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1527 results


La méthode Montessori aux Refuges de Saint-Sulpice et de Fontenay-aux-Roses; une curieuse expérience d'enseignement sur les petits réfugiés [The Montessori method at the Refuges of Saint-Sulpice and Fontenay-aux-Roses; a curious teaching experience on small refugees]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: Journal des Réfugiés du Nord (Paris, France)

Pages: 1-2

Displaced communities, Europe, France, Refugees, Western Europe

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Language: French


Montessōri kyōshi ni tsuite / モンテッソーリ教師について [The Montessori Teacher]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 26

Pages: 67-76

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


Montessori School in New Brunswick, Canada [Fredericton Montessori School]

Publication: Montessori Observer, vol. 19, no. 1

Pages: 1

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Language: English

ISSN: 0889-5643


✓ Peer Reviewed

Classics of Education Sciences: Maria Montessori. Background knowledge and perceived meanings of University students compared to teachers attending Montessori in-service training courses / Klasyka nauk edukacyjnych: Maria Montessori. Wiedza środowiskowa i odkrycie znaczenia w ocenie studentów Uniwersytetu oraz nauczycieli uczestniczących w kursie szkoleniowym Montessori

Available from: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland)

Publication: Kultura - Przemiany - Edukacja, vol. 6

Pages: 241-255

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s pedagogy is considered a “classics” of Education Sciences. In this contribution, a survey conducted with three different groups of subjects attending University lectures or in-service Montessori training courses is reported. Main research purpose is to discover background knowledge and perceived meanings of each group concerning the Montessori Method and its main characteristics. Data collected from the three groups under investigation are compared to identify the most macroscopic differences and / or similarities. Through the graphs produced, first reflections and conclusions are attempted, at the same time readers are invited to build their own opinions inferring other meanings or conclusions thanks to data and reading tools provided.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15584/kpe.2018.6.18

ISSN: 2300-9888, 2544-1205


Montessori Educational Theory and Review / Montessori교육의 사상사적 재 고찰

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 17-39

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of the Montessori educational theory on the field of the early childhood education in terms of the educational philosophy. To do that, the theories including Frobel, Dewey, and Piaget were compared to the Montessori theory as ways to understand its role in the development of the educational theory. The guideline developed by Braun & Edward(1972) was used to compare and analyze the theoreandal components (e.g., a view of children, teachers, and learning) in each theory. The major findings of this study and suggestions for the further study were discussed. / 본 연구는 현대 유아교육사상에 많은 영향을 미친 Montessori 와 Frobel, Dewey, Piaget의 유아의 사고 및 행동과 교육적 적용에 정립한 핵심적인 사상들 (Braun & Edward, 1972; 신화식, 2006)을 문헌을 통해 유아관, 환경관, 교사관 및 교육관으로 비교·분석 하였다. 연구결과로 Motessori와 Frobel, Dewey 및 Piaget는 서로 사상적으로 관련이 있었다. 이는 Montessor 교육과정이 100년이 지난 지금도 유아교육현장에서 유아와 함께 진행되고 발전될 수 있음으로 시사 받을 수 있다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Book Section

Grusswort der Deutschen Montessori-Gesellschaft (DMG) [Greetings from the German Montessori Society (DMG)]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 35-36

Deutsche Montessori Gesellschaft e.V., Montessori movement, Winfried Böhm - Writings

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


La Dr. Montessori per L'Italia: L'Illustre Signora Scrivera' Una Serie di Articoli per Questo Giornale [Dr. Montessori for L'Italia: The Illustrious Lady will Write a Series of Articles for this Newspaper]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: "Siamo lieti di annunciare, ed i nostri lettori saranno certamente lietissimi di apprendere, che la illustre educatrice italiana Dottoressa Maria Montessori, ospite della nostra città e dell'Esposizione per rilevare agli insegnanti americani il di lei nuovo e genialissimo metodo d'educazione ed istruzione per i bambini ha cortesemente accettato l'invito da noi fattole di scrivere una serie di articoletti per il giornale L'ITALIA, nei quali l'eminente signora spiegherà ai profani detto metodo di educazione, che ha suscitato l'ammirazione di tutto il mondo civile. Gli articoli della Signora Montessori, scritti in italiano, saranno contemporaneamente pubblicati dal confratello americano "The Call," tradotti in inglese dal nostro Direttore Ing. Ettore Patrizi. Il primo di detti articoli apparirà sull'ITALIA e sul "Call" di sabato prossimo." / "We are pleased to announce, and our readers will certainly be delighted to learn, that the illustrious Italian educator Dr. Maria Montessori, a guest of our city and of the Exposition to reveal to American teachers her new and brilliant method of education and instruction for children. She kindly accepted the invitation we sent her to write a series of articles for the newspaper L'ITALIA, in which the eminent lady will explain to the layman this method of education, which has aroused the admiration of the whole civil world . The articles of Mrs. Montessori, written in Italian, will be simultaneously published by the American brother "The Call," translated into English by our Director Eng. Ettore Patrizi. The first of these articles will appear in ITALY and in the "Call" next Saturday."

