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24 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Early years education in Germany and Ireland: a study of provision and curricular implementation in two unique environments [Enseignement precoce en Allemagne et en Irlande: une etude de la realisation des besoins et du programme scolaire dans deux environnements uniques / Educación en los primeros años en Alemania e Irlanda: un estudio de disposicisn e implementatión curricular en dos ambientes únicos]

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: International Journal of Early Years Education, vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 51-67

Europe, Germany, Ireland, Northern Europe, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper highlights the differences and similarities between a Kindergarten outside Bremen in Lower Saxony, Germany and a Primary School Junior Infant Class in County Cork, Republic of Ireland. Both are concerned with the education of the young child but whereas the Kindergarten is attended by three to six year olds, the Junior Infant Class caters almost exclusively for four to five year old children. A case study account of both groups is given and an analysis of the activities which took place in each using the ‘Target Child Observational Schedule’ [Sylva et al., (1980)] is presented in bar‐graph form. The paper concludes that Erzieherinnen, Kinderpflegerinnen and Junior Infant Class teachers need to engage in more interaction with the children in order, in particular, to raise the frequency and quality of linguistic interaction. An increase in the structure of the children's play would help to enhance cognitive development. [Cet article souligne les differences et les similitudes entre un Jardin d'Enfants en Basse Saxonie, près de Brème (Allemagne) et une classe maternelle dans le comtè de Cork (République d'Irlande). Les deux établissements sont charges de l'éducation de jeunes enfants, mais tandis que les élèves du Jardin d'Enfants sont ages d'entre trois et six ans, la classe de maternelle ne s ‘occupe pratiquement exclusivement que d'enfants de quatre a six ans. On donnera un compte‐rendu de l'étude de cas faite sur les deux groupes, ainsi qu'une presentation sous forme de graphique en barres de l'analyse des activites proposées de part et d'autre, basée sur le Programme d'observation cible de l'enfant du Professeur Kathy Sylva (1980). En conclusion, nous avancerons que les Erzieherinnen, les Kinderpflegerin et les enseignants de la classe maternelle doiventfaire preuve de davantage d'interaction avec les enfants afin, en particulier, d'élever le niveau auquel de tels enfants parlent. Une structuration accrue des activites ludiques des enfants aurait également pour résultat un développement cognitif plus rapide. / Este ensayo trata de las diferencias y semejanzas entre un prescolar en la baja Sajonia, en las afueras de Bremen, Alemania, y una Clase Junior Infantil en la Escuela Primaria del Condado de Cork, en la República de Irlanda. Los dos sistemas se ocupan de la education de niños en la primera infancia pero, mientras que el prescolar se ocupa de niños entre las edades de tres y seis años, la Clase Junior Infantil se dedica casi exclusivamente a los niños de cuatro a cinco anos de edad. Este papel describe un caso particular de cada uno de estos dos grupos asi como de las actividades que tuvieron lugar en cada uno de ellos, utilizando Target Child Observational Schedule (1980) de Kathy Sylva, y que se presentan a manera de gráfica de barras. Es estudio llega a la conclusion de que los educadores de Erzieherinnen, Kinderpflegerin y de las Clases Infantiles Junior necesitan aumentar la interactión con el niho para elevar, especialmente, el nivel en el que estos nihos hablan. Un incremento en la estuctura del juego de los nihos también resultaria en la mejora del desarrollo cognitivo.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/0966976950030303

ISSN: 0966-9760


Aspekte einer modernen curricularen und entwicklungspsychologischen Artikulation des Montessori Systems

Publication: Das Kind: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, no. 1

Pages: 4-14

Developmental psychology, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0945-5582

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

A Comparison of Student Motivation Between Two Ukulele Curricula in a Multi-Age Classroom

Available from: Liberty University Institutional Repository

Montessori schools, Music - Instruction and study, Music and children, Music education

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Abstract/Notes: Motivation is a topic of high interest to music educators as they attempt to understand what makes their students want to continue learning. The use of the ukulele in the music classroom has grown over the last ten years due to its versatility. Despite its popularity and music educators’ support for its use, very little research exists on students’ motivation while playing it in a general music classroom setting. Therefore, the purpose of this current study is to compare the motivation levels of two groups of multi-age fourth through sixth-grade students learning the ukulele via different curricula in the music classroom. A quantitative MANOVA design method compared the motivation levels of students experiencing two different ukulele curricula. The study collected quantitative data from (N = 175) fourth through sixth-grade students at Maria Montessori School in Rockford, IL through an adapted twenty-two-item Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). The results indicated that there was a significant difference in motivation between students who experienced the Quaver Music curriculum and students who experienced the Music Will curriculum. The largest contributor to the difference is the Pressure-Tension subcategory, which leads one to conclude that students who experience lower levels of Pressure-Tension experience higher levels of overall motivation. Activities that promote lower levels of Pressure-Tension should be utilized in the classroom.

Language: English

Published: Lynchburg, Virginia, 2024


Curricula Considerations in Programs for the Trainable Retarded: Application of the Montessori Method

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Abstract/Notes: Report presented at the 44th Annual Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Toronto, April 1966.

Language: English

Published: [S.I.]: [s.n.], 1966

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