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1610 results

Master's Thesis

Montessori 미술 교육 프로그램에 관한 연구 [A Study on the Montessori Art Education Program]

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Language: Korean

Published: Iksan, South Korea, 2003


Pedagogia e Puericultura [Education and Childcare]

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori: rivista bimestrale dell'Opera Montessori, vol. 1, no. 4

Pages: 240-247

Americas, Central America, Europe, Georg Kerschensteiner - Philosophy, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Southern Europe, Spain

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Abstract/Notes: Contiene: Cooperazione fra scuola e comunità nel Messico; Centro nazionale d'informazioni pedagogiche; Una pubblicazione del Bureau International d'Education; Tre convegni pediatrici; La denunzia della nascita dei bimbi deformi; Studenti di medicina e avanguardisti; Le nuove disposizioni per la protezione dell'infanzia in Spagna; La biblioteca dei ragazzi; Giorgio Kerschensteiner. [Contains: School-Community Cooperation in Mexico; National Center for Pedagogical Information; A publication of the Bureau International d'Education; Three pediatric conferences; The denunciation of the birth of deformed babies; Medical students and avant-garde; The new provisions for the protection of children in Spain; The children's library; Giorgio Kerschensteiner.]

Language: Italian

Conference Paper

Extending Tangible Interfaces for Education: Digital Montessori- Inspired Manipulatives

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Language: English

Pages: 859-868

Master's Thesis (Unpublished)

Montessori Education: Philosophical Perspective Study

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

Published: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1993


✓ Peer Reviewed

Outdoor education in adolescence: between new and old reasons

Available from: Pensa Multimedia

Publication: Studium Educationis, vol. 21, no. 1

Pages: 111-126

Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Outdoor education

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Abstract/Notes: The paper focuses on the relationship between Outdoor Education and adolescence in order to highlight the educational potential of this specific approach in relation to the development tasksof the age in which “going out” represents the symbolic figure of the personal and social identity construction. Starting from Rousseau and Montessori’s perspective, rethinking adolescents’education according to the outdoor method is today particularly congenial in school and extraschool contexts, with particular regard to their social and civic education. / Il contributo mette a fuoco il rapporto tra Outdoor Education e adolescenza al fine di mettere in luce il potenziale educativo di questo specifico approccio in ordine ai bisogni evolutivi dell’età in cui l’“uscire fuori” rappresenta la cifra simbolica del processo di ricerca e di costruzione della propria identità personale e sociale. Muovendo dalle prospettive di Rousseau e Montessori sul tema, ripensare l’educazione degli adolescenti secondo la modalità outdoor si rivela oggi particolarmente congeniale sia in contesti scolastici che extrascolastici, con particolare riguardo alla loro formazione sociale e civica.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.7346/SE-012020-09

ISSN: 1722-8395, 2035-844X


The Tragedy of Education

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: The Quest, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 212-228

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English


Album didattico Montessori: attività per imparare la matematica: la guida per l'insegnante [Montessori educational album: activities for learning mathematics: the teacher's guide]

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Centro studi Erickson, 2022

ISBN: 978-88-590-2966-3


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment of Interior Design Requirements of Classes within Pre-K Educational Models

Available from: The Journal of International Social Research

Publication: The Journal of International Social Research [Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi], vol. 12, no. 68

Pages: 615-627

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to analyze the interior design of a learning space based on three alternative teaching models applied nowadays. The study gathers the overall information of interior space design, alternative teaching models, children’s needs and analyzes the interaction of the three selected teaching models with classroom design, besides it suggests what educational institutions can do at a general level to contribute to the improvement of early education. The study is designed using descriptive research model, scientific observation and to collect factual data 72 teachers from Ankara (Turkey) were surveyed. Three different schools were analyzed by means of teaching model application within interior space design, a survey was administered in order to determine how classroom design supports the teaching-learning process and follows the principles of the teaching models. Research findings suggest that special attention should be given to classroom interior design since young children’s behavior and social interactions with their peers and teachers are influenced by the spatial arrangement in classrooms. Likewise if the interior design of the classroom is based on teaching models’ learning outcomes, the capacity and attitude of both teacher and student in the educational process are improved, while appropriate conditions are created for a pedagogical practice in the classroom.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17719/jisr.2019.3853

ISSN: 1307-9581


A Study on the Prepared Environment in Montessori Education / Montessori 교육의 준비된 환경에 대한 일 연구

Publication: 유아교육연구 / Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, vol. 8

Pages: 47-61

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Abstract/Notes: The Montesori education is for becoming normalization of child by forming the development concentration on the works by use the materials oneself who is the child to be educated in the prepared environment which is provided by the directress, the persons who make the environment for this purpose. The value of Montessori education could highly be approaised as the expectable seeking form of education which offers the selective opportunity by oneself as an esteemed independent individual. Furthermore, it could offer the development of independency to the child who is at the sensitive period with good absorbability from the surrounding environment as well as offer the responsibility of one`s own study for promotion of future study possibility and various experience. For this purpose, the prepared environmet is the precondition of education. Accordingly, for the application of this education at the educational places in our country, the following should be considered and the subjects of the way of education. 1. The real understanding and appraisal should be preceded based on full theorical examination on the Montessori education. 2. The education must be conducted by the instructors who have the license, issued by the International Montessori Association(AMI, AMS)and the specialized training institute for the Montessori instructors training should be established. 3. The adequate materials of Montessori for suitability for physical development which is acknowledged by the AMI, AMS should be manufactured and supplied for respective child. 4. The installation and furnishing fund must be presented in detail on the Montessori educational institute.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9565, 2733-9637


Kodomo no seichō hattatsu to kyōiku / 子どもの成長発達と教育 [Child Growth, Development, and Education]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 27

Pages: 2-12

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220

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