational ideas provide theoretical and practical implications for preschool education. She emphasizes the development of children's self-discipline, self-confidence, independent thinking and problem-solving skills. Encouraging children to actively participate in daily life activities, developing good social skills and emotional development, and providing appropriate learning experiences lay a solid foundation for children's preschool education. In summary, Montessori's educational ideas give important insights in the area of family education. Creating a family environment adapted to children, grasping sensitive periods, and developing various abilities are insights that provide theoretical and practical implications for preschool education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.23977/appep.2023.040801

ISSN: 2523-5842


The Hand in Education

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 19-24

Albert Max Joosten - Writings, Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Includes some photos of children doing handwork in Holland and India.

Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142


Cosmic Education

Available from: ERIC

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 38, no. 1

Pages: 119-132

Cosmic education, Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson - Writings, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Margaret Stephenson begins with the reasoning elementary child as he answers questions about "all things." She centers on the unity of knowledge, leading "from the whole via the parts back to the whole." Imagination is enhanced to bring abstraction to an engaging and lofty motivation, and the elementary self is referred to as the "atom of the spirit." Miss Stephenson moves from the early "sensory" exploration of the three to six prepared environment to the language of its parts, flowing through names, then communication of ideas, and finally the languages of world, invention, and human keys to understanding. [Reprinted from "AMI Communications," n 1, 1993, pages 14-28. Copyright 2011 AMI/USA. Reprinted with permission.]

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


A New World for a New Humanity: "Education for Peace"

Publication: The Alcove: Newsletter of the Australian AMI Alumni Association, no. 9

Pages: 6

AMI/USA National Conference (July 2002), Americas, Conferences, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: AMI/USA Conference, July, 2002

Language: English

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