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988 results


Doktor Maria Montessori og hendes skolereformer [Doctor Maria Montessori and her school reforms]

Available from: National Library of Norway

Publication: Norsk Skoletidende, vol. 48, no. 5

Pages: 66-69

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Language: Norwegian

ISSN: 0802-6017


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori’ye Göre Okul Öncesi̇ Çocukluk Dönemi̇ni̇n Özelli̇kleri̇ / Characteristics of Early Childhood Period According to Maria Montessori

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, no. 16

Pages: 133-145

Child development, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This research carried out in order to reveal the Italian researcher Maria Montessori’s understanding on the characteristics of early childhood period has been prepared as an edited work. In this study, the results of the scientific researches given reference or done by Montessori on the nature of the child were given place. In this respect the study sets forth Montessori’s understanding concerning the characteristics of the early childhood period under the light of scientific data. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, it was seen that childhood period is a phase with distinctive characteristics and that children have many extraordinary and temporary skills. However, childhood period is generally perceived by adults only as a transitional period. Within this context, adults and educators were given recommendations. / İtalyan araştırmacı Maria Montessori’nin erken çocukluk döneminin özelliklerine ilişkin anlayışını ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılan bu araştırma, derleme biçiminde yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada çocuğun doğasına ilişkin Montessori’nin atıfta bulunduğu ve bizzat kendisinin yaptığı bilimsel araştırmaların sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Çalışma bu yönüyle Montessori’nin erken çocukluk döneminin özelliklerine ilişkin anlayışını bilimsel verilerin ışığında ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, çocukluk döneminin kendine özgü özellikleri olan bir evre olduğu ve çocukların çok sayıda olağanüstü ve geçici yeteneklere sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Oysa çocukluk dönemi genellikle yetişkinler tarafından sadece bir geçiş aşaması olarak algılanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda yetişkinlere ve eğitimcilere önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 1305-0060


✓ Peer Reviewed

L’attualità interculturale di Maria Montessori: le infanzie e le lingue nel contesto educativo / Maria Montessori’s Intercultural Relevance: Childhoods and Languages in the Educational Context

Available from: Università di Bologna

Publication: Educazione Interculturale, vol. 19, no. 2

Pages: 46-56

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Il contributo intende sondare alcuni tratti della pedagogia e del metodo Montessori di interesse per ripensare gli attuali contesti educativi escolastici sempre più interdipendenti ed eterogenei (Zoletto, 2012). L’individualizzazione nell’apprendimento e la differenziazione sono tensioni costanti nel pensiero di Montessori e si concretizzano nel ruolo dell’ambiente preparato dall’adulto a misuradi ogni bambino, in cui sono organizzati materiali di sviluppo non condizionati daappartenenze culturali (PescieTrabalzini, 2007) e nella pluralità linguistica assunta quale tratto strutturale del contesto (Consalvo, 2020), come avviene in molte scuoledi metodo che stanno sperimentando progetti bilingui. È dall’ambiente secondo Montessori (2000) che i bambini prendono il linguaggio, le abitudini e le caratteristiche della comunità a cui partecipano e per questo gli ambienti scolastici e le atmosfere relazionali costruiti sulla base della unicità e differenza di ognuno sono interculturali (Pesci,2006). Il contributo propone le prime riflessioni scaturite dal lavoro di indagine sull’attualità interculturale di Montessori in prospettiva plurilingue, che èuno dei filoni di ricerca del PRIN (2017) Maria Montessori from the past to the present(Unitàdi ricerca: Bologna, Milano, Roma, Aosta). / This paper will explore some aspects of the Montessori method and pedagogy that are pertinent in rethinking today's increasingly interdependent and heterogeneous educational and school contexts (Zoletto, 2012). Personalized learning and differentiation are constant tensions in Montessori thinking, taking shape in the environment prepared by the adult specifically for each child, where the developmental materials offered are not conditioned by cultural affiliations (Pesci e Trabalzini, 2007) and linguistic plurality is a structural feature of the context (Consalvo, 2020), as occurs in many method schools that are experimenting with bilingual projects. According to Montessori (2000), children acquire language, habits and the characteristics of the community they are part of from the environment, and for this reason school environments and the relational atmospheres based on the uniqueness and differences of each individual are intercultural (Pesci, 2006). The paper offers some initial reflections starting from an investigation of Montessori's intercultural relevance in a multilingual perspective, one of the PRIN (2017) research areas Maria Montessori from the past to the present (Research Units: Bologna, Milan, Rome, Aosta).