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400

Book Section

Vorwort zum 18. Internationalen Montessori-Kongress [Preface to the 18th International Montessori Congress]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 9-13

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977)

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9


Bon shiritsu montessōri shōgakkō / ボン市立モンテッソーリ小学校 [A Municipal Montessori School in Bonn]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 18

Pages: 90-97

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Il ruolo del gioco infantile nel pensiero di Maria Montessori e nelle scuole a metodo / El papel del juego infantil en el pensamiento de Maria Montessori y en las escuelas de método / The role of children's playing in the thought of Maria Montessori and in Montessori method schools

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 114-126

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Abstract/Notes: Lo scopo dell’articolo è di mettere in evidenza quale ruolo educativo assegni la Montessori ad alcune tipologie di gioco. In particolare si cerca di mettere in evidenza la sua mancata comprensione del ruolo del gioco simbolico nei primi anni di vita dei bambini, dando vita ad un vero e proprio paradosso per cui nonostante l’osservazione dei bambini in contesti scolastici e naturali, che la Montessori ha preconizzato al fine di proporre una pedagogia con basi di natura scientifica, ella non è riuscita a integrare il gioco simbolico nella sua proposta pedagogica. Si mette anche in luce la sua sua sostanziale concordanza con Dewey nella descrizione di un tipo di attività intelligente che origina da un interesse del bambino nei confronti di uno stimolo ambientale su cui egli riesce a mantenere una concentrazione sostenuta, tuttavia la Montessori mantiene una profonda distanza terminologica da Dewey, che chiama questa attività “gioco”, mentre lei, invece, “lavoro”. Si dà conto infine del ruolo positivo che hanno l’attività giocosa e l’attitudine giocosa (playfulness) nel metodo montessoriano e anche dell’importanza dei giochi sensomotori e dei giochi di regole nell’applicazione didattica ed educativa del metodo stesso. Dall’analisi emerge che la Montessori ha saputo integrare la dimensione giocosa dell’attività umana nel processo di insegnamento/apprendimento attraverso il riconoscimento dell’attività ludiforme, pur con incomprensioni e paradossi in merito al gioco simbolico e in merito alla definizione stessa di gioco. / El propósito de este artículo es analizar el papel educativo que Montessori otorga a ciertos tipos de juego. En particular, se pretende poner de relieve su falta de comprensión del papel del juego simbólico en los primeros años de vida de los niños, creando una verdadera paradoja, ya que a pesar de la observación de los niños en contextos escolares y naturales, método propuesto por Montessori con el fin de conseguir una pedagogía con base científica, no ha sido capaz de integrar el juego simbólico en su propuesta pedagógica. En el artículo también se evidencia la concordancia sustancial con Dewey en la descripción de un tipo de actividad inteligente que se origina en el interés del niño por un estímulo ambiental a partir del que es capaz de mantener una concentración sostenida, sin embargo, Montessori mantiene una profunda distancia terminología con relación a Dewey, quien llama a esta actividad “juego”, mientras que para Montessori es “trabajo”. Finalmente, se aborda el papel positivo que tienen las actividades y actitudes lúdicas (playfulness) en el método Montessori y también la importancia del juego sensoriomotor y el juego de reglas en la aplicación didáctica y educativa del propio método. El análisis muestra que Montessori ha sido capaz de integrar la dimensión lúdica de la actividad humana en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje a través del reconocimiento de este tipo de actividad, a pesar de la incomprensión y las paradojas sobre el juego simbólico y de la propio definición de juego. / The purpose of the article is to highlight the role played by certain types of game in Montessori. In particular, it seeks to highlight the lack of understanding of the role of symbolic play in the early years of children’s lives, creating a real paradox in the Montessori system despite her observation of children in school and natural contexts. Montessori has advocated a view to proposing a pedagogy with scientific bases, but she has been unable to integrate the symbolic play in its pedagogical proposal. I also try to outline her substantial correlation with Dewey in the description of a type of intelligent activity that originates from a child’s interest in respect of an environmental stimulus on which he is able to maintain a sustained concentration, however Montessori maintains a deep distance from Dewey in terminology, who calls this activity “game”, while she, instead, “work.” I give an account of the positive role that have the playful activities and the playful attitude (playfulness) in the Montessori method and of the importance of sensorimotor games and rulegames. The analysis shows that Montessori has been able to integrate the playful dimension of human activity in the teaching/learning process through a general recognition of the playful activity, despite misunderstandings and paradoxes about the symbolic play and on the very definition of play.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666

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