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/13899

ISSN: 2420-8175


Maria Montessori, la Società Umanitaria et l’Expérimentation des Maisons des Enfants à Milan (1908-1923) / Maria Montessori, the Società Umanitaria, and the Experimentation of the Children's Houses in Milan (1908–1923)

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Les Études Sociales, vol. 175, no. 1

Pages: 47-73

Europe, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, Società Umanitaria (The Humanitarian Society), Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Cet article vise à restituer le rôle joué par la Società Umanitaria (Société Humanitaire), basée à Milan, pour la diffusion de la Méthode Montessori. La période étudiée s'étend de 1908, année où l'Union des femmes se fait intermédiaire en vue de la création des premières Maisons d'enfants dans le quartier de la via Solari, jusqu'à 1923, année de la mort d'Augusto Osimo, secrétaire général de cette institution. À travers l'analyse des échanges épistolaires entre Maria Montessori et Augusto Osimo, l’auteure reconstruit la trame complexe d'une fructueuse collaboration qui s'est concrétisée avec l’organisation de cours de formation à la méthode Montessori par la Società Umanitaria. Leur collaboration s’est par la suite de nouveau manifestée autour d'une cause commune, à savoir l'intervention en faveur des enfants victimes de la guerre. / This article aims to reconstruct the role played by the Società Umanitaria (Humanitarian Society), based in Milan, in spreading the Montessori method. The period under study spans from 1908, the year of the initial mediation of the Women’s Union’s members for the creation of the first Children’s Houses in the Società Umanitaria’s district, until 1923, the year of Augusto Osimo’s death, the general secretary of this institution. In particular, through the analysis of Maria Montessori and Augusto Osimo’s correspondence, the author highlights the complex history of their fruitful collaboration, which materialized with the organization of Montessori training courses by the Società Umanitaria. Their cooperation was further reinvigorated by a common cause, namely support for children who were victims of the war.

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/etsoc.175.0047

ISSN: 0014-2204

Doctoral Dissertation

Maria Montessori의 宇宙敎育論 硏究 / A study of Maria Montessori's cosmic education theory

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Language: Korean

Published: Gyeongsan, South Korea, 2003


Lo que dice Maria Montessori sobre la enseñanza del Dibujo [What Maria Montessori says about teaching Drawing] [part 2]

Available from: Hemeroteca Informador

Publication: El Informador (Guadalajara, Mexico)

Pages: 2

Americas, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico

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Language: Spanish

Book Section

La "Casa dei Bambini" e il Metodo di Maria Montessori / The "Children's House" and the Method of Maria Montessori

Book Title: Roma 1907: La Prima Casa dei Bambini di Maria Montessori / The First Children's House of Maria Montessori

Pages: 11-36

Children's House (Casa dei Bambini), Europe, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Southern Europe

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Language: English, Italian

Published: Rome, Italy: Opera Nazionale Montessori, 2006

ISBN: 88-88227-33-4

Book Section

Maria Montessori, Francesco Randone e la Società d’Arte Educatrice [Maria Montessori, Francesco Randone and the Società d’Arte Educatrice]

Book Title: La Cura dell'Anima in Maria Montessori: l'Educazione Morale, Spirituale e Religiosa dell'Infanzia [Care of the Soul in Maria Montessori: Moral, Spiritual and Religious Education of Childhood]

Pages: 90-107

Europe, Italy, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Southern Europe, Spirituality

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Language: Italian

Published: Rome, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2011

ISBN: 978-88-95988-34-4

Book Section

Grundgedanken der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris / Maria Montessori's Fundamental Ideas on Education

Book Title: Montessori: Lehrmaterialien 1913-1935, Möbel und Architektur / Teaching Materials 1913-1935, Furniture and Architecture

Pages: 17-25

Architecture, Design, Harald Ludwig - Writings

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Language: English, German

Published: New York: Prestel, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-7913-2650-4 3-7913-2650-3

Book Section

"Am Anfang wollen wir ihm die ganze Welt geben" (Maria Montessori) ["In the beginning we want to give him the whole world" (Maria Montessori)]

Book Title: Das Lernen in die eigene Hand nehmen: Mut zur Freiheit in der Montessori-Pädagogik [Taking learning into your own hands: Courage for freedom in Montessori pedagogy]

Pages: 180-191

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: LIT, 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8258-0850-1

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 19

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